269582 ciTV OF sT.Pau� CO'UNCIL FILE NO.� �z�`�-=� FINAL ORDER By File No. ��� In the Matter of �i'�V� �R�1f !�M �,Cy �,��,!0�t �'1,�tl��t �1* �i#r �� �Mb.Nbt�f �9�Yiy !!'Os�Ot 7�"'�"��� � Q�p�lA�i� L�,�It� �1##,�tt� T'��l-8dr�►. �ourt'�! a �it�oY�r �e���a�� ��a:i'�t� a��ri! i� �ttt� a!� a�lM►itl�alw �000�e�rt� e�►sb ard �alk. �riwMa}s, ��t rl�d�rpttks. sto� � dsai�a�� laailitiar�„ timd�a� ba��nrar��, os�austat �,�t�t a�d ali w�c +C+� ccayl�t� f,�tra�rrtt � �hur i'ellar�r�, �np�hra�rs H�ii �V'R. ir�trv�+�r �ir�+ ts �►lli� �w. L+A�tR Afit. lai�+� Ji�a. �o �11f.� �nr+e. N�.tic 11�1c. T.�r+d� lr�r. � i�►�by Aw. �ii�lL !!. t��vtl �� t�r �et�r �in. ALD� s!. �r�ts+�! �w. t+e► 5���� A�. 1�6 aT. '�,a�a►�1, �i�r. t��e► �11r�t ��. !RY �'T. L�a��il aA�r. to l�ib�r A�e, ,.,:�: under Administrative Order ��� approved �� ��• ��� ' under Preliminary Order �����" - approved ..�. ��� +a77 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and , WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOI;VED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it ' FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. AUG � 6 197T ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the C cil: Date Yeas Nay§ E`,�,�� � Cer ' ed P s y Cou '1 Secretary AUG 1 7 1977 H oz.z1 Hunt - In Favor By Levine �?oe�leP� �Against . Sy�vecte� Mayor � PUBUSHED AUG Z O 1977 wn��s - c�ty c���k C I T Y O F ►.S A 1 N T ���U L /.� 9a � n�l[1 Pink —+Finance Dept. ,� .n, «. � _l Canary� p�pt.,�... . . • O1�FIGF. OF 1'III: MAYOH p �''�'S� ' ` .�����.� No: . � — �. ��, � ADMINISTRATIVE 02DER � Date: l� �. � � �� � T , 1 � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, �-- —,._� In the natter of tmprov e� F1ERRfAM PARK, Cor,u�� ity Develo�ment District 13, Year 3; � I Publ ic 1�'orlcs Roadtiray Pro� Pio. - - ' and Ornamental lic�hting Projeet ��o. 77- V-Ou��l� as follows: Construct a bituminous•roadway, concreLe curb and gutter or combination concrete � curb and walk, driveways, reconstruct sidev�alks, storm ►�rater drainage facilittes, � landscape boulevards, ornarnental li�hts and do all other work necessary and incidental � to said improvc�ent. Said improvement shall be on Lhe following roadways: , � HAGUE AVEhlUE - Fairvicw Ave. to Sneiling Ave. Ll1UREL liVE!�UE - Fa i rvi ew !�ve. to Sne 11 i ng Ave. WiaEELER AVEt�UE - Laurel 11ve. to Selbv Avc. liERSCtlEL STREET - Laurel Ave. to Selby Ave. � ALCIfJE STRCE7 - Laurel Ave. to Selby Ave. . E')ERCE S1'REET - Laurel Ave. to Sel by Ave. • FRY STREET - Laurel Ave. ta Sclby Ave. The re�ort of t!�e De�artT�nt of P�ib11c t�lor�s ts appruvcd, and the Department of Finance � and Manager�ent Services 1s instructed eo scheduie a public hearing before the Ciiy I Council. Financing Apnroval: .i& «: o��Q. «: l / , i i � OJO kEG \I// �� , r , t'�: _-� • t+�w w�r+ . i--J! i __ . . , C..'. , � L�, ✓: ;^•��r�7 � � . .,� J . . GKS JFK Actinq �ixcC�OX�� ��nar�i::,".��Tl� Of � • 1 , � RGP DEE ( Finance and t�ianaget-.^.en� 5ervices ' � � �FS ��r � ,. �1�-- , J .� � ��o i� . � � f , ' TJE vHN , � t� o:r� � ' P.S.D. R.H.k.� � . ►PPROVED AS TO FORM � � • �� � �� . . �,�� . C ; '� � � (CLT) � r'> ° . . Assistant City Atturney D�¢artmeni"2iead " ' ---� �/ . ,tb __. /� . i �/ � �' �a te _ ;\ ��f.C�c�': � !� ,%r'��i�,�1 . � ' Administrative Assist�nt to Mayor ,�s . � , • � . � I • s � �l 7 9 �l � . V '��' PA U L C I T Y O� ��'�' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD June 15, 1977 DIRECTOR Mr. Bernard J. Carlson Director of Finance Room 109, City Hall BUILDING Attn: Paul Desch Re: 77-P-0733 MERRIAM PARK Community Devetopment, District 13, Year 3 Dear Sir: Attached are copies of our recommendations to the Mayor, Administrative Order D-3470, and a map of the project area. Please set up the public hearing for this project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the Project Engineer, James W. Stahnke at 5311 • Yours very truly, ' ��'��-���� � Thomas E. Kuhfeld Acting Street Design Engineer JWS/ck Attachments cc: J. William Donovan .Ar��. 'tM.�_�,'4 �" �i. ! 'w,'�- �.a.e � . ��-�=' J�!!`•R 15 j" - y'" �lSi�..�.�1; v �<k� ��```� f:��".l�":. �.�� A - �6w` wi�C . 6!l�IM�C_ .. ���Yb ����Y�-...