269665 ������ ciTV oF sr.Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER �"" By File No. 1�l1� In the Matter of 14�� '11�L�M0 �.� �re� I,�. �4 RO 1�iR! �. lr� wl.d�oie�. �aimrtswe�� aur�r aosa�nte � +wMl �tttits„ drtayw�►s, d�� l�tilitf.as, i annar�to s�t�' i�rl�td, � 1►�.�s Mnrr�lt'Iq �11E NM ' alitwralks �� a��rau�►i � !,a*tall� a �t li�ti+� r�t�f +�sd � �P�`'��B �a si�aurtZ s�st�. Cit�► lrro,��tt l�A�'J�3 , under Administrative Order ��r�� approved ��� ��• �'�� under Preliminary Order approved AUG 4 1977 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESO�,VED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate a11 expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � . ' COU�TCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date AUG 3 0 197� „ Yeas Nays • 8��� Certi asse y Councjl Secretary Hozz1 ; Hunt • In Favor , y �� ' /�' SEP � 1977 Rcedletl VAgainst Mayor Sylvesteli � =gtiesCQ , pua�isHEO SEP 101977 , . . , .,- * Summary of Engineering R�commendations � Report Prepared - July 5, 1977 Public Hearing - August 30, 1977 - ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY PROJECT: Improve SNELLING AVENUE from I .S. g4 to Hewitt Ave. by widening; constructing new concrete curb and gutter, driveways, drainage facilities, a concrete center island, a bituminous overlay and new sidewalks where necessary; by in- stalling a new lighting system; and by improving the signal system. City Project P-0553• INITIATING ACTION: This project was initiated by the Director of Public Works because of the high accident rate. It was submitted to the Metropotitan Council as a safety pro- ject under the Federal Aid Urban program, and received the highest priority of all safety projects submitted for FAU funding in the metropotitan area. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Snelling Avenue has more traffic than any other city street with 35,800 vehicles per day (average daily traffic) from I .S. 94 to University, �and 31 ,700 vehicles per day from University to Hewitt. The existing right-of-way width is� 100' , but the roadway width varies from 56' to 74' . The area is presently experiencing about 200 accidents per year. The severity weighted accident rate for Snelling from I .S. 94 to just north of University is 46.57, and from north of University to Hewitt is 23•39• Thfs compares to a metropolitan average of 6.8. A 1976 tree cou�t by the Community Services Department found that there are 26 large trees (mainly Elms) , which would have to be removed and 42 small trees which could be transplanted. Boulevards in the commercial areas are generally concrete or asphalt, and in other areas they are generally grass. Sewers in this area have not been separated. Construction on Snelling witl be coordinated so that Snelling will not be disrupted with future storm sewer construction. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: The existing roadway is proposed to be widened and overlayed with a new concrete center island constructed for left turns and a new energy efficient high pressure sodium lighting system. The new island will be similar to the one recently con- structed on University, and the lighting system will be similar to the one in- stalled on Lexington Pkwy. near University. All sidewalks in poor condition will be replaced. The area between the sidewalk and driveway lanes wilt be used for bus stops, right turn lanes at major intersections, and parking, or wider boule- vards as determinQiby the community group. _2_ �. ' ALTERNATES: � To do nothing would continue a very serious accident situation which the Department of Public Works has long sought to cure. To move the traffic elsewhere, as some have suggested, would only shift the problem elsewhere. Improvements which would then be required on other streets � would surely face heated neighborhood opposition. This proposal is the result of many hours of ineetings with neighborhood groups, and is a compromise which is not entirely satisfactory to the city, the Minne- sota Department of Transportation or the District 11 Coalition. It is however, the only proposal that all parties are willing to live with. POSITIVE BENEFITS: This project will improve safety on Snelling. It will provide a signal system at the Midway Shopping Center exit and a new tighting system. ADVERSE EFFECTS: In some areas the sidewalk will be only 8�' wide. This is seen as one of the worst features of the proposal . Also, the new center island will prevent left turns at some of the side streets and private driveways. This is a necessary trade off to improve safety. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: • Public involvement has been most extensive on this project. It has involved presentations to neighborhood groups, a tape recorded hearing to take testimony (transcript available) , a return meeting to go over changes made, and working meetings with neighborhood group representatives to hammer out differences. Signals at Midway Shopping Center exit have long been demanded by the Shopping Center people and neighborhood groups. The only way that they can be installed is to ban the left turn out of the Shopping Center. This is an integral part of our proposal . Right-of-way: This project is being done within the existing right-of-way. This project is in accordance with the Planning Departments "Streets and High- ways Plan". See excerpt. "2. 1 .2. SNELLING AVENUE WIDENING - This project for widening to the Snelling Avenue roadway between I-94 and Hewitt Avenue has been proposed by the Minnesota Highway Department for a number of years. It is to be done within the existing 100 foot right-of-way. This improvement is a response to the heavy traffic carrying demand for Snelling Avenue. Without this improvement, the existing congestion on this street will grow steadily worse even if the Transfer Road extension is constructed. Even with the improvement, future rush hour congestion can be anticipated." This project will be designed and constructed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. It is financed under the Federal Aid Urban system. , -3� ,, , _ TIME SCHEDULE: Because of the extensive public involvement, this project has been delayed until 197g construction. The project is to be completed prior to State Fair week. ' COST ESTIMATE: Construction by MinnDOT $1 ,4g0,000 Engineering by City 10,000 Total 1 ,500,000 ESTIMATED FINANCJNG: Federal Aid Urban $ 900,000 - MinnDOT 390,000 Municipal State Aid 200,000 Public Improvement Aid 10,000 Total 1 ,500,000 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Thomas Kuhfeld at 29$-5311 . SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: • This project was initiated because of the high accident rate. It is now a compromise proposal which is the result of ineetings with the neighborhood groups. Financing is through Federal Aid Urban funds, Minnesota Department of Transportation Trunk Highway funds and Municipal State Aid funds. Total cost is about 1 .5 million. The Public Works Department feels that this is a very worthwhile project and strongly recommends that this project l�e approved. Respectfully submitted, Daniel J. Dunford Director of Public Works ' , . .. r f ��_::i I � .�_��._, . .. ,...�� �._....... . �.o u[s e � l�J �l� ��_1�. � �` .._ ..�„�•ralty qf � lJu✓� -w ..� b z -11_��_� t •,.�tn;,u . � �("'--('s_��UL_:I��:�y��-Incs��t8 �CCII��cnrl��J"�J���J :J���'-. , Co�li�� �'/�� �; t ryyY�ror° '°q ' _�` - I _A���'�' :. vE --�.�"'Y . LL1,./�\ L �1f oSr ^��_�,-�'�`�f � ' �!'v I < { " a = f_'1.Yti sMor' � n' ' ' .' \ 'C:ou�ri�e � r S�s`n�° �� .��Ilr '��'y//r��♦ y�._�U� I� Rsa• TrKVt D'`u�� � I:J�J� i : i � � I; `f�\rs,+ . ^ ' ,/[�. � � 1 ( ��— !Ai .P� �Z n L I G - , � J'� ���I ��,� � �� l� r � , �w��� if.��i.i� 1��-=i ,i �rl��'! �__�=� -1��. n��,I ? ) t�.�R:04I �i� too\i `�' {��`�' ; •��9�P.. .�P� �vc�a�,Ji.i�w°ri�:i�nWl \��� iDI�1 i9I��I�J ���� `f��.`\ ��,�� . 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P�UL STREET A�1D �-iIGI�t�1AY PLAN as relates �o the Snellir_g Avenue Uridening regular type is a quo�a�:�.an #'rom, a description of conter.ts oi', or paxaphrase of - tile St. P�,ul Stree� anc� Hight•ray Plar. �zn�erscor. in� in�lic?.tP;? oL�r. ��T`J" �� ALL CAPI TtiLS A,�,E USED FOR OU� C 01�1MENTS prepared b;� Jim �t .re j,ch, 18Q3 Hubbard P.v�r�ue , St . Pa.ul, ?�finnesot�. ��1.OG• 617-6��F4-'T%+2,g rresident oi the i�ii��.t�r�y Concerned Citizenu Councll ' Exce-rpte from St. Pa,ul Si,reet �.nd H�.�ht•r�.y I'la.n as relates to, Sne111ng Avenue �ridening I. Policy definitions Vo1. 2, page �, pu. 1,.2 " . . . . .A policy i� a single decision tha.t covers recurrin� situat�ona. A policy �xcts as a guide, in the development of programs �.nd pro,jects, to provide for consistency to the thin��ing and the ciecisions of dif'ferent agencies or persane, and for continuity of aecisions over a period of time. A policy ia the fra,met�rorK or method far dir�cticn, or choosing, courses of action �o ful�ill �~oal�. A policy should not con�- 3ict tiyith a`h�r �o?_�ci es, ar.d it r�ust su�b_or� t�le �^,�ns,,,L3 ar�d va.lues �o t,rnich it 3.� adcjressed. Also, it should �t detract fr`c�ni; nor C�nf 1 i rt T•��i �r, other goals or_v�luF� to ��rnich it is not �.ddre�sed. " IT IS OIJR CO:�TE�1TI0?�? THAT THE T�IIDENII�TG OF ST��ELLING AVENUE DOE� NOT MEET T�� CRITERIA STATED ABOVE. EXCERPTS BELO1.�T '�TILL DOCUN?ENT OEJECTIG?`1S AS STATED IN THE PL AN BUT NOT ArPLIED TO SNELLIIvG. Vol 2, �age 13, pp. I..3. 7 '� . . . . .Street and Highway and Land Use Elements Should be Fitted Tegetrer by Mutu�I Ad,�ustmen� The comprehen�ice ��>lPnning process involves mutu�,l ad,�ustments among all elemen�s to ac��ieve compatibil.ity. I�jo onp P.1_P.!"?8�!'� ahot?�.d be t.rc�^.t�; t�rith undue r' �zclity ir� a wt�.y tha� weu1� require ehceusive azT or�ion oi tr�other eleMen��. " IT IS OUR COI1TEibTTON THAT RICr?'DTTY IS EVIDENT IN THE �NELLI�I� PLAP1. Val. 3, page �3, p�. 3. 0 "The first ste� toward implementation of this �treet a.nd hi�hw�y p1a,n is that it be given careful �nd thoughtful st_�� by a11 agencie� and cit__ i_ ze�s aff�ecte.�_r'_ py its propos�,ls. . . . , .�'ur•�her study and discussior.s shauld, lead to improvement� in the �'?�.n. '� TfiE ST;ELLIP�G PLAN OBVIOUSLY ��TAS NOT CIVLPI CAREFUL t'�1D THOUG�iTFUL STliDY BY ALI, AGEi3CIES. T�� CITIZENS Ar`'F�C1ED ��;ERE GIVEN T30 OPPOP�TUNSTY TO STUD�' THE PLA:1. IT CERTAI�ILY REQUIRES FL'RTHER DISCUSSION. TI. Docu�entation of rignts of coramunities Vol l, p�.ee 5, pp. Z.d ": . . . .i�.oreover, the trend of pu,,, blj,c o-�.inion �s the flavor of the d�.reci,icn t��e must go in tne ae, tie pment of new thorou�r:f�re i'a,ciliti�s. i�7any long—held val.uea of' our 5ociety are goin� into a proc�ss of re—eva,luat3.on ' and reconaiders.tion. An example ia the recer_tly araused awareness of the import�nce af environment�.l factors — visu�l qualities, po�.lution, noi�e, et�. In planning for the fu'�ure of the t'r_oroughfa,re needs oF our city, �•re should t�reigh a variety of fa.ctors 'tha.t encompass a m.i�ture of' �h.yGV, soci� , and econornic conc±ition� a.nd ��ublic ��.�titu�_es. �� Vol. 1 e 28, ;.`�.3. '� " . . . Taday a.r.d in the fu�ure, the man—made constr�irlts are probably the more importrnt within �. devel.oped urbanized area. This map z.lso showe tre ne3.ghborhood� a.nd comnunities as propo�ed in the 1963 Comnrehenaive Pl�n for �t. Paul. Careful consideration must be given to th.e relation— ehip bett,�een un:Lfied re�i.�.enti:�,l a.re�r and the tnorou�hf2.re system. V;'hile ei'z ec�ive accessialli�y to a.rici from r•esidenti�.l areas is a. le�;�.tirnat�; ob�ective, any tharr,u�,hf�,re system detrPl��mPnt mv.�t r� r.,� .,�,�.nr .,�.-,� �,V+ +.,., �r �n�+; .T� „r ,,,,�,.rT- _ u V c....... . v s.... �.�j.,r ..i �..J.. ..u... �� i�:_ .. , .. �... . .�. +� �k'f'• Gr��rnnt'��r iir�i +�,r � ,,7 n ,.-1 , �.... ,.1• +_�.,-, .,a � .► .. � �.�_ - ) r..i„�.� �_._.,. _ - - vi u��.. �.y uy b 1.�; ..�il�.i(.Ji"llt'�Ul�.`..i ar�d cc��:�rn�zil�.ti_e��;. �uch consiuern,�irr. betV:een these tt-ro ob�ec��.T,res is an ir�Nor�vr�.r;�t factor in the deve�.a�ment of thi� thorou��;hfarE plan. '� page � - excerp�s z ro� stree� anc� .ri�gr�l4t�,y x�lan Vol. 1, �age 32, fig. 1� sroj�s Snell3.ng bi sec�ing our comr�unity a.nd shoti�*s �he �t�ip developmen� �.1on� t�e Avenue Vol. l, page 1�3, �'i�. 20 " . . . . .Constra.intg to route location affect ,r e • of pr�,ctic^_bil��y of OverGOm3.rig certain deficiene3.es. " Vol. 2, pa.ge 3, pp. .�. � . �0 :-)here feasible, ihere will 'Qe some con�olid�.tion cf existing ma�or routes to m ' m e nei�hborh_ood diaruut�.o�i. " Vo� 2�� �3, pp. 1.3.3 " . . . . .Full con;�iderati�� should be given to ���.1, er:viror_r:lenta.l and est%zrtic im��cts on nei��hborrood3, op�n space, recrea��.ori;31 r�_rery,�, cultural a.nd hi�toric fe�,tures and the city �.s � ti-rriole . Vol. 2, p�,ge 15, ��. 1.3.8 "Safe Convenier_� and Pleasant Livin� Areas foz° A11 Resi.dential n�zighborhoods suffer in varying degrees from the bliphtin�, ini'luences of' vehicul�r traff3.c. . . . . .Ho��rever, implementation difficuities generally cer.ter around achievement of a�m ' ,, by � a.Ffected re��dents, to the design solution�. "���ainten�.nce anc Imp-rover�ent of Neighborhooa Integrlty Arteria. sho��ld � cut �.cross the existing grain t�f loc�.l s�reets and land development �,therever it can be reasonably avoicled. '� Vol. 2, page 32, pp. 2.3.3 " . . . . .Hoti�ever, in some cases a.rt_eri�.l str. eets must unavoidably penetr�,te communities. During the p�ar�ning of such routes, great ca.re should be given to evalu�.tion of their relatianshi� to the comrnunit5, othert�;ise they ca.n easily d.igeect the clo�e-knit fa.br�_c of tre urban activity _r_a.ttern. " Vo1. 3, pa.ge 2, pp. 4 '� . .-..Tre aue�tion) . . . . .s�rill the al.terna�ive help m.a.intain an�. ir,h�� r� the au�ty of the city� s n�:�hb�__ orhQOds and ti�rill i� st .rF�n -• h�:.�n the city ' s eCOr�o�?-:�C b2.�E? ; had to Ue a.ddressed. " Vol. 3, paoe 4, p�. 1.1.3 '� . . . . .Coordin�,tion of the ma,�or thoroughfare sysi,em �rith the pattern of residentia.� cor..runities and neiL�hbor?�oc;7.s. '1 -""'°-' � Vol. 3, p�.ae °�;�,�. j.3 '� . . . . . increasino impar�ance of other requiremen�s sucr as Envir�nment�l Impa.ct S�aterrents and complex series of ��ublic he�rir.gs. T�iorEOVer, public o�7ini.an has, in recent year3, become increasin�l;� CUeS�].O?'1�.,��`' 01 ". thorou�hfr�,re im;??:'QV�r^(�1'l.i".4, com�ined t�ti�h ir_crea.sing �olitical efrectivenese in stoppin� projects. In settir�g p-riol^i.ties far impler�er_taticn, all the�� f�.ctors be�.r he�.v�.ly u�on �r_e decisicn �rocess. " THr, ATTITUDES :,i�:D RIGHTS OF TH� COP��:i�iUNSi'Y �I�tD THE EFFECT,"� UPON IT HAVE NOT B�EI�1 GIVEiJ SUFFICI��P1T COTJa�DERATIO�? AS �EEG�'�.RDS TH�, SNELLIIlTG AVEi1UE PLAI�1. IN ADDTTIO;` THE PLA.T�1 �'TILL CHr�a�?GE AI�t OIISTACLE ti�TITHIN THE COI���IUNITY INTO �s. BAR�Ir.R DIVIDTNG IT. III. Evidence that o�her communities are given con�;ider�tions that we a.re not Vol. 2, p�ge 3�, pp. 2.6. 2.d '� . . . . .residential neighborhoodg, existing and proposed, . . . . .v�r3�thin the ��Pr:��al cPr_tr:�_l .�:,re�, . . . . .l�lajor �horcu�h�'�res should. ��Pn�� these residEnti�l nei�hbo_rhoo�?s a� i:a.t�� � �s possible . " Vo]. . 3, p�.�;e l�, pp. 2. l.l '� . . . . .All of this le�.ds to a situ�.tion �ahere indu�trial/corn�erci��.l tr�ff�_c 3.s io .rced to filter t]lrough t`,�7(,' r'E.'8l '��,E'.i1t��.� CO"'?':�11�.11�.. �`,1_c`� Of' .`TO"��h_ �r.� cOU.`�"' `�i; L��Y?�,''�C;:V .�� ..�r+.i r-�.=�.v � � 1' n n�tnr+ '-1-�� (��-�rr,n ��rnr•,��c� nrv,ir�V nv. ^�,' nete�> _ � .r__ . __.� �:,.. �a .,...... _.� �_._..: ct.,_ ���:pr �a �a +-r„-� _ _ _ e...,.�a „ „� �,.�_ ia 'thl'rp+1�'�. Li�,� C'}' . ,�r+t-1-�n+'�tr T.7�.y,1. nnrr»,,,y,; '--? -� _V_j."�.i �M 1� �-,.. � � - , �-�- -r-, truc:_ „� ��.fy 3_c. This dAvides tize c^�,:r�u:_ �%_,_���7 1.n t:�.�o, e�;1�eci�.I1_y t'r�e r,.ain shop��inz=; distric��`�A rou�te ��_x°o�.zrl�i �:le ou�si.r�.e oi' t�:e comrnunity to cari°y most �iv.�ou�n tr�.ffic ti��ould be vry,lua.ble. page 3 — excerpts fro�,st�e��t ar.d hi�hti•ray Ul�.n V�1. 3, pa�e 1'�.y pn. 2.1.� '� . . . . . . �?�i:��; shou7.d re3�lt in ?e�s vehicular con��n in the Cen�.r^1 Bus�.ne�� Dis�r�ct ;` imp-rove�ent a� �._ir i�ua,lity in �ne ^?�ea, a.n�X a. 1��;;;�:�:�n:^� of th� num ez' 01 �,TE,'%�_E,'.� ;;tl£iT� �tiO�l.��.C�. U.@ t�l� ��.;?;?S�.rl� %�V:;i1J@ COl'7'1C�.Ot^� tnuU allotrT3ng �,;iz��,t 7,ou�� to be desiU,ned in �, raanner more cor,�patible �4rith the �,j?C:°tlt; Y'E'.� !�t?iltl n� �+1'+pnr�� fl Vol. 3, Page 19, p». 2. 1.�, " . . . . .Le�,��ton, t�rithout; (3) dam?ging the character and ts��.nc�ui�.ity of the surrounding res;c7�±�y��l areas. . . . . Z'he loc:�,�ion o1 cne ro:�d and its large vclwlle of trr�.ffic pose �, poten�ia.l:Ly d�n,°erour situ�.tion since �edest_rians are continuously force,�,tc� go f'ro� one s�.�.� ot the ra�.1 to ttie other, ofi,en dod�i?z.�* tki� au��r:�obi.les. Second, Lexi;�gtcn, b;� virtLie of past deci�zons, is one of the fez��r north—south rou�es crossing tne entir� bread�h of Ramsey County. Alon� wit�. Dale and Snellin� it foz�ms an inte�ral part of tne cit�r�� g�,id st�eet system. . . . . (�te�n�,tive ,rl) ;�.oee not solve the probler�s o�' safe r�, �� - f3o;�* or pedestria.n—�ut,2�.,�nf1l.��a at the p�,Jillion a.rea. n continuin� an �a.�e 20 . . . . orlly tT�ro 1:�.—ro—i? f^cZ; 1,_�,,�; would be neec�-to carr;�T the tN<�.ff' c ( one lane in e�;.cn ai=ec�ion) . . . . . . If�exi�gton �;iere �o be close� to throu�h trafz ic it is �possible that either Hamline or V7 ct_�ri� ti�7ould have to be S^.T13BT7°d ta a.ecommodate �ii�"'e"��^,;,;°fic. Tize H�mllne alternative co�also require tn� const.ruction of a hrid�e over the Burlin�ton ?�darthern tracks, tizus incre;±sinT tr�7'f�c on H�._--r.�li.ne iro:� Universit�T to Pierce Butler. ir� addi U'Lori to t'r�e Hamline a.n� Victoria rou'tes, �t could aiso be a.�'�ected trith inc?�ec�.sed �r??��ic. I� is �il eiy also that th.e ma,�or part of the tr�i;`�ic noti�r on Lexington Vrould go directly to eiti�er Dale or SnelTinu. " continuing on p�:;e 21 " . . . . .Therefore , in o•rd°r to determine if ther� :Is goin; to be a neaG'tive im�ac� on �urrounding resident3.�.1 areas — the follo?�ing recominenda.�ion is nade: . . . . . " Vol. 3, page 23, pp. 2. 1. 7 n . . . . .':'i den�nM of tne present 45 f oot ro�a.d�.__�._.ra,_�r tiv.^�agh the m,�.7.n comm�r�_t �.Z_�„i �. ;�� ^t of th� '�Tortl: '�:�:i �, co►��ur�a_r i� not a meanin�i'ui �;;,.;;;�on becaiase trie side?���..1�..0 r�r,ui� .��e'educn;�. to I� than their t:re��n� lc'> �oot T�r;.d�1�. . . . . . ----- This Z,r�uld re�:��z�c� ';'�rou;Mh `�.,if�c in �ne i�wc9 �v:r4���r, bus�.�eLs area. u Vol. 3, page 24, pp. 2. 1.8.a�'�.::. . ( re �,�idenin� oi' ;��"1�3.te �c���.l ?�:;T��iue) The lati.er option ti-,roul.d require reduc�_n; the front z,ra.r�. ��,�.c� cn bo�h sides and f'orcintv the t�,fic �:c�r��nely ci ��� to �;eo_�l� i s hou es. The ph�Tsi�al, �,�1, �.nd f' n�r_ .j � � -� � to - ro���ert�r ' ���: owne-rs would i�e �;•re�ter if this option itirere chosen. " con�inuing an pa,ge 2j, sub x�p. c " . . . . . (re improving Johnsan Pa.rkw�.y) It would have the� dis�.dv�nt�,ges of keepir.� h �.v �r=�.�c in front of the many }�nm:�s adfoinin� Jo?�:?��n D�r:r=*�y . . . . �� ..—_.�._._ �....��. coni,inuin� in �ub gp, d " . . . . .�Thes� and other al�ernatives must be ttirei;�r�ed bJr all part�es cor.cerned in the nope o�' �.r��� the decision �o be oi' most net ber.e�i t to the co�mu��.it�,r �.s a .,�hole. '� ..�o. , pagE � a excerpts fro� stree� and hie?zway plan Vol. 3� Pa�e 27: p�. 2.1. 1� " . . . . . th� poten�3.a1 im~�=� of' t�ie Pleasant AVC�IIUB-Stzort Line rctzting on I,.��i.n;;ton ����.,°�.t�ra,y, Snr?1inT, and ?�on�real Av��, ��es r�ast be con�ider�d.� hUr�'�LV��t Oi�LY i"HE I-�:Ph�i ON SOU`�'ti SN;:�LING IS COT�SIDEP�ED. '�The .rout;e com�rised of the Short Line and N�rt:n Snellir.� AvEnue ls the most import�.nt nc�r�h-south route serving the i�Iidway a.rea. This corrido-r i� ch2sacter�.zc;d by a 1�.rge deinand for ti:�affic �ovement, of w:liCh there are very few route� with the good con�inuity. A� present, the main route ( TrunK Highway 51) fol7.ows Snel��.ng Avenue to Montreal Avenu� and via the l�,tter t� Z�Te�t Seventh Str�eet. This is an awkti�raxd route and c^ es mueh no�e and con�stion f�r the ad,j�cent ��re�.s. The Short Line route is a r�uch more eff�cient an�t diree� route ai�a does �t a.� sPVerely im�a��ct � sensi�3.ve lan� t���� sir.ce it is depresse3 and n�.� a tiY*l;ie ri�h�- oi-zUay. `i'rlis .r��u�e is also better s���x�_u�c �'r�ami the resinen`i�l areas since it follo�rs an existing natural break bettaezn comr�unities. �' 1r,tH:tCH I� NOT T�UE. '� ihe completion of the �nort inL'e c nnec�ion shoul.d hely� to r. e�i�=��e tr�.i fic on both �outnerri �11�,.L�-�.�'1� a,I1C� LE'•X?11i;,tnn, ns�n+�•1?u �7.. T� �,S QIl iyTO?1�7''E�1 A�.!f'�.i1,_�!"� Any �„P��,y._�-=; i:� t.���,i'�'�n t or t�!es2 routes should. �;rea�yy '�en�i'it �i�P. `d��.�t`-�C.°,i1�i �Pn�.(irir�j�:i..r`1.1. i�i'C�"�n�„I.+.i�.�S. tl continuing on pa;;e ��' . . . . . an im�oved connection should be made between the Shor� Line �.nd �n°11.in� Av�enue. . . . . . the cannection sho�ald not attempt to allev�.ate all congestion since some congestion cn an ini,erim ba.sis i3 needed to �rotect the route from becorning �n int�r�tate substltute . . . . . . It i� assumed that �he o�i,i�� �:•�� � 1 'r,^ »���,_�j. fc.r a Tor. e �.i�^�ct connection of tnA Shor� Lln� ;?nd �ne�lin�; z�rith la���°er c��acity ari;� pes°:nl �ins smoot���r t;rai'fic i���:,r. . . . . .�arithou� i;r.es� ::�1z�� routes , ( see �la.n) �,n ekcessive trafi'ic burden coul�. develop on the Shor� Line Route if the Short Line-Snelling connection was made mar� invitino. " Vol. 3, page 34, pp. 2. I. 11.2 " . . . . . (re Chestnut Strett Interchange) It is suogested that the detail design af this interchan�e be reviet�E�q. for carr,����a.