269552 WHITE - CITY CLERK �69552 . PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT � .�LUE - MAVOR File NO• , ouncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a 1977 Maintenance Labor Agxeement between the City of St. Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and the Twin Cities C�laziers and Glass Workers Local 1324. WHEREAS, the Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09 of the St. Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act of 1971 , as amended, recognizes the Twin Cities Glaziers and Glass Workers Local 1324, as exclusive representative for those classes of positions withi.n the City of St. Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Servlces under Case No. ?3-PR-510-A for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating thefirms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the classes of positions as set forth in the Agreement between the City and the exclusive representatives herei.nabove referenced; and WHEREAS, the City, through designated representatives, and the exclusive representatives have met in good faith and negotiated the terms and conditions of employment for the period May 1,, 1977, through May 31, 1978, for such personnel as are set forth in the Agreement between the City of St. Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and the exclusive representatives; and WHEREAS, a 1 g?? Agreement has been reached which includes a wage adjust- ment retroactive to May 1, 1977; now, therefore, be it _1_ COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine ' __ Against BY Roedler . Sylvester Tedesco - Form pro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' sy Approved by Mayor: Date Approv d by Mayor for Submi ion a.�ouncil By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK z69552 PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � lLUE - MAVOR F11e NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- RESOLVED, that the Maintenance Labor Agreement, cited above, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, between the City of St. Paul, Independent School District No. 625, and the Twin Cities Glaziers and Glass Workers Local 1324, on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City. Approved: C airman Civil Service Com ssion COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler —H�� In Favor t Hunt O, Levine __ Against BY _ Roedler �� Tedesco Adopted b � ouncil: Date �jp G 9_�� Form A rov d by Cit Attorney Cert ed Pas Cou retary BY � App ved by � or: D _ O1UG � O �I.9rI Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY pUgl.tsNED AUG 2 fl �977 � ����� � 1977 MAINTBNANCE LABOR AGREEMLNT - between - THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, THE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 • - and - TWIN CITY GLAZIERS AND GLASS WORKERS LOCAL N0. 1324 � r + INDEX � ARTICLE TITLE PAGE Preamble iii I Purpose 1 II Recognition 2 III Employer Rights 3 IV Union Rights 4 V Scope of the Agreement 5 VI Probationary Periods 6 VII Philosophy of Employment and Compensation 7 VIII Hours of Work 8 IX Overtime 9 X Call Back 10 XI Work Location, Residency 11 XII Wages 12 XIII Fringe Benefits 14 XIV Selection of Foreman and General Foreman 15 XV Retirement 16 XVI Holidays 17 XVII Disciplinary Procedures 18 XVIII Absences From Work 19 • XIX Seniority 20 XX Jurisdiction 21 XXI Separation 22 XXII Tools 23 XXIII Grievance Procedure 24 XXIV Right of Subcontract 29 XXV Non-discrimination 30 XXVI Severability 31 XXVII Waiver 32 XXVIII City Mileage Plan 33 }IXIX Mileage-Independent School District ��625 34 XXX Duration and Pledge 35 Appendix A A1 Appendix B B1 Appendix C C1 Appendix D D1 � - ii - P R E A M B L E � This AGREEMENT is entered into on this day of July, 1977, between the City of Saint Paul and the Independent School District Nop 625, herein- after referred to as the EMPLOYER and the Ttain City Glaziers and Glass Workers Local 1324 hereinafter referred to as the UNION. The EMPLOYER and the UNION concur that this AGREEMENT haa as its objective the promotion of the responsibilities of the City of Saint Paul for the benefit of the general public through effective labor�management covperation. � The EMPLOYER and the UNION both realize that this goal depends not only on the words in the AGREEMENT but rather primarily on attitudes between people at all levels of responsibilityo Constructive attitudes of the City, the UNIUN, and the individual employees will best serve the needs of the general publica . - iii - . . ARTICLE I - PURPOSE �"���� � lol The EMPLOYER and the UNION agree that the purpose for entering into this AGREEMENT is to: 1.11 Achieve orderly and peaceful relatians, thereby establishing a system of uninterrupt�d operations and the highest level of employee performance that is consistent with th� safety and well-being of all concerned; 1012 Set forth r�.tes of pay, hours of work, and oth�r conditions of employment as have been agxeed upon by the EMPLOYER and the UNION; 1.13 Establish procedures to orderly and peacefully resolve disputes as to the application or inter- pretation of this AGREEMENT without loss af • manpower productivity. l02 The EMPLOYER and the UNION agree that this AGRFENI}:NT serves ae a supplement to legislation that creates and directs the F.MM�LOYER. If ' any part of this AGREEMENT is in conflict with such ].egislation, the latter shall prevail< The parties, on written aotice, agree to negotiate that part in conflict so that it conforms to the atatute as provided by Article 26 (SEVERABILITY). • - 1 - ARTICLE II - RECOGNITION � 2.1 The EMPLOYER recognizes the UNION as the exclusive representative for collective bargaining purposes for all personnel having an employment status of regular, probatioaaxy, provisional, temporary, and emergency employed in the classes o� poeitions defined in 2.2 as certified by the Buresu of Mediation Services in aGCOrdance with Case No. 73-PR-51U-A dated May 11, 1973. 