269607 WH17E - CITV CLERK ^^^ ^��
� GANARV - DEPARTMENT - CO1111C11 l ���7
BLUE � - MAVOR G Y � A T PAITL File � NO. rylv���
' ' ut ' n
Presented By
Referred To �+ C ttee Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that�
Chapter 164, Laws of Minnesota for 1977, approved the 19th day
of May, 1g'7'7, entitled:
"An act relating to the cities of St. Paul,
Minneapolis, and Duluth; firefighter' s
survivor benefits; amending Laws 1955,
Chapter 375, Section 25, as amended; Laws
1965, Chapter 519, Section 1, as amended;
and Laws 1975, Chapter 127, Section 2,
as amended. "
a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said �
Act hereby is in all things approved;
RESOLVID FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief
clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith
file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form
prescribad by the Attarney Gener-al stating the �yssential-
' faets necessary to said approval o� said Aet hereunder and
including a copy o� this resolution of approval of said Act.
Yeas Nays Requested by Departmeqt of:
Butler � • � In Favor
Hunt J
Levine __ Against BY
Adopte Council: Date
AUG 1 8 19T7 Form ved by City Attorney
Ce ified Pas y Council Secretary�
Approv Mavor: Date � At�G_2�3 �9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun '
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(Pursuant to A9innesota Statutes, 645.U2 and 645.U21) �_� .
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RAMS EY ' /;'•'�') .
County of . � . � �,�{•
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the
(namc o governmcntal unit)
DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the pro��sions of Laws, 19�� , Chapier
164 requuing approval by a • majority vote of the governing body of said 1oca1
go��ernmental unit before it becomes effective, the CITY COUNCIL
(designate governing body)
at a meeting duly h�.ld on the 18thday of AUGUST � 19 77 , by resolution
COUNCIL FILE N0, 269607 did approve said Laws, 19 �� , Chapter 164
(If other than resolution,apccify)
by a 7 majority vote of all of the members thereof
(Ayes 7 ; Noes 0 ; Absent or not voting 0 ) and the follokzng additional steps, if any, rcquir-
-, ed by statute or charter weTe taken:
A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part this certificate by reference.
Signe .-
���T, ,� CITY CI.ERK.
(Officia] daignation of officer)
(This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by
the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.U21) . • Y
"7f eztmordinary majority is required by the speciai law insert fraction or percentage here.
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� _ I, JOAN ANDERSON GROWE, Secretary of State of the State of (;_
� � Minnesota, do hereby certify that the annexed is a full, true and
correct photocopy of -Acts- Senate Fi 1 e 1 369 , bei ng
Chapter 164, Laws of Minnesota for 1977 , as ��
� Approved on May 19 , 1977 , and filed in this
Office on May 19, 1977. . . . . . . . .
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yI as the same appears of record in this office, and of the whole thereof.
In Testimony Whereof,I have hereunto _
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in St. Paul, this
� � 20th day of June
� A. D. 19��
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S.F.No. 1369
1 dec�artment = or
2 (2) A child or children who were livina while the
3 deceased was on the nayroll of the fire department , or born
u within ten months after the decedent was withdrawn from the
� S pavrall ot the tire department , the widow and the child or
6 children �hall be entitied to a pension ar pensions, as
7 fQilows:
e (a) Te the widow� a aension af not less than i5 ur►its
9 and not to exceed ths sum ot 22 units per month, as ths
10 bylaws ot the association provider for her natural lifef
� 1 provided, that it sh� sha� 1 rcmarrY then the pertsion sha11
1Z cease and te�minate as of the date ot her remarria�e;
13 provided further that if her remarr�i�ge terminates far any
14 reasoni she sha11 aqain be entitled to a �e�sion as the
15 bytaws of the association crovide,
� 16 (b) To the child or chil �ren, if the� r mother be
» livinQ, a pension of not to �Ycped � units D�� moilth for
;8 each child ua to the time each child reaches the a9e of not
1': tess than 16 Vears an�i nat to exceed an a�e of 18 years=
20 crovided, howe�er, upon approval by the baard of t�ustees,
Z1 ��ch a child wha is a futt—time student , upon nroof af
22 comraliance with the prov'lsions of this act , may be entitled
�3 to su�h pension so lo�g as ha is a futl—ti+re student and has
ZU not reached 22 years of age, a11 in cenformity with the
Z5 bylaws of the association; provibecf, further, the totai
26 censions hereunde� for the widow and children of the
27 decease� �:ember shall not exceed the sum of 46 ur+its eet�
28 monthi
Z9 tc) A child o� children of a deceased member shall ,
30 after the death of their mother, or i� the event their
31 mother precleceases the membe��, be ent� tled to receive a
32 pens� on or pensiflns in such amount as the board of trustees
� . . .
