269687 WHI7E - CITV CLERK. � ��(��[�� PINK - FINANCE y f� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF �SAINT PAITL COURCII > L] � . BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. RETURN' COPY TO VA TION BURFAU Council Resolution _Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council by Resolution 268977 authorized and directed the Purchasing Agent to advertise for bids for the lease of Lot 8, Block 14, Hoyt' s Addition to the City of St. Paul, for a term of ten years with an option to extend the lease term for an additionai ten year period and to report back to the City Council upon the receipt of bids; and WHEREAS, The Purchasing Agent has reported that one bid was received for lease of this property, the bid having been made by Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company of the Twin Cities, Inc. for a rental of $1, 500.00 per year, and the Mayor and Purchasing Agent recommend that �t the City'Council accept this bid and approve the lease to� the successful bidder; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 87A of the St. Paul Legislative Code, the Council of the �ity of Saint Paul does hereby approve lease of Lot 8, Block 14, Hoyt's Addition to St. Paul to Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company of the Twin Cities, Inc. for a term of ten years with a� option to extend the term for an additional ten year period at an annual rental of $1, 500. 00 and the proper� City officers are authorized and directed to execute the said lease agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �e�► � Fina and Mana Services Hozza O [n Favor �� •� Hunt b�*�' _ Against B irector Roedler Sylvester A�� 3 � 197� Tedesco Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Co i : Date Certifie asse Council Secretaty BY By Appro,ed ;Vlavor: Date � �rEP � 1977 Ap oved by yor or Subm' ion t ouncil , BY �. � PUBLISHED SEP � 0 19�T BY �1TY p� w �� s'y �����y � _ r � ioa iaiiiovi�ai � � °�'°4�°� '° C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L d ... S `�s ti� w.a OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY August 5, 1977 HARRIET LANSING Mr. Donald Stanton Purchasing Department 266 City Hall Annex LOWRY Dear Mr. Stanton: Pursuant to your request, I have prepared and transmit herewith resolution approving lease to Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company for Lot 8, Block 14, Ho_yt' s Addition to St. Paul, and in addition I hereby transmit to you four copies of the proposed Lease Agreement. Following the adoption of this resolution by the City Council the Lease should be executed on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company and a copy thereof delivered to the City' s Finance Depart- ment for safekeeping. You will note that in addition to the advance payment of the first year' s annual rent, the tenant is required to provide insurance. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to call. Yo s very truly, JE J. Ass ' stant Ci y Attorney JJS:cg enc. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 • :r ` � ,, . � L E A 5 E THIS AGREE��ENT OF LEASE, I�ade this lst dayo uf September, 1977, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a munici�al corporation of the State of �?innesota, as "Lessor" , and NAEGELE OL'TDOOR ADVERTISING COI�'iPANY OF THE T6VIN CITIES, INC. , as "Lessee" . 1. The Lessor for the consideration hereinafter set forth does hereby lease and deriise to Lessee a portion of Lot 8, Block 14, Hoyt' s Addition to Saint Paul, for a term of 10 years beginnina, on the lst day of September, 1977, and terminating on the 31st day of August, 1987, at the yearly rental of One Thousand Five Hundred and no/100 ($1,500. 00) Dollars payable annually in advance at the office of the Lessor' s Department of Finance and 2rtanactement Services. 2 . Zessee shall have the right to erect, place and maintain advertising signs, structures and equipment therefor on the demised premises and post, paint, illuminate and maintain ad- vertisements on such structures, all to be installed, maintained and operated in accordance ��ith �11 a�plicable laws and regulations in effect at the time of the commencement of this lease and as ma_y be �romulgated at any time during the term of this lease. It is expressly understood that the rights of �����w Lessee to the use of this property shall in no way interfere with the �use of the property by the Lessor for its City Market or other munici�al pur,�oses. 3. Lessee may reguest an extension of this Lease for a further term of 10 years, which reguest shall be transmitted to Lessor on or before the lst day of July, 1987. Such written notice shall be delivered to the office of the n�ayor. If the Mayor consents to the extension requested, written approval shall k�e transmitted to Lessee on or before the lst day of August, 1987. Rent for the period of extension shall be subject to agreement by and between the parties as evidenced by a written addendum to this Lease Agreement. 