269549 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ��1`��1y��.!
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution approving the terms and
conditions of a 1978 Memorandum of Understanding
applying to "5upervisory Confidential Employees" of
the City of Saint Paul holdi.ng Cla s sified title s.
WHEREA5, the Counci.l, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09
of the St. Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act,
recognizes the employees in the confidential group shall be those employees
defined as "Confidential Ernployees" in Section 179. 63, Subdivision 8, of tlie
Minne sota Statute s; and
WHEREAS, the City, through its designated representatives, has met
and conferred in order to establish the terms and conditions of employment
for the calendar year of 1978 for such personnel as are set forth in the
"Memorandum of Understanding"; and
WHEREAS, a 1978 "Memorandum of Understanding" has been reached
which includes the same 1978 adjustments received by the non-confidential
classified supervisory employees; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the "Memorandum of Understanding" cited above,
dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, on file in the office of the
City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials
of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said "Memorandum
of Understanding" on behalf of the City.
hairma ��
Civil Se vice Com'`mission
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays f �
N--�� [n Favor p E R S E L F F I
Hunt �
Levine __ Against BY
Form ro ed by ity Attorney
Adopted Council: Date
C fied Pass y Council Secretary � BY ,
$y '
Ap rove by av • Dat � � 1977 Appr v d by Mayor for Sub i to Council
n 1977 \
• , �
This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply to the classified Confidential
Supervising ESmployees holding the following classified titles:
' . Chief Examiner and Director of Personnel
. Assistan� Director of Personnel
Director of School Cafeterias
General Manager--Water Department
Personnel Assistant IV
City Training Coordinator
F;xcept as herein modified, the lgT7 Memorandiun of Agreement applicable to the
above mentioned titles shall continue in effect.
1. Item 1 of said Memorandum of Agreement shall be changed to read as follaws:
F.�nployeea employed in the aforementioned classified supervisory
titles and positions which are considered confidential shsll be
placed in a salary range equal to the 1978 salary renge appli-
cable to employees employed in classified supervisory titles in
non-confidential positions which are in the sume pay grade and �
occupational group as the confidential titles, - -
Bmployees employed in the aforementioned classiYied supervisory
titles and positions which are considered confidentiel and which
� are in pa�y grades in which there are no classified supervisory
1 non-confidential titles, shall be placed in the 1g78 salary
range which would be agplicable to employees employed in clas-
sified supervisory non-confidential positions� if they existed,
in the same pay grade and occupational group as the confidential
This change shall be effective as of December 31, 1977.
2. Effective January 1, lgj8 the dollar figures in Item 3 oP said Memorandum
of Agreement sha11 be changed to reflect the flil.l 19?8 cost of F�nployee
Coverage and one-half (2) of the 1978 cost of dependent's coverage.
� ° . �' !� rrof ci�tach t�ts m�nc�rrdum from tt� r'�eo�.�t�o�i .
a�iM�a++ee so that this #nformation wi11 be t3M o1: x2l19?5
available to tihe City C4u�ciL R�v: i 9/8f76
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E�'I.�ANAT�ON taF AD1�1�,fi'I'RAT?�YE t�R�'1E,RS, .���
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° � RESOLU�I9AT�, AP1� �1��'3I�+tANCES
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Date: June 29, 19?'? . , ., :, � � . ,�. _�
. . � � . . . . . . _ . . .. ' � .. . .�.� ���7lr�1p� ���v� � � . .
T4: �viA'XOR GEC)RGE L.A,?IMER ,� . , , , .,
F . .
� � ' :' ;
FR: Perac�nel Offic� ��1�"�/ ,
R�'; Resolution for submi�ssion to the City Canacil `
; .
+AC7IDAi R�QU���'EDs •
, � ,
�ii'e recpmmead your approva]. and eubmi�rsit�n'c:f thi8 �2,esol�tiz�n. to the
City Covacil.. � ,
; � .
; This R,esolution approves a ��Memorandurn bf �aderataadin�'r-ap�licable to :' ':
the Claseified Con�ic�ential Superviso�y Employeea of the ��t�y' a�15+�. Pa�i:.
� ' There axe eight employees in this grot�p who a.re in ciassif'sed t�1:ee aad
who wauld be ixx the Professioaal Etrzployees Associat�.on, Uu3.t�II, if they
were nat "Gox�fidential» employees. The l�tt�noraad�rn. o# �7'�erstaadiag , '
pr+�videa th��same sai�.ry increase (5. 5%) as�d:::�ie �ame in�.�aace' contrib��toa
, max'sm�ms i�iat will be graated to PEA ?.� for '��?8. '; '
. ,
�lT'f�CHM�3NTS1 . .
. .
R+�solutian and copy for the City Clerk.