01-479Council File # � � — y'�� Green Sheet #\o C �� 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date �� 1 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SURPLUS DISTRIBUTION FROM 2 WORKERS' COMPENSATION REINSURANCE ASSOCIATION TO CITY OF SA1NT PAUL WF�REAS, the Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Association (WCRA) Boazd of Directors has approved a surplus distribution of $310 million (excess investment earnings and clauns experience) to its members and Minnesota workers' compensarion insurance policyholders, and WHEREAS, the WCRA has distributed $1.23 billion in surplus funds since 1992, including the current $310 million distribution, and 8 VVHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been a self-insured member of the WCRA since 1982; and 9 WIiEREAS, the Clty of Saint Paul has paid $4,639,328.15 in premiums to the WCRA since 1982; and 10 WHEREAS, the WCRA has previously returned a surplus distribution to the City of Saint Paul of $4,343,400; 11 and, 12 WHEREAS, Saint Paul's share of the current WCRA distribution is $1,319,268.15 which when combined with 13 previous WCRA sutplus distributions to the City equals $5,662,668.86; therefore be it 14 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts the current WCRA surplus distribufion of $1,319,268.15, and 15 directs the director of the Financial Services Office to deposit said funds in the city's General Fund. Requested by Depaztment of. � � � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council by M� Date - ^ a �"" \ '��-,,�' � � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date � �}po Adopfion C,�rtified by Council Secretary �EPARTMENT/OFFICNCOUNCIL �- Councilmember Benanav bNiACT PFRSON & PFIONE Councilmember Benanav 266-8640 IUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DAT� 05/09/01 DAiE W�TIniEo 05/09l01 TOTAL # OF SIGNATIJRE PAGES GREEN SHEET 0 � � _ �'�� �� i 06093 u��� u��- ❑ 4IYAiTWltY ❑ CIIYCLQK _ ❑ wwNeuumrv¢¢aoR ❑ rwucuLLmnattro ❑vxo�MR�r� ❑ (GLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGPfATURE) CouncIl approval of resolution accepting Workers' Compensation Reinsivance Associa6on surpius distriburion funds in the amount of $1,319,268.15 for the City of Saint Paul. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIlTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF TRANSACTlON t SOURCE Hesthis aeie«vTxm eoerxarked underacontraUtorthis departmem7 YES NO HasMis cereaVRrm e+er bed+a cilv emobYe¢� YES NO Ooecthic De�cunffirm D� a sldll not na'me11YP� bY anY curteM citY �PbYee? YES NO k tlus P��� a farpeted vendaYt YES NO COS(IREVQIUE BUOfiETED (��R��E �NEI AC7N17Y NUMBER YES NO (�WM FR�M MHY-�3-2�3i 12�� P:esonred by, FRX N0. : �)�� O� SPint r�J� May. 03 2001 01:02PM P1 �5z �56 957d_ P.�31.C3i O1 RESOL.LiT10N �!� Y (9F SAIPV� PAIJL, NtIt�NE���'A CQreaa 59aeet # 1� � a q� Rcfetrred To Cvmmiteee i?ate 1 RESt3LUTION t�CCEP'i'ING SURPLL3S AISTR�UTI�N PRflM 2 WORKERS' COMFENSA.TION REII3SURANCE A3SOCTA.TiON Td CITY OF SAZ?�+"f` FAUL 3 Wii�P.PA3 iIu 1Narkers' +Coiapensation Reinsurance Assocaatian �1�RA) �erd of Diroctar l� aggroved a 4 sutplus disQibu2ion of $330 miltion (excess invesf�nent eaznin`qs aad clsims expericncc) tu ifis tucmbers airJ 5?