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�� s' . CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL'FILE NO. FINAL ORDER R t ' ,ff, g ry *r,#'� ..( (..':w'.-_._.,a �l�. � "d/"`""".r� � +�� .� '�. .,.. �,�� � � File No. ��*��� � � In the Matter of Lfiti��� 1 p�il1� 1i►��!' M�� 1� � �PN�t� �� �t �'d. +�ad �!T ��eC �u►t 4� th� easfi.+esi�a�e of �� � , ,.._ .. ,. : . ., ,s ._ ,�..: D�,� .,,::, �F: .a. �.��.,-�'.� , , ,d�pa ti, I977 under Administrati`ve Otder •-,----�-�----�•� approved �a+�d► �t Ma� ca.�iss . L��otiair tM�. 3+i� AU6 2, 1977 , under reliminary r er a proved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. ���� � 3 1979 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays Rutle� Certified Passed by Council Secretary A�� 2,4 197� � � � 'ti�nt ��'�In Favor By ' �evine ��le� Against Sylvester � Mayor Tedesr.o �UBLISHED $�P '� ��77 � wn�te - c��,,c�e.k�c (:�ITY'�`;4P"� SAINT--YAI�L '� , .� j� >` ' Pink — Fina�ca Dspi: .' « ,. - _ . . NO:� ����C/ Canary=Dept.__ . � . , . OFFIQE OF THE MAYO1; / / . �, �. .� � �. � , , ��, ., , - Date: �i� '�CO " � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER f' . . `���� i 7�� � __� z: . ` f_ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, _ - � � ._ : � In tbe matte= of instal�ing $ pub23c �ter m�►fa i� the fo�lowfng�gtzeets �,9� BoxWOOd Av�enw b�rtweess Mdtnight B�oad a�ctd 3AA-feet �t�st of _ the ceaterlia� of Mdt�i.gt►t Baad Tize, Depar�nt af F�aaate fs bershg dfrectsd ta siag th�� matteY before the Co�acil fat publfc �ar3ag. : - . 6-i y'�.7 7 . , . . _ .f/a 7"E - c�{A.v G� , .— �� -�.> .�.�`.r1 � � o�%. ` �,�,�'�g303t '`��' ti �,. �`'� � G 4' � `�°�" �r � �' _ - � ,2;o� � � i �.,� . � ��'�-��'� ti o �`� �, - . �6�91119L�i�'���'�� APPI�OVED AS TO FORM ,�' .-�,,,;: ,-. � ' ,r' , '� (..1/ � �- .. _ Assi tant Ci y' tt ey : ..� �Depart e t Head � , Date � � � Administrative Assistant to Mayor _ , �. ` 69f�9 �`� , � � �°I , 1 � 3une 2�, i'� .';'truer A. s":tiEtt�*t G��ex�l. :�ager �c�r�`t�t �t '��:tat" L3�.�.lit�r R�t 21� �zi�.�ifn� . �r'ts: ��+td Na� 3�'t�1.D itx �3���d ,tl�txe � E.$�x" ,'�`. i�:l�'il:'�.« . Pa�c y� x�zxeat, �a� S"�iz�tl� ��rei� �.� the revi.�ed e��e�;aua� iz�azr�atioa �u �hs ��b��ct �r��ect. �hh� t�t�.,t �a,�t rec�ra�r^blc� b�t �saau��aeut i� ��O,f.�t?.� 1�t3�d s�rs �.t'�rts A�l�.tsct�:�2�: :s�.3�t� c�tr+�t3an ��t �►�� �'r��r �t. re;��� - � ?,�iJ+D.�JO A�;���.x•i.�.k; �:�rs� 3>C�QQ.00 V�,lizat£rm �x� As�es�t ��ett� 2��y.CDq ;��aLea.?.r..��'�xa yv�t�s � � � ...,..�.�'?._;.� � � ���.l,���l °:"�s�1 Ct�Bt �`�.�.J���3.'t'�3 It i.s t��e a��i.�#.�n ��' �hia� �+!'tiw+� ���� c��e t� '�he �hc�rt ���:� of �ter r�ai� t;c c��t c�f �he� �su;,,ex b�.ring r�nz�o� � ��u3t�ly s*�a�►� �r th�.� �r���et. xhf,� �f'�'i�e �+ee�: �2�.t �.`�`i sf � cost o�' �u�,,er bori�g ba �ii� t�'�h �r+'.��er Utilit,g` .F�#.�3.� ��3.mate►ct M�st �r ,�s�x�ssub2� �`�ot '�I.2�,OQ a� X . ?s.r�' ���i�a.t�ci A.se���hle :i�a'te per �s�.d.�n#►ia'1 �ocrE �10.5fl L"A���.���w � . . .. �s�eat�aabl$ � 5.3��•a3 t�a�� Il�i�.i.t�r �1id � 3,�•� Cit�r Aid - Aut;,+�r-bax�ng- �., C�}.t�0 T�tal �, "-.�3.�} 'v�€�t�r serv3.�e c�s�arectiar� 9ri11 be ��e�aeti rs� t.'�e r��a ��t�b3.i�'l:e8. t►y Lhe �a.X.er ��s�nt. X� yaaa �t�ve �.��;� .c��.