��_'�7����v z-.i'tn tne are�in Vthich it is loc�.ted. This include�i�;s F�''r'�° '� on tne Trvine Yark area and its effec� on the river front:l.�;e. . . . . " Vo1. 3, pa.ge 31, pp. 21. 1.12 '� . . . . . (re r�iars:nall-�elby sti,rithcave�s) This �ro,�ect r�rill fua_f' � the c��>>�m,:�n�t;:� ob.ie���,e of havi�g I�i�ri ��ei�l and Day'ton Avenu� t�rner�e they are on�:-t,�a;� stre��s) revert to locr� . �°��:; c�en�:�al streets. Thls ��rill im��r�ve n��.�rnbarhoo��. enviran����n�a,l �uality. " " ` o . �, �a�;� �2, ��. .7.. 13 '� . . . . . (re i�Iarion Avenue corridor) Unnece�sary t:irou�h tri�s �.n tne dorrntot�m area tiJOUld be reduc�d which would in �urn �.ead to �, r��.u���i_or► in con�;estion and air pollution in the �,.:i.t�3n. " �^ • � —" VZST:-�';'pa;e 3�, ppo 2:.�.1�• '� . . . . .This overloa.din� has severely hurt the re�l.3entw�. �'r�•�_,;,^-�,;,� �,long 2�Tar�rlan� Avenue. " VoI. 3, ra,�—e 37, p;o. �. 1. 1�.0 '� . . . . .I�s bi�;n,�e'�' :�c;riei'it should be rel:t� t� ��iar. ;rl��.n�. !!.ven5.�y car��estion. But several other Y'OUtiE.'.9 SL3C}1 c`'!.9 i.�:.:�� ��E��TF;:1 u(1 :�vT=(',i?t'i� '�ll.!"i11�3?�.'l�'Ic !�?Tr'I1:n�� 2.11C�. T"�n3.�� Bear Avenua �,1sa s;,a.r�:� �o t�ene?'�lt materiallT.,. On� side � n�"Z fror� tnis proposal t�rould be t�e re ' e�t�,�� C��se �tr�pt. T�' t�is route were to be built , Ca.�;� S',rr=�- � .;o�.�l;. cw���ry f�._� le,^,� t.r. a1':'i c � �}-?^.?1 �� ,-�r+n��':1t ���.:�.L .K.�- �a ti ,-, , r " �„ ,_ , , . :. , . 1 +�• . �%N 4 V.—V �iVl.t�.t�.l.l" 1 _U U1'�J�1 , .,. ...;_ z .,. �' � � va . a:ra.s.�„r„�,q P 'F'(1'�'' O �Yl r.n �:'°f.�.u� C�-y� -.t rt7. a-. . ..,i.. , -...�,, . �T- fn n . � 1� � . � t_ �, .. .... G.; u �� C�3�.��...iu n� �.r,;.� 11� i •ri��Je �-.,.�.. �, ..�.�.. � _, _. _- . ..,.._. .,,. .. .s,..,,. �.....� ..... � j .,... Vol. 3, pa�e 3,5, pp. Z.l.ls ° . . . . . Any chan�e in the ali�Tnment of the Yi�h Bri��e could ne��ati.v�ly j Mi�^r�,�re=���;r.fi�^.�. �r�^� both in the ''Je�.� c��rnr►th ;��r:� `'le�� �:i.�,, co�_�:?�,,n't.��s. . . . . . All current n�iF}�nr�or�ir��d r�vitai:a.z��t.�o� �fior. t� 1'nr tn� area east of SMith an:�. soczth of ?�des� Seven�h h�.ve been aimed at r. e:;to_rinr_; the r�si��,�ntir�l. v� � �`j 1 a t-� �� the area. Any new br:�dbe touch—dotrm ;�v.�ni, in thl.s �rea ti�rculd affect either the Irvin� P�,r�k redeve7.npment, Li��?e �is��r^ o�' trt� P�or developr�en4, _._...._.,_. o�� px�opo��ct L�ec;,�:--:-'U�oa7. Lr��., �.;i�'� ���. i -r..t F,n � .^,r�a, {I .T.A. ) a i � � 1'::? '� , r Vol.. 3, �a�e j8, p. �..le 3u '� . . . ..���c T'o�an�as bo�alev�rd — Univ�rsity Avenue connector� Another ma,jor benef�t to t:zis ne�.�h'�or��od i� that when this n�ti,r r�ute i� buili,,G''�.l.lins �t.ree�. cou;.d be clo�ed o�'P as a trir:�u�=;h st���et thus °n�:oiin� tn� _elimir_�.ti�n of all '�'" Y�°n_ c�u t� �J���,'f�,c r':f OP:'i p�r.etratir.g the area. V�l. 3, pa�e �b, pp. 2.2 . a and .b " . . . . . UiZe o:f the impor���.nt ori�ina.l reasons for the consi,ruction �f the Short Line Rout� ��as to provide �, petter route for trucks south from tlia l�idway area whl.le at the same time providing far r�r�l of the noi5e and nu_,i:�_�nce of t:lrcu�h truck traffic on �:.Q�xth Sn�l'!in� A�Te�:ue ��� which nenE�tr�.tes t'rie community, . . . . . This woul�t puL t'r�e dou�le botto:n i,rucKS cn an e�.pr��ss5-�y rou�e ��nicn ti��i11 re-n - � tnem f,�TM�, the ���P�t Se��,�:� c:�r�m�.:L�it�� int�rior. " THE COi�?CLiJ�,ICii ','� :'�:;T �::��CH I5 THAT �UF� CGA�•:U�JIiY DCL� _��Oi RECEIVE TriE CC;�ISTDE�fATIOi'1� TH�T ��.E GIVE�1 OTHER COi�rI�NI�IITIES. IT SEEI��i,,�� THAT OU�.� idEI,sHBnr�H00D IS i 0 BE 51'�CRIFIC�D II�' THF INTERE�T OF 5�:��VIr?G THE �EST OF THE CIiY Ai�D_:�rHE ��n�E CDI�u-I�r�C�A� INT�'.�ST'S "iJSI�1G TFiE 2,iID''1AY AREA. �liR 5��k�LL BiJSINESSES A.�E '1'0 BE SI1�1S_^u�LARILY S�CiiIFICED. ALSO FO:� 50P���, R�ASOI�1 IT IS DE�I�IED PIECESSARY TH�,� SivT�LLIPuG HAV^ ?�TIDER Ti�nr FIC LAi1ES i H�N �i F?L'R h�JOR STRLLT�. ��� E APP�'��NTLY D� �?OT i'E;�� SID�:�''1ALKS AS y�aID�L A5 THr� REST OF T'r�, CITY. '�IHEr�E�S THE OVE�?,I.,L PLAN IS ATTE:�iPTII1G TO REDUCE TRAFFIC FLO�^J TI-�ROUGH OTH�R COT�11�:UidTTIES A1`3D TO tlEDUCE POLLUTT�Td IN T�-�iti1, THIS 541�1E PLA N IS ATTE��iPTING TO I1TC�EASE B01H THE T�'�k'FIC FLO?'7 ATdD THE POLLUTIOi1 IN OUR COr�'!UAIITY. IV. �nvironmen�al concerns Vo1. 1, page l, p�. l.l " . . . . .In a x�ecent meno from the Metr��aolltan Council they have listed four ba�ic ob,jectitres fo� t'rle transp�rtation �ystem. . . . . .d. C,,r,;,.�;.,t;,=� „a�.,.r�i ����,,,.,n�:, . Thes� ob�ective� �re in a�reem�ent trrii,h tli� t�rou�ii�are conce1�ts in thia re�or. �. '� Vol. 2, page 7.�, pp. 1.3.� " . . . . . In DeV�lOp3.rifr i:ia�or Rout�s, ;r. n. r�-;i,� �1`��l'�� ":',�� �o Bor�e-rin�; Larrl �:ses �':�.;�.�'�iX�����X��:���� ��i.?{�t.�',ir��iili�;i�i�.�is:i rA.a,i���'il"��i�s�'St�:'i�e{�(i i���"i�t`ri���i��i�����ii�jPX�n��i� �f�X�Y$�����<��X���::�i��€��:i�i�;�:�i����;`�� R3�ht—flS'—ST�.jT acqu�sition f'or ma,�or rpu�z� ls �o be g•enerous er�ou��•n to �,; ,,-�,;;^� �� �+.�`,�� �`�n��� ���r. �lnental effectr to adf's.cent land cievelopmEnt, eith�r �::::ii_�� or f utu�_z. Vol. 2, pa�e 18, pp. 1.3.10 '�nll as,�ect� of �n�r�_r�nr�nnt^�- ru��,7_,�y ahauld be mai.nt�= ����? in cj_:��irr�b�_� cor.���` ^n or i.m;�rnv�l �� .____�--- r.. deairable aond:Ltion V:i�e,�=� �;:� � -- c�i��r �,��:�Y- r�a��� ;,horU. i'i�is include� Qir c���.�.l�Y, noire �.b�_;;e�.,�n�, . . . . . :�u��'c rrc�:1SJ02'G3,�I.021 �,_ _ n' yi v�,� ' ' • " • pro�rarns to i•�:zcF� , �.._ _.,��_: !_�zUlan. i'ills shouid lnclude, among o�her mea�ures, tri� c••,��•�„�;, of i aderal �.nd atr�te regul��tlons t�rhich requir. e rpnuct�t_on o: rollutiri� e;j c^ion� z ro� �,u�-n���'ni � e^etd �. , „ . „:, r . ,. - _. . ._. C li i��l it Li:i i1� G i3 t)�3.�E; c v . . . . . i✓IAyIJi�C�S'U l c;�.1 t::['ci..l., S i,L-�.�(::� d ll c:l C;1 �„� a�v���'� �i 1 i; !_;_i i lJl' V tA1.LCLt:�.7 o1.C1 �:llCl.`.i �_'lAl.l,.L�Jll C;V:I��• ,' 'Y�l. m;,#, p�;,c; .���, pf�. 2.'�. 2 " . . . . . design fea.tures slioul�, be done �Jith con�idera,tic7n giv�n Lo minimizin� det-rimental noise eff�cts on ad,jaceni, l�.nd use �.re1s . " j...V.. � _...�_'"'S "..." ' "" _'. ._ -__ '. _ ' '"_'_"' ____L.,.. � . . . . Vol. 2, page 3�, pp. 2.�.� "In .rvu�e loca,tion select9.on, the envirc:nmental effects on nearby l�,nd �,x�eRS shauld be an impartant considerr�Lion. " Vol. 3,Planbrief, pp. � and pa�e 2, p�o. � �� . . . . . T;.�ie min,_T_im1:;�1�; of the street anc3. hi�ht�ray systems ef � rct on S�. Paul s e_y .ror�i:.�en�, incluciin� park and protection upen s�ace a.rea.s , as ��°11 d� �' � ualitye� Vol. a, paoe �, pp. 1.1.� and 1.1.� ( criteria to be u�ed) �� . . . . ��i �e ,�'b� +��n vl�• • ♦ e • • ��. ��-1''(�i�m n ti i t,�7� l T"'7'1 C+'lr• 11 Tflr: Si�1ELLIP�IG �Lt�i1 �'�ILL OBVit�U::;.LY G:�:�A'1LY I,dCREA°�E BOTH AIR AND tiOISE POLLUTION I�1 THE COi�L'�"UAIITY A1�D �'ARTICULA:�ILY ALONG i I-� AVi.�;UF U�'Oid �''Hi.CH I S LOCATED AN ELEi•:ErvTA.RY SCHOOL, A PLAYGROUI:D, A LIBR�RY, ANll Aj'ARTi�FE��1TS L�GLY OCCUPIED BY SENIOR CTTIZG'NS; I�1 AD?�ITION TO TI,E S:iALL BUSINE.F�SES '.�'HTCH INCLUDE DINING ESTABLISHIJiEA1TS. V. Relatino to the dele�erious effect upcn �m�.11 businesse� and the aesthe'Gi cs of the Avenue Vol. 1, pa�e 32 and �43, fi.g. 1� shoti�rs the mGn-�na.d.e c�n�tr�.i.nts to route loca.tion inc�� our communit;� ou.n �r:Le� and :;��r. 3.r_ d�vel.oj�m�nt along the ��•„r.ue. Vol. 1, page 4,�, fig. 22 showe the r'i�?;h�-Of-?�:�.y �cquisition Vol�hAm 2, page 8, pp. 1.3.3 ��Street a.r�d H�gh�ray Pi«.nnin . i� to be influenced by �. E�'^,�f��.�c,�t �n ^�3 �'�C°'�t 1�r . u��� � . . . . . .�,._.,�: .. �._..��• Vol. 2, na�e lj, pp. 1.�.� . . . . .I�aint�ri^nce Und ��mprovenent of Neighborn.�or'�. In�r;�rity Arterials should �, cu� 2.er. as� the existing gr�in of locryl �tr. e�ts �r�d 1��?�� _� .v^l��,meri� �,�herever it r,�,n be re��ror��b�� ":rc., �:;���. In D�velopir?� i�:��j or 4�.UUt,P.,�� Niinirnize Detr_i.rnen� to bo?°cx°ring L��n�. L'�e� Right-of-way acquisition for ma,;or route� i� tt� be ��rerous enc�u�h ta T � 7,e � �Y'� m° `'r�l enviz'rJI1i�.E'11���.� �„ �'�'C�r. �O a�,�?-CF?t';� l_�3.IiCl �Ic�,,��,p�i° � ''`'� 8��::E;r' @�;:1�'•�i.?'?c' OT' I'U�1�T'C ��e� F1�ure �� . i��t�,�UT' ��T'��t� and �igiiti�rays Sho�u'Td�erip� a:9 L�;nd-Use D�s�rict Bounda-ries �^Ther� Appropri�!te '�Then rr.ajor �tr�ets and hi�•ht�r�.�rg �aenetr�.te int�gr•�.]. a.�,?1:!'-'�eo ?j �t7':.' C�S L�'_8V O�t',�Yl ter.d �,O CU:.::T'tzi;t� �•�i:: .���,i._l-L?^E,-' i:.zncta.ons tvn:;.cr� �� , irl turn, interfere with- streets a.r,� hi�;ht�ay functions. . . . . . " Vol. 2, puge 32, pp. 2.j. 3 " . . e . .A n effor� should be made ta ma._imi�e cor,Apa.��bility, both �•rith re��.rd to the eff2ct of tr.,�'�;,,ic or. �ct.�� y��r?�;�, and the ei'fect of 1�Zna-�z�ccess requirer�ents cn t'r�e stz�eet or n�ght�ay. " Vol. 2: page 4-5, f'i�. 1� a7.so Vol.. 3, �aabe 6, f ig. 1 a.lso Vol. 3, page 6�, Y. . . . . . 5i�lk ( should be) sep�t� from £=�Y' F'�N Vol. 2, pa�e �2 aiso Vo1. 3, page 72 ( �treFtscape design eler:ents recormen.d�;ions) '� . . . . . S�me a.dditional s� ��.rt:�.on b�t �� � n p�:de^tx��ns and v�hic?.e^ coul�. be done . . . . . ��.�iminat�.on of some paz���i��iere suff—�.c:i.ent p:�rl{ing is �,vail�.ble , ��.r�c�. �_ x: n�n ic�,� ol �,�_:?�T����_;,;� t�:r' ,ry ,'� t,rould crea�e more �.�^,nt p�destr� an ,Z,Q�� . . . . . zYl `d1''8c S 0�' Ylf'c`�.V,y tr•ai fic .�E'f3c3.?�c`�.�E? �'1.�:.?ti°,'<?.1.}C �'I^CC:1 —•-----�, gt�t usin� trees, ��osts, ball�.rcis , 7.:�.r�asc�.plr�g, etc. '� (rez'erp to Val. 2, fi�.r 19 and Vol. 3 1�.�L'.�tration) Vol. Z, page 5�, fig. 23 a.lso Vo1. 3, pa�e 76 `� . . . . o c'c��m�:rr,3_a� are�.s �rould be y;11��� by cr�;a.tion af ne�e�tri��.n " ,r.�l�lc��" aler.� s�i°a'e�T�lk; reniov�1 of some parkir�;, ti:*i ��n�.r.�� cz ° :�.��t � �:,��r, in�ta�.laLion of' pl�nter� or po�s er ti��e.� izz gr�.�e`, s�rnet �UI'(1�t11]"E3J T7].�1C?nc, t-ra c�i..r . �;Pi')c??�'c�t�Clj1 nt ��r7P���^'i '?t� �+'1r� Z�F?hir+ln' ,r,,,,,�,,.�.,.�,.�,.,.,...a..= �.::�.. , . . .• . .._. _ �---�-__ �..:"�'� ��.���n con`�rol;:�. Vol. 3, �'�anbrief, pp. � ��so pa�;�e 2, �i�. � " . . . . . Tt�e ,�,Nnt;�-c'�:�c>n of �t. P�.u1 ' s c�^,�,.=r��� ?�:;-�s �'.�un h��vir��r to ��n�_7 � su;,:, a :i.��r�°e .rr L�,LJ.� Of t�lY'nL�cri"' ��7 �1�".l_C ��1�'L� 1.� ZtT�.1.�. C�^�Y'�.:'!"i;'.ri;flJ �.jr :.1'�C'C�'; I;'t�iGl_T' ,,.....::._�.:w - =----^--w page '� - excerpt� �'ror� streei, and hi�t�.Fray plan abili�y to fu_ n��t�.�n ,�ro�y a.ncl econc�m'�c,�.�ly" ( a criteria of the plan) THE Sn1ELLI=�?G AVr:�tUE ?LAi1 DOESN �T A..�'PE.�t� '�'0 FOLLO�'I Tf� 0�'ER- ALL PLAivT AS it.c.GARDS i-iAI�1-::AD� CONST��IiJ^S ,'�.�1T� ?�0^1�CTION ��' CO!�`I�E�CIAL A_�,AS. GOI�LS OF iFi� ST�:EETSC9PE Di�S?'GPd CA:�1^?OT BE ACHEIVED AT1D CAi�T O.T,�LY �3E Tiit�TAt�TED B�� THE �NELLIi1G PLAN . VI. Creatin� a basrier to emergenc�r vehicles and residen�s Val. 2, pa,e 20, pp. 1.3.12 '� . . . . .Adequa,te AccESS anci xigh�-oi'- wa.y to be Provided fai° Er�ergency �rphicles 1�roviSions should be m�.de f`or nF�cc��,:��^y and �,equate s�reet �cce�s and r��nt-o1_ �7`� f'Or' ,;1,�;�r�C"; �r°h; „1 ;-,�� �� ""'�°".�° Vo1. 2, page `l9, z`ootnoce 3 '�On tne5e Tr. a.de ve��.r�tions, stairs are to be ati*oide�; direct r � __ � �-�,�-� -���?� a;;r,. o��hr �, �, u �z.�.,x. T:ne;� � .� _ �houl3 bP carcfullf int���.r�:,��,:z wit� u::e �y„<�,;y�lr ;,,�c,�,��- :>i_ea anci fla�tit nrnootr�� fra-� ��c sui�rcund�n� 1?.Il(XSC�,p@ or s��uc�ur�s. 7n t i� in���rim period �rad� cro�sinP s can be used bec,�.u�e pro»erly ccntx�alie��. r.ra;�s;.nms at major strP�t in�ersection� are �re�<�°raal�; �o u�zc�ar.;,ro11�;a crossings a� rela�ivelJr 1igh�- trafiic street�: Vol. 2, pa�e �3, ��. 2• 3.� "• . . . . tne c "�oo?� �.nd pla;��ro7ands mwy, in r�w:Zy cas�s, be laca��d n��r. :~:,,;r�i_; ;,tree±� t-,f�ll.c�i ar A�.1.QL�IE,'C�. t0 UE.?1'1°��C'�t° �!'lE,' CO'?'�iLZ:7� i`,,'T. ��i."12;L" 1 c3.C.1111,�.�'�3 �:'1E3I2 ;u'OU.�.C� a.ve ,��s to �xie�ir se-r�icL �3.reas via. ��edestri^.n t r. �.3� se�eer�.t�.on;7 _ _ � a� tno�e streets. " TI-� PL�id DOES ^10 1^ PROVIi�:� EASY ACC`,ESa FOR E:'�?'�RGENCY VEHICLE� OR SAFE PEDES'I'RIAP1 PASSAGE ACROSS S�iELLIiJG. VII. Widening should have no effect in reducino aecident ra�e on 5ne�.ling Vol. i, pa�;e 17 and pa�e 42, fig. 8 only significan accident prone int�rsect�onU have c�n�rats and tti;*o ou4 of three Y� ve ].�f t t us'n �i..��. �. "��i�;i i'tATt�;S DO ?`10 T II3llICATE THAT TH�' PRES�i�1T FLAT? OFFEr�S A?�TY HOPE FOR I���iFROVE�+iENT. VIZI. Automobile u�e is to be discauraged �,nd c�,�aci�ies should not be desioned to meet e��pected use Vol. 1, page 3, pp. 1. 3. 3 " . . . . .The intent of the plan for the throu�hfa're n�ttvork is tri�,t its +n���'"� ^ ^r;�' -' '�� �enera.11; � �,r_ �- � -��'-c�-; �;F>.�,.,;;�� �.i � .�� r.ptio� � �t the ,Q��' Lhan ��r_y,,;�.�,�r„�u ��, u� n�� t'r��, �.��a�: � �n�, difference is t� t�e r:�rve�i in �he fv�� by o�h�r r:o���. '� Vol. 2, pa�� 1, pp. 1.� "Opt'_cn� in �ersoi�--trip ;:�aae chcic� will be enhanc°�. by enc�unas,•in��� i*���rov� � �'�^ in izY��li� ar�d 1��z,ra-�ra.n��_t ti•Thile s�l :,e:��_r�;; t�� p��.s� ������,�,-���::is on pro�rision ---- � n•---�°-4 _ _.�.—_� f OI' 'u'^�jT^ 7,�; �3 i.t;;n;;>. Vol. �, ��<�.`;�; �;, p�. 1.1. 1� !`T�1� tran��art2tion c'r�a�ter of t'�e Metropolit�;.:7 Dev�lo��ment Uu:�dc� l��.s several Uolici.es ��nd ass:am���ions which innic^''GG ��Ic1t'i i ii,v?l��n c•,��-��'S��' c T1C� t71.'"Pr;'c�r n�-n�nr!� ��,;�zCi +�_yr � .� ` �_., .�� ; �.e..�..v.� _,.�..s.�-� for pri�Ta.�e ��:` � <<ril� c�, .��x to_f��.� f�o, �1i :i� :;a. . � , �.. ;' C�UI'1.21�' U(:<LY: tiOt;i1'u. i�118 �.��'"t ' �-��1C'• j.'a. J S. i) ' 'nC���,��� lil �.Cik: aevelop:�en� of thE S�. Pa�l S�rc;ev �:ncj Hi���.i�ray r'1an. T:.�e system ca���city o� the �'����a . ��.nd hl�°i7ti,�a�r netVTOrk �ril`l incr. ea.se m�.r�zr.�a.l1�� or not at �11 , . . .�' page 9 - excerpta fr�m 3treet �.nd hi�hw�,y plan Vol. 2, page 6, �p. 1.3. 2 "��Sinimize Peak Hour Vehicle Volur�le Reduction cf �he need far inves�men� in transporta.tion i.nfra- etructure car. be aided by continuc�an i.r.vESti�;ation a.nd ir�nlement-- ation of programs tG rF� .dizce ����� re�ate ea ve_,.r.iele f�ows, including iricentive� f�r oz�f'-setting work YZaurs, use of car Pools, �.nd r3.ding tr�n�it. " Vol. 2, page 21, pp. 1.3. 14 '� . . . . .N�w S�reet or FiighY•ray Conatruction ].1 net be Aa_m�u at Ke�:�in��• P�.ce with Pre�ent Tr�.ffic G.roT�rth Tren � This ti•r�ll c�,use�street �.nd hi�ht,ra.y sS�stem ta b�con�e incre�sir.�?;� inadequa�E for the pre�ent level of private auto or. ientation. Thus, seme form of publi.c tra.nsit; is to serve a continuall�= inc.reasing srlare of the tr�.vel dem�,nd in St. Pa.ul. This policy is in conformance t�rith the P�_`�tropoi.i."tan Council policy of limltir:� ne�1 nA�ar street or highv�T�.y constrLZCtion within tne I-49��-I-o94 be1t�J�y. " Vol. 2, page 23, p;�. 2.1, 1 "Tra�'fic c�.rrying capacity and effective tr�,vel speed �.re tY�e prim�,ry me�.sure s of the service provided by a.n urqan street or hig'ri�say. Trafi'ic c�.pa,city has been tra.diti�nally the rrime cr3.terion for design. However, �peed of travel is cl.osely related to c�p�city. As tr�f�°ic volume on a route a,�„�,roac,les ca.��.c�ty, the sneed c�.ro��. triis inter— rel�,tionship i� described by tY�e term '��Lev�el of �ervice"� whereby a. cer�L��n "c�.�acity" i:-� specified to pra�,ride for a selected mean�ngful operation speed. (As a �er.eral guiceline for th3.s pla,n, a level of service T.*hich allows limited traffic flowstopp�,ges durir.g peak use is assumed to be allotired) . �� Val. 3, page 1 '�o . . . .The overall str�tEgy o�' thiE p�an is to continue to provide an adequate level of transporta.tion Gervice witn:�r1 St. P�ul, while m�� n�m�„�:�� tne ar�_uni, of nekT rc�a.�t•�a-v constructic��n. The plan will ai,temp't to solve existin�; traffic movemeni� p�rer�lemg to the greatest de�ree po�sible . Horrever, in certain situation�, t'r,.e 1 �v� el of service �ti�i 11 be a1.�o�aecz �o �.etEr�t?r;?te if �olution3 are r.t�L a��:�,-�.c_r�.�y, soc3a.11y, �rono_ m_i_c_,a71y, or pollt.ic211y accept;�.b�_e . In a.ci�aiticn, it is a��cipated that !noa �j suc;r �.� par�,�r�.nsit �.nd transit will p3.ck up a gre�.ter sna.r� of tt1F tot�.l trips. " THE SNELI,IT�1G AVEI�'UE PLAN DGES iJOT t��FT THESE CP,ITERIA. IX. Widening Si�elling i� contrary to tY�e priarit�.es of tr:e p��.n Vol. l, p�.ge 1G, PP. 2.3. 1 �.r.d 2.3. 2, page 20 f ig. 9, P�g� 22, fig. 10, page �2, fi�. 9 arad page 43, fi�. 10 " . . . . .Tne 2Xi8ting right-af-way width i� a cri�ic�l control in determini,�g how much service a strEet can perf'orm. Ti e right-of-way map a.lso is used to indicate which rights-of-t�ra�- are aded,uate ar�d t��hich SVil.l need expanding to carry out �r�e recommenctation� of �h� �lane . . . . e It pr�vide� a gener. al idea of '�he amount of im�rove.^�ent nece�^ary Rnd su;gest s the approximate �?"� �',�,� for. ���n���r..��;�������_,=:�:.���- " z�„�., . The maps shotir Snell.in� to be in the sccc�t�� r»�t;�i��e;;t ���i.d�h cl_a�s3.f'J_c�.tion and tio have x��rm��?erL�_z�����T�.,��;. " li�� i�ri�ie richts- ol-w�,y desir�zble fax� artErla.1 stree�s are , in many C2J4U� 3iecontinuous and �ir�ken. In general, the su �>ly of Tr ��e ri �T�,,,_ h,�,�;;�_�f-�-T.av ; ��y;�,�;�,, and they ar� often in unsuit�.ble locati'ons. An im��ort�nt def�LC�.^�;,i�;; �n �rae St. Paul �treet system i� the lar�e milea.ge of c>;_!.�,-; -�; Y,t �ur�tq . �� V O a.a �f ����e � , �r� l . l . l ,., I n-t w'F�c�t •'�1�1 C�. ti'q r..Y�t.t r.�r C�i..^,:'t����.�v�.�+ r..�..4� y, � rr a ..,. . „ c ..��� . ,�.� ., .1 .. � �.�,� �.�..�1. 4JC� ff1'�"1 i ni i .,n�t T l-�,n :) l�1..Z i l;v� n f 4"r., ��.t r-V j r c_,. - .-� p f-+_...� +- . . . . . .� ... .. _ �... .... . v� l` v -al♦ �aI wil]. be m�.�;.i�r,,izcd. " �---.��.�, r-"o- -.,_- --' r -- -- --° -� -- _-" _ .� � _ —c�--'-'o �----- � Vol. 2, page 9, pp. 1.3.4 " . . . . .A11 St.r.•eets Siiauld H�ve Per�mancnt avem�ent Vo1. 2, page 15, pp.la3.8 " . . . . .ti��ithLn deveioped nei�-i�borhoods, the u :,.���r� r. pcl.�tssiflc�.t S or! of lacal �.nd collect�i� streetn to � �, - ��- ,� ,. , i -, ; �.„ r ;; � �.rteri�_ .�?��: .,L..� sil;;�.�ic aa. ..cu����^���. H��,ever, tY;.i dce� not refer �;o �ne t•r�denir..� of' i��c�ec�z<^ c�= ;�avcments tha.t are alrea.dy functioning a.s �uch. ' Vol. 2, paoe 21, ppe le 3. 14� "The - �'' f Street �nd High�r�,y Syatem Uevelopment ��d ae .f�.n�� �^dhi.le providing Adequately far Circulation Needa 1����x�m �c t'r�e li�i ' z�tion of ��istin;� Tran�portation Inve��rn�r�t; Plan ar_d clesign� tr�ns��ian system to m i.r:ize��;s,.e of e��.��3 n,rn_ s r--�1�;�e �'^�c3_� �� �s , ���«rv r��=z,• ,��?4�; �xx�F>n�.itt??:�eU� ar.d in order to avoid �.r�� T�nr�PC,: � ti�,�r��ni, ,n� `o �h� �zrb��r• n�tr�,rr�. '' Val,. 'L, pa�e j4, pp. �.�. 1 "io t'r.e extent po�sible, eYic�tin�. str�?�t and hi�h;���.v f�.c��_7_r��s shouid be ut�_1�.�e� �o mi. 3 ::� �he need fcr ex?�ensiv� T1��tr conr}.r. uct3.�n. E1emEn�s tr�� sMould be r��rni?� in t;��e r,om.��ieted �treet an�. hz�;ht,ray nettaork include; a. �.^..�^f�ti�; b. U^� o" �a,nd ��.rea; c. Compl.e�ity. " Vol. 2, pa.ge 67, pp. �. '' . . . . `.', � � 1 In ���is jlar_ mo�'C streets �.nd . routes will functicn in tne future e��entially as they do toda.y. Mor�over, �.T7 Iil05t C�i,S@S r^i}�:'r� r`"!�"'P � .-^- t? �;z�S�.0 Ca�p4E? i n t L�Tl^��^� �.t t�r�1.1 take the form of a drt:n�r�.d'�n� to ?'����cti.cn ��. -�}^:��� 1aca1 t;�-pe street. There ar� ve;ry i'eTr� in^tance� G�ri�re Yand uses, especidlly residenl:i�l, T,��iZl �.ctually experienc� �. functlar��,l, upgrading of' the street on which the�r fror.t. " Vol. 3, page �, ppo l. l .� "M�;:imi.ze ut�liz�,t3on af exis�ir�� in-rlace inve^tment in �h.e t~g'r.fa.re system. " m� Vo . �, page 1�-�, p�a. 2.1 . 1 " . . . . .F3.rsL' , tli�s area of the city lacks convenien�l� spaced ncrth-south routes. The lack of such routes puts an exe�c^�.ve b�:.rd�� or� Sn:r?;�,j,��• �-�_,_,. r��-.`�e, ��r�,�cn is presentl;� overcrc�rciex. . . . . . , Stcer7dt tne north-south routes tha.t do exist, t�rith t�ie e�>cep�ian af Sr.elling Avenue, do not hAVe any rea.�onable cortinuity. " Vo1.. 3, p�.;e �2, ppe 2:1.20 " . . . . .i�iost t synically t�is sa.i ety con�ideratian �rroulc3_ occur t��here a.r� e�;is�in� road���a� �0 �'net t,�ide c�,rryin� four 1ane� of tra.Pf;c ( 10 foot �r�,n�� should be � i d�_�ne:� to 1i4� �r �-8 `'r��, to �rovic� s�.�er 1.1 or �?2 foA� lanes. . . . . .9 m:i��i:n!:-=_1 ox' ` f:�:�i� for Lhe ?,,; ' -� of uny netf pavin� is normally rec�ul.�in order z'or th munic�.�paii�y to receive funds on thes�; sysVe�,i� in tize ur�an r�.-rEa. " SI�1r�LLI^�s I�� :1vID�;� THr1i�I :iGST r1RTi��IALS Iiv TF�E CI1'Y, I� F'�Ri�':ATv�TLY PAVEU A� i�IAT�1Y S'1'?�,E'�"� A?�F, i�tOT, A1�ID H.4S 4lID�i.� L�'ii�i.� THAId P��.�.`1Y aTRr,ETS. Si�•3ELLIIvG S�?OULll ��:'.C::IV�, r1 VF.RY LOr�1 P.RTORITY ^sa COi�r3AF'ii�D r1ITH 1�:QS'1 OF i HE �r.�T vF TfiL: CI i ir �CCORDITdG TQ '�HE TOTAL PLAItit . S;�iELT�ING '.-�'ILL isE �IGI�JIFiCAP�iL:�' UP�s�-�ADED I:V CLASSI��ICATION I�� I'a' i:� t�TID�i`;�D �IN��i:A� THE POLICY I� T� RECALA i�IFY D0�'r':�1�'lARD. Ti� TOi�.L PLAid PROPOS;�S OTHER NOi:'iH- SOUTH ROUTE�:� TU r�ELII:.VE SNELLIT�G, Z�TH���:�?.r,AS T;iE S':�1�LLIPIG PLAid AIQD THE 3HOr�T LI?�1E PLA�1 �E DESIGNi,D TO Ii1CR�A5E TRAFFIC FLOW OPJ SNELLITIG. _ page 7.�D - excer�t� from street and hi�;hway �la.n X. Dr�ta used to �ustify c,ridenin� of Snel.l:�.n�� �•ra}a13 seem to be que3tionaUle, irreve�.ant ,:,rbd/o�• m��ir���rperei,ed Vol. 1, pa�;e 7, fi;. � shot�s �,,,`•`� �_•���=^�'�°,,� i'�a.�".`.�_'r::,_. �io:-�i���1., S�m1r. 3.t��n Hn��,; L�i g�-T,�� ; n�> t� � :,r.�.,, ; .;. .., ,;tr, , ',", � ,,,�°"�.,: �� ��,..�.s ,,,..�--�---. �.�...,.,,_.�; , , �1..�, �i� ,, i ._l, ��i1��. LYl� ;.�'�� - �t r�?-.x' �''_ �-rs1 �� d.S e1�.�i,:�71� I��3,,�U.[' �E'ripJ"_�,�0:�'r 02 r�ovement . ONLY IV1TV;dAY CET�`��:E� .GA�' nE JUSTIFIEL AS A M_AJOR TRAFFIC GENE?�kTO'r�. Vol. 1, pa,ge 1�, pn. 2.1.4 ". . . . . The taork trip� which have �.; of their er�;�,s a� these er�?7�osT�m�nU a.r�.�s usually have trieir o��r end in the r �i:�n�`-� ^ " �,:.r ,�.��.._�1 ��::�f�:::, T,;ri�ic�i art=, -reln�ivrelyr evenly disL:�,i- 'aui,ed throu�-ho�a� th� ux�anized �=� " r��°errin� to; Vol. 1, pa5e 12, f�.'.�. 5 and pahe �2, i ig. 5 nrlcc�ss deficiency to �idtiss�.y distl�ict .�rom ti:e ;�j:�� �.n� �outxin FTGU'rt'L s I:��i'i.�It�.;� �,UE3TIQi�tABL� ��0'�°�Tti :JOR'i'�:I OF THE T�ID�tiAY. THE ASSUh1?�TI:O!�1 T� AL�O I'f:AD: T�i.iT �.�:PL�`.l.i�+�S I:�1 i he i�ilD�'.'AY L�AVE IN I�LL D7�'�ECiI0T1S. SIIvCr� Ti�E L1�iGE�1' I�1Uit'IBi;R 4'TOF�i� T1��'�k� UNIVFRSITY AVEi1UE IT v'�lOULD �EEi+i A FAI�. ASSUZ��i'I0�? i��T �-�� A1�1D HIG'r+"ATAY �80 C11:��Y A LARGE NU:�B'r�T�. TO A TdD FRO:vI T� A�Et� A ND THAT Nt�RTH S:v'ELLING I� CONSIDERABLY LESS IT<'�'ORT�IdT IN THIS AREA. Vol. l, page 1�, fig. 6 �.nd p�.ge �•2, fig. 6 "Tr�._ �'f'�^ ,_y;,�„T^� related to caz�acity s�;���tn �rh�-r. e c�=r^_ci.rv �.��'i ^� nr,c�_,_s ure. " Y�r H �t, 'livG :,-� -r-,-; RATI�R iHAPJ DICT�TI:�7Cr A v�1IDEi��ii1?..r U .�.,�LL , -ll"T'���ti, o ?��'UULD INSTEAD SEEI�4 TO SUGG�S^1 ^-�TdD 'JPGR�DITJG OF HT�r�itlAY 2�30 1�`1D DEVELOP:fENi Or !�.�tOTI-iER l�?Or TH-SC�TTI-i ��OT,JTr, T:utOUG:i 1+lESTLR:J ST. PAUL. THERE �IS NO_ �TGiVSFIC�.TdT D^CiL�ASE IN VOLUi�� OIQ IdORTH SiQELLING NOr�'1'H OF TH1, ��1ZD�'i�Y Ai�ID 'Jr THE Pr�.OPO:�F:D V�IDEidING AS THEi3� IS Oi�1 SNELLING SOU'�H UF I1-9� AT 2��RSFi1�Li,. Val. 1, pa�e ��F, fig. 21 3.ndicates a tr�,ffic corridor ��ro1��em on rlort� ��1�g WOULD NO�T `i'ii�; �i?OBL�i�1 EE BETTE.�� SOLVED BY t�.;�LILVING SNE'LLING AND DEVELOPIP�IG 0^1riER NORTH-SOUTH RQ UTEw? �.�v Vol. 3, page 13, f3.g. 6 and p�zge 16, Pp. 2.1.2 " . . . . . ( Snellin�; Avenue �:*idenlrig) . . . .h�.s been �r,,^t;,,?�.red b3� th� I��iinneso�a H',�::;;s,�.y De»��r. t�?�nt foi^ a nurlbe„ o� ����rs. . . . . .r�ven ti�r�.uh �r�e i�prover:.?nnt, fu�� �� ru;�n hour ccn�M�^° ., on c�-.n be �nt�.ca.r�t��� " HAS TFiI� LOP�G-STt��JD:i::JG�PL A:1 BY THt�- rii:�:i;��:i;._DLPARTi��i�,N'1 Pi,RHA�S E?'JGENDr�ED Ai�T0�1G Tf?E PLAI`1?`1ER� THE ATTi1li�E UF ��DON�'1' COT�?FU:;E IJS �'lT`i�'H FACT���? TF FUTU;�, COTdG,��iIC'�1S IS P.idTTCI?'!�TLD E'J�,id WITH THE tid:IDEidIA1G, k�HY NOT Dt�VELOPE AL^lERi�ATE RUUTES? Vol. 3, pa�e 54, fig. 10, and pG:�e 55 , fi�. 11 shot� roui,� ���,.r��Tr?:�,r�;." to 3,,:;�ler�e:�t the pla.n �.nd s�� and. hi;~i��t,ra;� �;r'lerit��:��. --- - � Pi�IG'i;T�i.'iEa T:��OUGHOUT Th'E CO��LETF PLA1�T CANNOT JUSTSFY SNELLII�IG �dYID�i�IN� ti�1IThOL'�' ADi'�IITTII�IG TH..AT THE COi�1BINATIOPd OF TH.I, t�TIDEI�ING 1`�.�D TFi� SHQ��T LI.1E COi�1i�1ECTI0PJ ARE DLSIG�d�.D TC) UPGRADE SNELLTiJG TO NEAI.� FRE.�S�IAY STAZ'US. s page la - excer. r>ts from strFet and higho;ay pZan . XI. Othe.r part� o� �he complete pl�,n shoul7 rel�.eve traffic on Snellinb Vol. 3, pa�e 1?�, a,nd p�.�fe 15, �pe 2e1,1 (r�lease rei'er to entire section in plan including) " . . . . .TYle 1�.ck of such routes �uts $11 °XCt3S`.3�.V<' 1J?a�'C�°1'.' 0:1. Jl'lE'•.�-.L:�?1;�� �'�jr�'�"1t�,E', � ;ti'r.i ch is �7t°3P,rir i tr QVE3?'C?'O''.•"�,�'.Ci.. �� '1'i11� S�C��O?1 x'viT@��Z'.'L!:'i�T'�.i21.f I�Q_r_'ti�-r�Oi�j`�?1 �'r•�nc.�i'�-� :�n^r7 221Ci �1.L?�t—�''u�St T{'l,vQ'G^, fiV'c.'.?^iLl�'.. Vol. 3, �a�e 56, Fie. 1� �is�s ��:�i�z-i c`ies wnich could reliev y�1� �lling IF THE F�ELIEF OF �IdELLING WOULD I�ECEIVE THE pRIORITY THAT . THE t'�IDENI:vG IS �CLIVING, �dTDEivIVG ?�Y NOT BE NECE�SA.�Y. XII, The pur�>ose of the vridening of SneJ.�.in� taoul;i seem, from peru�al of the total pl�,n, to be to u�grade tne Avenue from �, s��.tus between Cla�s IV (Collector) ar}d Cl�,ss IIIB ( Level B ��inor Arter3al) tn a s��.tus bettreen Class IITA (Lev�l TIIA (LPVeI A r�inor Arter3.a1) and Clas s II {Intermediate :'�r�erial) Vol. 2, pa�e 68 and,69, iig� 3fl ; page 70 and '�1, Fi�. 31; pages 83, 8�, 85, 8b ( sane as Vol. 3, �aoes 86, 87, 88, 89) ; Vol. 3, page 8, fig. 2; p�.�e :LC�, fig. 3; an� page 12, fig. .� defines the classi�`ica�ion of streets - Snellin; cou�..:�. be r ,�e�u'red to ca.rr;r ap to ��, OO�J c-�^���r.-�^ ry^:T L��.t:ale :���.;���� '� }�� � u� to 5� m��h,- have nr� r����^��_� ��<�; in a�nL��� :��Tords , b�eorne a ��n,� �� -;�: � n '�?�.p c:� '-�;�, t::�e r_����ro��oli�,��.n re:�ior�, ancl tile n�;.. -- st�.��; i�' r.ot to �r�ecor:�e a�re�1,ra.y, a� 1ea.st t� nandl� the rai�ic lo��,a oi � f�°����`.^v. TH�.-�E i:� i�� JJ:�TIFZC�:'i'IuN �N 'i'�' PLAN FOR DIVIDING A C Oi�.2�%iUNI TY ti�'I TH SUCH A ROUIE. wn,•. - c�tvc�..k • GITY OF SAINT I�AUL `7� � Cans • Financ�e Oepi. • f �����,� � �• �• • , � UFFIaF. OF TI3L MAYOIi � , �'. 4' 1� � ' O: � M � ��� � S. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ����`�� � , . , � Date: !,'�� �/ . . � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, -..+�,. :_. :_._,.. _ :_ ;�.� � ����� , Concerntng the ir�prove�nt of S��ELLitIG AVENUE from l .S. 94,�ity ProJect P-o553, the report of the Department of Pubiic Works is approved, and the Department of Finance and Management S�rvlces is instructed to - schedu)e a publlc hearing before the City Council. > � � � � � ' . .. . .:�. , . . . . : , , . , . , ... S'r.7" '�� C i i.; � . ' , , . , • .. , i.. . : . .. , . . . . : . . . . ...,..�s�.. .. c.; i- � �; �.t. . � : . . . .. ' .. . _ . . , �� .� � �. . � �. . ' . .... i ..! a , . .. _ , (�'. .." � . . . . . ' .. . ' . , � � . . � � . . . . . , . .. '.+ f` `i( ;'' ' � . I � . .. . . .. ... . . .� , . . -L' � ,. , ,. (� �� . � .. . _ . .. .. . �. `� . � U �'i i 1 : t. ' . �:s _ .. � � , . , . , � '� 'i , � tJ . .`�1 ..,f»: , , °} � . . • , : a � - ',i�'Si::� ;��. _ � , , . r ' . . t..� .J �. , . • . . � . ' � ��.� _ , ':f r .�� . , ' • . . .. .. , , . . ._ ' ,. ., .. ' � .. L?i' �.. . . . . . . , �D . . . {� .- �i� . � . ". � . . . ....�.s.. i.4'. l�sy - ��C•'. _ . ' . ' ' . � . �. - , , . � . . ' . ... , i ... . �}. . • !. _ _ � . . � . ' . . .i � � -, , .. ' . . . ._ . ' � ' � , . . :I ! [Sf C: 1:9 .. . '... �. �. .- i � . . . . . . . . � - k _ � ,. . . ,. . • •.., : , . ,, .. , Orig. cc: Ori�. ec: ►JD REG � . .. 1 . . . . .�i _ . ' ' . � �- . .. < . t . , .. � • �`.. ? i7:, •• RLW WAH . . . . . ., . . . _ .. . . ._ . ... .... , . .. ... �F' GNS JFK l. �� .. . . . . RG� DEE _ _.. JFS CLT . _ .. _.�.:__... .. :.. ._. ' RLM �JO . TJE VHP 'i: 1 � . . . ' ,_ , • _ ' , ' . ` ' JJE \ DEN .. . , . . .. .. � . . . � ' ' P.S.D. R.H.R. APPROVED AS TO FORM . � ` ` ' � -�- ,�i _ � �� i � - � . ; • t , �`� � li `'� , . ' •.; , � _ ,r � ' - ,`' / � ' ' '�i�'7-"`�✓� �/�,'-�/ r,;� ' ' ; • Assistant City Attorney' ' . . ' . . � Department Head • � ' ,� . . � �� /' , . . . .:t' : . . �� ;> , . � Depart�n� aF Pubitc Warks " ; � . Date �%I�,,•�'�- -��,......-�''.�'' .. �'�'':� . � Administrative As:ystant'�iNayor � � :' .. . � �,� �� 2���� ��� SAtNT PAU � L DEPARTMfNT O� PUBLIC WCIRKS July 20, 1977 DANIEL J. DUNFORD DIRECTOR Mr. Bernard J. Carlson Director of Finance Room 113, City Hail ' BUILDING Attn: Paul Desch Re: City Project P-0553 SNELLING AVENUE - I .S. g4 to Hewitt Ave. Dear S i r: Attached are copies of our recommendations to the Mayor, Administrative Order D-3732, and a map of the project area. Please set up the public hearing for this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at 5311 • Yours very truly, Y',�%��d7��..E�-cj ���.