269706 WHITE — CITV CLERK � ' (��.,a.� PINK — FINANCE COUIICII (�y�•/J CANARV - OEPARTMEN,� G�I TY OF SA I NT PAUL •'�":l "' �� - BLUE — MAYOR � j/ File N 0. Cou cil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1974, 1975 and 1977 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Transfer $11,617.61 in 1974 CIB Monies: 93074-009-Londin Lane $2,307.58 q3p7y�oo2 -Como Zoo 8,708.23 � 93074-016-Arlington-Arkwright Rec. 601.80 93074-080-Public Health Center $11,617.61 Transfer $38,118.59 in 1975 CIB Monies 93075-003-Fish Hatchery Land Acquisition 38,118.59 93075-080-Public Health Center Addition 38,118.59 Transfer $1,665,80 in 1977 CIB Monies 93077-012-Athletic Field Lighting 1,665.80 93077-080-Public Health Center Addition 1,665,80 Resulting in the following financinge Current Financing Change Amended Financing PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER SECOND FLOOR ADDITION AND RENOVATION 1973 CIB $ 29,480.A0 0 $ 29,480.00 1975 CIB 230,000.00 +38,118.59 268,118.59 1976 CIB 158,752.88 0 158,752.88 Capitol Approach Bond Funds 144,247.12 0 144,247.12 1974 CIB 0 +11,617.61 11,617.61 1977 CIB 0 + 1,665.80 1,665.80 $562,480.00 $+51,402.00 $613,882.00 App oved as to f ' g: ; Approved: e!��� °'"'�- � s ir 0 CILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Community Services Hozza �— In Favor Hunt ' Levine � __ Against gy Thomas J. Kelley, Director Roedler Syivester Tedesco ��P Adopted by Coun . ate f 1977 Form Approved by ity ttorn Certified P�.sed b o cil Se etary � BY- By, Appr ed y 17ayor: Dat — CJEP 2: 197 Approved y May r for Sub i si o Counc' By By PUBLISHED SEP 1 Q 1977 � • � OM O1: 2211975 ' Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLAN�TION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER�, �c(�r��� RESOLUTION5, AND t?RI3YNANCES Cp 7 .,. Date: August 19, i977 Tp: MAYOR GEQRGE LATIMEl� FR: Gregory N. Blees, Office of the Mayor-Budget Section � RE: Public Health Center Addition ACTION REQUESTED: Amend the 1974, 1975 and 1977 Capital Improvement Budgets by transferr�ng a total of $51,402 to the Pub2ic Health Center Addition project. PURPOSE AND RATI�NALE FOR THI� ACTION: The requested transfer is needed for: Recaulking of the building's stone face, repair of the terrazo stairway, installation of a new roof, acquisition furnishings and architects fees. This transfer wi11 c3�s;�s out this project. The request has been approved by the Budget Director, the Director of Finance and Managea�ent Services, and the City Attorney. The CTB Com�nittee recommended approval at their July l2, 1977, meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution - one page Com�punity Services' June 30, 1977, request - 29 paqes r � ��'��-�: CIT'Y OF SAINT PA.UL 6.� �, , � ' ,�tj�` � . � OFF'XCE OF THE CZTY COUi�TCIL �'T�'� -���� �7 ��;��.. h � 1T':.:•O)i?L�1"� � +lV t tye:D.-•";1 � v�� �'.• ��• Date : August 29, 1977 �� ��l . COMMlTTEE f� EPOR� TO : Saint Paul City Councii � F R 01�11 � C o m m i fi�e e O tl FI NANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL . ROSALIE BUTLER , chairman, makes fhe ialiowing . re port on - C. F. [� Ordinance [� Resolution s � O�h er - T ITLE : . - : - The Corrmittee today recommended approval of resolutions transferring monies from various � � funds to the following projects: � � Tilden School .Demo}ition and Si'te Work $ 35,000 Taylor School Site Work . 20,000 � Watergate Acquisition Project 168,000 - - Hidden Falls Site. Work 33,000 Downtown Library Renovation 47,600 � Desnoyer Park Recreation Center Building 10,653 Front Recreation Center 14,556 _ _ Langford Park Site Work 25,317 Willow Reserve Acquisition 7,000 . � Rice-Arlington Athletic Field Parking 15,000 - Highland Pool Access Road & Parking Lighting 13,722 Public Health Center Addition 51 ,402 � � _ CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � ..-,�:?,,�;.