269571 WHITE - CITV CLERK ���L���� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I-NT PAU L Council v CANARY - DEPARTMENT File � NO. BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve application made by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Cityo uf Saint Paul for the abatement of taxes and special assessments payable in the year 1976 as to the real estate described in Application for Abatement, County Auditor' s Number 91154, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays i Butler � In Favor —�— Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler T�� - Adopted ouncil: Date a�C7 9 1977 Form Approved y City Attom C ified Passed ounci ary � BY y� Ap rove b M v � Date �G � O �9J7 ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � BY PUBLISHED AUG 2 0 1971 1 � DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION ,��,�r�`�� COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Director July 20� 1977 William E. Carlson Properiy Valuetion ROGER VIK ' ' , Assistant Director � William M. Killeen Revenue + 1 C. Thomas Osthoff , Land Records Rose Mix City Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Application for abatement submitted by Housing & Redevelopment Authority. Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed is a copy of the following abatement: 91154 There are assessments levied against this parcel that are to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: DISTRICT STR. MAINT. ��32 TREE MAINT. ��33 6 $ 20.40 $ 10.96 Please take whatever action is necessary. Yours very truly, Lou McKenna, Director Department of Property Taxation �.�' � . ,���� F'✓'`--' By ..��` ��yy�.��". � Deputy GHIZ:ay Enc. - 55 r 'r ,� - . � � , . - < r � � � � � � c� � ? �,,, y � � � � � � �� n 0 c�•m AW 229 � O APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form �7' (U r�duetioe rpuwt�d uc«d� =�00 ak•appGeatio�is t►iolieat�,ot6�rwi�� i� dayliat�) � T�tA� Se��d�(Ab�t���nt ee C�vnt�BevJ .�Cewy A�It�►�f R��s Cw�ts. �w�b t►�Csssirbs�e�(T�sNfe��f t\��t�d Ml��neb STATE OF MINNE30'�A, County of Ramssy as. Asaessment Diatrict Snint Paul �zobert T. si:mon beina dnlq eaorn deposes and says that ii�'�8i�e's'�� is Ciiief uf Land Ntarketin�� ot tlie Hous�.np and Redevelopmenfi �Authoritv of the Ci.ky o£ Saint Yaul, Plinnesota , aad that said ���thor.i_tv is � pul�l.i.c bocly, corno�ate and .polltic, duly organized �nd existing under Chapter 487 , I.�ws of 1947 , as amended; that on Au�ust 6, 1973, the Authority acQUired title to the followin�, descriUed real property loc:ated in the City of �ai�it Paul�County of Itnmsev, State of rfinnesota, to-wit: An undivided orie-fi.Ir_h (1/5) interest in the followin�; described pr.operty, to-wit: Lot 8, Rl�ck 7 of Blocks ��, 7, �, 9, 10, 11, ].2, ].3 E� 14, Praspect Platenu, accordinp to the plat thereof on fiLe and of. record ln the of.fice O� tiln i�C,i',i_�r�'-7" .7{ ')i'_��a^ S:'f.�hi.n .1C1C' f01' Q?].ii �:i)llilty. -...,.�-.- for redevelopment A9 part of the West Si�e Co�nunity Devc:IopmenC""Program DistYiCt'3�'"'"°"'""" tt►at tlie Autl�oritv acciuired title to said eropertv on Au�ust 6, 1973 by a Warranty �)ce<i, w}�ich .�ccd ��11s f:.led on ik�cen�ber 21, 1973, as :)ocun�ent No. 1F73411; titz�t l�etweeu Aus:u�t G, 197� and tiie prese►�t, tl�e Auliiority lias lield sai�t properey in t}ie r��hli_c ��s^., e:�em�t fror:, a�l. taxes and assessrnents, ��urs��ant to tt�e provisions o£ ;'inne:�ol: ;�t�t_i�tes , :�ecti.on 4h2.575, �uhd:+_vision (�) . , -ct ��t� !,.f"/�' �yl U� .� �i'`i�'.s� '°��., _� 7 �htl[fOCt applicsnt prays thst ��� resl estate taxes and as,essments assesse�, lev�.ecl and accrued a�;�inst thc af�resaid �r.vperty payable in i:he year 1976 be fully aUated. : .; .�. � ...,. :.� ��� ,. • � � , .�. . _ OF '1 r:TTY t1F `;��T*J'I?�71'�1ZTT. ',�ITiIT'Ti;����� � ��� f��_ � � , Ap�pfic�agt x�obert 't'. Simon C[iieL oF Iancl ttiar cet n Subscribed and aworn to before me thia Zi�th -day of •ju`�`= A. D. 19 76 ' bc A�n..t�G A,w»�� ��. : . ,�,,,.,,�,�Ae�.A.:.i G � . � .�. . -'n��r� CR. � /L•' � � ` ... , _ , < j ' _,�,,',; ��,, ;.� i ".ip, i� 9 ~'�' F ;a� � ,��,;`I<1r'' hl i - . . . � .;t�S � . � � f'y .' :.i, 1 a7� ��'�1'1���1��i°VV;fi��Y4'���it�'�"itY� CERTIFTCATE AND RECOMMENDATION 'B�' COUNTY BOARD Ar1D COUNTY AUDI'�OR I,the under�igned, County Auditor ot the withfn named County, do hereby certify that s cxreful ezamG�atton into the sllegstiona and atatements set forth in tha within application has'been made by the Board of Abatement or County Boud ot said Countq and by myeelf and that from said examination we are convtnced and verily believa that �aid alleptions and s4tementa are true I further certify that, at a meeting duly held , ]8 , eaid Board of Abatement or County Board, by o![icial action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedings a� • pablic reeord, showing the namee of the taapayere and other persons concerned and the amounte involved� made the following rec�mmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon said application: That the aaaesaed value of eaid property be reduced to and ftxed at : /� .' I hereby certify thst the result of the adoption of eaid recommendat3on will be ai followe: Amonnt of reduction of aeeeaeeJ value ¢ _ , being per cent of eafd asaeued talne; ;...... ....... .....................T.:e� amount of reduCtion ;....................................Pen Int. �C ., ost. s.......................... .........TOTA L WJtness my hand aad otiictal seal thi■ __�'a.ty —�_�7�� TH!D. Y, County Auditor. i_� ';i�•�`i� �sE�L� By _ Deputy County Auditor. � O ` ; . '� • _ 4 4 Q . �� 4�q � 4 Y q M . � �� � r, : .°o_ca • ° °'° • � i. � ° 8Y • � r:, O w "' °'.w � � s°, �' � oa9 M �" °e s � d o, � Q .,,� � � � �" � z :.. � :� ~aq ec°a :, • � ; C 7 :c� 4 eb ° 0 3 :A ` p Q 4 : I" �L M ^� c.Q'p V : �"' G. •a C Y�+ : f,. � �.. S ��y • v Q w ��U O y't7� ' � q V •A� �y � �•� � A Q 4 O (��j O ^ � .q A��, r O �. 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