��i�� c�::�err��� tha �b�, �al�ase �all. , V�ry ta�:��.y y��az�t, Roy �. 3r�dt►�il., Jr. �ssiata.t V�����ic�aa a::� .�saesat�t �;3,3.r. :�3:1��:1� +cc: Fata1. Ders�c.b, � .. . . . . :r+z CITY OF ST. PAUL , Plo.2�70 d r � q� y � _ _�� ��: , � - OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ` .`��'� :: RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM � ,Z����� -' -'� COMMISS ONER ��S : JUII� Z�f I�T7 DAT� ���ED � : w�i�AS� 'T2� �osrd of �3ata�r �issior�x►s ha�s z�e�o�amsa�ad �o ths Ho�norabla Cit�r Co�nacil thst a p�rlic asta� ��a► ba iaat�llad �a Boxwaod Av�au� fs^am McX�i�t Road to 30a fea�t �st o# ehr �.snt�Yltr�► o� t�cKni�ht Road,. a�id rsca►�datia� �eixxg �ads by �aa�s gf �oa�cd It,�solnL3aa l�iwmb+ts 2$S8� azid - r►�i�AEA9, S2w Satat Pa�,t t�tax Utili�r �ta�! raca�aeuds t�xt ths propaaad Ksess �aaia be �arts�aitd b�r th� t3�� f+�tt ar�d th�s�sb�t e�l�.�aai�nate� �y ,�$s�ss�at c� Lot 13� 31ock 3� L�3stac► I�si.�ts� aa �qua►�r'ksd bl► �s a�nwx of �aid Lo� 13� 131ock �� I.r�i�rta�► Baights� a�d � � WHBREASi Tbn Yalw►�ioaa a�d Aa�rsa�m�t �gin�eer hss d�tss�ainad tbaL t.l�tre '�hal�, ba �c► r.h�gv � th+� �sti�t�td fiaaa�cia� o# �a,�7b2.04 fx�ea �sses�rats �ad� �4,fl88.00 froa� �Titas U�ility aid a�t ea eati�a.ta� ra� pes ,�ssa�sabl� foot +�i �14.50 �oY �as«k idaur7.a1 P��7� , �u, '�I3�BOR�, i38 IT �St�.V�Ds �et tha� 8a►ard o! tiat�sr Cama�tss�oa�rs has�by► axawds it� r�meadatta� ta► �e �aoratbl�e Cit� Caimc..l1 0�' :�a�aat �aul tQ► r�ed.as folle�se ��i'3aat a pablic �st.��r �ai� bo i�ttalle�d � 8oxw�d Avencw froea �ight �oatd to 297 feax �ast of ths c.�ne�rl3.u�n c�f �t$bt E�d� L3ue g�cac�a of s�id str�et beln� within. �.�aits pesm�tt.asd bp ��ucttan 252.i7 of � 3a3r,t Psul Lagislat3v� Co�� a�si t�t tha #�n�rallatie� aad paym�at : �hsrefosy in whole o�r i.0 part by ��s af a s�acia�. a��a�ssmsa�� ba dsea�d a Ioca�2 L-�pacavemant �xxd ba o�ttferrad at�d s��s ia sccord�ea� �it,�t the provf�ioAa ot t�ap�.�ac 13 a� t.l� City C�aart�r+," n - . . ..;.' . � . Water Commissioners � Yeas Nays Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Huat � Sar�a.a J'uw 2�► 19s7? - Sylveater — '�icf;Yrsddsnt Thampson In f'vor 4 Opposed � � , - � `�°'''3 SECY. �. • ' - - �: : - .... _ • , • .. . -, ,,,.:f, . . _ „ • . � � "��' - - � � . s"� ��. _ � ���3��� ia.ao pac . �7 -: � � � St. Paul, Minn.,______.. � � / � Y 9�7 . • , � .-- : �, To the Boar3 of Wstar.Commissionen'oi tLe C31,7 of SL Psul:: i• � • . ,. .'�^` ` ' _+ .. . . t- �. .. GENTLEMEN: The undersigned, your petitioners respectfully rep�w��nt; that they are �he oovners af proPert�9 franting ori � �C�X W'O O a �--F U� � � from ��Zc �rl i y�i�' � t/'2., '' � , � , � i .�'+— ro ��: � ' � _ �nd they respeetfully petitiaa your honorable body to cause water ma.ins to be laid on said � : , �I;h�et (avenue) between the poiuts herein alw�e named, at your earliest convenience.. Opposite our respee�.��� names we have given I,at, Block, Addition and number of feet frant, and by an X have indica�ed the exi��,�nce of improvemeats, and by the same sign pramise to make house connections with said mairt as soon ��p practicable after said main is laid, And a�in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray:-:'• ' � � . . _ _. ._ . _ . = ,. , . • - - _. . ,:� i ' . _: .. _ . Impiove- N A M E LOT BLOCK ADDITION - - �No.'of Feet WiIl take ... . . .. .. ? . Front on Lots Water � �/'` , -�, � ' . � . � , t . � � � ,v: ',ev(�� � . - ,�`V .3 �� � �' �j�rGC.S' ��O r �i1� _�,�c�-r,�` �-- ef-��e...