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..1. . � .. . . . M��;./� f.�J.�
S.F.No. 1369
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2 relating to the cit +es ot St . Paul � Minneac�olisr
3 and Dulutht firefighter ' s survivor benetitsf
u amending Laws 1955� Chanter 375r Section 25• as
5 amend�d� l.aws ��b5� Chapter 519, Section 1 , as
� amendeds and Laws 1975, Chapter 127, Sectien z, as
7 amer�ded.
10 Sectian 1 . l.aws 1955� Ch�pter 375. Sec�ion 25, as
11 amended by l.aws 1961r Chaater 376� Section 6� Laws 1965,
12 Chapter 790, SQCtion 1 , and LawS 1975, Ghapter u23, Secticn
13 1 , is amended to reads
Yu Sec, 25. [ST. PAUi., CITY OF= �IREFIG�+'fER � s RELIEF
15 ASSOCIATION.] When a service censianer• disability
16 pensionerr or deterrrd aensioner, or an active member of
17 s�!ch relief association dies, leavin�
18 tl) A widow whc was his legaliy• marrie�f wife� res{tlins�
19 with hi�rr and who was married to him while or vrior to the
20 Lime he ;�as on a payroll o# the fire departmentt and who, in
21 case the deceased membtr was a service or deferr-ed
22 pensioner� was lec�allv mar� ied to the member at least—�fir�
23 4CSf"� one vear hefore his re�.iremer�t tror the fire
� - � .
. �
S.F.No. 1369
1 of the association shatl �eem necessary to aroperiy supcort .
2 the chiid or ch� ldrQn until they reach th� a�e of not less
3 than 16 and not more than IS years; however, uvon approval
4 by the board ot trusteesr such a child who is a full—time
� - 5 student , upon praQf of comoliance with the vrovisions of
6 this act , may be entitled to such oension so long as he is a
7 fu11—time student and has not reached Z2 years ofi a.qe, as
8 th� bYiaws of the association maY provide; but the totai
9 amount of the �er.sion or nensions hereunder for any child or
10 children shatl not exceed the sum of u0 units per mpnth;
lI td) Far tha nurcoses of this act, a full—time student
12 is def� ned as an individual who is in full—time attendance
13 as a student at an educational institutionf wheth�r or not
�u the student was in full—time attendance woutd be determfned
15 bv the board of trustees of the reliefi associatjon in the
16 li9ht of the �tandards and practices of the school invatved.
17 Specifically ex�luded is a person who is paid �y his
18 emcloyer while attendinA school at the request of his
19 employer. �enefits may continue durin9 any period of four
20 catenda� months or tess in any 12 mcnth period in which a
, 21 cersan do�s not attend schaol if th� ve�son shows to the
22 sattsfactior, of the board of trustees that he intends ta
23 c4nt�nue ;n full—time schoa) attendance imm�diately afte�
?� the end of the periad. An educational institution is
25 dgfined so as to cermit the aavment of benefits to students
26 taking vocational or academic courses in all approved,
27 aceredited er licensed schools, colleges, and universities.
28 The board of trustees shatl make the final determinatian of
29 eligibititv to� benef9ts if any question arises concerninQ
30 thp aQaraved status of the educational institutio� which the
31 student attends or procoses to.. attend.
32 (e) In the event that a person who is receiving a
• . . ,
. .
S.F.No. 136g
1 vension as provided above sha11 marry before the age of 2?.,
2 the pension shalt cease as the date of the marriage.
3 Sec. 2. Laws 1965r Chapter 519, Sect �on lr as amended
4 by Laws 1967, Cha�ter 819, Section lr Laws 1969, �hapter
5 123, Section 1 , and Laws i975, Chapter 57• Section ! r is
6 ame-�ed to read.
