269646 M�HfTE - CITV CLERK ����,� PINK - FINANCE G I TY �OF SA�I NT PAU L Council . �� � . CANARY -�OEPARTMENT FIIe NO. BLUE - MAYOR � � - Council Resol�tion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does � hereby approve application for abatement of real estate taxes payable in the year 1973 levied against property acquired and owned by the Independent School District No. 625 of the City of Saint Paul and more particularly described in Ramsey County Auditor's No. 92864, and the City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation. COUNCILMEN ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butle.r Hozza [n Favor Hunt � Le�� __ Against BY — S ylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date — AUG Z,5 t� Form Approved b City Attorney Certifie as e by Council retayy� BY By, LJ Approved b � av r: Date � UG Approved by Ma r for Submission to Council gy By pUBUSHED S t� � DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION COUNTY OF RAMSEY �''!r-�`. ���•,)�_r :�� 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Direc[or August �+� 1977 William E. Carlson Property Valuation ROGER VIK Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records Rose Mix �ity Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Application for abatement submitted by Richard Battis, Attorney for Independent School District No. 625 Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed is a copy of the following abatement: 92864 There are assessments levied against these parcels that are to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: 1972 Assessment: District Str. Maint. ��32 Tree Trim �k33 7 $43.66 $88.16 Please take whatever action is necessary. Very truly yours, Lou McKenna, Director Department of Property Taxation � 7 By !v;, ��� Deputy GHK:ay Enc. ° O . _ . � ..n�.+. /� Form No. 9-M. wuti.n..r c.. M.,..... , w /� 71 �mb... 1 ^[6� '_ _.._ _ � - C c..��w r Gm�� � /� . � . . � .. ./._ _ . � . .. f� . --_ _..--'.--'-J,�r�-_ - . . +......0 .w.u ��. - • • __""- � ' � � c'�tji� �f�iDc ntitre,araaa eh�,..:::.:._--- L 8......_.._......_ aay o�._!'_'.I!31.'—.1s_z� b�tarrcn__.JHE.NARIZELL.fOUNDA.T.l�N..._.._..._._.__._........__...._.._..._._.---.......__�_��. ' � i � a enrpomlion undn lhtila�rs oJ tht Statt oJ......._.....11i nnesot�._......_.'._---�-.Pa�I/o������a� , O y C� INDEPENDENT SCHOOI ISTRICT N0. 625 �. Munic'lpal . yarfy oJ 2Ae�acowd paat. �. a�rporatwn undcr tke uls o/tJu SLate oJ._.._._.Mi.nnesois._..-._.......----'-• I ITlifitg5[t�j. That the aid pa*ty oJ thc fir+t parE,iw eondde►atioR o�Lht�um of:.,..QM-DIII.I�..($L00� I i BL'�tX � � and,.otheryood_and valuable.cQn,s_jder.7.t.i,90_._.-----�-- I I !o it in hand paid Ly the raid parhJ c�!hc srcond part. t3u rreeipE mkcrooJ i+Anrby aelcwwokd�ed,daar ! j henby Orant,Bary�oin,SelI,and Convey vnto Lhe said p�rty oJ[he seco�part,ite su,eeu+o+s a*a auljM' I Forc�vr,a1I!ht trad_,.o*yarn1.._....oJ land lyind and being iw tht County nJ—R��s�Y � and SLalt ef.�fineewla.duuribed a�Jd7oY's. fowil: � = The north )00 feet of the folla+ing: the west one-lialf of Lot 6. � �o� 7, and the east one-half of Lot 8; and also all of Lots 9, 10, ^ 21, anC 22, the west one-half of Lots 8 and 23, and the easterly � N 11.25 fee[, more or less, of Lots 11 and 20, Block 15, Hol�ombe s Add., together Nith the vacated alley adjacent thereto, it being r.,: the intent of this description that the westerly line of the traet z described shall be a north-south line from Summit Avenue to Port- � land Rvenue parallel with ihe aest line of said DlocR 15 biseeting i the existing bearing wall which separotes the original schoot j""� � building on the tract herein described from the addition to the i � � � building situated on the adjacent tract to the west; all accordiny 1 I to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the <`- Register of Deeds of Ramsey County. � , I Minnesota State Deed Tax Due Nereon: ��•.::a � . `- •:• puseuwM � �o�abe anD to�olD t1�e �ame. Topet�.e.u�cth ntc the kerc.atiea�.�er�e�a�.d avvWk^a� ��, I bc7�n�inQ,or ia anyrci.