2.2 The classes of positions recognized as being exclusively represented by the UNION are as listed �n Appendix A. � � - 2 - ' ������ • ARTICLE III - E1�LOYER RIGHTS � 3>1 The E1�LOYER retains the right to operate and manag� all manpower, facilities, and equipment; to establish tuactions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine Che utilization of technvlogy; to establish and modify the organ�zational structure; to select, direct, and determ�Lne the number of personnel; and to perfoxm any inherent managerial function not specifically limited by this AGREEMENT. 3>2 Any "term or condition of employment" not establi�hed by this AGREEMENT shall remain with the EMPLUYER to eliminate, modify, or establish following written notification to the UNION. � � - 3 - � ARTICLE IV - UNIUN RIGHTS � 401 The EMPLOYER shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly UNIUN dues. Such monies deducted shall be remitted as directed by the UNION. 4e11 The EMPLOYER shall not deduct du�s from the wages of employees covered by this AGREEMENT for any other labor organizationo 4.12 The UNIUN sha�.l indemnify a�d save harmless the EMPLOYER from any and all cla�ms or charges made against the EMPLOYER as a result of the �mplementation of this ARTICLE. 4.2 The UNION may designate one (1) employee from the bargaining unit to � act as a Steward and shall inform the EMPLOYER in writing of such designation. Such employee shall have the rights and responsibilities as designated in Article 23 (GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE)e 4.3 Upon notification to a designated E1�'LOXER supervisor, the Business Manager of the UNION, or his designated representative sha�l be permitted to enter the facilities of the ENIPLOYER where employees covered by this AGREEMENT are working. � - 4 - r ARTICLE V - SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT � Sol This AGREEMENT established the "terms and conditions of employment" defined by MaSo 179063, Subdo 18 for a11 employees exclusively represented by the UNION. Thia AGREEMENT shall supercede such "terms a�d condit�,ons of employment" established by Civil Service Rule, Council Ordinance, and Council Resolutioao � � - 5 - ARTICLE VI - PROBATIONARY PERIODS � 6.1 All personnel, oxiginally hired or rehired following separation, in a regular employment status shall serve a six (6) month's probationary period during which time the employee's titness and ab�lity to perform the class of positio�s' duties and responsibilities shall be evaluated. 6.11 At any time during the probationary periad an employee may be terminated at the discxetion of the EMPLQYER without appeal to the provisions of Article 23 (GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE). 6.12 An employee terminated during th� probationary period shall receive a written notice of the reason(s) for such termination, a copy of which shall be sent to the UNION. � 6.2 All pereonnel promoted to a higher class of po�it�on�s shall serve a aix (6) months' promotional probationary period during which time the employee's fitneas and ability to perform the class of positions' duties and responsi- bilities shall be evaluated. 6.21 At any tiine during the promptional probationary period an employee may be demoted to. the employee's previously held class of positions at the disczetion of the EMPLOYER without appeal to the provisions of Article 23 (GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE). 6.22 An employee demoted during the promotional probationary period shall be returned to the employee's prev„Lously held clasa of positions and shall receive a written notice of the reasons for demotion, a copy of which � shall be sent to the UNION. - 6 - - �S� �� ARTICLE VII - PHIL030PHY OF E1�LOYMENT ANA CO1�ENSATTON ti°L�,� � 7.1 The E1�LOYER and the UNION ara in full agr�ement that the phi.losophy of employment and compenaation shall be a "cash" hourly wage and "industry" fringe menefit system. 7.2 The EMPLOYER ehall ccmpen�ate employeee for all hours worked at the basic hourly wage rate an� hourly fringe b�anefit rate as found in Articles 12 (WAGES) aad 13 (FRINGE BENEFITS). 7.3 No othar compensation or frings banafit shall ba accumulated or earned by an �pioyee except a� �pecifically provided f4r tn this AGREEMENT; axcept tho�e employeeee who hav� individua],ly optioned to be "�randfathezed" ae provided by 12.2. � � - 7 - ARTICLE VIII - HOURS OF WORK • 8.1 The normal work day shall be eight (8) consecutive hours per day, excluding a thirty (30) minute unpaid lunch period, between 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. 8.2 The normal work week shall be �ive (S) consecutive normal work days Monday through Friday. 8.3 If, during the term of this AGREII�NT, it is ne�ceasary in the E1�RjL0YER'S �udgment to eetablish second and third shifts or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the UNION agrees to �nter into negotiations immedistely to establish the conditions of such shifts and/or work weeks. 