�t '�v�. 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 O ' • ' OM O1 : 12/1975 .+ . • I ` . EXPLI�NATION OF 11DMINIS'I'?�ATIVE ORDERS, •����v. : 9/$/76 ' : . �� ��g,n' . �'.�;SOLU'I'IOP�]S , ANll Ui:DTNANCES � 1 [1N1T ' TION � INITIAL DATE � Bureau ��� � . .� ' Dat�: March 9, 1977 Division i 3 -I4 � Asst. Dir. � ( � . TO:. MAYOIZ GEORGE LATIMER Director .-�.� �_.._ Cl�ric�l ...,�=�� FR: Daniel J. Dunford, Director of Public Works R�; Improvement of public roadways in MERRIAM PARK, Community Development District 13, . Year 3; City Project No. 77-P-o733 (Roadways) and No. 77-V-0644 (Ornemental Lights) . � . ACTION RE�UESTED: Sign attached Administrative Order authorizing a public hearing. �RPOSE AND RATIONAL� FOR THIS ACTION: The District 13 Community Council has requested that the roadways listed in the attached Administrative Order be improved during C.D. Year 3. Public Works concurs thax improvements are. needed. - ATTACHMENTS: Administrative Order Engineering Recommendations A rea Ma p � CLT/JWS/ck C.o►,sfiru���a'► �`^v+�ih4 �r'em C� Ye4r � � � � �n�i`r � � � �� � m G� y�4t- �. sr�p�t�'e� eerlh ua in t-o � �� / 1 1 � :' ,, . � � s i � � � Summary of Engineering Recommendations ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY ' PROJECT: Improve MERRIAM PARK� Community Development District 13, Year 3 by constructing bituminous roadways with concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, driveways, storm water drainage facilities, ornamental lights and do all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. All improvement shall be referred to as Public Works Projects No. 77-P-o733 (Roadway) and No. 77-V-o644 (Ornamental Lights) . Streets to be affected include the following: HAGUE AVENUE - Fairview Ave. to Snelling Ave. LAUREL AVENUE - Fairview Ave. to Snelling Ave. WHEELER AVENUE - Laurel Ave. to Selby Ave. HERSCHEL STREET - Laurel Ave. to Selby Ave. � ALDINE STREET - Laurel Ave. to Selby Ave. PIERCE STREET - Laurel Ave. to Selby Ave. FRY STREET - Laurel Ave. to Selby Ave. EXISTING CONDITIONS: � Al1 streets contained in this proposal have an oiled roadway surface. Driving surfaces are rough and uneven. With a few small exceptions, all roadways have old uneven and broken concrete curb. Sidewalk, for the most part, is good and sufficient. Small areas of tile or tree heaved walk occur. Many driveways are narrow and in poor condition. Storm water drainage facilities are old and inadequate. Boulevards are in need of regrading. Street lighting is old and insufficient. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: A full depth bituminous roadway with concrete curb and gutter is proposed. � Roadway width, curb to curb, will be 32 feet. All old tile sidewalk will be reconstructed, as well as monolithic walk, which is broken or tree heaved. Al1 driveways will be reconstructed where existing drives exist, or where property owners request. All existing house outwalks will be reconstructed. Boulevards will be regraded and sodded from curb to sidewalks. Dead Elm trees will be removed and new trees planted. The existing lighting fixtures will be refurbished to pr�vide better and more efficient lighting. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Herschel Street and Aldine Street from Laurel Avenue to Selby Avenue only have 30 feet of public right-of-way. The possibility of removing the existing road- . way and utilizing the right-of-way as "Green Space", was explored at the re- quest of the Local Community Development Group. Public Works feels that this is not feasible as many garages front these streetsand access must be maintained. Also, police and fire would oppose vacation for safety reasons. �, , . ir •�, _� `�s ' � —2� • It is therefore proposed to reconstruct Herschel and Aldine with combination curb and walk to a width of 5 feet on either side and a 20 foot roadway between curbs. Traffic flow would remain as is, i .e. , one way traffic with parking on one side. A neighborhood informational meeting was held on this project on February 15, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Marks School Gym, corner of Moore St. and Dayton Ave. Approximately 50 