269684 WHITE - GITV CLERi( � PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAI�NT PAUL Council (� � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT - �/p�C] BLUE - MAYOR - Flle NO.�.�y=� -� RETCTl�T COP7 TO Council Resolution �� o� B� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul by Council Resolution, File No. 269�+93, declared certain property in the City of St. Paul as not being needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, said Resolution also authorised and directed the City to enter into a lease agreement with American Linen Supply, Inc., and WHEREAS, the property in question was le�ally described as follaws: Except Street, the northerly 2�3 of Lot 1 and the North 100 feet of Lot 2, Block 25, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and, � � �AS, a typographical mistake was made in legally describing said property, naw be it _ RESOLVED, that the ].egal description of said property shall be amended and shall read as follaws: Except Street, the northerly 2�3 of Lot 1 and the North 100 feet of Lot 2, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul COUNCILMEN Requested by DepartmenE of: Yeas Nays �ertler� � Fi and ent Servi.ces Hozza [n Favor Hunt a .. ��' _ __ Against Roedler lrec or Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by C cil: Date — AUG S � �977 Form Approved by City Attorney � Certifie asse Council cretary BY . sy ^ � SEP � 1977 Appr d by Mayor for ' ssio to Council Appro y A7ayor: D — � gy By�� '�-1 � �UBLISHED SEP �� 0 1977 ' OM Ol: 1Z/i975 � Rev. : 9/8�7b E�LANATION OF ADMINISTttATIVE ORDERS, . RESOLUTIQNS, AND ORDI�, S Date: A,�ust �.6, �9TT T4: MAYOR GEORG£ LATIMER � . F'As J. Wm. D�novan, Y�uation b A�sess�tent Engineer, Finance b ement�ervices(Eat.�3].? � ) r'tE: Lease Agreement between the City of St. Paul (Lessor) and Aamerxcaa Linen Supply, Inc. for City c�ned praperty located at the Sautheast corner o� Sisth and M�in 3treets. ACTION REQUESTED: � Corrects error in legal description in Cauncil File 269Z193, approved �li�ust 2, 1977 � authori:ing prcyper City �f'Picials to ezecute the lease agreement. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TgIS ACTION: Corrects error in the legal descr3.ption in order to have the leases ftil.].y e�cecuted� by City 4Pf'icials and Americmn Zinea. ATTACffi�RENTS: 1. Cauncil Aesolutian ° 2. cauncil F1.le 269�q3 � � 3. Copy of Lease � PINK -• FINANCE ,I TY O F S�I NT � �U� � ������ CANARY - � �� C�VnCil . DEPwRT�MENT � � BI.UE - MA'IOR - ` FIIe NO.�� �� �� �A���� � � •J oun�cil IZesolution - �-: ..�-� � Presented By -;"` fl, ` t'/2.-��+--. . ����a�...ri�� '�±�s��•-�s��,,. _ i� � ; i a'•�y��� � � ��—.�_ i -�- .��� -�--r---�, � , ....�,�r ).�,�`^ . ;E i � `� � Referred To �'� Commi ttee: ��I�,ate �'•� „� ,� Out of Committee By � •t� `3 �� :': �w I , I WBSREAS, the City of Safnt Pan2 oa�ns property iocated at I the Saath�est caraer of Sfxth and Mafn Streets in the City of � Safat Pan2 legally ctescriba� aa folla�sz R . ; i F�ccept Street, the northerly Z/3 0� Lot I ancl i tha I�orth l0U feet af Lot 2, Block 25. �ti.ce . � aad Zrvine•s Aaditfan to Saint Paui ; 8nd, i i x�s, this property is t�porarii�► not aeeded for public purposes, �o�o, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the proper City officials are satharized and � directed to entar into the attached lease agreesaent with American Linen Supply, Ine. � � � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: '�� �'��:@ & �fE3'!!1'► 5B1`YfC�S Hozza In Favor Hunt � ,•'° � i ' Levine _ A gai n s t By �: _:;�zt�-r..�-�''��'. '. ..;�=�---.....�..�31'CCttAC Roedler Sylvester ` Tedesco ��(, 2,� ���'T Form Approved b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date .', , ;� /R/`"'""' . . Certified Passed by Council�Secretary BY � By� �'� ;� , � � Approved by :Navor: Uate ' ._ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy �y ,( ;� � . .�-1. ;�� M�_,__,__. , � i . ; � ' . . � • � . t�.:�s�� .._�;;�,:,:,..��,�:.z�,.���.���.�.���H...��...,.� .�: .� -� _...<. : ., r_. � � h � � -:�::- .���;��::,�;��.,.,.:,�4:�:;�� . ,� - . : � . . M • : � . . _ . ,.