804 This section shall not be construed as, and is not a guarantee of, any hours of work per normal work day or per normal work week. � 8.5 All employees sha11 be at the location designated by their supervisor, ready for work, at the established starting time and sha11 remain at an assigned work location until the end of the established work day unless otherwiae directed by their supervisor. 8.6 All employees are subject to call-back by the EMPLOYER as provided by Article lU (CALL BACK). 807 Employees reporting for work at the established atarting time and for whom no work is available shall receive pay for two (2) Hours, at the , basic hourly rate, unless notification has been given not to report for work prior to leaving home, or during the previous work dayo � - 8 - ARTIC�,E IX - OVERTIME "������ � 9.1 Time on the payroll in excess of the normal hours set forth above shall be "overitme work" and shall be done only by order of the head of the department. An employee sha11 be recompensed for work done in excess of the normal hours by being gxanted compensatory time on a time-and-one-half basis or by being paid on a time-and- one-half basis for such overtime work. The basis on which sueh overtime ahall be paid shall be determined solely by the EMPLOYERo 9.2 The rate of one and one-half (1!) the basic hourly xate shall be the overtime rate for work performed under the following circumstances: 9.21 Time worked in exeess of eight (8) hours in any one normal work day and; 9022 Time worked on a sixth (5th) day following a normal work week. � 9.3 The xate of two (2) Gimes the basic hourly rate shall be the overt3.me rate for work performed under the following circumstances: 9.31 Time worked on a holiday as defined in Article 16 - (IiOLIDAYS) ; 4032 Time worked on a seventh (7th) day following a normal work week; and 9.33 Time worked in excess of twelve (12) consecutive hours in a twenty-four (24) hour peziod, provided, that all "emergency" work required by "Acts of God" shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1�) . 9.4 For the purpose of calculating overtitne compensat3on overtime hours worked shall not be "pyramided", compounded, or paid twice for the � same hours worked. - 9 - � ARTICLE X - CALL BACK � lU.l The EMPLOYER retains the right to call back employees before an employee has started a normal work day or normal work week and after an employee has completed a noxmal work day or normal work week. 1U.2 Employees called back shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the basic hourly rate> 10.3 The hours worked based on a call-back ahall be compensated in accordance with Article 9 (OVERTIME) , when applicable, and subject to the minimum eatablished by 10.2 above. 10.4 Employees called back four (4) hours or less prior to their normal work day shall complete the normal work day and be compensated only for the overtime hours worked in accordance with Article 9 (OVERTIME). • � - 10 - ARTICLE XT - WORK LOCATION, RESIDENCY � llol Employees shall report to work location as assigned by a designated EMPLOYER supervisore During the normal work d�y employees may be assigned to other work locations at the discretion of the EMPLOYERe 11.2 Employees assigned to work locations during the normal work day, other than their original assignment, and who are required to furnish their own transportation shall be compensated for mileageo ll03 All new employees appointed after January 1, 1976, Would be required to reside in the City of Saint Paul within one year of their original appointment, and thereafter would be required to remain within the City limits as long as they were employed by the City of Saint Pau�. 11.4 This residency requirement shall apply to unclassified employees as � well as classified employeeso 11.5 Applicants for positions in the City of Saint Paul will not be required to be residents of the City of Saint Paulo 11.6 Employees failing to meet the residency requirement will be subject to termination and a hearing process �hall be established to determine whether the res3dency requirement was meto � - 11 - ARTICLE XII - WAGES � 12e1 The bas�c hourly wage rates as established by Appendix C shall be paid for all hours worked by an employeeo 1202 Employees who are covered by the fringe benefits listed belmw shall continue to be covered by such benefit�o They shall be subject to all other provisions of the AGREEMENT, but shall not have hourly fringe benefit contributions and/or deductions made on their behalf as provided for by Article 13 (FRINGE BENEFITS). 12021 Insurance benefits as established by City of Safnt Paul Resolutionso 12.22 Sick Leave as established by Ordinance Noa 3250, Section 35, Subdfvision Eo 12.23 Vacat�on as established by Ordinance Noo 6446, Section l, � Subdivision Ho 12024 Nine (9) legal holidays as estab�ished by Ordinance No. 6446, Section 1, Subdividion Io 12.25 Severence benefits as established by Ordinance No. 11490 with a maximum payment of $4,OOOo � - 12 - ARTICLE XII - WAGES (continued) ������ • 12.3 Regular employees not cover�d by the fringe benef3ts liated in Article �2.2 shall b� coasidered, for th� pu�pos�s pf this AGRE�MENT, partici- pating employees and shall be �ompensate� in accordaace with Article 12.1 (WAGES) and have fringe benefit con�ributions and/qr deductions made on their behalf ae provided for by Arz�cle 1� (FRINGE BENEFITS). 