people were in attendance. Many routine question,s were asked about roadway widths, sidewalks, dead trees, sodding and the like. Proposals to construct speed bumps, narrow roadways at intersections, construct cul-de- sacs, and curve the roadway within the present right-of-way were presented. Public Works explained the engineering, cost and safety problems. A number of people indicated they were having problems with water pressure and asked that this be looked into before the roadway was paved. They were referred to the Water Department for answers. COST ESTIMATE: Roadway Jmprovement (P-0733) $283,000 Z' Ornamental Li htin g g (v-o644) 47,000 Engineering � Inspection (P-0733) 52,500 Engineering � Inspection (V-o644) 7,500 Total 390,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING: Community Development Year 1 $ 30,000 Community Development Year 3 360,000 Total 390,000 RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the order. 1 � , 4 . �� � W � , W , , �, , � � � � , ,�.. ;� �; 1 9_ si2il�__ Ji0 L. /N ~ d .� ti � b � ' _4 ' - il+ .. I ie�. I ... KZt7 ' � c ` . � ,.. c�.� OFWEY � S --- I.__._.._ " � �� � � _ � $ . ---- ---. _......._.... g 7� • i =_ ` .7+.n-----• `-ire--� � . . a � � � . . ...... ._. __ . �. ., . . 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I � ° � I I I I` � I l..A�� �:4 �YI p '1cYy IN W N 5 o VhN�b'ti. �. � I •�./1 ^1 . •••�1iN bl._..ii0� �•�•��" �1. .M1O h I (j N':O�r'O �� ' . . . . . l« !a lun� � so. xx:�a . .o . ..1. . .e��t,." • ' ~j � � I, ,,, I �� � I I �.� V. � ��V!���JA [9 �P:N.l IO JSY. w .Qql IO_i� _1 9 Q_J p� �7,�f p � � . . . �. . . . . . . 1 1 . . " ' ••� . . . L�.�[• W''' � '.�_" '" ' _ � . _ . . . � _ ` . _ SNELL/NG HI/F � xx i ' ' - - . x .i r. _ _ i. � �� .� K. � �e �; f -' .n nne�- � i . �. �__ 1�.... i _ � _.� �� t+ ',� � -rnnT�� ...-u .a .o .o xn:--- - . _. . . . . . : . . . . � . . ' . . 0,00.JOK:! R!' � `J �� . I•( �q - � � f IOq(IOI � ' �IOMII IaiPi� l�i� �„ rrs'�el '1 �e�y• s •l•s�e• . . L y . . _ � 7 `� � I w .� • �' O' ��i � �v ���• � '� -� � I• � ' �� ����+fl . fw�Mr'"'I'.T-'tN„O � I.. .o� � C e i i!7 F/ 4 7 1 r � � �' i °i • � '� � � ' o � 'I '��' � _ ,� . � , �-,-.,..� _ � ,�. . . ��,�.�����,:�;.,.,,,. �9��� � � �O � � � "�� ?r >�- � 269�s2 �� °�.�"� ��� �-` ��::�� ����, .`�q� .. . :;�.� CITY OF SA�NT PAUL x.� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD DIRECTOR �une 17, 1977 Mr. J. William Danavan Valuations Engineer Department of Finance arrd Management Services , Room 286 C i ty Ha 11 St. Paul , MN 55i02 Re: Improvements in MERRIAM PARK Paving Project P-0733 and Street Ltghting Project V-0644. Dear Mr. Donovan: We have been informed by Jirn Stahnke of our Paving Section that the Public Hearing on the above-referenced projects probably will not occur for about eight weeks. The intent of this letter is to inquire whether this process can be accelerated in any manner. This subject street lighting will involve the conversion of the old � green lantern type units to high pressure sodium vapor with new w�iring. Another project, Street Lighting in the Lexington-Hamline area, also involves thts .speciaTized canversion process and it is in the City's best interest to combine these two projects into one. Lexington-Narrrline is a "yo" situation and a delay on this project witl make it imposstble to coordinate the lighting and paving work. in sur,imary, we will appreciate any effort on the part of your organization to hold the Public Nearing at an eariy date. Sincerely, � �f-�i�-�,� ,� Robert H. Roettger � City Traffic Engineer RHR:DR:ced cc: James Stahnke ^�O 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � °`�-��� `71L�� ,��:��,�� � --��; ���-�� �}, y�^���.� f�.:,� .., t'�� '������� kA Y! �%r`�:� ` � �' :�y k� fly'e'f.. �:� `�� ?1% t ` ��`d Y4�ad�, `,� F's*.:.c s., �' ;.j!; , t4 �:. r. � � �,� � V f � �, �'I ��� `3 �, �, h=- ` �(� �. i� ::.#e'! ��i. ;e3 ",,�y� !l:,� .�. �rSP9� y.' . ��• �� '_x� �� .�at.i ,;. � �t� ��'�it I � � " ��;r . S; '� Y }��: tiq: t�r'..- q. � } r� Yl�- 81 � -9..t. ����.; `C �f k,a j � ,�, , � .�. ���'� :�€ ��;., � � .;. .+ � � � � � � � � ;.�* ;� ,A r=," �� � ' ':5T ��i � +��ti ,3� ��, �ra�;.� '3.