4. Lessor expressly retains the ri_qht to revoke and terminate this Lease Agreement at any time during the term hereof upon the finding and determination by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the leased premises are required for some municipal or other public use by the City or any other public or governmental agency of the State of Minnesota. Upon such a finding having been made, written notice of such termi- nation shall be delivered to Lessee and Lessee shall within 90 days of such notice, remove all improvements made to the demised premises by Lessee and restore the demised premises to -2- ♦ � � „'' -1 �� its original condition as it existed at the time of the commence- ment of this Lease Agreement. All costs and exgenses of re- moval and restoration shall be borne bv Lessee and Lessor shall not be obligated in any manner to compensate Lessee for any costs or expenses incurred. 5. The Lessee, in addition to the above stipulated rental, shall promptly pay when, due all taxes, general or special, all public rates, dues and special assessments of every kind which shall become due and nayable upon the demised real estate or improvements thereon during the term of this Lease. It is further agreed that in the case of nonpayment or failure by the Lessee to pay and discharc�e any taxes, assessments, rates, charges or levies as herein provided, then the Lessor may, at its option, terminate this Lease Agreement bv giving Lessee ninety (90) days' written notice, and Lessee shall peacefully �ive up the possession of the premises and restore the groperty to its original condition. Nothing herein shall prohibit Lessee from reasonably contesting the levy of any such tax. 6. Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Lease in the event that (a) all or a substantial part of the leased premises are taken by the right of eminent domain, or (b) Lessee is deprived of access to the leased premises. In the event of such termination, Lessee shall restore the premises -3- in the manner and as �rovided for in Paragraph � of this Lease A�reement. 7. Lessee agrees to furnish an� maintain, during the term of this Lease, public liability insurance, which shall protect the Lessor and the Lessee from claims or damages f_or personal injury, including accidental death, which may arise out of the occupation or use of the demised gremises by the Lessee, which public liability insurance shall be in an amount of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1Q0,0�0. 00) per person for injuries, inclu�ing accidental death, and subject to the same limitations for each person in an amount of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300, 000. 00) on account of any single accident or incident, and further include coverage for property damage in an amount not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000. 00) arising out of a single occurrence, which �olicies of insurance or certificates shall state that thirt_y (30) days ' written notice shall be given to the City before said insurance is ehange� or cancelled. Conies of said insurance policies or certificates shall be f_iled with the City' s Department of Finance and �ana�ement Services. 8. Lessee does hereby ex�resslv agree and undertake to fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees fro� any and all -4- damages, claims, losses, judc,rments, suits, expenses, actions or causes of action in whatsoever manner arising out of or occasioned by the occupation or use of the demises �remises by Lessee. 9. Lessee agrees to make all improvements to the demised premises entirely at its own cost and exgense, and all site improvements shall be done in strict accordance with existing City or�inances and State la�s. Upon the termination of this Lease Agreement, Lessee expressly agrees, at its own cost, to remove all improvements on the demised premises and to restore the demised �remises to its oriainal condition and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Lessor. The premises shall be so restored within one hundred twenty (120) days of the termi- nation of this Lease. Lessee shall maintain the insurance as described in Clause 7 of this Lease until the demised premises is so restored. 10. The Lessee agrees to promptly pal� all rates and charges which may become due and payable for water, gas, electric current, sewer rental, steam, telephone or other services provided for the demised premises during the full term5 of this Lease. 