269661 WHITE - CITV CLERK + ' °' PINK. - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �����,� CANfi.RV � OF�PARTMENT t �. BLUE`� - MAVOR Flle NO. VA�I,U� ONPBUREAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WFIEREAS, the City of St. Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement for the purehase of that certain property described as follows: A permanent easement for street purposes on, over, and across the follawing described land: All that part of Lot 4, Block 12, Brunaon's Addition baunded by the following described line: Beginnin� at a point on the west line of said I,ot 4 which is the point of tangency of the arc. of a circle of 2a f't. racli.us inscribed between the west and south lines of said Lot 4; thence sautherly and easterly along said circulax arc to a point of tangency with the south line of saa.d Lot 4; thence west along the south line of said Lot 4 a distance of 2$.O Ft. more or less to the southwest corner of said Lot 4; thence north along the west line of Lot 4 to the point of be�inning. WHERF�AS, the property herein described is necessary for the channelisation of the intersection at the corner of Payne Averiue and 8a�st Seventh Street as approved by Final Order, C ouncil F3.le No. 269071, approved May 17, 1977, and the price at which the property may be purchased is in the amaunt of $2,000.00, being a fair and reasonable price for the sub�ect property according to the appra.isal obtained by the City Valuation FF��ineer; and WHE�AS, the City Valuation Engineer has reco�ended the purchase of said property at the price stated above; now, therefore be it RFSOLVED, that the Cauncil of the City of St. Paul does hereby authorize the purchase of the abave described land; and be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Form Approved by i Att ey Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by 17ayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . WH17E - CITV GLERK ����� PINK - FiNANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANI�fr2V � D�PARTMENT �. BLUE�_ .- MAVOR File NO• � C°PY �° Council� Resolution VALUATION �E'AU Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- FURTHER RF�OLVED, that the proper City Off`icials are hereby authori:ed and directed to pay Jerry L. and Leona Hurley, record fee owners, and � the State Supply Company, record fee o�mer and contract for deed vendee, the sum of �2,000.00. The conditions of said sale axe as set forth in the Memorandum on Sa1e of Rea1 Estate, dated July 29, 1977; said memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Said sum to be paid from PIR �Znd Code 60000 (L-7682-4), to be reimbursed from the Public Works Contingency F1.ind. The payment is to be made upon the City being furnished evidence of good marketable title in the afore- said vendors, and the total payment to be made upon tender by said parties of appropriate deeds conveying title to said property to the City of St. Paul. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler FinanC d as1 Hozza In Favor Hunt 1_ �Levine Q� __ Against BY rector aw Sylvester ,��� Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date p►UC7 2.5 197 Form Approved by C'ty Attorne Certified s e by Counc ecre BY By Approved b � ayo : Date � � Appr ved by M yor or Submi ' n to ouncil By � By //�� R�usxEO SEP 3 1977 _ J-f .._ t- � ` � ` . _ F� ` ' , ,,.� f.!' . /Q , :� � , ,, : . -.. 