8 AgSOCIATION; tvInOw' S tNTITIEMENT.� Notwithsta�d�ng the
, . ,
� provisions af Minnesota Statutes 1965r Section b9.u8, to the
10 cantrary, when a service nensioners di�ability DenSione�� Or
11 deferreci oensioner, o� an active member of a reliet
12 association diesr leaving
13 ( 1 ) A widow who was his legalty ►r•arried wife, residing
I�t with him, and who was narried to him whjle or prior to the •
1'� tine he was on the oayroil of the fire cSevartmentj and who�
ib in case the deceased member was a service or deferred � �
� 7 c�ensioner was l �gativ married to the membe� at least—f�r-ct
la �e� one ve�r befor� h� s retirement from the fire
19 departmen� f or -
�0 t2) A child or children who were living while the
21 �e�eased was on the payroll of the �ire department , or born
2� w� th;�, nine months after the d�cedent was withdrawn fram the
23 ciayroll of the fire departmentr the widow and the child or
2u �;�ildren shall be entitled to a pensian or pensions, as
25 fol �ows!
2b (a� To the wi�ow, a �ension of not less than 17 units,
27 and not to exceed the tatal of �1 units per month, as the
28 bylaws of the association Dravidei for her natural life;
?9 provided, that if she s�all remarry then the pension shall
30 cease and terminate as of the date of her remarriagef
31 ar�vided, further, it her remarriag$ terminates for any
32 reason, st�e sha11 again be entitled to a nension as the
� � , .
. i . ��96�
S.�'.No. 1369
i bylaws of the association provide;
2 (b) To the child or childrenr it their mother be
3 livinq� a pension of not to exceed eight units oer month for
u each child up to the time each child reaches the age of not
5 less than 16 years and not to exceed an age of i8 Yea�s;
6 provided, howeverr uphn aporoval by the board of trustees�
7 such a child who is a full�tirre student , upon oroof of
8 compliance wlth the arovisions of this act, mav be entitled
9 to such pens�on so long as he is a futl—time student and has
10 not reached 22 years of age, a11 in conto��n; ty w; th the
� 1 bylaws of the associat{onf provided, 4urtherr the total
iZ pensions herevnder for the wid4w and children of the
13 decea�ed m�mber sha11 not exGeed the sum o# u0 units per
1U month;
15 fc) � �hila or children ot a de�eased mPm�C1^ after the
� lb d�ath of their mother, or in th�► event their mother
17 p^°��ceases the member, be entitled to rece�ve a pension or
18 pe�,s��ns in such amaunt as the board of trustees ot the
19 association sha11 deem necessarv to oroperly SuaDOrt the
20 ehitd �� childr�n untfl they reach the age of not tess than
�1 16 an� ::�t more than 18 vearsj provided• however, upon
2� approva� bv the boa�d of t�ustees, such a child who is a
23 full—time student, upon proof of compliance with th�
z4 arovisions of this actr may be entitied to such eension so
25 iong as he is a full—tima student and has not reached �2
26 vears ot a9e� as the Nylaws of the ass.ociation may provtde;
27 but the totat amount of the pension or censions hereunder �
Z$ for any child or children sha11 not exceed the sum of 40
29 units per month:
3Q td) For the purposes of this act , a full—time stucfent
31 is def { �ed as an individuai who is in full-Rtime attendance
32 as a student at an edUCational institUtion. Whethe� or not
� ' . -
� • ,
S.F.No. 1369
1 the student was in full—time a*,tendance would be determined
2 by the board of trustees of the association in the light of
3 the standards and practices of the schoa) involved,
u gpecificallY eYCluded iS a person who is paid by his
5 emcloyPr while attendin4 school at the renuest of his
6 e�rPioyer. Benefits maY continue during any period of taur
7 catendar months or less in any 12 month p�riod in which a
8 oerson does not attend $chool if the person shows to the
� .
9 satisfaction o# the boar�d of trus�ees that he intends to
10 continue in full--time school �ttendance im�nediatelY after
11 the �nd of the period. An educationat institution is
iz defined so as to per?+it the Day►±+et�t O# k�enefits to students
13 tzking vocati �nal or academic courses in all aporoved, �
lu accredited or licensed schools, colleges, and universities.
15 ��!e board of trustees shalt nake the final dete�mination of
ib eli9ibility for benefits � # any question arises concerninq
17 the aeproved status of the educational institution which the
18 student attends or proposes ta attend=
19 (e) In the event that a cE�ild who is receivin� a
20 nension as provided above shatl marry before the age of Z2
�1 r��rsi the pension shall tease as of the date at the
22 ��.b�-r�iage.
�3 See, 3. Laws 19�5, Chapte� iZ7� Section Z• as amended
2U by �aws 1976, Ghaptet° 78, Section u� is amended to readt
26 �hen a s�rvice oensioner thereaf, disabilitY �ensiener
27 thereof , deferred �ensione� thereof• or an active member ot
2B thc—�re*+e�a firefiqhter ' s rel ief assoc� ation in the citv
29 of Auluth dies� leaving
30 ta) 4 widow who was �is teqally married wife, residin9
31 w� th hi�, and who was married._ to h�m white or prior to the
32 time he was on the pavrolt of t�+e fire aevartment ; and who�
- � . . .
