269699 WHITE - CITV CLERK � � d������ PINK - PINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council r.. ,- CANARY - DEPARTMENT � 1 L/ BLUE - MAVOR � Flle �NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1975 and 1977 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: q3e7�0�3 �isH t�A-rc.�c,4Y A��t�►s�T�dN FROM: TO: Transfer $30,735.80 in 1975 CIB Monies: ' g $30,735.80 93075-050-Renovation of Main Library $30,735.80 Transfer $16,864.20 in 1977 CIB Monies: 93077-007-Cherokee Parkway Lighting 10,500.00 93077-012-Athletic Field Lighting 6,364.20 93077-050-Renovation of Main Library 16,864.20 Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing CENTRAL LIBRARY RENOVATION • 1973 CIB $ 153,000.00 0 $ 153,000.00 1974 CIB 50,000.00 0 50,000.00 1975 CIB 1,000,000.00 +30,735.80 1,030,735.80 1976 CIB 1,671,075.12 0 1,671,075.12 1977 CIB 0 +16,864.20 16,864.20 $2,874,075.12 $+47,600.00 $2,921,675.12 Approved as to fundi � Approv'ed: � � , � —1 ��Dept o F' a & Manage. Services B dget Direc or COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler�CFBsTf}j�r,/ � [n Favor omm m; _� rvi a Hozza Hunt � Levine __ Against By Thomas J. Kelley, Director Roedler Sylvester � JfQSTt�/l,J o1.� Tedesco ��p � 19� Form Approved by Cit Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date — C ified Pa- y Cou creta�y BY By, l'ze� E1ppro e y 17ayor: Dat Approved May r for Subm' sy�Cou� V \ By BY FUBLISHED ��� 1 0 ���j. I ������ '�� �'= CI�'Y OF SAIN'T P�1.UL ' ' ��� , � � OFF�CE OF THE GITY COIIi�''CIL >,�,�','';L... 11'":-.::9 i�"'� f1�!�ly�.�'�. . ��� ��.� ,�� Date : August 29, 1977 �� ;:� COMMITTEE � EPOR�' TO : Saint Paul Cifiy Councii � F R 0 I�I � C o m m i fi�e e O CI FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , chairman, makes fhe fQllowing . . report on - C. F. C] Ordinance (� R�sotc�i-ion s [� Oth er . T ITLE : � _ The Committee today recommended approval of resolutions transferring monies from various � - � funds to the following projects: _ � � � Tilden School .Demo�ition and Site Work $ 35,000 Taylor School Site Work 20,000 Watergate Acquisition Project 168,000 - - - Hidden Falls Site Work 33,000 Downtown Library Renovation ' 47,600 � Desnoyer Park Recreation Center Building 10,653 - Front Recreation Center 14,556 _ _ Langford Park Site Work 25,317 Willow Reserve Acquisition 7,OQ0 - � Rice-Arlington Athletic Field Parking 15,000 - Highland Pool Access Road & Parking Lighting 13,722 Public Health Center Addition 51 ,402 - � . . -_ � : _ CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MIN:�IESOTA SS IO2 � , - =>: ��: QM O1: I2/1975 Rev. : 9/$f�l���� EXPLANATTON OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORD�RS, �,� RESOLUTIONS, AND- ORDINANCES Date: Auqust 19, 1977 Tp: MAYOR GEORGE LATSMER FR: Gregory N. Blees, Office of the Mayor-Budget Section � RE: Downtown Library Renovation ACTION REQU'ESTED: ' Amend the 1975 and 1977 Capital Improvement Budgets by transferring a total of $47,600 to the Central Library Renovation project. PURPOSE AND RATI�NALE FOR THIS ACTION: The requested transfer is needed to complete the financing of this project so that it can be closed out. The money is needed to finance unforeseen construction costs and additional engineering fees. The request has been approved by the Budget Director, the Director of Finance and Management Services, and the Citg Attorney. The CIB Comanittee recommended approval at their July 12, 1977, meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution - one page Com�nunity Services' June 30, 1977, request - 29 pages, ��,e, _ _ ,�- :� �c, ,�•.;,. .� - , �i ' �v,�A�! . _ _ - • . ____ _ __ ,_ _ - - _ _�e. _ _ _ _ _ _ . WHITE - CITY Cl K � � . PINK - F1N4N� CANARY - OEPARTMENT CI '�Or' SAIN�' Pj�uL �OU[1C11 ` BLUE - MAYQR � . . � �� �� File N O._ �� ..,.�.� '��(] t� ' �OZ�3�CZ 0 ��Z���. ��-- �r �iA. �i�,�$ j1��4� Presented By ' � . � Referred To � � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayar and the recomm.endation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the . 1975 and 1977 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amend�d by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: . 9��7 S— O l'�3 — �'�.e.�, }�a�t� FROM: - Tp_ Transfer $30,735.80 in 1975 CIB nies: � � $30,735.80 93075-050-Renovation of Main Li,braxy < � $30,735.80 Transfer $16,864.20 in 1977 CIB Nionies: 93077-007-Cherokee Parkway Lighting 10,500.00 93077-012-Athletic Field Lighting 6,364.20 93077-O50-Renovation of Main Library 16,864.20 � Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financin Change Amended Financin CENTRAL LIBRARY RENOVATION . 1973 CIB $ 153,000.00 0 $ 153,000.00 1974 CIB 50,000,00 0 - 50,000.00 1975 CIB 1,000,000.00 +30,735.80 1,030,735.80 1976 CIB 1,67I.,075.I2 0 1,671,075.12 : 1977 CIB 0 +16,864.20 16 864.20 . $2,874,075.12 $+47,600.00 $2,92I,675.12 APProved as to fundi.ng: � Approved: Dept. �of Finance & Manage. Services Budget Director COUNCILhtEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Ho2Z3 In FavOi — Co mimi t-���P�i c�c�c Hunt Levine A ainst B Thomas J. Kelley, Director Roedler g y S ylvester .. Teciesco ' . - Ad��pted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P��ssed by Council Secretary gy B;• - x"�. . "�� � e A rove�d bY hiayoc�for Subm*_ssion to Counci! ,� �`.�� �,�-_ ��"9""�"=�_ _. .. .. � _ _ page 4 DO►�NTO',�J�! LI6RARY The Library project has been appropriated $2,874,075. to date. 4Je are in need of an additional �47,600. to cover; �25,60Q. in current over-runs, an expected �17,000. in change orders, and �5,000. arhich is owed to i��. Butler & Associates for architects' fees. We request a transfer: T0: I�l THE Af`�10U;JT OF: FROi�t: [18���t LISi�ARY $47,600.00 $30,735.80 F�:Natchery 73-051 (75-003) 74-050 75-050 " 10,500.00 Cherokee Parkway 76-050 Lighting (77-007) 6,364.20 Athletic Field Lighting (17-012) HIDDEiV FALLS/CROSBY FAR�'N � These t4�ro projects have a combined total allocation of $483,352.. The money has been used for; design and engineering, land improvement, picnic tables, site grading, an aceess road and lighting, and bituminous paths. Due to over-runs in design and engineering totalling �33,OOfl. , we request a transfer: T0: IP� TNE AMOUNT OF: FR0�1: HIDDEP! FALLS/ $33,0OO.Od Athletic Field CROSBY FARM Lighting (77-012) 69-005,70-009 70-OI3, 71-Q19 73-022, 76-Q28 74-008 DtSNOYER PARK REC. CEPiTER To date,$135,004.. has been appropriated, and has gone for design and construction costs of the rec. center buildinc�. An additional �10,653. is needed for over-runs in design and engineering, and vre request a transfer: