269662 WHITE - CITV CLERK . � PINK - FINANCE - G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council 2=�-���� CANARY - DEPAR7MENT � Flle NO. BLUE - MAYOR � � � RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BUREAU ouncil Resolution Presented By '� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�EREAS, the City of Saint Pa.ul has no objections to the release of certain tax forfeited land; therefore, be it RESOLVID, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 approve the sale of certain ta,x forfeited land lega.11y described as follaws; Subject to Avenue; Lots 6 and 7, Block 2� Sa.nborn's Add. to St. Paul r COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler / Fi ce & ement Services Hozza m In Favor /�� Hunt �`'�''�.� Levine d __ Against BY �"� Director �-R�eEllec Sylvester Tedesco AUG 2.,5 t9� Form Approved by i ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yasse by Council ecre ry BY By Approved by A7ayor: Date QVG 2;9 19 Appr e by ay r for Sub sion o Council BY — BY �� r-���� oi�Qi icuGn c�P '.� 1A77 SD !'orsa 9� APPLICA710N QY GOVEP,t!r.!Et�TP,L SUf3DIYlSION FOR CONVEYANCE OF TAX-FORFElTED LAND� Under tiinneso.a Stat�tes, Section 282.01, Subdivision I. �, . ��:..��.� , In thc \in�tnr nf the appltcetton ' or��i�inn anst_.Iied�cls�^�en.t Autharity of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota e Governrmnc:t! S���divislon, for n �onveyan�:e oC Certnin I.ands. Comcs noW Iiousin flnd Redevelopment Authori�of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota 1\ame of suDdivisiool an�l allePes; t. Tnat nPrl1 cant is H (n).�ublic Uody cQr�o;�t��2n.5L�o1�tic in Che County of R:,ms�, • �5Cate of Piinnesota, crer�tecl Pursuant ta Laws ef 1947y Cli_apter 4$7, as �mended. 2. Thet (b)_A�s1�t!SS�_}1_�7'..P�➢ %�n� m�'c1E-Fi-i_1a r h rrnF ;c enl»tinn nf t-hP Rn�r��Q �rmni,ssien u.s�n_;-n[L.LZ��VE�ntrr�nt_J`t��nr' 3� nf t-hn r.;�_y� �f c�;nt P�ttly— Mir.n so �i,_Ftu�hori ing tkie acatti ci t.ian oz it�G_i�nd descri bed herein � 9. Thnt. there is si Wn[ed Sn the County of _$c'1NSEV �certnin Lax-forfelted land described ns follows: (r.) ,�ib��t ro Ax�ena Lots 6_and 7. Block 2__,___$_anborn's Add to St Paul, according to the �],gt—th.ereo�on 7.1.�an� of res��in the office of the._Rrs��of Deeds wi.thin and for said Coarit q, Th1t said lxnds are (d) Var^nt - R. That a,plican� desires to obtain said land f'or the fbllowing purposes nnd reasons: (P) that said I�nc� is located i.n the Re3evelo�ment Pro.ject desi�nated as Sumniit-University . Co�nuni� D�velanment Pro�ram District 8; that the applicant proposes to ac4uire and assenbl,e for sale and rede��elo ment said Iand to�etlier �aith othe�roiecC propertics in accord<;nce with the Redeveloor.ient Pian for Summit-University Communi� Development Pro�rum ))istrict f3, thereb carrying out the purnoses of the Houszn Act of 1949, as amencied (42 USC Sec�i.ons 1441, et. seo.), and the Municipal tiousino and Redevelopment Act, Lac•rs of 1947, Chapter 4E7, 3s amended (MSA Sections 4G2.441, et. �eq.). ti+.�eret'ore r.��Pl ir,ant pra�•s that seid lands be��USING ANlltP.EDI:VELOPPII�`TP AUTFiORITY " OF THE CITY OF SAINT I'ALTI. P1Ii��ESOTA ------�` j'� // Hy � i ' ,,,,,,,;,,,,,"' �' . Its [�ctin Execut�v Director • and � � �_ � L� — ics Directar of Adminis ration STATI?. OF AtINKESLI'fA � � s s, r COUhTT or_�s,s� —� ' A11 an_..I.�lncl:_ancl—�ILiI1ar�Y���� @ � ench Uetng f'ir:,t �t��]t' snorn. �ie��r�s� xn�i �ny, e+ich for him�sUSlnth Eirid}�ReQEVC�opment���tltn�Or�1� Uirector. of g ���,y���iz�ACtnr ,,,,,� Adrai.ni.s..ration „r th� of the City of Saint Paul, 24innesota_� thnt lhey hnvc rend the fore�oin�; applicetion xnd l.�iow the contents thereof; and that the mntters stnted theretn erc LrvP. ,� s � '__��1 q , :�—��x — . ��Y.ft-'LJ {.7�-�1T .! 1' !: . +:.� � .. ..FS�' : ' Oif" y i.:. � • tl $ubscrlA nnd sworn tu Uefore me lhi� � ,;� �` . - � �'� ; � � �zrv;�r, �r, :.r��n �. �y L��S�?— � 17 ( dny of_ ;l �: � �� FQ i� ` .- r-��:i:E,ri �.., / n �/_,,,,� / , � t. 3� r • ` l��CG'"��Gc�-�i ��B? : vvvY>t''�7fV'�'v't� l'.": i�'::`Ttt r;'. gotary I'ublic�.,_ County. �1nn. 1�/ � . . �ty CommiSSlon [:xrires .� (a) State fat:s relativ:!� to le�al orp,anizatiun. lGl State faCts� +�hoving :iuthor�zation of acquisition of lard Aereinafter described, bq resolutioo ot governing bo y or by coterr, as tne case may r�•quire, attacCin� copies ot resolucions, i1 auy. _ lcl Show uanx ot Go�'crnm�ita; ;uGdivisiun ia ti�tiich laaA is situa:ed. (dl Destribe u.:ture of lands, use of s�arroundiug prop�cty and other similac tacts. . (el Give st.:tcmert as to the specific use to be made of suc!: lands. .._ ......._.._. ... .. �.. . . ....... . . . ...., -.... ._ _ .�. .. .. ..__...__..__._._�..._ ..._.�i. ._.._._._ ._.____.... �.. .._......_...._ •- . � � i . , i - . . .\ .. . . . ' . � Fif�y-Five East Fifth Str��t, �aint �°���I, liliinneso�a 55�01. �elephone (612) 29� 5218 ����,� HOUSlNG ��VD �EQEVELOPi��E�!T AUTHORITY OF TfiE CITY 0� SAINT PAUL, MINNES7TA Mr, J. William Donovan Valuation Director Caunty of Ramsey 286 Court House Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Re; CON��EYANCE OF TAX FOFrEITED LAND SiIMt�IT-UNIVERSITY DISTRICT �k8 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Dear Mr, D�novan: We are writing you at this ti_me to ask you to please prepare a Resolution to be presented to the City Couneil, so that the follocaing property listed below can be conveyed to the Housing and Redevelopmene Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. PARCEL N�. PLAT ATUNk3ER ADDRESS 119-21 07-67500-060-02 881 Selby 07-67500-070-02 Should you have any questi_ons, please feel free to contact Mr, Willard P, Jones � at 298�5603. Sincerely, ;r/ /,/;/ /' C � �I�,�.__.--�- t //, ��.r/`'�� � �._`!/✓' L/i��C Allan J. Block Acting Executive birector cc: �cny Reiter �`�`�����{����S�� �+ �� �1 ),.3 f, A•'�� �1 C..1:,M•G....{.�..`a....a 1�..�F � •';�,�,� /�.- �4`� !� - � !���>>� , }f' �, I Fifty-Five East Fifth Street, �ain� ���i, Minnesota 551a1. t�0ephor�e (612_� �98 5218 � �� NOl1SING AND RED�I�ELOPMENT AUTEIORITY OF �fHE CiTY QF SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA � � . \ � • i ' � � i Mr, Anthony J. Reiter, Land Commissioner ' Office of the Land Commissioner ' County of Ramsey 286 Court House Ssint Paul, Minnesotn �5102 � Re; Applicatfon for Conveyance oi Tax Forfeited Land Summit-University District ��8 . Community Development Program Dear Mr. Reiter: Enclosed please find an original of an Application by Governmental Subdi.vision £or Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Land by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, pursuant to the provisions of MSA 282,01, Subd. 1, togeti�ei' witlz a copy of the Administrative Order fro�. thL Offi:e of the Mayor of thr: City of Saint Pau2. The Authority requests you present this Application to the County Board, Please forward �the State Deed to the attention of the Housing nnd Redevelopment Authority's Real Estaf�e Department, Sincerely, /���/;� n` ;� / /� - - - ' (_;; �C.-�i�� � � ' Allan J. Block � Acting Executive Director � Enclosures CC: Mr, J. Wm. Donovan Mr, Lou McKenna -�OUS(r�G /�,hlD (�CD�VCt_l)i'f��1E(V'f l��l i��fOFjll-1' UF �(�i-!E CITY OF SAINl- f'nUL, MIN�!C.SOT/� '- . , r. . � . `v�'!� . ,� �° f_'°'�___,__ . r ta` �E{'OFT TO TFfE C�MMISSIONERS DATE ��u�y �.s, 1977 . ; � , � �E u A R D!N G It�SOLUTION AYPIZOVING i:EQtJ�ST FOR CO;VV�YANCE Or TA}� FORFL:ITED LAND FROTI Tlil STATE OF PiINP1I:SOTA, PI�I:CFL 119-21 (88I S�LBX) - SUMMIT-UNIV�RSItY COiQIUNITY D�VELOPMLNT PROGRAM DISTI:ICT 8 ; The acquisiti.on of the vacant land, Parcel 119:21, or4*ned by the State of Minnesota ; � throu�i�. tax f.arfeiture and 7_ocated in t}ie Summit-Universi_ty Community Development �''rogram , i Distr_icL- B, is requested by staff. The proposed re-use of tliis land a�sembly is single ; I . " { farnily an1 resi.dential construction. Attached is a Resolution for your consideration and adoption, authorizing the staff to peti.cion the SCate o£ Minnesota for conveyance of sai.d praperty to tlie Housing and Re- # ; � ; c�evelopment Au.thority of the City af Sai_n� Paul, Minnesota ! ' . � . � i . • • i ; ', PARCEL NUMBER PLAT NUM3�rP� ADDRESS 119-?.1 � 07-67500-OGO-02 881 Selby � 07-67500--U70-02 �,EGAL D1:SCRIP'?�TCN - -- �. . d�; SuUject to ���x I.ots 6 ai2d 7, Bl�ck 2, Sanborn's Add. to St. Yaii7.. • r Rk�:I�TS:sp ' � � ! . • � . . i . . . � . � ► � :� — �inanc� Dept. �j,� � " ... .. _ � _ -- — - - — ne►Y— Dept. , U$�'1''i t11: O I'' T I 1I➢•: 2�1 A Y O R � , ��.f�.�'��,J � d • No: r_[r � , • , � . ADNf€NISTI2ATrYE ORQER � : ' � �, . . . Date:���3� 77 ' ;� ' � � � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ; , 1'ursuant :.o the suthority granteci by the City Counci_1 �eated as th� Board of �he Housing znd Redevelopment Autizority in Resolution 71v. 77-Sf 25-2, the pro�er City and HRA afficials are directed to approve a request for Canveyance of Tax Forfeited Land from the State ot �•3nnesota an the following pro��zty �.n the Sur.trait--jJiiiversity Coa�uniCy Devel.o�ment Prograus District 8: PARCBL :dU�;firR PL1lT I�CJtfBE?� AbDIZi:SS , 119-7.1 . 07-6750n-06J-0? 881 Sel.by � �7-675oa-o7o-02 ; � ; L�GI�. DESGRIPTZQ;t ! , S,.abjpc_*. *_� ��. Lots 6 and 7f Bi.ock 2, SanUorn's A�3d, ta St. Pa�?.. ' � i � i . � • E , � � r. , � ' . � � � � � . • � • � YPROVED_AS TO F'URM . � l ,. �// " 'i/f � �:�� � x , ,�-/ � � �,, ,, / r- ��: < ---�' t— ,a;=`�--,'.. �"—`-- - —==-:� / ' �nt City Attorney "` Ucpar ment ttea l t / ; Y / �t8 �. � �) �? � /i::�� I G'. Administrative Assistant tu M�yor !