12.k Provisional, temporary, and emergency employees eha1� b� coasidered, for the purposes of this AGREEMENT, participating employ�ee and shall be comp�nsated in accordance with Article 12*1 (WAGES) and have fringe benefit contributions and/o� deductions made in their behalf as provided for by Article 13 (FRINGE �ENEFITS). 12.5 AlX regular employeee employed after February 15, 1974, shall be consider�d, for the purpose of Ch�� AGREEMENT, parfi�cipating employees � and shall be compensated in accoxdance with Article 12.1 (WAGES) and have fringe benefit contributions and/or deductions made on their behalf aa provided for by Article 13 (FRTNGE Bk�1EF�TS). i - 13 - ARTICLE XIII - FRINGE BENEFITS � �3.1 The EMPLOYER shall make contribut�ons on behalf of and/or make deductions from the wages of employ�es cov�red by thia AGREEMENT in aceordanc� with Appendix D for all hours worked. � � � 14 - ARTICLE XIV - SELECTION OF FOREMAN AND GENERAL FOREMAN � 14.1 The selection of �ersonne� for zhe class pf position of Foreman shall zemain solely with the EMPLOYER. �4.2 T1ne class of position of Foreman sha11 be fi�led by employees of th� baxga3ning unit on a "temporary ass3gnment". 14.3 All "temporary assignments" sh�ll be �aa,de only at the di.rection of a deaigaated EMPLQYER supervisor, 14.4 SuCh "temporary as�ignments" shall be atade only in caaes where the class of posiCio�s is vacant for more than one (1) noxmal work dayo � . - 15 - ARTZCLE XV - RETIREMENT � 15.1 All �nnployees shall retire from employment with the E1�LOYER no later than the last calendax day of the month ia which an employee becomee ai�cty-five (65) yeara old. • . - �6 - ARTICLE XVI - HOLIDAYS ,�'�(]��� t! � 16.1 The following nine (9) days shall be desi,gnat�d as holidays: New Year's Day, January 1 President's Day, Third Monday in Febxuary Memorial Day, last Monday in May Independence Day, July 4 Labor Day, first Monday in September Columbus Day, second Monday in October Veteran's Day, November 11 Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday �n November Chxistmas Day, December 25 16,2 When N�w Year's Day, Independence Day or Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered the designated holiday. When any of these three (3) holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be considered the designated holidsy. 16.3 The nine (9) holidays shall be considered non-work days. � 16.4 If, in the 3udgment of the EMPLOYER, personnel are necessary for operating or emergency reasons, employees may be scheduled or "called back" in accordance with Article 10 (CALL BACK). 16.5 Employees working on a designated holiday shall be compensated at the rate of two (2) �imes the basic hourly rate for all hours worked. 16.6 In the case of Board of Education employees, if Presidents' Day, Columbus Day, or Veterans' Day fall on a day when school is in aession, xthe employees shall work that day at straight time and another day shall be designated as the holiday. This deaignated holiday shall be a day on which school is �►ot �n session and ahall be determined by agreement between the employee a�d his supervisor. • - 17 - ARTICLE XVII - DISCIPLINARX PROCEDURES � 17.1 The EMPLOYER shall have the right to impose disciplinary actions on employeea for �ust cauae. 17.2 Disciplinary actions by the EMPLOYER ahall include oaly the following actions: 17.21 Oral reprimand. 17.22 Written reprimand. 17.23 Suspensiono 17.24 Demotion, 17e25 Discharge. 17.3 Employees who are euspended, demoted, or diacharged ahall have the right to request tha,t such actions be reviewed by th� Civil Se�v�ce Commiseion or a designated Board of Review. Th� C�,vil Service Commission, � or a designated Board of Review, shall be the sole and exclusive means of reviewing a suspension, d�motion, or discharge. No appeal of a suapenaion, demotion, or discharge shall be considered a "grievance" for the purpose of processing through the provisions of Article 23 (GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE). . - 18 - ARTTCLE XVIII - ABSENCES FRUM WORR • 18.1 Emplayees who are unable to report for their normal work day have the r�sponsibility to not;tfy their supervisor of such absence as soon as possible, but in no event later than the beginning of such woxk day. 18.2 Failure to make such notification may be ground for discipline as provided �n Article 17 (DISCTPLINARX PROCEDURES), 18.3 Failure ta r�port for work without nvtification for three �3) consecutive normal wark days may be cons3.dered a "quit" by the EMPLOYER on the part p� the employee. � � - 19 - ARTICLE RIX - SENIORTTY � 19.1 Seniority, for the purposes of this AGREEMENT, ahall be defined as follow�: 19.11 "Master Seniority" - The length of continuous regular and probationary sexwice with the EMPLOYER £rom the laat date of employmex�t in any and all clasa titles cov�r�d by this AGREEMENT> 19.12 "Class Seniority" - The length of continuous regular and prpbationary s�rvice with the EMPLOYER from the date an employee wae first appointed to a class title covered by thie AGREEM'L�NT. 19.2 Seniority ahall not accumulate during an unpaid leave of abaence, except when auch a leave is granted for a period of lesa than thirty � (30) calendar daye; is grant�d because of illness or in�ury; is granted to allow an �mployee to accept an appointment to the unclaasified service of the EMPLOYER or to an electad or appointed Eull-time position with the UNION, 19.3 Seniority ehall terminate when an employee retires, r�signs, or is diacharged. 