01-469Return Copy To: � " � � � � � � Police Dept. Accounting Presented By: Referred To: WIIEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dues certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $26,537 in excess of those esrimated in the 2001 budget; and Council File # 01 � '-{ Green Sheet# 111741 �? Committee:Date: 1 2 WfIEREAS, the Saint Pau] Police Department received a$98,000 grant from the Minnesota Department 3 of Public Safety for police overtime from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the City Council accepted this grant on January 18, 2000 (Council File number 00-23); and 6 7 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs to establish a spending and financing plan for 8 remaining funds from this grant that are available for 2001, and 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2001 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 001-General Fund 04100-Operations 3400-State Direct Grants In Aid RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CURRENT BUDGET CI3ANGES 26,537 AMENDED BUDGET 26,537 �, , SPENDING PLAN: 001-General Fund 0410Q-Operations 0141-Overtime 1,039,561 23,075 1,062,636 0439-Fringe Benefits 6,325,173 3,462 6,328,635 �'1;3�id;7'�' �'E�i,33'1 ,�'73 THEREFORE SE TT RESOLVED, That the CiTy Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. Requested by Department of: By: Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: Certified by Council B y : � \� _-4 � . Approved by Mayor:Date: gy ' ------� by � � m n overtimeQrant.cr2001 s�zsioi I GREEN SHEET 292-3588 asAr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUESTED ❑Z FlNNiCIAL SERVICES OIR y u` � + �x,wYOR(ORISSISTA1rt)_ i...J No. ��� a � - 4cq �FlNANCW.SERV/ALCTG �f4lIMANRtGNTS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the attached council resolution auffiorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to establish a 2001 financing and spending pian for ren�iniug grant funds &om the Minnesota Depariment of Public Safety. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this personffrm everworked untler a cont2ct for this depadment? YES NO Has this personN�rcn ever been a city employee? YES NO Does this person/firm possess a skill not noYmally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO Is this perso�rtn a targeted vendoh YES NO :plam all yes answers an separate sheet and attach to green sheet The Minnesota Depazhnent of Public Safety awazded a$98,000 police overtime to the Saint Paul Police Department far the peiiod January 1, 2000 ttuough December 31, 2001. The City Council accepted this grant on January 18, 2000 (Council File number 00-23). There are remaining grant funds that can be used in 2001. A fmancing and spending plan needs to be set up for the remavung grants fimds available in 2001. (Attached is a copy of the grant.) Additional police services ptovided fluough grant funds available. None. Inability to use remaining grant funds available frompolice overtime giant awazded in 2000. ��, � ����,�°, ��?`.MC�' ���� �: 3 ��� iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION $" 26,537 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO °UNDING SOURCE Minnesota Department of Public Safety g rant ACTIVtN NUMBER 04100 9NANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAtN) 111741 INITIAVDATE mnovzrtimegrant.g5.2001 :✓ STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMEIdT OF PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT AGREEMENT OvertimelDrug Dog Grant SFY 2000 Locn Fund 100 Object Code Vendor Number � o a a ��m� Commodity Code Agency Number PU7 � Org(Sub 6150 Requisition No. Co�tract No. - �3"� �� Totaf Obligation b6 r% �8, Cabv o�-y49 Appr. Unit 681 ier No. b co�— Report Category TH1S COOPERATiVE AGREEMENT, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention (hereinafter called the STATE) and ,City of Saint Pauf, Poiice Department, 100 East 11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 (hereinafter calied GRANTEE), witnesseth that: W HEREAS, the Department of Public Safety is the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State ofi Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.62 and 1999 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 1, Section 7, Subd., 6 for the Community-Oriented Policing (COPS) Grant Program and/or grants to local law enforcement agencies to purchase dogs trained to detect ar locate controlled substances by scent; and WHEREAS, the STATE is auihorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.62 and 1999 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 1, Section 7., Subd., 6 to make grant contracts from state funds to qualified appiicants; and W NEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for the purpose specified in Attachment i; and WHEFtEAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualifiied and willing to carry out the tasks described in Attachment 1, NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows: SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GRANTEE will carry out the tasks described in its application for grant Sunds ( Attachment 1) which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of ihis Agreement. CONSIDERATION AND 7ER��lU OF �r^.YMENT. A. Consideration for all services performed and goods or materiais supplied by the GRANTEE pursuant to this grant agreement shail be paid by the STATE as foliows: 1.Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, included in Attachment 1 of this Agreement. 2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in pertormance of this agreemeni in an amount not to exceed NONE dollars ($ 0.00 ; provided, that the GRANTEE shail be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner ar.d in no greater amount that provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed fior travei and subsistence expense incurred outside of the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such out of state travei firom the STATE. 3.The iotal obiigation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed $9&,000.00, from January 1, 2000, through June 30, 2000, and an additional $0.00 from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001. Funds not expended by the GRANTEE during the first state fiscai year of this Agreement may 1 of 4 COPSlOvertime/Drug Dog Grant/ be expended in the second year of the Agreement. B.7erms of Payment. Ol -�.L� 1. Fuli payment of the STATE's obfigation to GRANTEE pertaining to this Agreement fos January 1, 2000 through June 30, 2�00 will be made by the STATE within 30 days of the execution date ofi this Agreements. 