269601 W�11TE - CITV CLERK COI111C11 2�E,��'� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO• ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHE,REAS, F�risting Bridge No. 92235 which carries MI38IS8IPPI STREET over the right-of-way and tracks of the Burlington Northern, Inc. is badly deteriorated and deficient in load. caxrying capacity and does not meet modern standards for roadway widths, sight-distances and other safety requirements; and WI�RF�AS, Replacement of exist3ng Bridge No. 92235 is program�med for 1978 and sa3d program has been approved by the Council of the City of Saint Pa.ul; and WI�REAS, In accordance with Chapter 339 �ws of Minnesota, 1976, a.nd Chapter 277 La,ws of Minnesota, 19?7, bonds will be issued for Yunding construction and reconstructions of bridges on various road systems, including Municipal Street systems; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby requests the Co�nissioner of Transportation, Minnesota Department of Transportation for authorization to reconstruct Bridge No. 92235 with funas made ava3lable through the sale of bonds authorized by above referenced laws or other funds available � �o the Department of Trarisportation. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Butler 4O Pub13.e Works N� [n Favor Hunt t � � v Roedler __ Against BY ��l J• ord� Direc r G Sylvester Tedesco f � ��� Form Approv by City Attor y Adopted by Co cil: te Q.��� Certified assed b ncil S etary � BY B Approv iNayor: Da G � g �9�� Ap roved by or Eor miss' n to Council By BY QuBt►SHEO AU G 2 '7 1977 „ • �., . OM O1: I2/197 5 Rev. : 9/8/76 � � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATI�JE ORDERS, � . R�SOLU�IONS,< AND ORDSNANCES ��J��� . Date: pUgas� 1, 1977 TO: MAYOR GE�RGE LATIMER �FR: R. 8. Gried,er - Depei.�rtment oP Public �Torks � RE: Bridg� Construction Fund� . Repl.a,cement of �II38I3SIPPI STR�ET BRID(� NO.. 9�35 - City Pro�ec'b B-1071 ACTION REQUESTED: Process3,ag of 8eaclution wherein the Cc�uncil reqn�sta the Mtaneaots Depe�rta�nt � : oY Transporta�ion for bridge replacem�e�rt ft�ds• - PURPOSE �ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Rulee adppted by Minx�esota 3�epartmeat of Tran�por'tat3qa rec�ire t}�e City Catn�il. to reqwest fl�ading by resolution. �iTTACHMENTS: . , . , Council Reaolution. . REG/mp