11. The Lessee shall keep the premises in good order and free from all refuse, shall k�ep the si�ewalks free from -5- snow, ice and all obstructions, and shall pro�ptly and reasonably remove all ashes, garbage and refuse of any kind from the premises during said term, talcing into consideration the purposes for which this Lease is made. The Lessee shall not commit waste of any kind to the demised premises during said term. 12. At all times during the term of this Lease, Lessor shall have the right, by its agents and emplovees, to enter into and upon the demised premises and improvements thereon during reasonable business hours for the gurpose of examining and inspecting the same and determining whether the Lessee shall have complied with its obligations hereunder in respect of the care and maintenance and use of the premises and the repair or rebuilding of the improvements thereon when necessary. 13. The Lessee shall not sell or assign this Lease or sublet said premises or any part thereof without first obtain- ing the written consent and approval. of the Lessor. Any such assignment or subletting without the approval of Lessor shall be void, and shall, at the option o_f the Lessor, terminate this Lease. This Lease shall not, nor anv part or interest thereof, be assignable as to the interest of Lessee, by o�eration of law, without the written consent of Lessor. 14. It is agreed bet��een the parties that in case at any time default shall be made by the Lessee in the payment of _6_ any rent upon the. day when the same shall become due or gay- able, and such default shall continue for ten (10) days, or in case default shall be made by the Lessee in the performance of any of the other terms, conditions or covenants of said Lease by said Lessee to he performed, other than the covenant for the payment of rent, taxes and assessments as set out in Paragraph 3 above, and said default shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after the service of written notice of such default by the Lessor on the Lessee (no notice of default in the payment of rent being necessary) , then the Lessor m.ay enter into and upon the demised premises or any part thereof and repossess the same, with or without prejudice to any of its remedies for rent or breach of covenant, and in anv such event may, at its option, terminate said Lease by giving written notice of its election so to do, or may, at its option, let the premises or any part thereof as the aqent of the Lessee, or otherwise. The foregoing rights and remedies given to the Lessor are, and shall be deemed to be, cumulative, and the exercise of one shall not be deemed to be an election, exclud- ing the exercise by the Lessor at any other or different time of a different or inconsistent remedy, and shall be deemed to be given to said Lessor in addition to any other and further rights granted to said Lessor by the terms of this Agreement, -7- or by law, and the failure upon the part of the Lessor at any time to exercise any right or remedy hereby given to it shall not be deemed to operate as a waiver by it of its right to exercise such right or remedy at anv other or future time. 15. In tfie event this Lease Agreement or any part thereof is determined by any court' s decision to be contrary to any existing law, this Lease Agreement shall be terminated, and the premises restored to its ori�inal condition to the satis- faction of the Lessor, all at the sole cost and expense of the Lessee. In the event of such termination, it is expressly agreed upon bv and between parties hereto that Lessor shall in no way be liable for any damages caused or incurred by Lessee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. Form Approve�: CITY OF SAINT PAUL As ' nt tt r ey Mayor City Clerk Director, Department of. Finance and �anagement Services -8- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COL'►'i�TTY OF RAPQSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledcred before me this day of , 1977, by George Latimer, Rose r�tix, and Bernard J. Carlson, P7ayor, City Clerk and Director of the Depart- ment of Finance and ARanagement Services, respectively, of the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, on behalf of said City. Notarv Public NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING COL�PANY OF THE TWIN CITIES, INC. By Its By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1977, by , , and , (Title) , of Naegele Outdoor Advertising Title Company of the Twin Cities, Inc. , on behalf of said company. Notary Public -9- NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING COMPANY OF THE TWIN CITIES, INC. 1700 WEST 78TH STREET,MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55423/612-866-3381 June 13, 1977 City of St.