�., - , r :��;, ���� � L EA S E _ By thzs lease made this day of , 1g'j7, by and between the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hexeinafter referred to as the "Lessor", and The American Linen Supply, a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, hereinafter referred to as "Tenant". The T,essor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements here- i.nafter made on the part of the Tenant, does hereby lease to the Tenant the ' �= premises in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, ` described as: Except stxeet, the northerly 2�3 of Lot 1 and the Noxth 100 feet of Lot 2, Block 55, Rice and Ixvine's Addition to Saint Paul to be used. solely for the purpose of parking of vehicles o�,med or operated by Tenant or its employees and agents. � To have and to ho].d the same for the term commencing on the da.y of , 1977, and expiring on the dr�,.y of , 19 , inclusive, and from month-to-month thereafter; ':; provided, that the Lessor or the Tenant may terminate this lease upon ninety ' ' (90) days written notice of termination to the oi.her. It is covenanted and agreed as follc�ws: . ARTICLE ].. The Tenant shall pay the Lessor as rent Por said premises the sum of Three Hundred Do]lars (,�'p300.00) per month. The rental amount is to be rene�otiated on a bi-anrnzal. basis. The first installment sha11 be due on :the da.;� of , 1977 and subsequent pay-' � ments due on the first day of each and every month thereafter. The Tenar_t � shall be liable for and shall paJ all charges for utilities services, taxes k and assessments for the prer�ises during the term as indicated i.n Article No. 8 of this le.ase. Should the Tenant fail to pa.y for such utilities and services, when due, the I,essor sha11 have the right to pay same, the amount � whereof wi11 be so much additional rent and to be payable with the next , • installment of rent due. ARTICLE 2. The Tenant admits tha.t no representation as to the condition - of the premises ha,s been made by �;he Lessor which is not endorsed hereon, � and agrees that the Tenant will not alter, repair or improve said premises except for surfacin� and security iencin�. i ARTICLE 3. The I,essor and its A�ents shall not be liable to the Tenant for at�y damage or injury to the Ten�nt or the Tenant's property occasioned - by the failure of the Lessor to heep said premises in repa.ir, nor shaZl the � � Lessor be liable for any dama�es or injury arising f�om any act, ommission r or negligence of the Lessor's agents, servants or employees, a11 claims for ; � any such dar;zage or injury being hereby expressly waived by the Tena,nt. � 1 ARTICLE 4. The Tenant shall not make alterations in, or alterations i � to the leased premises without the written consent of the Lessor. The Ter.ant � shall keep the premises together with adjoining areas, alleys and sidewalks, in a clean and healthful condition and all sidesaa,lks in fr ont of, and along ' said premises shall be cleared of ice and snow, and the Tenant shall comply ` � with all Federal,, State and Local Laws with regard to the use and condition � � of the leased premises, at the Tenant's sole expense. At the terminai;ion of this lease, the Tenant shall surrender the prenises to the Lessor in sub- stantially as good condition as when received. `� ';7 � �, . . ;� - � � � ;� -. .J :; -�''- Y,�`•, ._ �s ,. •� iz,�;;... ._ • . � � `'�� '��"'�:�., r ' ':',�.•. .�,t � � � . ��. . �..� :�. :. � .��. � .���. -:. .:.. �z,.,. .� �,� J >� '•A. ���• • . ��, � . � � �•F�� � `'� . �� � ��� •�� rn �� t ! ` , 1 I , �.._ ��,;�- (Yl t g � �. � . - .-. • - - , ,-m � , . , ,..:..�__ ...-.._. ..,.._9.... �.._�_.. � ' . .,. _ _ . .,..,,t�_� .. . � ,�_ ..�,_.-�, �,.,_ ' �e•'n-'^]<7 Cs-M�..K.i..}' r.-t-��.K . . � �...c ..v a C. �el'a4"'a�. �M... . . ^ .. . .. .i°�7 n ' ] ,>z.r .y$rvTZH� ,..e-... h]��4"A+"?lXi.-.-: �.� ;�Ri:„'. � ` : , � .:��' �� ��`�� � �` �;r � """.�`�.�'"� � �� `:,�:. - _ r�•� ���� �_. � � 1 - � ' � �'� _,.,�. .��,t,... ,. . ...,__._ ..