269599 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council !y� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �1-��yy,� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �a-R+�� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the agreement between the City and the Burlington Northern Inc. pertaining to the construction of the MISSI3SIPPI STREET BRIDC� N0. 62534, City Pro�ect B-1061, and the proper City ot'Yicers are authorized and directed to execute the agreem�ent on behalf of the City of Saa.nt Paul� a copy of said agreem�errt to be ma.intaa.ned on Pile in the Office of the Department of Finance and Manage�ent Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Public ks ,..�,�. in Favor Hunt - Levine � _ Against BY � Rcedier Dan el J. d, D c o RE Sylvester Tedesco 8 t977 Form Approve by City A ney Adopted b ouncil: Date �1��� � CertiE d Yassed b ouncil S etary BY I Approve Nlayor: Date G 19 �977 Approve y Ma r for Sub is ' o Counc' " ` G��� gy By - pUBLISNED AUG Z ? 1977 . . . OM O1: I2/1975 ,.� Rev. : 9/8/76 � � EXFLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE QRDE�tS, Q 1tE$OLUTI�NS, AND ORDINAI�GES ,,�e7�99 Date: J'�,Y 29, 197? Tp; MA:YOR GEORGE 7�ATIMER. FR s 8. E. Griecler, Depe,rte�:tt o� Publf c Works RE: 1�[�38ISSIirPT ST�T B� N0. 62534 . � ov+er Barlir�toai 1�orthera Iac. City Pro��ct B-�061 ACTION. i�.EQUESTED s Proc�as 8eaolution. � ; , 0 PURPOSE F,ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: A p�opossd A�eat bettroen the City e�n8 Btxrlingtc� �orthera Inc. cav�r� coa�tz�etion of ths refereaeed Psa>�e�t, prbnrides for neee��ary es�ts e�ecl me�ea prav�isions for a finaacisl contributiort by tltie Burl3ngtv� No�bern I�c. The reaoltr�3.on suthorizes eaoectition of tl� agrea�nt by tla� prop�r City of'f"icials. ATTACFiMENTS: Prol�osed Hesolution � • � 3 �oPies ot eigre�meat � �a/