19.4 In the event it ia determined by the E1�LOYER that it is necessary to reduce the work force employees will be laid off by class title within each Department baeed on invers� length of "Class Seniority", Employees laid off sha11 have the right to reinetatement in any lower-p�id class title. provided, employee has great�r "Master Seniority" than the emplaye� being replaced. � 19.5 The aelection of vacation periods ahall be made by class title based on length of "Class Seniority", sub�ect to the approval of the E1�LOYERo - 20 - ARTICLE XX - JURISDICTION • 20.1 Disputes concerning work �urisdiction between and among unions is recognized as an appropriate sub�ect to determination by the various u�iona xepresenting employees of the EMPLOYER. 20.2 The EMPLOYER agrees to be guided in the aseignment of work �urisdiction by any mutual agreements between the uniona involved. 20.3 In the event of a dispute concerning the performance or assignment of work, the unions involved and the EMPLOYER shall meet as soon as mutually poseible tc resolve the dispute. Nothing in the foregoing ahall reatrict th� right of the EMPLOYER to accomplish the work as originally assigned pend�ng resolution of the dispute or to reatrict the EMPLOYER'S basic right to asaign work. . 20.4 Any employee refuaing to perform work assigned by the E1�LOYER and as clarified by Sectione 20a2 and 20.3 sbove shall be subject to disciplinary act�on ae provided in Article 17 (DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES) , 20.5 There shall be no work etoppage, alow down, or any disruption of work resulting from a work assignment. • - 21 - . ���°�� ARTICLE XXI - SEPARATIDN • 21.1 Employees having a probationary or regular employment status shall be considered separated from employment based on the following actions: 21.11 Resi�Bnation. Employees resigaing from employment ehall give written notice fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of the resignation. • 21.12 R�tirement. As provid@d in Article 15. 21.13 Discharge. As provided in Article 17. 21.14 Failure to Report for Duty. As provided in Article 180 21.2 Lmployees havimg an emergency, temporary, or proviaional employment status may be terminated at the diacretion of the E1�LOYER before the aampletion of a normal work day. � � i - 22 - ARTICLE XXII - TOOLS � 22.1 All employee$ shall personally provide themselves with the tools of the trade as listed in Appendix Ba � � - 23 - ARTICLE XXIII - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE . 23.1 The EMPLOYER shall recognize Stewards selected in accordance with UNION rules and regul,ations as the grievance representative of the bargaining unit. The UNION shal.l notify the F1�LOYER in writing of the names of the Stewards and of their successors when so named, 23.2 It is recognized and accepted by the EMPLUYER and the UNION that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provid�d is limited by the �ob duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The Steward involved and a grieving employee s'hall suffer no loss in pay when a grievance is processed during working ho�rs, provided, the Steward and the etaployee have notiEied and xeceived the approval of their supervisor to be absent to proceas a grievance and � that such absence would not be detrimental to the work programs of the EMT'LOYER. 23.3 The procedure established by this ARTICLE shall be the sole and exclusive procedure, except for the appeal of disciplinary action as provided by 17.3, for the processing af grievances, which are defined as an alleged violation of the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. 23.4 Grievanc�s shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: St, ep 1. Upon the occurence of an alleged violation of this AGREEMENT, the employee involved sha11 attempt to resolve the matter on an informal basis w3th the employee's supervisor. If the matt�r is not resolved . - 2l+ - ARTICLE XXIII - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) • to the employee's satisfaction by the informal discussion it may be reduced to writing and referred to Step 2 by the UNION. The written grievance shall set forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the alleged section(s) of the AGREEMENT violated, and the relief requested. Any alleg�d violation of the AGREEMENT not reduced to writing by the UNION within seven (7) calendar days of the first occurre�ce of the event giving rise to the grievance or within the use of reasonable diligence should have had 'knowledge of the tirst occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance, shall be considered waived. Set�2. Within seven (7) calendar days after receiving the written � grievance a designated EMPLOYER supervisor shall meet with the UNION Steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. If, as a result of this meeting, the grievance remains unresolved, the EMPLOYER shall reply in writing to the UNTON within three (3) calendar days following this meeting. The UNION may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the EMPLOYER'S written answer. Any grievance not referred in writ�ng by the UNION within seven (7) calendar days following receipt af the