269555 WHI7E - CITV CLERK �69555 PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution P ' Presented By _T � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A n Administrative Re solution relating to the Class 5pecification 5ection of the Civil Service Rule s. WHEREAS, the Counci.l of the City of St. Paul has amended the Civil Service Rules to include the Class Specifications, formerly identified as Ordi.nance No. 7607; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that the Class 5pecifications be identified as a specific section of the Civil Service Rules; now, therefoxe, be it RESOLVED, that the material of the former Ordinance No. 7607 which was adopted as part of the Civil 5ervice Rules, sha11 be identified as Section 49 of the Civil Service Rules. Approved: v Chai rman ' Civi.l Se rvice ommis sion �� �'�`� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� Butler � � [n Favor Hunt �y ��u Levine V __ Against BY � '�'� Roedler �� Tedesco Adopted by ncil: Date AUG 9 �977 Form p ove by Ci y t r y Certi Yasse y Council Secretarq BY / Ap ove b _ Appro b Mayor for Sub is n o nc' By BY PUBLISHED AUG 2 O 1977 . ' Do not�-det�ch t�his memvrandum from the. xeso��t�or,����Lj� � o�ia�o-sc.tha� this �Mormatian will be pi�t�01 s i 2 f�9�� ._ , . �vailable to the City Ctw�►cii. R�v. ; 9/8/?b : EX�LANATIQN OF .�DM�NI�TRA"Z�VE OfiDERS _ , � _ � � RESOLUTZONS, AND t?RbINANG�S :�� � �,� � � � ��._, � . . . � . . . -� � 1 r { 1 . . � . ' � � � . . .� � . � � . . . :� 4. .A ��.�J�•.� . � . ���Rr� �� Iaat�: June 28, 1977- ' . ' TO: �YOR GEORGE LAT�MER � _ , . . . FR; PersonnelOffice _ R�: Resolution for submission to the City Council. : ' ACTION REQ�JEST�J�: : " : � � ws recon�mend your approval and subz�3s�n of tt;k�iis Resolutioa to the City Council. � . _ PUR�OSE A,ND'RA?ZONA�,.E Ft�R TH�S.ACT�ON: _ :; This Reaolution identi.fies the Class Specifi�ations as Secti.oia►-49`ia th+� Civi1 S�rvice Rules. Previouely, �he Class 9pecifi.caxions �►ere ad�pted � . ; as part of the Civil Service Rules; however, it wae no� iniiicated w�here, r� in the Civil Service Rules, the Clasa 5pecificatioas wavid be Iocated. , : . �` . - ATTACI-iMENTS: Resolution and capy fo�r City Clerk.