' • ��
- � �6�9��
s.F.No. 1369
1 in case the deceased membpr was a service or deferred
2 censioner was le9aliy married to said member at teast-t++,-eye
3 �►ears one vear before his retirement from said fire
4 depart��E�t t or
5 tb) A chiid or childrQn who were livir+a white the
b dec�ased was on the paYroll of the fire departnent• or who
7 �ere bor� within ni�e rro�ths after said decedent was
A withdrawn from the eayrolt of said fire departrentr such
9 �,idow and said child o� children shaTl be entitled to a
10 pension or p�nsions as follaws:
11 tl) To such a widow a pension of not less than f5 units
lC and not te excead the sum of 20 units per month, as the
13 bYl �ws of said association provide, for her naturat life;
14 arovic�ed, howev�r� that if she sha11 remarry, she sha11 not
iS be entitled to such �ension during the continuance afi her
' !b remarriage. The pensia� shalt however, resume up�on
i? ' �ermination of remarriage.
�8 i2) To such child or child�en, if their �nother be
19 living, a vension ot nat to exceec3 eight un� t.s per month for
20 each child up to the time each chitd reachas the ag� of not
21 tess than 18 ye�rs and not to exceed ar age of 22 yearsi as
z2 maY be p�ovided by the bytaws of the association. Provided�
23 the total oensions h��eunder for the widow and children of
Z4 said deceased member sha11 not eYceed the sum of u0 units
25 Der mpnth.
26 (3) A chiid or child�en of a deceased member receivinfl
27 a pension or censions her�unde� shalt after the death of
28 their mother, be entitled to receive a cension or pensians
29 in such amount or a�ounts as the boa�d of trustees of such
30 association shall deem necessary to croc���ly suPno�t such
31 child or children until they reach the age of not less than
32 18 and not more than 22 years� as the byTaws of suth
. � . .
� , .;
S.F.No. 1369
� association may Aravide; but the total amount of su�h
2 pension ar pensions ne�eunder for anv such child or chitdren
3 shall nat exceed the sum ot uQ units oer month.
q This section shall a�plv to the—#�r�-+�+��i�
5 firefi5hter' s relisf association in tt,e city of Oututh in
6 l �eu of the provisions of �'innesota Statutes. Section 69.48.
y 6enefits sh .atl be pavahl � to a survivinA sFOUSp whose
8 remarriaoe has t`erminated ario� to the etfective date of
. �
9 this act , from and after the effective date of this act,
)0 Sec. u. This act is eftective with �espect to �uluth
._._......._.,.._ _._..._....._..�.�._.._.,.^.r__._._�...___�.�...._.
11 upon ac�c�roval bY the t�ul uth ci tv coune� i , wi th respect to
�w�.rw�.r�......�w.�+waw.�.���.�ww+w....��.��..r w..�.�.�..�...����.w�.�+.�... ��w.�.�w �
12 �inneapolis upon aa�rovai by the ht;nnea:.alis city councitr
_..�_,._..__...__�......,._�__...�_____---_._.� ....___ ___....._�._,..._
13 and with �-esaect to St. Pau1 uaon aparoval by the St. Paul
1U �jty council . and uaon �o�Ypliance with �� nnesota Statutes•
;r_........_.._—___..._�..�__..._._.._.,...__,....__.._..._.....__.--____�_.._M......_ .....
i� Section bu5, 021 .
. -...__....________. ..
� • � �
. . �
' ► .
_ , , .
s. F.No. 13b9
Edward J. arty
resident of th enate.
' '� '
�Iartin O. Sabo
Speakes of the House of Rep�eaentatives.
Passed the Senate this lOth day of May in the ycar of Our Lord one thousand ninc
hundred and sevenry —seven
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Patrick E. Flahavcn
Stcretary o f the Scnate.
Passed the ;:�::.�,, of Representatives this 9th day of May in the year of Our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and seventy —seven
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— Edward A. Burdick
� Chief Clesk,House of Rcpsesentatives.
Approved ���L ! 9� ��l 7 7
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� Rudy P ch
Governor of thc State of Minnesota.
9j �� � 7 -. .
Filed _ �
Joan Andason Growc
. Sccretary of Stase.
- � . .
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