269698 WHITE - CITV CLERK � `T c . PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT� PA U L � Council �,�..�rt�✓�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT 1 � � BLUE - MAVOR - FI1@ NO• Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out,of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1977 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofare adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Transfer $33,000 in 1977 CIB Monies: 93077-012-Athletic Field Lighting $33,000.00 93077-019-Hidden Falls Site Work $33,000.00 Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing HIDDEN FALLS PROJECT 1969 CIB $100,000.00 0 $100,000.00 1970 CIB 83,484.56 0 83,484.56 1971 CIB 95,000.11 0 95,000.11 1973 CIB ' 64,770.70 0 64,770.70 LW27-00288 Grants - 42,750.00 0 42,750.00 LW27-00491 Grants 226,500.00 0 226,500.00 LW27-()(�4912 Grants 14,250.00 0 14,250.00 1977 CIB 0 +33,000.00 33,000.00 $626,755.37 $+33,000.00 $659,755.37 Approved as to funding: Approved: ��� ' Dept. of F.in ce� & Manage. SeY�vices - B get Direct r �►�' 1� �✓��� _ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Community Services Hozza In Favor Thomas J. Kelley, Director Le ine � __ Against gy Robert P. Piram, Supt. of Parks & Rec. Roedler Sylvester Tedesco ��� Adopted by uncil: Date — t �9� Form Approved by City ttorney Cert ed Passe ouncil cretary J BY � �� �917 Appr ve , y 17ayor: Date � � Approved May for Submi sio uncil By , By PUBLISHED SEP � Q 1977 • ' � -�-.,. � CITY OF SAINT P.�.UL �pc���� �s(� , • OFFICE OF THE CZTY CODI�TCIL �� �,`�, ,�;L.�: _ — „►:,:�y�.-.-� __ i�l r r i''_r,.'-'', �.4_� ��.• �� � Date : August 29, 1977 ..�. ,.� : COMMITTEE f� EPOR�' TO : Soin�P Paul Ci�y Council ' F R O NI � C o m m i��e e O tl FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL _ ROSALIE BUTLER , chairman, mnkes fhe failowing , . report on - C. F. C] Ordinance [� Resolution s - �] Oth er . - TITLE : � _ The Committee today recommended approval of � resolutions transferring monies from various - � funds to the following projects: � � Tilden School .Demo�ition and Site Work $ 35,000 . Taylor School Site Work_ 20,000 Watergate Acquisition Project 168,000 - � - Hidden Falls Site. Work 33,000 Downtown Library Renovation ' 47,600 Desnoyer Park Recreation Center Building 10,653 Front Recreation Center 14,556 _ _ . Langford Park Site Work 25,317 ' Willow Reserve Acquisition 7,000 - - Rice-Arlington Athletic Field Parking 15,000 - Highland Pool Access Road & Parking Lighting 13,722 Public Health Center Addition 51 ,402 - � � , . � _ _ CITY HAI.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5510Z ' -.�:>;,�� � OM O 1. I2/13 7►5 Fi�v. : g/8/?5' . E_XPLANATI4N_ QF AD�+ITi�tISTRA'�'iSTE URUFRS`, �_ ; !',!r'r7��J � RESQLUTTt?NS, AND ORDINANCES�� � � "�._...,.. D�te: August 19, 1977 Tp: MA3�4R GEORGE LATIMER FR: Gregory N. Blees, Office of the Mayor-Budget Section � �- Hidden Falls - Site Work A�9'ION RE4UESTED: �1a►end the 1977 Capital Improvement Budgets by transferring an additional $33,000 to the Hidde� Fa1Ts/Crosbp Fa,rm prgject, � PURP4�E AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The reqz�s�eii transfer is needed tc� finance cost overruns. The request has been approved by the Budget Director, the Director of Finance and Management Services, and the City Attorney. The CTB Com�i.tt�e recommended approval at their July 12, 1977, meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Couneil Resalution - one page Gommunity Services' Jnne 30, 19?7, request - 29 pages