EI�LOYER'S answer shall be considered waived. • -- 25 - ARTICLE XXIII - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) ������ • Step 3. Within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of a grievance referred from Step 2 a desigaated EMPLOYER supervisor shall meet with th� UNION Business Manager or his designated representative and attempt to resolve the grievance. Within seven (7) c�lendar days following this meeting the EMPLOYElt shall reply in writing to the UNION stating the EMPZOYER'S answer concerning the grievance. If, as a result of the written response the grievance remains unresolved, the UNION may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred to in writing by the UNION to Step 4 within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the EMPLOYER'S answer $hall be considered waived. � Step 4. If the grievance remains unresolved, the UNION may within seven (7) caleadar days after the response of the EMPLOYER in Step 3, by written notice to the EMPLOYER, request arbitration of the grievance�. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted by an arbitrator tv be selected by mutual agreement of the EMPLOYER and the UNION within seven (7) calendar days after notice has been given. If the parties fail to mutually agree upon an arbitrator within the said seven (7) day period, either party may request the Public Employment Relation Board to submit a p�nel of five (5) arbitrators. Both the EMPLOYER and the � - 26 - ARTIC�,E XXIII - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continu�d) � UNION shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel. The UNION shall stxik� the first (lst) name; the EMPLOYER shall then strike one (1) name. The process will be rep�ated and the remaining person sha11 be the arbitrator. 23.5 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from th� provisions of this AGREEMEN�. The arbitrator ahall consider and decide only the specific is$ue submitted in writing by the F1�LOYER and the UNION and shall have no authority to make a d�cision on any other issue not ao submitted. The arbitrator ahall be without power to make decisions coatrary to or inconsistent with • or modifying or varying in any way the application of 1aws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (3U) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unlese the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this AGREEM�NT and to the faets of the grievance presented. The decision of th� arbitrator shall be final and bind�ng on the EMPLOYER, the UNION and the employees. � - 27 - ARTICLE XXIII - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) * 23.6 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the EMPLOYER and the UNTON, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representative and witnesses. If either party cancels an arbitration hearing or asks for a last minute postponement that leads to the arbitrators making a charge, the canceling party or the party askiag for the postponement shall pay this charge. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made providing it pays for the r�cord. 23.7 The time limita in each step of th�s procedure may be extended by mutual agreement of the EM}.'LOYER and the UNION. . • - 28 - ARTICLE XXTV - RIGAT OF SUBCONTRACT ������ � 24.1 The EMPLOYER may, at any time during the duration of this AGREEMENT, contract out work done by the employees covered by this AGREEMENT. In the event that such contracting would result in a reduction of the work force covered by this AGREEMENT, the EMPLOYER shall give the UNTON a ninety (9U) calendar day notice of the intentioa to sub-contract. 24.2 The sub-contracting of work done by the employees covered by this AGREEMENT sha11 in all cases be made only to employers who qualify in accord�nce with Urdinance No. 14013. • � - 29 - ARTICLE XXV - NON-DISCRIMINATION S 25.1 The terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT will be applied to employees equally without regard to, or discriminat�on for or against, any individual because of race, color, creed, sex, age, or because of inembership or non-membership in the UNION. 25.2 Emp�oyees will perform their duties and responsibilities in a non-discriminatory manner as such duties and responsibilities involve ather employees and the general publico . • - 30 - ARTICLE XXVI - SEVERABILITY , 26.1 In the event that any provision(sa of this AGREEMENT is declared to be contrary to law by proper legislative, administrative, or judic�al authority from whose finding, determination, or decree no appeal is taken, such provision(s) shall be voided. All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 26.2 The parties agree to, upon written notice, enter into negotiations to place the voided provisions of the AGREEMENT in compliance with the legislative, administrative, or �udicial determination. . • - 31 - /� 4 - { � � r0����� �TICL� XXVII - WAIVER . 27.1 The EI�LOYER and the UNION acknowledge that during the meeting and negotiating which resulted in this AGREEMENT, each had the right and opportunity to make proposals with respect to any sub�ect concerning the terms and conditions of employment< The agreements and understandings reached by the parties after the exernise of this right are fully and completely set forth in th3.s AGREEMENT. 