269697 WMITE - CITV CLERK p�-q� PINK - FINANCE T � t ��'/x��(j� � . CANARV - DEPARTMENT GI {.Y OF SAINT -PAUL COUIICIl . BLUE - MAV�OR ,.. Flle NO. C uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1974 and 1976 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particul�rs: . FROM: TO: Transfer $110,000.00 in 1974 CIB Monies: 93074-007 Citywide Bike Path System $110,000 93074-025 Watergate Site Acquisition $110,000 Transfer $58,000.00 in 1976 CIB Monies: 93076-003 Harriet Island Dredging & Revetment 58,000 93076-029 Watergate Site Acquisition 58,000 Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing WATERGATE SITE ACQUISITION State of Minn. Grant (LCMR) $ 500,000.00 0 $ 500,000.00 Metro Council Open Space Bonds 500,000.00 0 500,000.00 1973 CIB 30,322.50 0 30,322.50 1976 CIB 58,210.95 +58,000.00 116,210.95� ", 1974 CIB 0 +110,000.00 110,000.�0 - -' � $1,088,533.45 +168,000.00 $1,256,533.45 Approved as to fun ing: Approved: ' � � ept. o Fin rce & Management Services C ty Budget irector r ' l� � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Community Services Hozza In Favor Thomas J. Kelley, Director Hunt Levine � __ Against By �bert P. Piram, Supt. of Parks & Rec. Roedler Sylvester ��p Tedesco f ��77 Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by C cil: Date Certifi ass ouncil c ry , BY By Appr v y Mavor: Da � SEP 2� �9]7 Approved y for Su i i to Counci By BY PUBLISHED SEP 1 0 1977 '.t• �� ' - � . � ' . . .' - 4�i-. �.. � ^.�. ' . .. � . � . . . � ..� � �,�.!1�+� v�r ':, ;_. : ��.9?5` ', l�v.: 9f$f76 ; . . . :� � . . . . ' . � � � . . Y 4'. EXPLANATTON OF AT�II�I�a'�RA'.�x'�"E ORt'�BRS�, ' ' � '`� ; RL54LU IQN , AND 0RD CES �������' ° � : �� _ '' �. Ddt�.?: Aug'kt�tt 22, 1977 . :,�; .; �o. r�,�o� ��o��E �►T��� �. , _ ,,, _ , : , .. , .� � FI�: Greg�rp.'�. g1�es, .Office of the i�Qayor-8t�get 3ect�or� �` �; , �. : . . .. , RE: �'�tergate Site Acquisitiori Project � ., ; � ' � `ri . , , ,. ;� , _. , ,'; 4 . � - � . . .. . . .. . � � ' . .�.�� � . . . �. . , �. , v . � � . .. .� „ , 4;, f ' � . .... � . . ' . � . . .. . _ . . . ,\ � 1�C'fi�?�4 ��E4EIE��ED: -', Tr�s�'er ax�. actd3:tidnal $�lb�,d00 to t.T�e Wate�gats� Acgua:s�t�.iva� p�j�ts. #�y amentl�.r���'�� : � ' -1�7� !�Z'B by r+e�propri��ing $11Q,000 in Cit�w�de� B3:k� P$�h a�#��,es•�ausd by �d,�ng:. �� ` l ' :19�7.6 �I� l�r x�;�a�xfl�ar.i�ti�ng 558,��0 in�Harr�.�� 2�l�rid Dr e d c��g�a�d'�te���nt �t��. � � ,;r - _ { ; . < . . : -'. , , , : : �. . ��� . , . . . t'� . . .- . _ . . � - . F�� . � � . .. � . . � . . � - 6\f : � , L , , _��pvi+c:yrcCl�+ +i6�F��iVi71�=��iLL�...�Q��.���5 �lL 1 IDN�:.� . . ... ._'-� '�'he a3.ty h��s fta'�dsd only ?5$ of the cot�rt �atw�xdecfl va�'r�� c�f $�;3�t3,�Q�t .f the ����►��, � F�P��Y• �hi.l'e. the- city ha� appealed t.�e,award"at�d �riti�ip�t�es a �r�wslu�;. �� �� •:�? � ae��bl�e �o expeat .�he new vale�e wi11 be qreat�r �� the $Z.,08�3�5��:��5� ��n� � � � � �Qri�ted to the pro�ect, Thus, th�� t�ansfer wi3.1 g�c�w�d� a tv�ta], +�.` °:�3:.-2,�,-���.�4b �iJ.ab3.� for f�r�ancirtq �h� acquisition �c� Pu���e,.si�e vrcrrk, ; ' ;� The z�q�e�s� ha� be�t� ca►�g�oved by the Budget Uix�ector, th� t3�arffic�or,ai� �F3i�ati�� �! ; � , �age�r�t;Se�i��s,, ancl the City Attorney. ` . ' �` � „ , , � � The ��H Carm�nittee r�t�nmeaded agproval �.t their July 12, I.979, meeti�g`. ' � _ ;. ;: . _ .,. �: .? A'�'TACHMENTS:: . 3 - � � . . . . � . . . , �. _ . . � �'� ' '9 �ine�1. Reso�.t��ior� - t�ne page = ,;, r �r G��##� services' 3ut�e 3t1, 1977, request - 2� x� ��!�13 kt S�g�� #�irector's July 11, 1977, l,etter - 2 L�age� . . . . . . , . 3 .'.J . . . . .. �. . . . ... :�. . .� . . . . . :.� . ., �, :_�- . . . ,..a � . . . .. . �. . , .:' .:.� . ..�:.. �i a- s, ��,.:. .: . ' ' . . .� . �. ,' . �.. . �� , i. . .. �. . . . .� . ..: �� f �. . � .� „e .w .$�.!,; I �'�' � CITY OF SAIN"T P.A.TJL ,j` . -� , � �F�'Q ' ���` � � OFFICE OF THE CITY COIIi�''CZL �`�-�%•7�q� .,`� ,,;';:\•i _ _ 11':.:,9ai?.-:1 i�l't 3?'.r,..^.'•"t __ - . . -.'�:� �-.• �� ` Dote : August 29, 1977 .« �=fi--. COMMITTEE f� EPOR�' _ TO : Saint Pau1 City Councii � F R O N) � C o m m i fi t e� O t1 FI NANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL _ ROSALIE BUTLER , chairman, makes fhe following . . report on - C. F. [] Ordinance � RP_SOIUTiO�� S � �] Oth er . - T iTLE ; - _ _ ; _ The Committee today recommended approval of resolutions transferring monies from various � - � funds to the following projects: � - � Tilden School .Demo�ition and Site Work . $ 35,000 Taylor School Site Work . 