269628 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl /���/j\ PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L M��'i! �ylJ BLUE - MAYOR . Flle NO. . Coun i o t 'on � Presented By �� �`�'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date B�80I,ySD: That the applicatioas for Buildiag Contractora Licensea by the followi.ng organizations at athe addresaes stated be and the same are hereby granted. Copeland Construction Co. 699 Lincoin Ave--$t. Paul - 55105 Appn.10685-BeneWal Ken Carlaon Construction Co. 613 Berwood Ave.--Bt. Pat�l 55110 '� 10700 " �ast Area �'ence & 8upply Co. 1611 Case Ave.- - St. Paul 55106 �' 10�28 " Deluxe Alw�i.nua CoaPany 5601 CF].enwcod Ave.----Mpl�. 55422 n l�'T�0 n A. & 8. Roofi.ng 15780 - 193rd St.--Hastings 55�33 r' 10771 " John�on Home Service 3480 aarfield St.N.T.--Mpla 5,5418 " 10788 " 8ravo Construction 7?8 �aglerrood---�t. Paul 5510�+ r' 1�79� Central Village, Inc. 541 M. Central Ave.-St. Paul - 551�3 '� 10'792 " Carlson, D. H., Bldg. Cont. 3136 Bidgewood Road - Bt..Paul - 55112 " 10794 " Stuart Conatruction Co�pany 109 Lowry Ave. I1. Tr.--Mpl�.- - - 55418 � 10?96 " Ryman Construction 850 Randolph Ave.----8t. Paul - 55102 " 10803 " Konold, James • 29j�98 �ictoria - St. Pau1 - 55113 " 1080'� n � Floyd �. Anderson 1411 lio. Pascal Ave. - Bt. Paul - 55108 " 10809 " Vesta Construction, Inc.. 11220 Le�ris Crt. - Burn�ville - 55337 " 10812 r' The Plumbers 324(J - 44th Ave. So. - I�Ipl.s. - 55406 �� 10826 " Robert H. Boeh�er 9314 Baraes Ave. - Invr. (�r. Hts.--55�?5 " 1�32 " Fiae Moodxorking 253 �st gourth 8t.---Bt. P:w]. - 5510i " 10833 " 6chomaker Coa+struction 1400 Clement $t.--Meadota Agts. - 55118 " 10852 n 8obert H. Licha 6�9 �irst Ave..--Kendota Hgt+�. - 55u8 "' 1�5? �" COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � ---� [n Favor Hunt � . Levine __ Against BY —R�a��. Sylvester Tedesco AUG 2 3 �9]9 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa• d Council retary BY By Approve Mavor: D e t �U� Z �s� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY QUBLISHtO �E� � 1977