�--� : Thomas E. Kuhfetd Acting Street Design Engineer TEK/ck Attachments cc: J. William Donovan „'���'�i��l;.,'•%�;�_,�� � �, •? � . i,� �.'i:�� � � � � � . . �� �Gl � \r:'{ �G" `�Ar��'�1�>'� 'f''� p ..: 1(� e��j(�'�<A r-�3 � . . . � �� � �\.M`.: �����������';"''` �� d '� - 234 City Hal.l, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �__ e UNIT ��°(t?lV�1 INITIAI DRTE � Summary of Engineering Recommendations8� � � � � �. :_ � . Report Prepared - July 5, 1977 ���U�on � - ,�� �...�. Ass� Dit. �� Public Nearing - DirectN ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABiLITY ��ery�� . PROJECT: . . _._.. improve SNELLING AVENUE from I .S\ 94 to Hewitt Ave. by widening; constructing new concrete curb and gutter, drRveways, drainage facilities, a concrete� center island, a bituminous overlay and new sidewalks where necessary; by in- � statling a new lighting system; and by improving tfie signal system. City Pro,ject P-05S3• , INITIATtNG ACTION: . This project was initiated by the Director of Publ €c Works because of the high accident rate. It was submitted to the Metropoiltan Cauncil as a safety pro- � ject under the Federal Aid Urban program, and received the highest priority of all safety pro,jects submitted for FAU funding in the metropolitan area. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Snelling Avenue has more traffic than any other city street with 35,800 vehicles per day (average daily traffic) from I .S. 94 to University, �and 31 ,700 vehicles per day from University to Hewitt. The existing right-of-way width is' 100' , but the roadway width varies from 56' to 74' . The area is presently experiencing about 200 accidents per year. The severity weighted accident rate for Sneiling from I .S. 94 to just north of University is 46.57, and from north of University to Hewitt is 23•39• This compares to a metropolitan average of 6.8. A 1976 tree count by the Community Services Department found that there are 26 large trees (mainly Elms) , which would have to be removed and 42 small trees which could be transplanted. Boulevards in the commercial areas are generatly concrete or asphalt, and in other areas they are generally grass. � Sewers in this area have nat been separated. Construction on'Snelling will be � coordinated so that Snelling will not be disrupted with future storm sewer construction. ; PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: ' ! . The existing roadway is proposed to be widened and overTayed with a new contrete center tsland constructed for teft turns and a new energy efficient high pressure. � sodium lighting system. The new island will be.similar ta the one recently con- I; structed on University, and the lighting system will be similar to the one in- ;= stalled on Lexington Pkwy. near University. All sidewalks in poor condition will r� be replaced. The area between the sidewalk and driveway lanes will be used for � bus stops, right turn lanes at major intersections, and parking, or wider boule- � vards as determinsiby the cortmunity group. � - � ; � � ;; , `� . ALTERNATES: ?����� To do nothing would continue a very serious accident situatiort which ���7533 Department of Public Works has long sought to cure. To move the traffic elsewhere, as some have suggested, would only shift the problem elsewhere. lmprovements which would then be required on other streets � : would surely face heated neighborhood opposition. This proposal is the result of many hours of ineetings with neighborhood groups, _� and is a compromise which is not entirely satisfactory to the city, the Minne- sota Department of Transportation or the District 11 Coalitton. It is however, the only proposal that all parties are willing to live with. POSITIVE BENEFITS: This project will improve safety on Snelling. it will provide a signal system at the Midway Shopping Ce�ter exit and a new lighting system. ADVERSE EFFECTS: � In some a�eas the sidewalk witl be only 8�' wide. This is seen as one of the worst features of the proposal . Also, the new center island will prevent left turns at some of the side streets and private driveways. This is a necessary trade off to improve safety. � S.PECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: ' ' Pubtic involvement has been most extensive on this project. It has involved presentations to neighborhood groups, a tape recorded hearing to take testimony (transcript available� , a return meeting to go over changes made, and warking meetings with neighborhood group representatives to hammer out differences. Signals at Midway Shopping Center exit have long been demanded by the Shopping Center people and neighborhood groups. The only way that they can be installed is to ban the left turn out of the Shopping Center. This is an tntegral part of our proposal. � � Right-of-way: This project is being done within the existing •�ight-of-way. This project is in accordance with the Pla�ning Departments "Streets and High- ways Plan". See excerpt. "2.1 .2. SNELLING AVENUE WIDENING - This project for widening to the Snelting Avenue roadway between I-94 and Hewitt Avenue has been •proposed by the . Minnesota Nighway Department for a number of years. It is to be done within the existing 100 foot right-of-way. This imp.rovement is a response to the " heavy traffic carrying demend for Snelling Avenue. Without this improvement, tha existing congestion on this street will grow steadily worse even if the Transfer Road extension is constructed. Even with the improvement, future rush hour congestion can be anticipated." This project will be designed and constructed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. It is financed under the Federal Aid Urban system. � ��. P�'.-" . . . . . . . � . .�°:- -3- � : � TIME SCHEDUIE: ���� • �� Because of the extensive public involvement, this project has been delayed � unti1. 1978 construction. The project is to be completed prior to State Fair '' week. - -�.:,-- ���`� � � t ` COST ESTIMATE: . , Construction by MinnDOT $1 ,49Q,000 _ Engineering by City 10 000 Tota1 1 ,500,.000 � ESTIMATED FINANCING: Federal Aid Urban � $ 900,Q00 • MinnDOT 390,000 Municipal State Aid 200,000 Public improvement Atd 10 000 Tota1 1 ,500,000 `� SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL lNFORMATION: For additianal information, contact the Project Engineer, Thomas Kuhfeld at 298-531t. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: - • This project was initiated because of the high accident rate. It is now a compromise proposal which is the result of ineetings with the neighborhood groups. Financing is through Federal Air Urban funds, Minnesota Department � ' of Transportation Trunk Highway funds and Municipal State Aid funds. Total " cost is about 1.5 million. The Public Works Department feeTs that this ts a very worthwhile project and strongly recommends that this project be , approved. Respectfully submitted, � . , Daniel J. Dunford Director of Public Works I , i I 't - � . I i � � � � 1 � i I � �- � -, r--� • ►��� ` � . e-"r�"nt.V,����� o D ?��'�n�� ` .� ` + •��;/ ~ —J �D �� �n ����l�� � y � • ,!" � ••, g::�"�IinnCSOU V-..s i G.ol t �►`� �/( s wvE `^� � .i. ti' "L/ ����J'► � 1Rl�+n: J 1 f� . r, .. .^.^• , ��OLL•}1f .i1"7d+✓.r:'!?'�C?„�� p ' I = { � � _ �►�p S�°► . �_.� l . ..����� �. `{ � +� �1l .� � ' r�.tw'., +� < a � +.r. r'✓.,::r-�'�'�1:�^,� DQl ' _ ' ` i ' � �'r ��•. 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