20,000 Watergate Acquisition Project 168,000 � - � Hidden Falls Site. Work 33,000 Downtown Library Renovation ' 47,600 � � Desnoyer Park Recreation Center Building 10,653 Front Recreation Center 14,556 _ _ Langford Park Site Work 25,317 ' Willow Reserve Acquisition 7,000 _ - Rice-Arlington Athletic Field Parking 15,000 � Highland Pool Access Road & Parking Lighting 13,722 Public Health Center Addition 51 ,402 - r � • ' a : CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ' -�:>,..,. - e�����;� .:��; C� I�:r o 1� 5_� T��r P_� r-r. 9P.�S?�nD4. ': 9s ssasva;aee.< (�I'F 1(+1: O I' '!'I I 1: �l_11"O 1: e ay�y��e 3-la GI"PY FL�L.L SAINT I:1L'L, �II\\I-:SOT:1 5.�108 (E3l°) 2S)£3--tf3'=:3 GEOFtGE LATI?fER �'I.1YOR July 11, 1977 To: Mr. Otto Hummer, Chairman, and Members of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee � F'r: Richard E. Schroeder, Budget Director + �/`� � Re: Status of Unallocated CIB monies and approval of funding requests beinq considered at your July 12, 1977, meeting STATUS OF UNALLOCATED RESERVE Current Recommended Proposed Balance Transfer Balance 1967 through 1973 CIB monies -p- _p_ _�_ 1974 CIB 2,442.41 2,442.41 -p- 1975 CIB 1,310.26 1,310.26 -0- 1976 CIB 174,920.31 174,920.31 -p- 1977 CIB 71,470.00 1,327.02 70,142.98 TOTAL 250,142.98 180,000.00 70,142.98 BUDGET DIRECTOR'S APPROVAL OF RE UESTED TRANSFERS 1) Public Works' June 17, 1977, �equest to transfer an additional $13,765.88 to Como Ave. Lighting-V-0509 is approved as requested for CIB Committee recommendation and City Council action. 2) Police Department's June 28, 1977, request to transfer an additional $172,215 to the Police Annex Remodeling Project is approved for consideration as amended below: It is recommended that a total of $180,000 monies be transferred from the following Unallocated Reserve Accounts: 1974 U.R. Account $2,442.41 1975 U.R. Account 1,310.26 1976 U.R. Account 174,920.31 1977 U. R. Account 1,327.02 $180,000.00 In addition to the $172,215 requested to award low bids, I am recommending that $7,785.00 be appropriated for unforeseen construction change orders. This amount is 1.20 of the total construction cost. , - Otto Hummer Page 2 July 11, 1977 3) Community Services June 30, 1977, request to transfer $790,855 from various sources to the thirteen existing project accounts is approved for consideration as requested with the exception of the following two amendments: WATERGATE ACQUISITION: The request to transfer $110,000 in City Bike Path monies and $63,000 in 1953 bond monies appropriated for Harriet Island Marina are approved. But the request to transfer $177,000 from the Unallocated Reserve is not. The acquisition cost for this project is pending the outcome of an appeal of an award made during the condemnation process. As the City Attorney's Office has indicated that the case is scheduled for next year's court calendar, it would be inappropriate at- this time to transfer additional monies from the Unallocated Reserve. The $70,142.98 remaining in the Unallocated Reserve should be used only to secure the award of low bids for 1977 construction projects such as Fire Station No. 23, Public Works Operation Building Consolidation, ,or other Parks and Recreation projects advertised for bid, HAYDEN HEIGHTS BRANCH LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION: The transfer requested by the Department is approved as submitted and the following a.ddikional financing is recommended for action now and not in late August: A temporary transfer of $100,000 from the Dunning Athletic Field project (account 93073-01�j to the Hayden Heights Library Furnishing appropriation. The transferred money would be returned to Dunning with the adoption of an appropriation for Hayden Heights Library Furnishings in the 1978 Capital Improvement Budget. The temporary use of Dunning Athletic Field monies is recommended for the following reasons: A. Conflict for design of site development between Parks and Recreation, the Lexington- Hamline Community Council, and Independent School District #625. B. The court case filed by Lexington-Hamline Community Council against the City. C. The uncertainty of the construction schedule for Central High School Reconstruction as .work for both projects must be coordinated. D. The uncertai.nty of the School District's ability to finance their appropriate share of costs associated with their need to acquire portions of land now used by Municipal Athletics. RES.GNB:kh cc: Daniel Dunford John Eichinger Chief Richard Rowan Thomas J. Kelley Robert Piram J. Archer Eggen Gerald Prill John Wirka