�4"maesota workrss' competuation insurance palieykoldese sud 6 �VIi:£REAS,theWCRAhasdistributty3$1.23billioninsurplusfvntlssinca1492,inc]udingthccursscn4�3lOmidlion 7 distribu�on, aad 8 W�i'�F.�.4S, the City of Saint Paul �as beea a self-insured member of the WCR� siraco 1982; and 4�.VEiEREA�, the �ity cf Saint Pau2 has paid $4,639,328.15 ua premiuma to tha WCRF, siuce 1982; and 1 Q VJFiEREAS, the WCRA Las ;arsc9ously retumed a surpfus dist�ibution to the City of 5aitu Fau1 af S¢,343,400; l i aad, 12 V1�AS, Saint Paeil S�3LC Of t�LC COSCIIt VVCREI dISL2llftR.lDd1 fB 51 ,33 9,268.25 which w3�en aombfnad with IS pzevious WCRA surplus distributions to the City equals 55,662,668.86; tharefoze be ea 14 RESOLVEII, t1�a7t ffie C�y vf 5aint?a!xi acceprs tho cunrat WCRA siuplus distribution o£ $1319,26S.S5, and 15 directs the dizeetor of the Financist Sezvices OfAce to deposiY saitl fUatds itt tbe city's Crenezal Fuad. Raquest�d b3' DeP�mne� mr. By: Form Approved by City Attne�ey �`J� Adoption CettlSed l�y Couuil Seoretury � � Approvad by B7ayor. Date �'- Apptovr.d by Mayor f.t Submission to CouaofY �: ToT� r�.c,l Aeoptod by Couaal: Date ` Council File # � � — y'�� Green Sheet #\o C �� 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date �� 1 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SURPLUS DISTRIBUTION FROM 2 WORKERS' COMPENSATION REINSURANCE ASSOCIATION TO CITY OF SA1NT PAUL WF�REAS, the Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Association (WCRA) Boazd of Directors has approved a surplus distribution of $310 million (excess investment earnings and clauns experience) to its members and Minnesota workers' compensarion insurance policyholders, and WHEREAS, the WCRA has distributed $1.23 billion in surplus funds since 1992, including the current $310 million distribution, and 8 VVHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been a self-insured member of the WCRA since 1982; and 9 WIiEREAS, the Clty of Saint Paul has paid $4,639,328.15 in premiums to the WCRA since 1982; and 10 WHEREAS, the WCRA has previously returned a surplus distribution to the City of Saint Paul of $4,343,400; 11 and, 12 WHEREAS, Saint Paul's share of the current WCRA distribution is $1,319,268.15 which when combined with 13 previous WCRA sutplus distributions to the City equals $5,662,668.86; therefore be it 14 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts the current WCRA surplus distribufion of $1,319,268.15, and 15 directs the director of the Financial Services Office to deposit said funds in the city's General Fund. Requested by Depaztment of. � � � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council by M� Date - ^ a �"" \ '��-,,�' � � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date � �}po Adopfion C,�rtified by Council Secretary �EPARTMENT/OFFICNCOUNCIL �- Councilmember Benanav bNiACT PFRSON & PFIONE Councilmember Benanav 266-8640 IUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DAT� 05/09/01 DAiE W�TIniEo 05/09l01 TOTAL # OF SIGNATIJRE PAGES GREEN SHEET 0 � � _ �'�� �� i 06093 u��� u��- ❑ 4IYAiTWltY ❑ CIIYCLQK _ ❑ wwNeuumrv¢¢aoR ❑ rwucuLLmnattro ❑vxo�MR�r� ❑ (GLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGPfATURE) CouncIl approval of resolution accepting Workers' Compensation Reinsivance Associa6on surpius distriburion funds in the amount of $1,319,268.15 for the City of Saint Paul. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIlTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF TRANSACTlON t SOURCE Hesthis aeie«vTxm eoerxarked underacontraUtorthis departmem7 YES NO HasMis cereaVRrm e+er bed+a cilv emobYe¢� YES NO Ooecthic De�cunffirm D� a sldll not na'me11YP� bY anY curteM citY �PbYee? YES NO k tlus P��� a farpeted vendaYt YES NO COS(IREVQIUE BUOfiETED (��R��E �NEI AC7N17Y NUMBER YES NO (�WM FR�M MHY-�3-2�3i 12�� P:esonred by, FRX N0. : �)�� O� SPint r�J� May. 03 2001 01:02PM P1 �5z �56 957d_ P.�31.C3i O1 RESOL.LiT10N �!� Y (9F SAIPV� PAIJL, NtIt�NE���'A CQreaa 59aeet # 1� � a q� Rcfetrred To Cvmmiteee i?ate 1 RESt3LUTION t�CCEP'i'ING SURPLL3S AISTR�UTI�N PRflM 2 WORKERS' COMFENSA.TION REII3SURANCE A3SOCTA.TiON Td CITY OF SAZ?�+"f` FAUL 3 Wii�P.PA3 iIu 1Narkers' +Coiapensation Reinsurance Assocaatian �1�RA) �erd of Diroctar l� aggroved a 4 sutplus disQibu2ion of $330 miltion (excess invesf�nent eaznin`qs aad clsims expericncc) tu ifis tucmbers airJ 5?�4"maesota workrss' competuation insurance palieykoldese sud 6 �VIi:£REAS,theWCRAhasdistributty3$1.23billioninsurplusfvntlssinca1492,inc]udingthccursscn4�3lOmidlion 7 distribu�on, aad 8 W�i'�F.�.4S, the City of Saint Paul �as beea a self-insured member of the WCR� siraco 1982; and 4�.VEiEREA�, the �ity cf Saint Pau2 has paid $4,639,328.15 ua premiuma to tha WCRF, siuce 1982; and 1 Q VJFiEREAS, the WCRA Las ;arsc9ously retumed a surpfus dist�ibution to the City of 5aitu Fau1 af S¢,343,400; l i aad, 12 V1�AS, Saint Paeil S�3LC Of t�LC COSCIIt VVCREI dISL2llftR.lDd1 fB 51 ,33 9,268.25 which w3�en aombfnad with IS pzevious WCRA surplus distributions to the City equals 55,662,668.86; tharefoze be ea 14 RESOLVEII, t1�a7t ffie C�y vf 5aint?a!xi acceprs tho cunrat WCRA siuplus distribution o£ $1319,26S.S5, and 15 directs the dizeetor of the Financist Sezvices OfAce to deposiY saitl fUatds itt tbe city's Crenezal Fuad. Raquest�d b3' DeP�mne� mr. By: Form Approved by City Attne�ey �`J� Adoption CettlSed l�y Couuil Seoretury � � Approvad by B7ayor. Date �'- Apptovr.d by Mayor f.t Submission to CouaofY �: ToT� r�.c,l Aeoptod by Couaal: Date ` Council File # � � — y'�� Green Sheet #\o C �� 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date �� 1 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SURPLUS DISTRIBUTION FROM 2 WORKERS' COMPENSATION REINSURANCE ASSOCIATION TO CITY OF SA1NT PAUL WF�REAS, the Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Association (WCRA) Boazd of Directors has approved a surplus distribution of $310 million (excess investment earnings and clauns experience) to its members and Minnesota workers' compensarion insurance policyholders, and WHEREAS, the WCRA has distributed $1.23 billion in surplus funds since 1992, including the current $310 million distribution, and 8 VVHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been a self-insured member of the WCRA since 1982; and 9 WIiEREAS, the Clty of Saint Paul has paid $4,639,328.15 in premiums to the WCRA since 1982; and 10 WHEREAS, the WCRA has previously returned a surplus distribution to the City of Saint Paul of $4,343,400; 11 and, 12 WHEREAS, Saint Paul's share of the current WCRA distribution is $1,319,268.15 which when