269702 WH17E - CITV CLERK �,�_�F�Vr PINK - FINANCE t �lf� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII �. . �iI• BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. ��� � C ncil Resolution `� � ' `� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1977 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Transfer $25,317 in 1977 CIB Monies: . 93077-012 Athletic Field Lighting $25,317 93077-022 Langford Park Site Wqrk $25,317 Resulting in the following project financing: , Current Financing Change Amended Financing LANGFORD PARK SITE WORK . 1967 CIB 120,393.29 0 120,393.29 1969 CIB �0,000.00 0 10,000.00 1977 CIB 0 +25,317.00 25,317.00 130,393.29 +25,317.00 155,710.29 '- Approved as to funding: Approved: C� � . Dept. o/f��,F�,�i.nan e & Manage. Services B get Dire or f�'� �IdJ�� �'25�17 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Communitv Services Hozza In Favor Hunt ,�/ Thomas J. Kelley, Director Levine v __ Against By Robert P. Piram, Supt. af Parks & Rec. Roedler _ Sylvester � Tedesco SEP � 1977 Form Approved by City Atto ney Adopted by Co cil: ate _ Certifie assed ouncil Se ary � BY Appr • e by 1�lavor: D e _ SEP 2' �977 Approv by y r for S missi o Counc'1 By BY � � PUBUSHED SEP 1 � 1977 -..-_-�.,-.�..�,,.,„,...` � E�f �3.: �,?�I�,Q'"J� ��; .,; l�v.:' �g��,. � ,� � - �' � EXPE.ANATI�?N 4�' ADMINI5TRI�,T�.S�E t'��tIIE'RS, . • ' ' �;x , . �� � RE IflN r AUIt3 Cx • �N �S r� , � _ � ,��'l��� � . . . . - . � 4 . .. , _ .: . , ,�,., �. . . � e� �- Y� z�.� T�}�'��s �it'�t�t 2Z, '3:�77 � � , a! � ' I . . . . '. �' � ` #�� . . .. ' , . �' . -, c a T�tJ: ;� MAYbIt �O� LA�'IMBR. :,�, �'1i: Gre �: Hlee��, ..Off ice of the L� rr et :����i �`� 9��'Y Yo Budg € � . � . � 1�E: .. �at�qfo�y Park Sit� 4�xk' Co�pl�ti@n � , �;' _ � � � �.� � � � �,,, ��`` � � � � � � � � ,. �5 �, AC'l�flN REQ�STEfl: s�; �� �� � +Aa�� �he T977 .��pit�1 T�presve�t Budget �iy trans�f�i`ririg ���.3�'i ;�rc� t#�� �thlerC;�.� �� . . ' '�eld'Ziqhti�i+g .,��a��ct �o $ i�ro�ect accourrt �r tY�' �ngf �:+3`Patrk :S#.�er�x�� ��it��s. :� :' 4P' � � . . . . � :. - ;� <. , ... ... .._. ' ... . , . , .. . ...,.. . .,. ' ,% � ' � . . . . _ . .. � . . ,.. .. . . . . . � , �. �3.. � . .. . . ... � . .. : , p iA _ . . . . . . .. . . . ' .. ; � �i ��i .. ,. ' . �I-: :���.� A� �RA�Ii?NAT�.' FOR �HX� ACTIOi�S: � ;----- � ..� The x,eqtiie��s�sd tr�s�er a��ll i�und the completion� c�f �t�ie. si.� �ilci�k fc�r �,� recreat3.om � cent�x�. C�.ty. Co�nci�, �.� adopted a s5.tewaxk a+a�l;,e��oa� �a�ia�ti,4ri .�+�� �e CD��2I. �dc�e�, but t�e `prc�ject �as xuled i�►�ligibie bg H.�!,�. bec u;�e of i,�ad�e �;�tel�:rxe�� � 'r This �x�an�i�e� w�.,3.X fund the neighbc�,rh�oad request for tot 1 t"rehab: �nd�.��3:�g ga�r,�g.: � Th� �est ha$:�beers .apprQV'ed by �e Hucc�g+et Uire�toz, '�h� ��c�crr`.r�f ��a�ance ax�d` � � 1�ACle�nt 3ervi�s,.: and the �i:ty 14t�orney; �: � ,.: � � � � � �� �. ��: �,,� Tfee CTB Cc�pittee recc�ndeek-�apprava7. at $�ieir Ju1y%��,,, I �'�, meeti�tg. :. , � . ,- �_ � , ,�. , , : . F, _ > ; *'; A�'�4G�'S: � r � • .., _ r,� Cquaici�. Re��.u�i�r� - -ona,page . , � ; _' . Cp�u�fty $srv3.�es' Ju�e 30,. 1�?7.,''.�equest - 29 page�a ' , ` ° � , , . , .�, , , , , � � „ . . . , .:;. ,, ; . ;. . j; . ,. . , . . . ., . ., � � : , :,. „ : � , , � ; , . . , , , _ ,. - _ , ; >. _ ,:. , ;�. .� , � ..-:.. . .. �>. . '�.,t4 I _..._ � I NT `�' � � . . ,.: . C TY OF SAI PA,UL fi;'��"���,d ' ��r� , : • OFFICE OF THE CITY COII�TCIL .,`��,�;�� ,,,:..9..,.:1 _ ,,,.,���,_ -. y4_� ��.• .,c� Da¢e : August 29, 1977 �� ,:� : COMNIITTEE f� EPOR�"' _ TO : Saint Paul City Counci [ � F R 0 �Il � C o m m i fi�e e 0 Cl FI NANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , c�airman, mnkes fhe fojlowing . . report on - C. F. C] Ordinance � R�solution s � Ott�er � T1TLE : � _ The Cor�nittee today recommended approval of resolutions transferring monies from various � - � funds to the following projects: � � Tilden School .Demo�ition and Site Work $ 35,000 ' Taylor School Site Work_ . 20,000 � Watergate Acquisition Project 168,000 � - - Hidden Falls Site. Work 33,000 Downtown Library Renovation 47,600 � � Desnoyer Park Recreation Center Building 10,653 Front Recreation Center 14,556 . _ Langford �Park Site Work 25,317 ' , Willaw Reserve Acquisition 7,000 _ - Rice-Arlington Athletic Field Parking 15,000 - Highland Pool Access Road & Parking Lighting 13,722 Public Health Center Addition 51 ,402 � � . : . : CITY HAI_L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � , � �>: „