27.2 Therefore, the EMPLOXER and the UNION for the duration of this AGREEMENT agree that the other party shall not be obligated to meet and negotiate over any term or conditions of employment whether specifically covered or not specifically covered by this AGREEMENT. The UNION and EMPLOYER may, however, mutually agree . to modify any prov3sion of this AGREEMENTa 27.3 Any and all prior ordinances, agreements, resolutions, practices, policies, and rules or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employment, to the extent they �re inconsistent with this AGREEMENT, are hereby superseded. • - 32 - " ARTICLE XXVIII - CITY MILEAGE PI,AN � 28.1 Automobile Reimbursement Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 92A of the St. Paul Legislat�ive Code, as amended, pertaining to reimbursement of City officers and employees for the use of their own automobiles in the performance of their duties, the following provisions are adopted. 28.2 Method of Computation: To be eligible for such reimbursement all o£ficers and employees must receive written authorization from the Mayor. Reimbursement shall be ma.de in accordance with one of the following plans: �pe 1. For those officers and employees who are required to use their own automobiles occasionally for official C�ty business, re3m- bursement at the rate of 13 cents for each mile driven. pe 2. For those officers and employees who are required to use their own automobiles on a regular basis on City business, reimbursement at � the rate of $2.50 for each day of work, and i.n addition thereto at the rate of 6.5 cents for each mile driven. 28.3 Ru1es and Regulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations gvverning the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules shall contain the requirement that recipients shall file daily reports indicating place of origin and destination and applicable mileage ratings thereat and indicating total miles driven, and shall file monthly affidavits stating the number of days warked and the number of milea driven, and further required that they maintain sutomobile liability insurance in amounts not less than $100,00U/300,000 for personal in3ury, and $SO,OOU for property dama.ge. These rules and regulations, together with any amendments thereto, shall be maintained on file with the City Clerk. , 28.4 The provisions of this Article shall not apply to employees of Independent School District Noo 625. - 33 - ARTICLE XXIX - MILEAGE - ZNDEPENDENT SCHQOL DISTRICT �625 . 29.1 Employees of the School District under policy adopted by the Board of Education may be reimbursed for the use of their automobil,es for school business. To be eligible for such reimbursement, employees must receive authorization from the District Mileage Committee uti,lizing one of the fallowing plans: PLAN "A" is reimbuzsed at the rate of 15C per mile. In addition, a maximum amount which can be paid per month is established by an estimate furnished by the employee and the employee's supervisor. Another consideration for establishi,ng tk�e maximum amount can be the experience of anofiher working in the same or similar position. Under this plan, it is necessary for the employee to keep a record of sach trip made. � PLAN "C" provides for reimbursement based on a per month "lump sum" amount. �his amount is determined by the employee's driving experience under Pl.an "A" for a period of 3 to 6 months. Those employees receiving an auto allowance under this plan must report monthly the number of days the car was avail- able during the month. A deduction must be made from the lump sum amount for each d�y the employee is on vacation. A deduct3on need not be made for an occasional day of illness or for holi.day. • - 34 - . ��ejE�C3Fi� ARTTCLE XXX - DURATION AND PLEDGE � 30.1 This AGREEMENT shall become effective as of the date of sign�ng, except as specifically provided otherwise in Articles 12 and 13, and shall remain in effect through the 31st day of May, 1978, and continue in effect from year to year thexeafter unless notice to chan&@ ox to terminate is given in th� m�nner provided in 30.2. 3U.2 If either party desirea to terminate or modify thi� AGREEMENT, effective as of the date of expiration, the pa�ty w�.shing to modify or terminate the AGREEMEN� shall give written notice to the other �arty, not mor� than ninety (90) or less than sixty (6U) calendar days prior to the expiration date, provided, that the AGREEMENT may only be so terminated or modified effective as of the expiration date. � 30.3 In consideration of the terms and condi�ions of empl,oytnent established by this AGREEMENT and the recognition that the GRTEVA'�iCE PROCEDURE herein establish�d is the means by thich grievan�es concerning its application or interpretation may be peacefully resolved, the parties - hereby pledge that during the term of the AGREEMENT: 30.31 The UNIUN and the employees will not engage. in, instigate, or condone any concerted action in wh3ch employees fail to report for duty, willfully absent themselves from work, sCop work, slow dvwn their work, or absent themselved in whole or part from the full, faithful performance of their duties of employment. � - 35 - ARTICLE XXX - DURATION AND PLEDGE (continued) • 3U.32 The EMPLOYER will not eagage in, �nstigate, or condone any lock-out of employees. 