7he reinaining balance of the STATE's obligation to GRANTEE will be paid to the GRAN7EE after July 1, 2000. 2. Payments are to be made from State funds obta+ned by the STATE through the Gommunity-Oriented Policing (CQPS} Grant Program andlor grants to local law enforcement agencies to purchase dogs trained to detect or locate controlled substances by scent authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.62 and 1999 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 1, Section 7., Subd., 6. If at any time such funds become unavaiiable, this Agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE. In ihe event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to paymeni, deYermi;,�d or z pro raia basis, for services satisiac4orily performed for which State funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE. 3. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds aliocaied for this project according to the attached project budget included in Attachment i of this Agreement. The GRANTEE wilt submit a revised budget for any deviation of 10% or more between the allowabie funding caiegories. The revised budget must be approved by the STATE before any expendiiures can be made based on the revised budget. 4. The GRAN7EE agrees to retum any unused funds to the STATE unless prior approval for an exte�sion has been granted by the STATE's Authorized Agent, stated in this Agreement, and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duiy executed. Unused funds must be reiurned to the STATE within 30 days of the ending date, or term'tnation date of this Agreement. 111. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of the STATE as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accordance with aii applicable federal, state, and focal laws, ordinances, rules and reguiations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment for work found by the STATE to be unsatisiactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, rule, or regulation. IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to return funds to the STATE for any work the STATE in +ts sole discretion determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federai, state or local law, ordinance, rule or reguiation. V. REDUCTION, SUSPEfdSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfili obligations under the Agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of ihe Agreemenf, the STATE may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the action. GRANTEE shaii be enti�ied to payment for work or serv;c� sas�`.ac!�.^:ly pe�!ormed for which state funds are availabie. This grant agreement may be canceled by either party at any time with or without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a canceilation, GRANTEE shaii be entftled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for woric or services satisfactorily perSormed. Vi. TERMS OF GRANT This grant agreement shait be eifective upon the date that the fina! required signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16C.05, Subd. 2, and shali remain in effect until December 31. 2001, or uniif alf obligations set forth in this grant agreement have been satisfactorify fuiiiited, whichever occursfirst. The GRANTEE may claim reimbursement fior expenditures incurred for services performed on or after Januarv i. 2000. VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is Jeri Boisvert, Planning Director, or her successor in ofEice, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Vioience Prevention, 444 Gedar Street, Suite 100, Town Square, St. Paul, MN 55101-5100. Such agent shal4 have final authority for acceptance of GRANTEE'S services. VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE conceming project progress through such reasonabie means as the STATE may find convenient. These wi0 inciude the foilowing, and shall be submitted to: Jeri Boisvert, Planning 2 of 4 � � COPSlOvertimelDrug Dog Grant/ a�.y4t Director, or her successor in oHice, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention, 444 Cedar Street, Suite t00, Town Square, St. Paul, MN 55101-5i00. A.The CaRANTEE will advise the STATE conceming project progress through the submission of quarterly repoRs as required by the STATE's Authorized Agent. These reports witl be due within 20 days of the end of the quarter. B. Submission ofi a final evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date ot this Agreement. C.Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this Agreement. D.GRANTEE shall make any and all project records, reports and other data avaiiabie to the STATE upon request; ihis includes submission of copies ot any reports, data, surveys (including survey instruments), or other materia{s for review and comment before they are prepared in fiinai form, and six copies of afl materials produced by the project fo)lowing production of the materials. E. Permitting periodic site visits by the STATE's Auihorized Agent, other STATE staff or other emplayees of the State of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE. F. If initiated, pariicipation in statewide data coi{ection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behalf of the STATE, for tha purpose of state:vide evaluation eiforts and assistance with individual project evaluation plans. G. Participation in training and evaluation workshops may be required. IX. ACCOUNTiNG, AUDIT AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. A.GRANTEE wifl establish a separate account of this project and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generaAy acceptable accounting principies. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices for this project shall be subject to ihe examination of the STATE's authorized agert and by the Legis{ative Auditor for a minimum of six years. Fiscal records shall be retained for a period of six years following submission of the final report. B.The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or consultant relevant io lhis agreement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized agent and the legislative auditor for a minimum of six years. X. NONDtSCRIMINATiON. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it will meet all applicable requiremenis of the Civif Rights Act of i964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of handicapping conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes. Xf. ASSIGNMEN7. GRANTEE wiil neither assfgn nor transfer any rights of obiigations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE. A.GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work pian (Attachment 1). It is unders400d, however, the GRANTEE remains sotety responsibie to the STATE fer providing the products and services described. 8. identification of source of funding. Ali repocts, materiais, conference documents, and any other products made availabie through this project, shall carry an acknowledgment that is was funded under provisions of the State ofi Minnesofa (Community Oriented Polic+ng Grant Program) and give credit to other partys participaiion. XII. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this Agreement shalf be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the origina4 Agreement, or their successors in office. XI11. LIABILITY. To the extent permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agerrts, and empbyees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action rising from the performance of this Agreement by GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or empioyees. This clause shai4 not be construed to bar any Iegal remedies GRANTEE may have for tfie STATE's tai4ure to fulfill its obiigations pursuant to this Agreement. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 466, GRANTEE'S Iiability is governed by the Municipal Tort CVaims Act. 3 of A -- COPS/Overtime/Druq Dog Grantl n �-y�9 X1V. WORKER'S COMPENSA710N. The STATE affirms that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance with the workers' cpmpensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, t76.181, Subdivision 2. XV. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. jhe_GRANTEE must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Mmnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as ft applies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this Agreement, and as it applies to all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the GRANTEE in accordance with this Agreement. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.0&, apply to the release of the data referred to in this Article 6y either the GRANTEE or the S7ATE. - In the event the GRANTEE receives a request to release the data referred to in this Articfe, the GRANTEE musi immediately notify the STATE. The STATE will give the GRAN7EE instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. tN W tTNESS W HEREOF, the parties have caused the grant to be duly execuied intending to be bound ihereby. NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE �s othpr than a a�vernment agency, ii is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 270.66, to provide the social security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State or Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers coufd result in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax iiabiiities. These numbers ifl be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnei involved in the payment of state o6ligations. 4 of 4 -- COPS/Overtime/Drug Dog Grant/ Person(s) signing the Agreement and obligating GRANTEE to the conditio�s of the Agreement, musi be authorized. A certified copy of the resolution authorizi�g the GRANTEE to enter into this Agreement and designating person(s) to execute this Agreement must be attached hereto. ATTACHMENT 1 61- y �°� PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET 2 Authonzed O�cial Legal Name Sveet - Qry - Z�p Phone 100 East llth Street William K. Fi nney St. Paul, 55101 (651 3 Operaung Agenc}' (if di$erent from # 1) 4. Contact Person for fwther infocmaUOn on application . Legal Name Stree[ - Ciry - Zip Phone 100 East llth Street Amy Bzovn �St. Paul, 55101 (651�292-3507 Page 2 FY00 COMMUNITY POItCINGC-0PS} OVERTIME GRANTS PROGRAM ). Appi�cat�on Agency (with w}tich contract is to be executed) � I certS�' chat the informallon contained herein is We and accurate to the best of my }:nowledge and that I subma t h� s apphc�tior, oa behalf of the applicant agency. Return Copy To: � " � � � � � � Police Dept. Accounting Presented By: Referred To: WIIEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dues certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $26,537 in excess of those esrimated in the 2001 budget; and Council File # 01 � '-{ Green Sheet# 111741 �? Committee:Date: 1 2 WfIEREAS, the Saint Pau] Police Department received a$98,000 grant from the Minnesota Department 3 of Public Safety for police overtime from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the City Council accepted this grant on January 18, 2000 (Council File number 00-23); and 6 7 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs to establish a spending and financing plan for 8 remaining funds from this grant that are available for 2001, and 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2001 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 001-General Fund 04100-Operations 3400-State Direct Grants In Aid RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CURRENT BUDGET CI3ANGES 26,537 AMENDED BUDGET 26,537 �, , SPENDING PLAN: 001-General Fund 0410Q-Operations 0141-Overtime 1,039,561 23,075 1,062,636 0439-Fringe Benefits 6,325,173 3,462 6,328,635 �'1;3�id;7'�' �'E�i,33'1 ,�'73 THEREFORE SE TT RESOLVED, That the CiTy Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. Requested by Department of: By: Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: Certified by Council B y : � \� _-4 � . Approved by Mayor:Date: gy ' ------� by � � m n overtimeQrant.cr2001 s�zsioi I GREEN SHEET 292-3588 asAr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUESTED ❑Z FlNNiCIAL SERVICES OIR y u` � + �x,wYOR(ORISSISTA1rt)_ i...J No. ��� a � - 4cq �FlNANCW.SERV/ALCTG �f4lIMANRtGNTS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the attached council resolution auffiorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to establish a 2001 financing and spending pian for ren�iniug grant funds &om the Minnesota Depariment of Public Safety. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this personffrm everworked untler a cont2ct for this depadment? YES NO Has this personN�rcn ever been a city employee? YES NO Does this person/firm possess a skill not noYmally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO Is this perso�rtn a targeted vendoh YES NO :plam all yes answers an separate sheet and attach to green sheet The Minnesota Depazhnent of Public Safety awazded a$98,000 police overtime to the Saint Paul Police Department far the peiiod January 1, 2000 ttuough December 31, 2001. The City Council accepted this grant on January 18, 2000 (Council File number 00-23). There are remaining grant funds that can be used in 2001. A fmancing and spending plan needs to be set up for the remavung grants fimds available in 2001. (Attached is a copy of the grant.) Additional police services ptovided fluough grant funds available. None. Inability to use remaining grant funds available frompolice overtime giant awazded in 2000. ��, � ����,�°, ��?`.MC�' ���� �: 3 ��� iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION $" 26,537 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO °UNDING SOURCE Minnesota Department of Public Safety g rant ACTIVtN NUMBER 04100 9NANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAtN) 111741 INITIAVDATE mnovzrtimegrant.g5.2001 :✓ STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMEIdT OF PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT AGREEMENT OvertimelDrug Dog Grant SFY 2000 Locn Fund 100 Object Code Vendor Number � o a a ��m� Commodity Code Agency Number PU7 � Org(Sub 6150 Requisition No. Co�tract No. - �3"� �� Totaf Obligation b6 r% �8, Cabv o�-y49 Appr. Unit 681 ier No. b co�— Report Category TH1S COOPERATiVE AGREEMENT, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention (hereinafter called the STATE) and ,City of Saint Pauf, Poiice Department, 100 East 11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 (hereinafter calied GRANTEE), witnesseth that: W HEREAS, the Department of Public Safety is the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State ofi Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.62 and 1999 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 1, Section 7, Subd., 6 for the Community-Oriented Policing (COPS) Grant Program and/or grants to local law enforcement agencies to purchase dogs trained to detect ar locate controlled substances by scent; and WHEREAS, the STATE is auihorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.62 and 1999 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 1, Section 7., Subd., 6 to make grant contracts from state funds to qualified appiicants; and W NEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for the purpose specified in Attachment i; and WHEFtEAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualifiied and willing to carry out the tasks described in Attachment 1, NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows: SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GRANTEE will carry out the tasks described in its application for grant Sunds ( Attachment 1) which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of ihis Agreement. CONSIDERATION AND 7ER��lU OF �r^.YMENT. A. Consideration for all services performed and goods or materiais supplied by the GRANTEE pursuant to this grant agreement shail be paid by the STATE as foliows: 1.Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, included in Attachment 1 of this Agreement. 2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in pertormance of this agreemeni in an amount not to exceed NONE dollars ($ 0.00 ; provided, that the GRANTEE shail be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner ar.d in no greater amount that provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed fior travei and subsistence expense incurred outside of the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such out of state travei firom the STATE. 3.The iotal obiigation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed $9&,000.00, from January 1, 2000, through June 30, 2000, and an additional $0.00 from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001. Funds not expended by the GRANTEE during the first state fiscai year of this Agreement may 1 of 4 COPSlOvertime/Drug Dog Grant/ be expended in the second year of the Agreement. B.7erms of Payment. Ol -�.L� 1. Fuli payment of the STATE's obfigation to GRANTEE pertaining to this Agreement fos January 1, 2000 through June 30, 2�00 will be made by the STATE within 30 days of the execution date ofi this Agreements. 7he reinaining balance of the STATE's obligation to GRANTEE will be paid to the GRAN7EE after July 1, 2000. 2. Payments are to be made from State funds obta+ned by the STATE through the Gommunity-Oriented Policing (CQPS} Grant Program andlor grants to local law enforcement agencies to purchase dogs trained to detect or locate controlled substances by scent authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.62 and 1999 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 1, Section 7., Subd., 6. If at any time such funds become unavaiiable, this Agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE. In ihe event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to paymeni, deYermi;,�d or z pro raia basis, for services satisiac4orily performed for which State funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE. 3. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds aliocaied for this project according to the attached project budget included in Attachment i of this Agreement. The GRANTEE wilt submit a revised budget for any deviation of 10% or more between the allowabie funding caiegories. The revised budget must be approved by the STATE before any expendiiures can be made based on the revised budget. 4. The GRAN7EE agrees to retum any unused funds to the STATE unless prior approval for an exte�sion has been granted by the STATE's Authorized Agent, stated in this Agreement, and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duiy executed. Unused funds must be reiurned to the STATE within 30 days of the ending date, or term'tnation date of this Agreement. 111. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of the STATE as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accordance with aii applicable federal, state, and focal laws, ordinances, rules and reguiations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment for work found by the STATE to be unsatisiactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, rule, or regulation. IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to return funds to the STATE for any work the STATE in +ts sole discretion determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federai, state or local law, ordinance, rule or reguiation. V. REDUCTION, SUSPEfdSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfili obligations under the Agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of ihe Agreemenf, the STATE may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the action. GRANTEE shaii be enti�ied to payment for work or serv;c� sas�`.ac!�.^:ly pe�!ormed for which state funds are availabie. This grant agreement may be canceled by either party at any time with or without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a canceilation, GRANTEE shaii be entftled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for woric or services satisfactorily perSormed. Vi. TERMS OF GRANT This grant agreement shait be eifective upon the date that the fina! required signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16C.05, Subd. 2, and shali remain in effect until December 31. 2001, or uniif alf obligations set forth in this grant agreement have been satisfactorify fuiiiited, whichever occursfirst. The GRANTEE may claim reimbursement fior expenditures incurred for services performed on or after Januarv i. 2000. VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is Jeri Boisvert, Planning Director, or her successor in ofEice, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Vioience Prevention, 444 Gedar Street, Suite 100, Town Square, St. Paul, MN 55101-5100. Such agent shal4 have final authority for acceptance of GRANTEE'S services. VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE conceming project progress through such reasonabie means as the STATE may find convenient. These wi0 inciude the foilowing, and shall be submitted to: Jeri Boisvert, Planning 2 of 4 � � COPSlOvertimelDrug Dog Grant/ a�.y4t Director, or her successor in oHice, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention, 444 Cedar Street, Suite t00, Town Square, St. Paul, MN 55101-5i00. A.The CaRANTEE will advise the STATE conceming project progress through the submission of quarterly repoRs as required by the STATE's Authorized Agent. These reports witl be due within 20 days of the end of the quarter. B. Submission ofi a final evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date ot this Agreement. C.Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this Agreement. D.GRANTEE shall make any and all project records, reports and other data avaiiabie to the STATE upon request; ihis includes submission of copies ot any reports, data, surveys (including survey instruments), or other materia{s for review and comment before they are prepared in fiinai form, and six copies of afl materials produced by the project fo)lowing production of the materials. E. Permitting periodic site visits by the STATE's Auihorized Agent, other STATE staff or other emplayees of the State of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE. F. If initiated, pariicipation in statewide data coi{ection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behalf of the STATE, for tha purpose of state:vide evaluation eiforts and assistance with individual project evaluation plans. G. Participation in training and evaluation workshops may be required. IX. ACCOUNTiNG, AUDIT AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. A.GRANTEE wifl establish a separate account of this project and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generaAy acceptable accounting principies. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices for this project shall be subject to ihe examination of the STATE's authorized agert and by the Legis{ative Auditor for a minimum of six years. Fiscal records shall be retained for a period of six years following submission of the final report. B.The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or consultant relevant io lhis agreement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized agent and the legislative auditor for a minimum of six years. X. NONDtSCRIMINATiON. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it will meet all applicable requiremenis of the Civif Rights Act of i964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of handicapping conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes. Xf. ASSIGNMEN7. GRANTEE wiil neither assfgn nor transfer any rights of obiigations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE. A.GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work pian (Attachment 1). It is unders400d, however, the GRANTEE remains sotety responsibie to the STATE fer providing the products and services described. 8. identification of source of funding. Ali repocts, materiais, conference documents, and any other products made availabie through this project, shall carry an acknowledgment that is was funded under provisions of the State ofi Minnesofa (Community Oriented Polic+ng Grant Program) and give credit to other partys participaiion. XII. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this Agreement shalf be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the origina4 Agreement, or their successors in office. XI11. LIABILITY. To the extent permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agerrts, and empbyees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action rising from the performance of this Agreement by GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or empioyees. This clause shai4 not be construed to bar any Iegal remedies GRANTEE may have for tfie STATE's tai4ure to fulfill its obiigations pursuant to this Agreement. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 466, GRANTEE'S Iiability is governed by the Municipal Tort CVaims Act. 3 of A -- COPS/Overtime/Druq Dog Grantl n �-y�9 X1V. WORKER'S COMPENSA710N. The STATE affirms that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance with the workers' cpmpensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, t76.181, Subdivision 2. XV. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. jhe_GRANTEE must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Mmnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as ft applies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this Agreement, and as it applies to all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the GRANTEE in accordance with this Agreement. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.0&, apply to the release of the data referred to in this Article 6y either the GRANTEE or the S7ATE. - In the event the GRANTEE receives a request to release the data referred to in this Articfe, the GRANTEE musi immediately notify the STATE. The STATE will give the GRAN7EE instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. tN W tTNESS W HEREOF, the parties have caused the grant to be duly execuied intending to be bound ihereby. NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE �s othpr than a a�vernment agency, ii is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 270.66, to provide the social security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State or Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers coufd result in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax iiabiiities. These numbers ifl be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnei involved in the payment of state o6ligations. 4 of 4 -- COPS/Overtime/Drug Dog Grant/ Person(s) signing the Agreement and obligating GRANTEE to the conditio�s of the Agreement, musi be authorized. A certified copy of the resolution authorizi�g the GRANTEE to enter into this Agreement and designating person(s) to execute this Agreement must be attached hereto. ATTACHMENT 1 61- y �°� PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET 2 Authonzed O�cial Legal Name Sveet - Qry - Z�p Phone 100 East llth Street William K. Fi nney St. Paul, 55101 (651 3 Operaung Agenc}' (if di$erent from # 1) 4. Contact Person for fwther infocmaUOn on application . Legal Name Stree[ - Ciry - Zip Phone 100 East llth Street Amy Bzovn �St. Paul, 55101 (651�292-3507 Page 2 FY00 COMMUNITY POItCINGC-0PS} OVERTIME GRANTS PROGRAM ). Appi�cat�on Agency (with w}tich contract is to be executed) � I certS�' chat the informallon contained herein is We and accurate to the best of my }:nowledge and that I subma t h� s apphc�tior, oa behalf of the applicant agency. Return Copy To: � " � � � � � � Police Dept. Accounting Presented By: Referred To: WIIEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dues certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $26,537 in excess of those esrimated in the 2001 budget; and Council File # 01 � '-{ Green Sheet# 111741 �? Committee:Date: 1 2 WfIEREAS, the Saint Pau] Police Department received a$98,000 grant from the Minnesota Department 3 of Public Safety for police overtime from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the City Council accepted this grant on January 18, 2000 (Council File number 00-23); and 6 7 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs to establish a spending and financing plan for 8 remaining funds from this grant that are available for 2001, and 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2001 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 001-General Fund 04100-Operations 3400-State Direct Grants In Aid RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CURRENT BUDGET CI3ANGES 26,537 AMENDED BUDGET 26,537 �, , SPENDING PLAN: 001-General Fund 0410Q-Operations 0141-Overtime 1,039,561 23,075 1,062,636 0439-Fringe Benefits 6,325,173 3,462 6,328,635 �'1;3�id;7'�' �'E�i,33'1 ,�'73 THEREFORE SE TT RESOLVED, That the CiTy Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. Requested by Department of: By: Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: Certified by Council B y : � \� _-4 � . Approved by Mayor:Date: gy ' ------� by � � m n overtimeQrant.cr2001 s�zsioi I GREEN SHEET 292-3588 asAr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUESTED ❑Z FlNNiCIAL SERVICES OIR y u` � + �x,wYOR(ORISSISTA1rt)_ i...J No. ��� a � - 4cq �FlNANCW.SERV/ALCTG �f4lIMANRtGNTS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the attached council resolution auffiorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to establish a 2001 financing and spending pian for ren�iniug grant funds &om the Minnesota Depariment of Public Safety. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this personffrm everworked untler a cont2ct for this depadment? YES NO Has this personN�rcn ever been a city employee? YES NO Does this person/firm possess a skill not noYmally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO Is this perso�rtn a targeted vendoh YES NO :plam all yes answers an separate sheet and attach to green sheet The Minnesota Depazhnent of Public Safety awazded a$98,000 police overtime to the Saint Paul Police Department far the peiiod January 1, 2000 ttuough December 31, 2001. The City Council accepted this grant on January 18, 2000 (Council File number 00-23). There are remaining grant funds that can be used in 2001. A fmancing and spending plan needs to be set up for the remavung grants fimds available in 2001. (Attached is a copy of the grant.) Additional police services ptovided fluough grant funds available. None. Inability to use remaining grant funds available frompolice overtime giant awazded in 2000. ��, � ����,�°, ��?`.MC�' ���� �: 3 ��� iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION $" 26,537 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO °UNDING SOURCE Minnesota Department of Public Safety g rant ACTIVtN NUMBER 04100 9NANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAtN) 111741 INITIAVDATE mnovzrtimegrant.g5.2001 :✓ STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMEIdT OF PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT AGREEMENT OvertimelDrug Dog Grant SFY 2000 Locn Fund 100 Object Code Vendor Number � o a a ��m� Commodity Code Agency Number PU7 � Org(Sub 6150 Requisition No. Co�tract No. - �3"� �� Totaf Obligation b6 r% �8, Cabv o�-y49 Appr. Unit 681 ier No. b co�— Report Category TH1S COOPERATiVE AGREEMENT, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention (hereinafter called the STATE) and ,City of Saint Pauf, Poiice Department, 100 East 11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 (hereinafter calied GRANTEE), witnesseth that: W HEREAS, the Department of Public Safety is the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State ofi Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.62 and 1999 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 1, Section 7, Subd., 6 for the Community-Oriented Policing (COPS) Grant