269660 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council . ['a� �(��j � CANARY - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. ^'����v OLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO V UATION BUREAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul acquired by deed and condem- nation a permanent easement for purposes of installing a public sewer and also temporary construction easements over a portion of Lot 14, Block 2, Wild Rose-Addition; and WHEREAS, the public sewer has been constructed and the temporary easement is no longer needed; and WHEREAS, the owner of Lot 14, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition has requested that the City provide it with a Release of the • Temporary Construction Easements for the purposes of removing the same from its record of title and the Valuation Engineer and City Attorney have recommended that the City concur in this request; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize its proper City officers to execute on behalf of the City a Release of the� Temporary Construction Easements over the east eight feet of the west 14 feet and over the west two feet, in Lot 14, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler i e e e ices ,� In Favor Hunt �� � Levine 0 __ A ainst BY Director �ee�e� g Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Ail(; 2�5 tq7� Form Approved City Attorney Certified a:s by Council Secre BY By Approved y : ay r: te ��1 ..,r• � e �p7Q Approv d by r f r Submiss' to C ncil By By � ""— RUBLISHED SEP 3 19�7 � .. .� .: . . �� :�. .:.. ....-...- . . . . � . .. " . . . .. .. ...� .. .. ._.. j . . . 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William Donovan Valuation Engineer 286 City Hall BUILDING Dear Mr. Donovan: On July 8th I transmitted to you a resolution authorizing the execution of a Release of a Temporary Construction Easement over the easterly 6 feet of Lot 13, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition. The City has been requested to provide a similar release as to temporary construction easements acguired over the east eight feet of the west 14 feet in the west two feet, all in Lot 14, Block 2 , Wild Rose Addition. I have prepared a resolution and a proposed form of Release of these Temporary Easements. Will you please review the resolution and release and if satisfactory, submit it to the City Council with your recommendation. Please provide me with a copy of the resolution following the adoption thereof by the City Council and I will have the Release executed and delivered to the owner' s attorney, Ralph W. Peterson. If I can be of any further assistance, or if you have any questions please feel free to call. Yours ery tru y, . JERO J. SEG Assis ant City Attorney JJS:cg enc. cc: Ralph W. Peterson, Attorney at Law 1702 Midwest Plaza Building, Mpls. 55402 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 � ._,,.. �� , .r -. .;�, ,, - �w��„�' . _ WMITE — C�TY GLERK ����CQ����� ��� � . . ' ��^ A�^ . P�NK — FIN�,MCE_ � COIlI1C1I ' «�� � GITY SAINT F�ALTL �'� CI.NA�V —OEPAR�MENT � . QLUE —MAYOR , � � _ � Flle � NOa � /r j Council Resolution � Fi' .!./ � C'�'��.�!i-•i�1� . . . . Presented By � ' /''~ Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee 8y Date i�EREAS, The City of Saint Paul acquired a temporary easement for construction purposes on the easte=ly six (6) feet of I.ot 13, Block 2, �7i1d Rose Additian, by deed dated Octoher 8, 1954; �nd . WHEREA�S, The City .no lenger rea;uires or neec3s the temporary co�struction easement a�d in order to germit the c�eletion of the temporary construction easeu�ent fram the Torrens Certificate of Title, the City Council has been requested to authorize the execution of a itelease of Easeiuent on behalf af the City of Saint Pau3.; now, therefore, be it RESOI,VE�, That ti�e Conncil of the City of Saint Panl does hErebp authorize the t�ayor, City Clerk and Director of the Department of Fi�ance and Manac�ement Services to execute a Release of the Temporary Construction �asera.est arhich was acquired by the City by deed dated October 8, 1954, a� it pertaias ta the easterly six (6) feet of � Lat 13, Slock 2, i�ild Rose Addit.fon. .: ,.f ;; �,L''l.��ti.�'..:..�` t� � � ;•. � ;.� ; ;t , ,,i �'�� � �� �:. r `�_.�'��;._- � .<r �'� • COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays � � � ��i� Hozza [n Favor Hunt � �-. .��. ���f„�,..._--- Levine _ Against BY , Roedler � Sylvester -, . Tedesco .{�� 2�8 �9�7 Form Approved by City �t�orney�, fj Adopted by:Council: Date ;� �r ,r ,1 Certified 13assed by Council Secretary BY �j �� By � ��- ;'`'�j ;' `� . Approved by Ulavor. Date �tiG 2'. �77 Approved by Mayof for Submissian to Council By . BY ,� � OM �1: 12/1975 R�v. : 9/8/7b � E�LANATION OF ADMINIST�TIVE ORDERS, RES LUTIO_t AND O�tDINANC�.ES ������ Dat�: Acigust 9, 1977 RECE��!�1_TD� � . �u� � � t�7'7'� TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �Y��� � _ ��� FR: J. William Donavan, Valu�ation & Assessment Engiaeer, Ext. 5317, De�s,rtment of Fine►a�e � � & �ana,ge�nt 3erviees sZE: Release of Tempo�ary Cor�truction Ease�neat ov�r the East 8 feet of T�Test 14 Peet and the West 2 feet, all in Lot 14, Block 2, Wixd Rose Additioa. ACTION RE4UESTED: Authorize p�oper City off'icials to execute relee�se o:� te�porary coastruction easemetrt. PURPOSE AND RATIDNALE FOR TFiIS ACTION: This tem�porary constructioa ease�neat �►as acqu3red Augu�t 18, 195�I� by condem�tian (C.F. 1G9811) aad, xas made necessary by th�e construction of a se�wer to drain ths a]1ey in Block 2, Wild Rose Addition w�ii.ch wa� graded and suri�ced. at that time. � The ease�nent was specified as b�ing te�poxsry, hoMever, a termiaation date r►as not ineluded in the order (as in the ca�e in construction ease�merrt acquisition uader pre�ent policy)and t�e fee c�rner of the land has not requestad the City ex- . ecute a release of �sement to clear up tit7,e problems. This ia sia3.]ar to C.F. 26948g°�rhich was approved Aug�ast 2, 1977. ATTAC$MENTS: l. Resolution ` 2. �p ' 3• Copy of letter initiating action � 4. C.F. 2694$9