�e apyerfaininQ.to flit sai.d party of the eteund part,its suectasor�and as+ipwr.For ;"� eaYr.And tht aaid_..._THE_HARTZELL_FOUNDAT.ION,_,_...___„ ., ...-_..�._...__.._.._........----- (\r part�af tht f�rrt part,Jor ituZJ and iG au.�.uasor+.doea ta crtant udth Ehe�aid party o�t7u�eoand pasi. �.� ita sueeesaara nnd mai:n+,thaE iL'u v�cll�u:ed in Jee oJ the Ia.ul.and pncnu+�a aJo*r�aid.a*a ka+jood I ri�ht to seZl and eonn•ey tht same in mannt�¢wd Jorm a/oruaid, and that ths aarne an�sra Jnnn►atl. inrvrnbra.uar ..._ excepi._thase_.Sn.ahi�_the..y.roper.ty.may._havLbr.cnmas++hdeeL-hX Second Party through possession of said property on or about August 28, 1969. D TAZ ' Nb DC:In'(1UE^1T TAXES �tiJ 1R.4N�FE�E�'TER:D � �oj,��I � � � s�.o �r�`�.�`���i,n.N-�- . .. . �G.:Df � � . . • w4HS� ul�'T�..,k .. .i , :.Y _ � s lwi W�Mwi barpaixd ond�ranted landa and pr+emuu, in tke quid aud peaerabTt pwrriw�A� I �ai1 M►f�r�/!he ieoond part,itt suu.teeara and asridna, a�ainat aZl penoru•2auJulld/ �f�fwiwj w M � �iw�W rA�Ie or any parf t)urr.of.naLjeot Lo inaumbmwtu, i/any, hsraiwbefon mea/f�wr.1�M1� • y��i����rd part rill A'anaRt and DrJwd. �i'""�5��' . I �n �eslimenp LHf�ecro(. TA..atd�t.+t vo.q�rrr�i f�r � . prrirnl�fo M rsteu(rA-�n iL tv.rpvraf�e warna by�W I j'iaaid�n/ und ifa ....�i G� ..... .-..._ . �i � . C7ie da�and yrar fi�d oiwr�wir/�► -. . i�, ,r.,�- �i Fo�NDAr�od �Q"' I� .' _ .._..._.. __TH.E_�fA.R2Z.E41---._.. _.. . .. �� ' .4 V . /l w Yre�ew�e 1� By. _. ► , / , �. .. . � . G�.� IM - i _....�.........._. .._._ ._.... .._.._..._._........ , - . ' ...��-� ---^�-. ._..__._ � " • ls.�`2tc-Fo+2 E � ' �' i � .� ����-�-� . . .. r �� - , , . � . �:. .� . . - -- �-_.-- --_ _._ - _. . _.-- -: ._ -_�----- .-- ----- . , r�� � - RA►�cfR�,��jf�r�fl BY � • �N ASSESSOR „ . , Ju� 14 iU ol �M '77 " . Form DPT 229 �� APPLICA�'ION FOR RELIEF—General Form iC�' (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MINIVESOTA, County of Ramsey ss. City, Village or Town Saint Paul � RICHARD J. BATTIS being duly sworn deposes and says that he g���x ].�S+YL?Attnrrie�r �fnr Tnr7a�yan,�a� School District No 625 �St Paul Schools) , andthat WHEREAS, said School District has acquired property within the limits of the City of Saint Paul and described as: �`he north 100 feet of the following: the west one-half of Lot 6, Lot 7, and the east one-half of Lot 8, and also al1 of Lots 9, 10, 21 and 22 , the west one-half of Lots 8 and 2�, and the eastexlv 11.25 feet,more or less, of Lots ]..J.. and 20, Block 15, Holcombets �1dd. , to`etrer with tl�e vacated a11ev ���acent thereta, it bein� the intent of this descri�tion that the westerly line of the tract described shall be a north-south line from Swrimi.t Avenue to Portland Avenue parallel with the west line of said Block 15 bisecting the existing bearing wa11 which se�parates the original school building on the tract herein described from the addition to the building situated on the adjacent tract to the west; all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, and WHEREAS, the deed for the above-mentioned property was filed on or before October 16, 1971. WHEREFORE applicant prays that the 19'7.'�.tax amounts be abated in their entirety. O � -� ���°��o —��o-� .� _ � ,�i -- /S` �''`'�'` � Applicant for Ind pendent hool District No. 025 � Subscribed and sworn to before me this � ��-%��'��� day of �',`'��_ A.D. 19�Z ' y �' c� '.1 ,*' • ' .�nr!rt����r! .��,�. � ��n�•{�:�;A j' �'' ��j��' J! .-{ ��1. ���i � ���'i I. �.lr�)�� . y�• , ., .. � �i ;,� r, F nA'1 (,o j(yi�r� ''- ,i�" �i: �, +`�. �fi�t^ _ �.; f ,.,:bl • ;,: .. Cor:� � ,: F,;�i�cs ;,. ./, rv,; :;� •. ;; �i3� 1� %;,' � ..... ;�Yr�A��r� ,C' � . . �� ..� ,lYY4§�l�Y _ � �''r:;'C':vi�i��'�.i.r=�. � , � ; II B 9 � � O ��o r.` o ,o'� � n n ', � o . m o 0 r r �' o�D � ° c ° °.'. � g ' 3 r • � o. � �, � �� a�' .°: �E o m � � h�'. ? � y n C a ° �' �oovow.m p A W c "' � O . Q � o o <y o o ,� a'' � �o� � (� pf • �, � � ro � c'�^ �� �� " m m .7, °' � ►" p. n � � y � n�i . o '�� � � wNx �^ � �� C7' �' � �' 2.' 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