30.33 This constitutes a tentat3v� agreement between the parties which w�ll be recommended by the City Negotiatox, but is subject to the approval of the Administration of� the City, the City Council and Independent School Distr�et No. 625 and is also sub�ect to ratification by the ASSOCIATION. AGREED to this day of July, 1977, and attested to as the full and complete understand�ng of the parties �or the period of time herein speci- fied by the signature of the followi�g representative for the EMPLOYER and the UNION: � WITNESSES: TWIN CITY GLAZTERS AND GLASS CITY OF SAINT PAUL WORKERS, LUCAL 1324 SY: MARTIN A. COMPANION BY: JACK HORNER City Negotiator Business Manager . � $Y: < BY: BY: Civi]. Service Comm ion BY: BX: Maypx BY: City Attorney � BY: Independent School District No. 62S - 36 - APPENDIX A • The classe� of positions recognized by the EMPLOYER as be3.ng exclusively represented by the UNION are as follows: Glazier Apprentice aad other classes of positions that may be e,stablished by the EMPLOYER where the duties and responsibilities assigned comes within the 3urisdiction of th� UNION. • . � - Al - . � APPENDIX C ������ • The basic hourly wage rat� for provisional, regular and probationaxy employ��s appointed to the following classes of posit:tons and not xeceiving the Fringe Benefits listed in Article 12.2 shall be: Ef f ec ti.ve May 1, 1977 Glazier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1U.19 The basic hourly wag� rate for t�mporary and emergency employees appointed ta the following classee of positions shall be: Effectiv� rtay 1 1977 G�.azier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1U.10 Appreatice . 0 - 6 months . . . . . . . . . . . 60X of Glazier rate 7 - 12 months . . . . , . . . . . . 65X of Glaziex rate 13 - 18 months . . . . . . . . . . . 70x of Glazier rate 19 - 24 months . . . . . . . o , . . 75% of Glazier rate 25 - 30 months . . , . . . . . . . . 80x of Glazier rate 31 - 36 months . . . . . . . . . . . 90X of Painter rate The basic hourly wage rate for regulax empl,oyees appointed to the £ollowing classes of positions, who are receiving the Fringe Benefits listed in Article 7,2.2 ahall be: Effective May 1, 1977 Glazier , . . . . , . . . . . . . , $ 8.93 • - C1 - + ' APPENDIX D Effective May 1, 1977, the EMPLOYER shall: �G����,� • (1) contribute $ .40 per hour for all hours worked by partici�ating emp�.oyees as defined in Articles 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this AGI�EEMENT, to a UNION designated Health and Welfare Fund. (2) deduct $ .35 per hour for all h,ours worked from the earnings of participating employees as definEd in Articles 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 of this AGREEMENT, and forward to a Vacation Fund. (3) contribute $ .O1 per hour for all hours worked by participating employees as defined �n Articles 12.3, 12.4 a�d 12.5 covered by this AGREEMENT, tq a Journeytnan and Apprenticeship Training Fund. (4) In addition to t,he above, in the case of temporary and emergency employees, the EMPLOYER shall eontribute $ .50 per hour for all hours worked to a Pension Fund. • All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix shall be forwarded to depositories as directed by the UNION. The EMPLOYER shall establish Wqrkman's Compensation and Unemploymenz Co�pensation programs as required by Minnesota Stat�utes. Participating employees as defined in Articles 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 covered by this AGREEMENT, sha11 not be eligible for, governed by, or accumulate vacation,sick 1e�ve, holiday, funeral leave, �ury duty, or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Pereonnel Rules, Council Ordinance of Council Resolutionse The EI�LOYERS'S fzinge benefit obligation to partieipating employees as defined in Articles 12.3, 12.4, and 12.5 is limited to the contributions and/or deductio�s established by this AGREEMENT. The actual level of benefits provided to employees shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the EMPLOYER has forwarded contributions and/or deductions. • - D1 - . . �� - ,. .. . ,e _ . . . . � _ .. .. �- . . ..: ' . R"�.� �ach this merilorandum #rom the ° ' _ � ` re��� that #hls information wil! be OM 01: 12/19?5 � - , ,: ar��`�' th@ City Councit.' - Rev. : 9/8/76 : , � . EX�i:r�1VATzON OF ADMINIS'�"RATIVE ORDERS, ` � � RESOLUTION�, AND O�DINANCES 2ss55� � �t� CEI .V. ED . Date: July 13, 1 q7? ;�4. � �f 1��7 MAYC�R'S QFFICE : �TO: MAYOR GEORGE ZATIMER - FR; Personnel Office RE: Resolution for eubmiesion to City Council. : � A�TTOIV REQUESTED: I recomm�nd your approva.l and submission of this Resolntion to the City Council. ; PURPO�E AND RATIONALE FOR THxS.ACTIONtThis Resolutioa ap�rovee a 19?7 Agreement betweea the City of St. Paul, ISD �625 a.ad the Glaaiera Lacal 1324. Tkie Agreemeut calls for a .'55 an hour increa�e in vvages ai.nd , l0 i:n fringes for a total package hourly inerease of . 65. Th'as amouxits to appro�imately 6%. Also inclixded ia the 1977 Agreement is la.aguage chaagea which allows compeasatory i�qne to be graated for overtime worked. . ,�rither change is that a School Board employee shall work on a minor hoiiday when I��b1 3.e in sesaion at a atraight time rate. An.other day wi11 be granted as the holida�r. . �+A►�ge i.n the Grievance Proced�re changes the provision which d�ternai�es how casts of� : A��ti.oa shall be paid. • � `�';�,��MENTS: � � l��l�oqt,r copy for City Clerk and 1977 Ma.int�nance La.bor Agreernent. �� �. F.... � . . . . . , . ,..� . . . - - �� � .�... . .��. �.,.:. � . . '. ... � . �. . . � .. . ..