269705 WHITE - CITV CIERK � �R PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council t!:�,���5� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE . - MAYOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Sai,nt Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1976 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby . further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Transfer $13,722 in 1976 CIB Monies: g3�?C°oo3 -Harriet Island Dredging & Revetment $13,722.00 � 93076-032-Highland Pool Access Road and Parking Lot Lighting $13,722.00 Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing HIGHLAND POOL 1974 CIB $ 370,660.97 0 $ 370,660.97 1974 Scheffer Land Sale 17,753.55 0 17,753.55 1973 CIB 418,804.00 0 418,804.00 1972 CIB 274,011.53 0 274,011.53 1968 CIB 20,225.84 0 20,225.84 1976 CIB . 0 +13,722.00 13,722.00 $1,101,455.89 $+13,722.00 $1,115,177.89 A�proved as to funding: Approved: - �� Dept, f in ce-& Manage. Services dget Dire tor �'�i�� � g����f COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: , Butler �J Community Services Hazza -�L_ In Favor Hunt Thomas J. Kelley, Director Levine � __ Against By Robert P Piram,�lgt of Parks & R�c Roedler Sylvester Tedesco SEP � 19n Adopted b uncil: Date _ Form Approved by City Attorn Certi d Passe Counc l Secret,�ry BY B ` 2 �977 Approv by yor for b ' to C uncil Approved b � avor: Date � � By BY 1 eUBLISHED S�P 1 Q 1977 > . ` OM Ol: I2/i9'I'S . Rev. : 9/8J7+b EXPLANATIUN 4F ADMINI�vTRATIV� OitDE�tS, RESOL€ITI41�1S, ANi3 ORDINANCES . _ ��F�7' d�� Dc1t�: August 19-, 1977 , T4: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER gg; Gregory N. Blees, Office of the Mayor-Budget Section �I�" ) �i��-- RE: Highland Pool Access Road and Pa�king Lighting � ACTION REQtI�STED: Amend the 1976 Capital Tmprovement Budgets by transferring $13,722.00 froaa the Harriet Teland Dredging and Revetment project, account 93074-003, �o a new account for the High].ar�d Pool Access Road and Parking Lot Lighting. PURPOSE AND RATTONAI.E FOR THIS ACTION: The reqyested transfer is needed to complete the �inancing for this project so it can be closed out. The lighting of the access road and parking ].ot were not awarded with the main construction contract because of insufficient funds. The lighting is needed for safety and it acts as a deterent to vandalism. - The request has been approved by the Budget Director, the Dir�ctor of Finance and Management Services, and the City Attorney. The CIB Co�unittee recom�aended approval at their Jul� 12, 1977, meeting. . ATT�iCHMENTS z Council Resolution - one page : Conmtunity Servic�s' June 30, 1977, request - 29 pages I ,¢ "�'"� 1 CITY OF �AINT PA.UL �,� ►�� � �r �-.s� c �r� ' T�fj�`, � "� � OFFICE OF THE CZTY COU�TCIL .,`, ,,;�;�' _ � 1l�:-:.91i?'+'� 11`!f=?W: ', � 14_1 ��.� �r Date : August �9, 1977 �� ,:�„ : COMM {TTEE REPOR�" TO : Saint Paul Cifiy Councif ' F R 0 �I � C o m m i�t e e O tl FI NANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL . ROSALIE BUTLER , choirman, mnkes fhe following . re port o n - C. F. � Ordinanc� �_ Resot�tion s ._ [� C3th er . - TlTLE ; � _ The Committee today recommended approval of resolutions transferring monies from various - " funds to the following projects: ' � Tilden School .Demo�ition and Site Work $ 35,000 Taylor School Site Work 20,000 Watergate Acquisition Project 168,000 . � - - Hidden Falls Site. Work 33,000 , Downtown Library Renovation 47,600 � � Desnoyer Park Recreation Center Building 10,653 Front Recreation Center 14,556 _ _ Langford Park Site Work 25,317 ' Willow Reserve Acquisition 7,000 _ - Rice-Arlington Athletic Field Parking 15,000 � Highland Pool Access Road & Parking Lighting 13,722 Public Health Center Addition 51 ,402 � r - - a 7 _ CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55IO2 , `,;� ... , •,