� Paul , Dept. of Finance and Management Services Purchasing Division 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Nff�T 55102 Re: Bid #A-7417 Invitation to bid Lot 8, Blk 14 Hoyts Add For Outdoor Advertising Gentlemen: In addition to the amount proposed in our bid, Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company of the Twin Cities, Inc. , will do the foll- owing: 1. Furnish an applicable Performance Bond as requested. 2. Furnish the requested certificate of insurance. 3. Furnish a Human Rights Compliance. 4 . The sign structure size would be our national standard 14 ' x 49 '2" painted bulletin. 5. Naegele would not advertize any beer or liquor products due to the proximity of the Baptist Church. 6. Naegele would follow the ordinances and moral • standards of St. Paul which would include no obscene matter advertised. QJ NTINUED . ������ Page Two 7. The heighth of the sign structure would be 25' to the top and of steel construction plus the structure itself will be painted a neutral color . including the back of the sign. NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING COMPAPIY OF THE TWIN CITIES, INC. J.P. odger - ice President . . . - _: :.. _.. : , . . .: _ _ . , � � _-- _-_ _ _-__{�TL�N__�TQ__J�RDIME SE�AL__.11F'I'ER A�6P�'I6N) _ _ ___ __ . _ --.--- WHj7E — C�TY CLEFK � � PINi( — FINAN'_'E - � T�' COIIRCIL � CANARY — DEPARTMt,.,T - � G I TY O F -SA I i� T P� V L � �w=_ — nnavok F1Ie N0. Co��cil Resol�t�on Presented By _. Referred To _ - -- -. Comrnittee: Dat� Out of Committee By - Date — -------- - Y ir7HEREAS, The City Council by Resolution 268977 authori.zed and directed the Purchasing Agent to advertise for bids for the lease of Lot 8, Block 14, Hoyt' s Addition to the City of St, Paul, for a term of ten years with an option to extend �h� lease term for an additional ten year period and to report back to the City Council _upon the receipt of bids; and WHEREAS, The Purchasing Agent has reparted that one: bid was - received for lease of this property, the bid r�aving been made b�r Naegele 0utdoor Advertising Company of the Twin Cities, Inc. for a rental. of $1,500. OQ per year, and the MayAr and Purchasing Agen� recommend that that the City'Council accept this bid and approve the lease- to- the successful` bidder; noca, ther_�fore, be i_t RESOLVED, That `in accordance with tfie prac�clures set forth in Chapter 87A of the St. Paul Legislative Code, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve lease of Lot 8, Block 14, Hoyt's Addition to St. Paul to Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company of the Train Cities, Inc. for a te�m of ten years with an option to extend the term for an additional ten year periad at an annual rental of $1,500. 00 and the proper- City officers are authorized and directed to execitte. the said lease agreement on behalf of. the City of Sairit Paul. . . , _ . . . . _. : . .. . _ � , _ .,:. 9 - . •'4• - - . . .. - � .� ... ' -. � :a-..; . .. ... ., ,.,: _... . . .. . �. .,. � .. -. :. .: ._.. .. ... .s . .. . .. .. ... ' '� t ,.� ._. .,-i: _ � �� ' ' ��- - � o.....� .��... � ... ' . _ .. i ..,.. . ,., �...�. .:., ,• ' . .!` ' ' . , ... ... . COUNCIL�iE[V - Rc�uestcd by Department of: � : r . � � Yeas - Nays, ° ' =:, , '� _ . ., � . . . ... .. , _ ,_ Butler _ . - Hozza . In Favor-.. �- - Hunt - Levine Against By — — Roedler S yivester Tedesce Form Approved by City Attorney Ad�,pted b� Ce;.^cil: Date ----.--...--- C��rtified Pa��e�! by Council Secretary BY B�. ----- — — ,'1�,p�o.ed hti ';l:+�or: Date _--- —__--_.__ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . ' � - OTHER TERMS, CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS Bids must be submitted in duplicate on this form. If any other information is requested in the specifications it should be submitted with this form. Bids must be delivered in a sealed envelope addressed to the Purchasing Agent showing the bid number and the date of opening. Envelopes are supplied by the Purchasing Division and should be used if possible. Bids must be delivered to the Purchasing Division, 25 West Fourth Street,prior to the date and hour shown on the bid blank if they are to be considered.Any communications in regard to bids should in,clude the bid number for identification purposes. Awards will be made to the lowest responsible bidder quoting in accordance with the specifications.Right is reserved to reject any or all bids or portions thereof. Bids must remain open and subject to acceptance until an award is finalized, or a minimum of 60 days following the date of the bid opening. Quote lowest prices F.O.B. delivery point. Show unit prices extended to totals. Bids must be typewritten or written legibly in ink,pencil bids not acceptable. Failure or neglect of the successful bidder to furnish performance bond, insurance, and