� . , . . .......... ... ........_.._,_,_.......� _. :. ( . .��..._... ..._. . ..•.,�� John J H<�:1]_/ � �C1 ` Fee EdyTard J. H�!.11, Ac�i�. � Vi��'::���� ADDITIOP�: ��nborns Adc�.i�.:ion LOT: 7 BI�K: 2 WARD: 7 ; Subj To Ave. Lo�s 6 & _�� IACA`l'ION: USE;: ,-�.R•p. a-/<</�� �.„ c��.��:a.��. ��-3�-71 ,L.� /�'. .�i/w,! ;r I.? /!7�)7 7 0 �....,.. Strect A.11eY Assessor's Graded Flatted NOTZCE N0, ���ySt�,S F� & `l' Vu�..ug Paved Graded Curb _ Paved FORFEITEA: r��-� � !`i�;� Ia.nd: -'' -� ', -, S�wa1k --- Sewer. PI,AT NOe : C - 6� BLDG: � Water Torrens � Gas Abstract._.�.� ZONING: _______._ Elec. Grade: Fx. Mid._ Rear. �iEM.I�RKS: .. . i , �. �_,_...-r_,_.�.,..._ ..�.,�..��.,,�........ „_..�..._.__.�..... \ � I �i � ��, ��-C.:v,s-� � ��O � �l� , �'`� ..._. _ _ _ - - - - . : -.T_ � . . . . ��- l•� ' ,,� ' . ' F v r� � ;�,�.e,%;<�`�,''v ��I ��V/ � . � �. . ` � � � � . . � 5�.3 .r� -a-- *-�� qo i 1.1 G ' "T�'�l G � A.6 �E 42.��� , ��_..,�j ' l �� ,.I . . ,�l � `�`I � ` l . . . . � � ( ` � 7 6 5 � � ; 3 � 2 f 4 3 2 t 3 2 I ,_� 0 _ � . �� � l �___.�__,__.__ � � � �u____ ._____ __,. __ , , � ______ �_ _ ___�; __ ___ _______._}--�___ . �� � '� �` ��' IG`L '/ `''� . � + I l ` �.1 �, r`� '.?''� . I �c-�4. �\ ;° � ��:� 0 9 10� il f2 � 13 l4 5 6 7 8 4 S �,�d� �) � � t�'- �ii � ,�G it� �� + I oz , � , � � , . � J�.3 O „ : �`�r.--_._._ �. .�...- .__.__.a_._ ��n �Jr.. - � -- -- n?:� 1 , , �. - - - - -- - - ._.� �}� ' 1 _ �� � � �' �"Y - l�� � � -- ° - - - - -- - /) - - - - - - -- - - -- � 1�c �- �fl �„-�_-����o}07c?t ,p,�, (`} 1 `�l'� �4 A u E: ; ��, o � , .�� � ��� � �� � ,�- - �- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -'- - �',ial -- - - _ _ - .� � � -, , ,- , - , , , _ _ - - - - �- � � - --�— - „ n._ - , , . _� , -� , � � , �o -,r-- 1_=r:� 1�;� s-- —(--ar.T�'�q :<-��--- `, �� ! = � - „ -- � � ' '� � �.. ��--�� � � ��_ �.iilr�, � r�' \ ��;�� , �'I ( � �, � � � "`•, ' � ' ", •�n t �_. ..r�• . .J _. . __. �._ _ � . J.. . .__'1i4. ..... . . .. _ . .. . � OM 81: 12/1975 � Rev. : 9/8/?6 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTZtATN£ ORD�RS, � . RESOLiJT,ONS 3 AIdD ORDI CE5 � � � t . Date: A„�,uet 8, 1977 . T0: MAYOR GEBR�E LATIMER � FRz J. Wi]1ia� Donaven, Valuation Engineer (�rt. 5317) �ept. Finance & I� w at Serviees gE; Tax ForPeited I,and (1975) Sub3ect to Avern�e; Lots 6 and 7, Block 2� Se,nborn•s Add. to St. p�s,ul ACTION R£QUEST"ED: . Rele�ae of' the City's itrterest in the sub�e�t parcel. � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The pe►rcels t�rere withheld frrnh sale in 1975 at the requeat. of the Ho�sing and Reclrevelop�aent Authc�ity. Subsequently, the Hausing Autha¢�ity apglied to the . State for ecsmreyance to recl�evelvp the site for single �mi1y construction. The City mu�t appro�ve the sale to e�f'ect the conveyance. AT2AC�S: . . 1) Ccru,ncil Resolution 2) Carpy oY Application ' 3 Ho�using & Recl,evelop�ent Authority Correspondence ' � 4� Area Map '