269580 _� �: � WHI7E - CITV CLERK � ���� �.- PINK -:FINANCE COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � 1 BLUE - MAYOR . . Flle NO. . ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following: . FROM: General Government Accounts Miscellaneous Contingent Reserve - Ger�eral 09060-530-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $100,664.00 TO: Office of the Mayor City Wide Data Processing 00115-219-000 Fees - Other $ 18,200.00 00115-297-000 Data Processing Service • 82,464.00 $100,664.00 To release funds placed in reserve during the 1977 Budget h arings. Negotiations with Ramsey County have produced a computer services rate s�ructure that neces- sitates a supplemental appropriation. Approved: Approved: . ' udget Dir ctor Director � Finance and Management Services ���- COUNCILMEN Requested by De r ent of: Yeas Nays I Butler �-, Hozza �� [n Favor Hunt j Levine V __ Against BY Roedler �� . Tedesco Adopted by� Council: Date AUG � � t9n Form Approved b City ttoiney Certified Passed by.�ouncil Secretary � BY � By� App oved by ;Vl Date �j � 2 1977 Approve b Ma or or Submi Council gy By Pu61.►sHED AU G 2 0 1977 ._ , . : :,: � oM ai: za./�.s�� � Re�. z 9/8 f 76 EXPLANATI41�t C?E ��MI�iISTRATIVE .ORDERS, : � . RESt3LUTIONS, A�+1D ORDINANCES _ �__� �;. ,���►►��� � ; `Date z July 26, 1977 � � ; : ; � ,.. . , ° :�0: MAYOR GEORGE 7�ATIME� , : . �g; - Ron Bau�tagar�ner ' ': Funds held in reser�� for Data P"rocessing � �.� � � � � � QUG i.. . 1�7� � F:' _ , MA�!� . � .�I'fJC� , . , , : -: AC'�`Idtv xEQttE�z`ED: . ; . , , , ; , , - Signature:ctn Cotu1eil Resolu�ioii re�,easing these furids. . , ... : _ ; ,. � . :. . ,. _ : , . ,. ,''-. ��t?SE A1�D RAT2C}ItiGAi�E� FQR T�2S ACTTUNr . The sum af �lOQ,�iba was pl�ced .i.r�-;ean�ingent 'r�:erv�. at the 197T burlget hea�i�gs. } : �ised on ex�enditures to date, this sum will be r��eded ts� meet the current �,ate of t opera�Cing expenses fbr the remainder of 13�7: These rates a:re basecl on the :negcjti�- tions between the City and tlie County ebricex±n;ing data'pro�essing ser�tices. :; :. , , . , , . , A�TACHNiLLt�S�: - ee memc� to Councilwoman Butler dated �`uly 25, 1977. . : . " ;; . o . y . ; :' � . � . . � � , • . ' ' '� 4. F . , , _. . . . _ z:�: ' , , i �.�,�__ ' , � � %� � ' - •� Gr�rl oz� S_�T:�� P.�r: 7, ���� T-f },_7 ��.�? �: �� l �. � c>>�i-ic.r•. c�i� •rii�: �i_�i-c>>: � i., � , �._,,—� _ ir' c - �'�r � ' t�.,�� �. ". .� � '`'�\ � � �`��' ,-,;4�% .;��%'`� ��,...1 _;;;�.,� �,.^�{ ;� Gf:ORGE L�TI}[ER �'�" 'C t•,_;+�� �.�,� ' '.t,r„1 i�IAYOR M E M O R A N D U M � � � ""'.' �`a�' .'��"�'" ^ , � . �� ; � v-� �� .'�.:�``J'1 ��...�i 2 ; ! � :>:; .;�'�;,�`. Cj.`�'� '�j; ;�-' ' . \ L 'i , . . ?�J f` � _.'.y j�}�' , '1.� . �, ^`s'� ��� .� �^.'�� �:'�\Li�: .�,�%'���y� � #��'�,,, TO: Councilwoman RosaZie Butler ',; : �" - FROM: Ron Baumgartner, Manager rf� Citywide Data Processing l�� • j' SUBJ: DATA PRfJCESSING COI3TINGENT RESERVE DATE: July 25, 1977 Enclosed are figures for data processing services during the period January through June, 1977 for the vendors indicated. These are further broken down by type of service rendered. If all funds held in resezve were released to tt?ose accounts (00115-111, 00115-219, and 00115-297) from which they were withheld, then, at the current rate of expenditures, we would have the following projected balances in those accounts as of D�cember 31, 1977. OOlIS-I3I (Salaries) 50,000 OQ115-2I9 (Fe�s - Other) 0 00115-297 (Data Processing Services) - 30,000 The excess of approxiuwtely 20,000 couZd be used as an adjust- ment to prior data processing bills from Ramsey County. Although these bills are approximately $63,000, this figure is subject to negotiation due to the new rates Ramsey County has adopted for their services. I would appreciate it if you would expedite the release of these funds. If you have any questions concerning this matter, I orould be happy to discuss it with yourself or Counci'1 I:esearch Assistant, John Connelly. " R3/cb - Enc. cc: John Connelly Dick Schroeder �,.-��a+is) . �_;� - - - .. ----- A � �� _ _ ._ _ __ _ 1 �gr• o. j� ����.k�.. � . - ���/'�'' . ., y F � �.' i�'� . v ��. �5-,.- �'_' .. ;�rv2 V;`s-�!. t:�,•; -,�..- ��-.,.`. �i-��..+�' O x. O � � � O A� (D hi � a - . � � �. n � �- n F-' o rr rt C � �' � t" � � n m i'K� � �y : � C � 0 � ('NJ f�J n FN'• r�i' � I d C7 (p H �_ t�i� W C O 'ti O N. . U] . � (�p N H f� f''' � U1 � F,. n � � c� � y N W N• � � � N ' �] F"' . r � � O I--� � F-• N V !-' Q� � w �4 � J. 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