combined with 13 previous WCRA sutplus distributions to the City equals $5,662,668.86; therefore be it 14 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts the current WCRA surplus distribufion of $1,319,268.15, and 15 directs the director of the Financial Services Office to deposit said funds in the city's General Fund. Requested by Depaztment of. � � � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council by M� Date - ^ a �"" \ '��-,,�' � � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date � �}po Adopfion C,�rtified by Council Secretary �EPARTMENT/OFFICNCOUNCIL �- Councilmember Benanav bNiACT PFRSON & PFIONE Councilmember Benanav 266-8640 IUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DAT� 05/09/01 DAiE W�TIniEo 05/09l01 TOTAL # OF SIGNATIJRE PAGES GREEN SHEET 0 � � _ �'�� �� i 06093 u��� u��- ❑ 4IYAiTWltY ❑ CIIYCLQK _ ❑ wwNeuumrv¢¢aoR ❑ rwucuLLmnattro ❑vxo�MR�r� ❑ (GLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGPfATURE) CouncIl approval of resolution accepting Workers' Compensation Reinsivance Associa6on surpius distriburion funds in the amount of $1,319,268.15 for the City of Saint Paul. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIlTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF TRANSACTlON t SOURCE Hesthis aeie«vTxm eoerxarked underacontraUtorthis departmem7 YES NO HasMis cereaVRrm e+er bed+a cilv emobYe¢� YES NO Ooecthic De�cunffirm D� a sldll not na'me11YP� bY anY curteM citY �PbYee? YES NO k tlus P��� a farpeted vendaYt YES NO COS(IREVQIUE BUOfiETED (��R��E �NEI AC7N17Y NUMBER YES NO (�WM FR�M MHY-�3-2�3i 12�� P:esonred by, FRX N0. : �)�� O� SPint r�J� May. 03 2001 01:02PM P1 �5z �56 957d_ P.�31.C3i O1 RESOL.LiT10N �!� Y (9F SAIPV� PAIJL, NtIt�NE���'A CQreaa 59aeet # 1� � a q� Rcfetrred To Cvmmiteee i?ate 1 RESt3LUTION t�CCEP'i'ING SURPLL3S AISTR�UTI�N PRflM 2 WORKERS' COMFENSA.TION REII3SURANCE A3SOCTA.TiON Td CITY OF SAZ?�+"f` FAUL 3 Wii�P.PA3 iIu 1Narkers' +Coiapensation Reinsurance Assocaatian �1�RA) �erd of Diroctar l� aggroved a 4 sutplus disQibu2ion of $330 miltion (excess invesf�nent eaznin`qs aad clsims expericncc) tu ifis tucmbers airJ 5?�4"maesota workrss' competuation insurance palieykoldese sud 6 �VIi:£REAS,theWCRAhasdistributty3$1.23billioninsurplusfvntlssinca1492,inc]udingthccursscn4�3lOmidlion 7 distribu�on, aad 8 W�i'�F.�.4S, the City of Saint Paul �as beea a self-insured member of the WCR� siraco 1982; and 4�.VEiEREA�, the �ity cf Saint Pau2 has paid $4,639,328.15 ua premiuma to tha WCRF, siuce 1982; and 1 Q VJFiEREAS, the WCRA Las ;arsc9ously retumed a surpfus dist�ibution to the City of 5aitu Fau1 af S¢,343,400; l i aad, 12 V1�AS, Saint Paeil S�3LC Of t�LC COSCIIt VVCREI dISL2llftR.lDd1 fB 51 ,33 9,268.25 which w3�en aombfnad with IS pzevious WCRA surplus distributions to the City equals 55,662,668.86; tharefoze be ea 14 RESOLVEII, t1�a7t ffie C�y vf 5aint?a!xi acceprs tho cunrat WCRA siuplus distribution o£ $1319,26S.S5, and 15 directs the dizeetor of the Financist Sezvices OfAce to deposiY saitl fUatds itt tbe city's Crenezal Fuad. Raquest�d b3' DeP�mne� mr. By: Form Approved by City Attne�ey �`J� Adoption CettlSed l�y Couuil Seoretury � � Approvad by B7ayor. Date �'- Apptovr.d by Mayor f.t Submission to CouaofY �: ToT� r�.c,l Aeoptod by Couaal: Date `