1 ' I .. i' . '... V . � f � .. , t '- / � y. ` . 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' � i� � � - � ! i � 4 ! �+ � ' � �� �' � � � Z- E' ; t,' ! .S' ; 9 j � ! !' . � , , � � _ - + ; • � � � ; � - - • � , . � -a- � - - - - - - - - i � ! E � } ; ! y j � ,�_.._ � _ � c: / i o� � ' i = ' � � _ �.T .' ; y� � j _ � � ; � _ f � � i + " - - � ! � f • � , ... � ; ; i : �pT-.� � , � :.i. ; � � . � . , � . ' ::.,�.: .---� � � - ..�; � , ; + - ' �:--��•£t.f � 'l S ,� � �'�y�� . M t . . w" : ���Z � j .s� i -�� �. � �, � , � �S— � ; � . � ------� s i , ,, , ? � �� ' : � l ,$ j � � � � � I =j t , , . Department of Fina.nce and P�anagement Servi.ces ., ' ihvision of Assessments and Valuations ' ' Room 285 ity Hall MQ�ORANDUM ON SALE OF REAL ESTATE ������ l. Pur�ose of sale of Real Estate to City: Channelization o� intersection at Payne � E. 7th St. 2:. Location of Real Estate: North east corner of E. 7th St. b Payne Ave. 3. Legal Description: p permauent ease�nt for street purpoaea on, over, and acrass the �ollc�iing d�escribed. land: � , All ttsrat p� of Lot k, 3.lock 12, Bnune�'a ttidditi�n b�ed by the falla�ring described 3.i.ne: � ��3.»�ing �t a �oinL an th� �,esL lint� o.° :-»�.� ��y Z� -rrhica is t'�e p�inL op #.�n�ez�.^y o� t:.� �xc o� zs cir�le of 23 �'t. rwc?ii� ir��r3.b=�3 �e�:�e�n t�e *re�t and Svt•.L4� 4. Name a.nd 1an�a a° ��id Lot �t; th�n.^e s�ut�er�.y s:.a east�rl;{ �.lon� s�id cirw�.zl�.r n.,re ta � Yo�nt o#' tur..�e�cy ��.�1z t2�e s�tn Zine �� s�i3 ��� �; th�nce -��st a?�r.3 �he F�i.'Ii7.�t�. a.3.L'�...'a. �r $£.'+.;i�.i :,w�'. � �l 'u1`�'t'i[X'aC� 'J� �3i.�i�� �v• ..�5'.3:-L� 5. Recomnenci �x 2eas ta tl.e s�ut'r.=�rest coz 4�r �f s�id �at �; �:c�:�cz no-th slor� th� -.r�st line �f ��t �� to the g�int a�" 6. Seller to be,,.irn�t�;� I1 1143.0 ����� vW��r� ��.L.,.�a� V .�rS Viii.Wwv� __ Title Por said r_r.,.�...,, \r14y w�.l.].. update said Abstract and�or obta.in Registered Proper�y Certificate. 7. Seller to give passession to City a�t closing. 8. Taxes: Seller to pay taxes due and payable in 197 Z City will pay tages due and payable 3n 1978. 9. Seller to pay a.11 assessments levied against said property. 10. t�,iscellaneous: 'riOtE: Conditions listed above axe not binding until approved by City Council. Seller: City: � ,� Signed: � Signe : p�-�"'' � ' �► Valuation Engineer Date: / � � � Date: [ 7 ' OM �1: 12/�975 ' . Rev. s 9f8/76 � E�'LANATION OF ADMINISTRP,TIP£ ORDERS, RESOLIITIONS� AND fJRDINANCES . ._.._. .,._.._... Dat�: Augnat 8, 1977 TO: 1KAYOR GEORGE LATIMER - � FR: J. �m. �onovan Valuatic� b Assea t neer � ��� . , s�en �ngi. (8st.5317),I�pt• of Finance b Mg�at.BerPie� �� Chanaeli:atioa of intersection st Payne Avenue an8 �. 7th Street. �ace�rrt ]�ad lxated at northeast corner of interseetion of Pawy� Av�enue aad 8. Tth St�. . ACTION RE4UESTED: ' . Acqniait3o� of praperty to be used fbr channeli�e►tio� at subject interaecticaan. . Condtt3oa�s of sale es sho�a on attached Meacranchu� on Sal�o� �1 Sstate. � . , PURPOSE AND RATIt3NALE FOR THIS ACTION: Pra�ect anthorised by Final Orcler, Cauicil Fl.1e No. 269tYTl, apps�ed A�jr 17, 19'r7. . Acqvisition cost ia ia �the amarnt of $2,000.00, to be finaneed �y PiA I�ad Code 60000-(I�-7�8e-4� tc> be rei�trursed f`rom Pub13c Wor�cs Contingency 1�4�.nd. ATTACHMENTS: l. Cauncil �esolution fc�r appro�ta.l � 2. Me�orandum on Sale of Aeal Eetate ' . . 3. �p