__. ... � , _ _ _ �- _.. �� ARTICLE 5• The Ten�.nt does hereby release, discharge and agree to ; indemnify, protect, defend and save t�rmless thea'�essor and the City of � ; Saint Paul, Nsinnesota, from liability for ar�y cost, damage, expense, injury, or other casualty to any person whomsoever or proper�;y whatsoever caused by or arising out of the Tenant's use and occupa.ncy of said gremises; and in addition, the Tenant shall flzrnish A public liaUiJ.ity insurance policy to the Lessor in the amount of $300,000.00 bodily in�ury and $100,000 property damage, naming the City of Saini; Paul, biinnesota, insured, prior to the delivery of possession to the Tena,nt. � ARTICLE 6. The Tenant sha.11 not allow �aid premises to be occupied in whole, or in part, by a�y other �zrty, and shall not sublet the same in whole or in past, nor assign this lease without, in each case, the written consent of the Lessor; and the Tena.nt shall not permit arn,y transfer ; by opexation of law of the Tenant's ini:erest created hereby. The Tenant ! shall not permit ar�y mechanic's lien or encumbrances to be placed upon the : premises or any part thereof. ARTICLE 7. The I,essor shall have the right without notice to sell, destroy, or otherwise dispose of ar�y personal property left on the premises � by the Tenant after he has va.cated or abandoned the leased premises, or i been evicted therefror�. � I i I ARTIC7�E B. The Tenant shtzll be responsible for the prompt payment � ; of a11 charges for puolic utila.ties and semi-public or private services � � such as water, gas, electricity, sewerage disposal, reflzse or ash removal, � ' snow removal, grass or weed cutting and any special service, including �; ' assessments and real property taxes which are levied during the term of � this lease. ARTICLE 9. The Tenant agrees to permit the Lessor or the Lessor's employees, agents or contraci.ors to enter said premises at all reasonable � time to inspect them or the adjacent Lessor's property to the west, or to � make repairs, alterations or improvements, or demolition of adjacent building, or for ar�y such other purposes as ma.y be deemed necessary by the � Lessor, the Tenant hereby waiving any and all claims and demands for loss or dama.ge, or dimution of rent on accotmt thereof, or on account of ar�y "; obstruction to sidewalks, entrances or windows. ARTICLE 10. The Tenant agrees to remove aryy improvements includin� but not limited to fencing and other improvements authorized pursuant to ARTICLE �+ and leave the premises backfilled and roughgraded upon ninety �� (90) days written notice by the T,essor to vacate the premises. However, Lessor tna,y at its option, retain such improve�nents and Tenant will not be � required to backfi].1 the premises upon vacation. Tenant hereby �,raives a11 claims for relocation benefits of any l�:ind as a result of this tenancy. This lease and aL1 covenants and agreements herein contained shall be binding upon and inure to the respective heirs, administrators, successors and assigns of all the parties to this lease. � .� , ; . � � Y � � � g � ,�i . . ., J ���,•�F�`�rf:� - � � � � . . . . . 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Y p . k'y . - . . . . ...„ ..... ._.. .. .. . . . ...,,. ..,.. „ , . �. . � .. .. ,... .. , .._... .. . ... ._ , . ' : . : { i '3- rE { � � IN W12TNES5 WI-]ER�OF, the parties hereto ty�ve e�xecuted this lease ' the day and year first abwe written. � In the Presence of: CTTY OF SAINP A'�UL A � ; s� �: ;�; l�#yor t � ; � ; � 3 j '�; City Clerk ��° �,+ ., hj Director, Deps.rtment of Finance ' ' and Management Services In the presence of; AMERICAN LIlVEN SUPpLy CONPANY Sy ' It s ' And ;; It s ,� ;:�. . ;t APpRpVEp AS TO FORM OFFICE 0� CITY ATTORNEY I i i � � , "I � . � � ' . � .� y ;� � i �� . , . •' r -�''',�'r ��w, � + � >-t� � � \ r ~� ' . � �� � �.`�i•4 � , ' ,� � • �i •�'t:T;, , �, ,.. , � : ;;�_y �'. � ' y��t ��. . ��:r '•. . � � '��' � � � . •�� - ���'�'�rY� �Z�.e"' _ ' � , ; , ��':� ;,`�. ,' • � ���, ,,, '` rn � , , - � , . , _ _ � .,....��,._._,,..,,�,.,�.... -..:nK. �._:�; �. � � I � , �� ���- rn � , .. ,. . . . _..� _. 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