269600 t WHITE - CITV CLERK , � f ������ PINK - FINANCE � COUIICIl �' CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF � SAINT PALTL 1 � BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., a duly constituted public utility company under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota has filed an application with the Director of Pubitc Works for the instal- lation and maintenance of a public outdoor coin telephone booth in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code as �nended by Ordinance #12724, approved May 19, 1964; and said Director of Pubiic Works has duly investigated said application and has recommended the same, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby finds that the sub,ject installations wilt serve public convenience and necessity and will rtot constitute a substantial hindrance or hazard to public traffic; and said Council hereby approves said application and authorizes the Director of Public Works to issue a permit to the applicant company, subJect to and in compliance with the terms and conditions of said Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code as so amended; said installations to be at the foilowing specified locations: l. in boulevard area on the northwest corner of Seventh and St. Clatr 6 ft. south of the no�th property line of St. Clair, 15 ft. west of the west property line of Seventh St. 2. in the boulevard area on the northeast corner of Seventh and Maria, 20 ft. east of the east property line of Maria St. and 6 ft. south of the north property line of Seventh St. mkb COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Publ ie Works -�� In Favor Hunt � - Levine __ Against BY Roedler Dan1eT J. D ord, Direct r (J.�W/ ) Sylvester � Tedesco Adopted by C cil: ate — AUG 1 8 1977 Form Approv by ity torney Certifi assed ouncil S cretary � BY App v d by Mavor: Date 9 �977 Appr ed by y r for S issio to Council B BY PUBLISHED AU G Z 7 1977 , • . ors oi: z2/i9�s . Rev.: g f s/"�4 � ...s . � .� - . . � t�c(]C , ' EX�LAN,aIT�ON OF ADMINIS'�RRTIVE ORDE�S, �GiVJV�O � � _. . , RES�LUTIONS, AND ORDINANGES Date: Augus t 1 , 1977 TO: MAY01� GEORGE LATIMER � -gR; Public Works, Office Engineering � RE: Talephone booths located at NW corner - 7th 8 St. Clair . NE corner - 7th S Maria i ACTION REQLTESTED: Northwest�rn Bel i Telephone has made appl ication to i�stal l telephone booths st tlK above locations. Public Works has reviewed the appitcation and recanmends approvals. PURP4SE AND RATZONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Chapter Sl of•the Legislative Code ree�ires that the Councii � by Resolution approve the issuance of a permit for talephone - booths. � , ATTACHMENTS: Resolution � , TJ E/J RWla�krh