Human Rights requirements within 10 days after notification may result in the award going to the next lowest bidder. Do not include sales taxes or Federal excise taxes in your bid. Governmental units are exempt from these taxes on their purchases.This exemption does not include such taxes on your purchases. The E. I. Number of the bidder is that number assigned to companies for use in filing their "Employer's Quarterly Tax Return," U.S. Treasury Department Form 941. This reference is requested in response to a request from the office of the Attorney General and should be furnished by all bidders. To be eligible to do business with the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey,your company must have filed with the Department of Human Rights, 515 City Hall, St. Paul,Minnesota, 55102, a Compliance Review Report as required by Council File No. 247565,Ordinance No. 14424,Section 3A,Para.8. Bidders shall comply with Section 74.03A of the St. Paul Legislative Code, which section is incorporated herein by reference. This section prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. A 60 DAY BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF 5% MUST ACCOMPANY BIDS OF 550,000.00 OR OVER FORM 6 CITY OF SAINT F`'AUL �� � � � � ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES PURCHASING DIVISION luyer DONALD STANTON 25 West Fourth Street BID NO. A T�+17 'hone:��4�� 298-5519 St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Letter — s�1a�77 I NVI TATI ON TO B I D P�e 1 °f 1 (advertised) ;EALED BIDS for furnishing material, labor, or material and labor combined as specified below will be received by the Purchasing )ivision,25 West Fourth Street,St.Paul,until 2:00 P.M.Wednesday 6/15/77 at which t'tme the bids will be publicly opened. iee other side of this form for Other Terms,Conditions and lnstructions tu the specifications. IMPORTANT fHIS B1D IS YOUR OFFER TO PERFORM OR SUPPLY THE SUBJI:CT MATTER UNDER "DESCRIPTION" BELOW. IF YOU ARE fNE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER MEETING SPECIFICATIONS, APPLICABLE PERFORMANCE BOND, CERTIFICATE OF NSURANCE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS COMPLIANCE AS STATEI7IN THE SPECIFICATIONS OR TERMS ANI)CONI)ITIONS MUST 3E IN OUR HANDS BEFORE AN ORDER WILL l3E ISSUEU TO GNAl3LG YOU TO COMMENCE.TI11S BID,OUR ORt)Git,ANl)TH[i 'LANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WILL CONSTITUTE THE CONTRACT BETWEEN US. dIQDER TO INSEHT Pfi10ES NENE DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL It is the intent of this bid to offer for lease for Billboard type advertising purposes the property described as Lot 8, Block 14 Koyt's Addition to St. Paul Which is located ad�acent to the off ramp of 35E feeding into Wacouta Street. Use of thia property shall relate to the off ramp only and not the ad�acent freeways 35E or 94. Height of the atructure shall be in conformance aith this described usa�e. Advertisin� placed on this board shall be in conPormance With the moral standarde snd good teate of the community and shall not be �enerally vhat would be classified ne ob�ectionable to the community as a vhole as defined by the governinR body of the City of St. Paul. TERM OF LEASE: Ten years wiCh renevals sub,�ect to acceptance by City which shsll be aub�ect to negotiated increase in annual renta s and cancellatior► by either party as dePined in sample lease vhich is a part of thia bid and aub�ect Lo mutually e�cceptable revision prior Lo initial lease. PAYMENTS: To be on ar�nual basis due and payable at the time of the initinl lease and each tvelth (12th) month follor+ing Lhe initi 1 date. INSURANCE: I,easee to furnish public linbility protecting city and lessee in the amount of 5100,000/$300,000 as described in sample lease Which is a part of thia bid. MINIltU!'1 ANNUAL RENTAL: Minimum acceptable annual rental is W900.0 . No bids Por less than this amount vill be acceptable. Award vill be made to high bidder aub�ect to approval of Mayor of the City of Saint Paul. • �o rRs I offer to pay for a ten year lease sn snnue�l rental of ------ �' '� DO d1p Ic�DIO a0 � G�;�xicuG.���� 5/31/77�p CASH DISCOUNT 96 30 DAYS coMPnNv �- Q,o�-L°o. � T� � �. Cash disrount will be deJucleJ in delcrmining the low SIGNATURE bidJcr. Uiscount for paymcnt in shorlur period is nut•rc- �p � ceptable. BY (/ , v� I . Bidder's F.. 1. Number: ��'" ���� �`r�� (Unsigned Bids will not I�e cons e�ed) ADDRESS The E. 1. Number is that number which is assigneci to � Q /�,Gy7� 7 �� companies fur use in filing thcir"I�mployer's Quarterly PHONE l�ederal 1'ax Return,"'t're�sury Department Fonn 941. � • iJ[•�_Q�j��! ssYy3 �/`�,�38/ /'«f F fGK.v (/ , . , „ ! r, ; �}.,��J ��.�,t- � .. . 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