Program and/or grants to local law enforcement agencies to purchase dogs trained to detect ar locate controlled substances by scent; and WHEREAS, the STATE is auihorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.62 and 1999 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 1, Section 7., Subd., 6 to make grant contracts from state funds to qualified appiicants; and W NEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for the purpose specified in Attachment i; and WHEFtEAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualifiied and willing to carry out the tasks described in Attachment 1, NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows: SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GRANTEE will carry out the tasks described in its application for grant Sunds ( Attachment 1) which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of ihis Agreement. CONSIDERATION AND 7ER��lU OF �r^.YMENT. A. Consideration for all services performed and goods or materiais supplied by the GRANTEE pursuant to this grant agreement shail be paid by the STATE as foliows: 1.Compensation shall be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, included in Attachment 1 of this Agreement. 2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in pertormance of this agreemeni in an amount not to exceed NONE dollars ($ 0.00 ; provided, that the GRANTEE shail be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner ar.d in no greater amount that provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed fior travei and subsistence expense incurred outside of the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such out of state travei firom the STATE. 3.The iotal obiigation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed $9&,000.00, from January 1, 2000, through June 30, 2000, and an additional $0.00 from July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001. Funds not expended by the GRANTEE during the first state fiscai year of this Agreement may 1 of 4 COPSlOvertime/Drug Dog Grant/ be expended in the second year of the Agreement. B.7erms of Payment. Ol -�.L� 1. Fuli payment of the STATE's obfigation to GRANTEE pertaining to this Agreement fos January 1, 2000 through June 30, 2�00 will be made by the STATE within 30 days of the execution date ofi this Agreements. 7he reinaining balance of the STATE's obligation to GRANTEE will be paid to the GRAN7EE after July 1, 2000. 2. Payments are to be made from State funds obta+ned by the STATE through the Gommunity-Oriented Policing (CQPS} Grant Program andlor grants to local law enforcement agencies to purchase dogs trained to detect or locate controlled substances by scent authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.62 and 1999 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 1, Section 7., Subd., 6. If at any time such funds become unavaiiable, this Agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE. In ihe event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to paymeni, deYermi;,�d or z pro raia basis, for services satisiac4orily performed for which State funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE. 3. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds aliocaied for this project according to the attached project budget included in Attachment i of this Agreement. The GRANTEE wilt submit a revised budget for any deviation of 10% or more between the allowabie funding caiegories. The revised budget must be approved by the STATE before any expendiiures can be made based on the revised budget. 4. The GRAN7EE agrees to retum any unused funds to the STATE unless prior approval for an exte�sion has been granted by the STATE's Authorized Agent, stated in this Agreement, and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duiy executed. Unused funds must be reiurned to the STATE within 30 days of the ending date, or term'tnation date of this Agreement. 111. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of the STATE as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accordance with aii applicable federal, state, and focal laws, ordinances, rules and reguiations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment for work found by the STATE to be unsatisiactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, rule, or regulation. IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to return funds to the STATE for any work the STATE in +ts sole discretion determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federai, state or local law, ordinance, rule or reguiation. V. REDUCTION, SUSPEfdSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfili obligations under the Agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of ihe Agreemenf, the STATE may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the action. GRANTEE shaii be enti�ied to payment for work or serv;c� sas�`.ac!�.^:ly pe�!ormed for which state funds are availabie. This grant agreement may be canceled by either party at any time with or without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such a canceilation, GRANTEE shaii be entftled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for woric or services satisfactorily perSormed. Vi. TERMS OF GRANT This grant agreement shait be eifective upon the date that the fina! required signature is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16C.05, Subd. 2, and shali remain in effect until December 31. 2001, or uniif alf obligations set forth in this grant agreement have been satisfactorify fuiiiited, whichever occursfirst. The GRANTEE may claim reimbursement fior expenditures incurred for services performed on or after Januarv i. 2000. VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is Jeri Boisvert, Planning Director, or her successor in ofEice, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Vioience Prevention, 444 Gedar Street, Suite 100, Town Square, St. Paul, MN 55101-5100. Such agent shal4 have final authority for acceptance of GRANTEE'S services. VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE conceming project progress through such reasonabie means as the STATE may find convenient. These wi0 inciude the foilowing, and shall be submitted to: Jeri Boisvert, Planning 2 of 4 � � COPSlOvertimelDrug Dog Grant/ a�.y4t Director, or her successor in oHice, Department of Public Safety, Office of Drug Policy and Violence Prevention, 444 Cedar Street, Suite t00, Town Square, St. Paul, MN 55101-5i00. A.The CaRANTEE will advise the STATE conceming project progress through the submission of quarterly repoRs as required by the STATE's Authorized Agent. These reports witl be due within 20 days of the end of the quarter. B. Submission ofi a final evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date ot this Agreement. C.Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this Agreement. D.GRANTEE shall make any and all project records, reports and other data avaiiabie to the STATE upon request; ihis includes submission of copies ot any reports, data, surveys (including survey instruments), or other materia{s for review and comment before they are prepared in fiinai form, and six copies of afl materials produced by the project fo)lowing production of the materials. E. Permitting periodic site visits by the STATE's Auihorized Agent, other STATE staff or other emplayees of the State of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE. F. If initiated, pariicipation in statewide data coi{ection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behalf of the STATE, for tha purpose of state:vide evaluation eiforts and assistance with individual project evaluation plans. G. Participation in training and evaluation workshops may be required. IX. ACCOUNTiNG, AUDIT AND RETENTION OF RECORDS. A.GRANTEE wifl establish a separate account of this project and will maintain fiscal records in accordance with generaAy acceptable accounting principies. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices for this project shall be subject to ihe examination of the STATE's authorized agert and by the Legis{ative Auditor for a minimum of six years. Fiscal records shall be retained for a period of six years following submission of the final report. B.The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or consultant relevant io lhis agreement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized agent and the legislative auditor for a minimum of six years. X. NONDtSCRIMINATiON. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it will meet all applicable requiremenis of the Civif Rights Act of i964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of handicapping conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes. Xf. ASSIGNMEN7. GRANTEE wiil neither assfgn nor transfer any rights of obiigations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the STATE. A.GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work pian (Attachment 1). It is unders400d, however, the GRANTEE remains sotety responsibie to the STATE fer providing the products and services described. 8. identification of source of funding. Ali repocts, materiais, conference documents, and any other products made availabie through this project, shall carry an acknowledgment that is was funded under provisions of the State ofi Minnesofa (Community Oriented Polic+ng Grant Program) and give credit to other partys participaiion. XII. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this Agreement shalf be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the origina4 Agreement, or their successors in office. XI11. LIABILITY. To the extent permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agerrts, and empbyees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action rising from the performance of this Agreement by GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or empioyees. This clause shai4 not be construed to bar any Iegal remedies GRANTEE may have for tfie STATE's tai4ure to fulfill its obiigations pursuant to this Agreement. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 466, GRANTEE'S Iiability is governed by the Municipal Tort CVaims Act. 3 of A -- COPS/Overtime/Druq Dog Grantl n �-y�9 X1V. WORKER'S COMPENSA710N. The STATE affirms that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance with the workers' cpmpensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, t76.181, Subdivision 2. XV. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. jhe_GRANTEE must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Mmnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as ft applies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with this Agreement, and as it applies to all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the GRANTEE in accordance with this Agreement. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.0&, apply to the release of the data referred to in this Article 6y either the GRANTEE or the S7ATE. - In the event the GRANTEE receives a request to release the data referred to in this Articfe, the GRANTEE musi immediately notify the STATE. The STATE will give the GRAN7EE instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. tN W tTNESS W HEREOF, the parties have caused the grant to be duly execuied intending to be bound ihereby. NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE �s othpr than a a�vernment agency, ii is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 270.66, to provide the social security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State or Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers coufd result in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax iiabiiities. These numbers ifl be available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnei involved in the payment of state o6ligations. 4 of 4 -- COPS/Overtime/Drug Dog Grant/ Person(s) signing the Agreement and obligating GRANTEE to the conditio�s of the Agreement, musi be authorized. A certified copy of the resolution authorizi�g the GRANTEE to enter into this Agreement and designating person(s) to execute this Agreement must be attached hereto. ATTACHMENT 1 61- y �°� PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET 2 Authonzed O�cial Legal Name Sveet - Qry - Z�p Phone 100 East llth Street William K. Fi nney St. Paul, 55101 (651 3 Operaung Agenc}' (if di$erent from # 1) 4. Contact Person for fwther infocmaUOn on application . Legal Name Stree[ - Ciry - Zip Phone 100 East llth Street Amy Bzovn �St. Paul, 55101 (651�292-3507 Page 2 FY00 COMMUNITY POItCINGC-0PS} OVERTIME GRANTS PROGRAM ). Appi�cat�on Agency (with w}tich contract is to be executed) � I certS�' chat the informallon contained herein is We and accurate to the best of my }:nowledge and that I subma t h� s apphc�tior, oa behalf of the applicant agency.