�-�.� �� ,f - .._. �� _ �' ` D ��c � e � p..� ��� { � ��'�-�r �, _ � �,E,k�.�-r'�-,r,,- . '.�c.� �"�`�o �. A-�-oP,c �� w-r, �.� 3�0 , w`� � �y`�.-. :r C!�!� . 1 �-_. , .� �. . , J�-� Co� l3 � �C��L i - . _.�_____.. � I .�:�n-3-:-.-L. �/� � _��i:�,' .� U 3 .- L e w�s Tv.� ��'�� �5 /� 5 ,.'\ /h/ i ���"�"�' � 'V � • I 4 � � .. .. . ���Li s���w�i�Y'�^'Z^ � l [ r - :') ,. _ ' �`fo .. /��j.�/�r�/� , � �f ' / (� C c_�. � ' � � i O . � �� �� 3 Lll.++•i3 t o� � , : l�,�:. , . 13 � ,.; �. • - .- : ..- . � w . .. . � �. � � � . . � � - . � , b � ,, GITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , , � •E����,.�W��T t_ • � BOARD OF �:� R.�'G�OMMISS���^,� � ���;y� : Generai Manag�r ��' , � �"°; � .. � � . MEUWESSEPi ;' : ""s Water-Distr�button. y .. LEO1� R � It� t� ' ����'. � �� DR. PHILLj��. • M�SO�V�E�P� , : ° ' G RA ` , _,� � ` ► 'I' il j� Y 9 ` ;�° r.r.a� = i n , � � �s! �... at�cgd� :,�" ' ' ���1 � ' � t.of IWo i'�u t .._. .. __ (� t �` � �.� - !k � ��' �".'_ I, � �,` I1It. �f t ti �� �,.���, �6� Y �� � �:f 7 �e� � <.- . K . t , . � '�I' E L� � OB � � �' _� ��`� , ,�`y �'" � �� - � ��I�4 'k�i�I iq;�� „"� � �I ��M74� ..m- �'"x5� . '' ' � � ,.:a,,,+M��` .�L+� �A�,,,,r�`�.,._. _ �"' �, �• �� ��"� �i ,�. ,.�. tSSt551�Rt ..� �_ . w , ��`��� z ��`;.;� __. , PUMPiP1G� ;< ^ _ : _ � .�,._ ...�� _�. _n s..... � June 7� 1977 �����1� , Mr. Bernard J. Carlson Director of Finance & Management Services Room 113 City Hall Attention: Mr. Paul Desch Re: Proposed Water Main Installation in Boxwood Avenue from McKnight Road to 38� feet west of the centerline of McKnight Road �4'� Dear Mr. Carlson: The Board of Water Commissioners has recommended the installation of a public water main in the above referenced street. Attached please find a copy of Board resolution 2658 and copies of the plan and petition for this improvement. It is requested that the Department of Finance bring this matter before the Council for public hearing. If there are any q,uestions concerning this project� please contact Mr. Bernie Bullert or Mr. Allen Coulter of our Engineering Staff. Very truly yours, � � , .��-� �%� / Elmer A. Huset General Manager � RECE�VE� ..... AJ C:dc ~'� 1��l1M 2 319T� attachments OFFiCE pF - DEPqRT1v1EN7 � DlRECtpR aND MANAGEMENT�INA���E S�RVICES ;� `� . ( "�� �"Z�� y�..'�v��� V . . . . � , j��R sE�`y, ROOM NO. 216, CITY HALL — ST. PAUL, MtNNE50TA 55102 � .V . ,' ' �. : , • . � . .I I J �r � �j� . . .. , _ �i'+ I � • J�� � �/ ` / � � � �' �� � � ! �'7 h''.L� �"+�' +w «»� � +s,�;;� G�� `.� j 1 � . �` /! ' i � N��s ���` z d�?H��.s ' ,,'.t _ �'`.�-��� �` - � s- _ _ , �� ( � \ � �� . � . � . c ,::�� a r '' ' . � , t • i.. < f a ;, j � . , �., .� ._ �j i sz. a�.• �y . _.. ;_...Y� � ., � ,�� . . ,. -- aoi � ' � ` -�.. �. �� .� ,,:�,,, �a, ;e'?ay�f= �� � � �� ! � - • , �� � � � � � _ � -� � _ � � ;�, / _ � _ . __ _ .. . q a: � � � ' _ — � y � �`Y� . �,. wv S } 1 � ' ,. . . � - . �f . . . . 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