269536 CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ��"��" FINAL ORDER ` BY In the Matter of �t�Oti� �Zi�wlka ar�d at1 ot�r MKlx'k �O a0yl�t! l��t - � � . ._ _�.. � , , y,. .,. , ,, _ ,� .i'„ _� :.r t .�°`�..,�rs..�'..�`.p:a E*z...�r.� ayrtaa ..e�;,,,,�:>..... . . . � . . .. . � .'st"'_--.,,PS,. - - � — n� � .. ,,._ �. � 1°r ...�w � � ' z �� �'ti ...... -, _.. ..... :. '..� � � . . P��� ��r� �N' .�,,. �i • � }. �y-� =:� ��� � �.•.�: � �. ,:.,�. .� ,_ u ;..� ��- • ��!'fA��?�N }1�.,� ��i � :{T..A� � HiT'x°�:.. - - ... . .�. . . .. . ..: -.�.... .: • Y� � J � ..�Rh+.�� yt���v��.�^"..����.Le�i� � �....,.. l��n { .�'�• Finance File No. �Deusiption 810458 BAYARD AVB., soeith sids frce Miltoa St. to sast 40 tt. sbutting �16 8ayard Ave. 510459 LAI�OND AV�., brsth sid�s fror Virginia St. to Western Ave. 810460 YipRRSHIRB AVB., south aide froa Ha�pshis� Avs. to east TO �t+ abutting 18Q7 Ra�rshfre oaly 310461 SHLSY AVB., both sides Ero� N. Grisgs St, to �amline Ave. 810462 JAQ:S��i ST., ba�th sid�• fro� E. J�ssasine Ave. to B. G�ranim� Ave. 810463 8HEREURIIS AYS., both sidea from Reat St. to Dale 8t. S1A464 LAPOI�ID AVB., both sidea fra� W.stera Ave. to Arundll St. 310465 LAWSOIi AVB., south �ids froa Virsiaia St, to v�st 45 ft. abuttin� 1015 Virginia Ave. 310466 DAYTOIt AVB., both aides froo 11. Sarataga St. to �. Saelling Av�. under Administrative Order ���� approved � `� ���� _ �f���� �u� � s �sn under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter, and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc" ' Date AUG 9 �97� Yeas Nays 8��� / Certifie assed b uncil Secretary � AVG � � �977. ^�- � Nunt �In Favor tevine ROedfel6 Against Mayor �'�y+4ae� Tedesco pUBI.ISHED AUG 2 0 197T Ihi 'Clerk GIT�' O1� ►.�A1N1' �AUL . �'/ �- �nK"—'^`�rr,�ance Dept. onarY— DePt. 2����� j c�i��r• �ct: utr �•2tr; b1Al'Olt ,^' � rJ� � e , NO: � r � AUiVIINISTRAI'IVE ORDER � � Date: �� 'lr � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ' � � . -; ������� That the lli r�ctor of the Departr�ent of Publ i c 1Jorks is hereby authori zed and di rected ta �re��re pia�s , o:,tain survey� , pre�are estimates and investlgate the necessity to reconstruct sie:�►�alk'��t tiie follotioing locatio�s and do ali other �dork whicn is necessary and inciucntal� to cocaplete said icr,prcvement. Sauth side of f31�YAR� AVE. from tdilton St. to ea�t 40` � abutting 916 fsayard. f3oth s i d� of 1AF011D /1VE. from VJ rgi ni a St. to '�les tern llve. I South sicfe of Y�P.t;SHIRE ��VE. from i:a:�pshire Ave. to east 70'-c•, abuttin� , 16�77 tianshi re anly. � . I , l3oih s i�de of SCLQY AVE. from t�. Grmggs St. to tiar:el i ne Ave. I , Goth s i de of JACY.SOt! ST. f ror.i E. Jessa�ni ne Ave. to E. Geran i um Ave. . I �ort� side of SHcitf3Uf��lE AUE. from i�nt 5t. to Dale St. I . ( [sath side oF i_AFOi�U AVC, fr�m Western 1�ve. to Arun��l St. . � i � SOJLFI s3cic of L/lIJSON AV�. from Virgin+a 5t. to ���est ti5' , �butting t0i5 Virginia. �`Z Botti s i cie of DAY7c�tt At'�. f rom t1. Sarataga S t. to it. Sne11 i ng t�ve. I i Thc Gi rector c6f Finance �n�i M�rragement Services Is hereby di rected to prepare a I prelis�inary oraer and sct�ede�le a puuiic hearinq. • i I orl& cc: orig. cc: � UJU REb� I _ . RLW V�Alf � GKS �r'� � . . . � � RGF Di.E JFS ���T- � r��O�2t�. � �. . . . . Rlnt �� !JO ��.�. . . � � TJE `'F;N �"_� I � � DEN �f`� � � F.S.D. �Ft.li.P. I APPROVFD AS "f0 FORM � � �._... � , M� " � ,l i r � , r:. �� Assi;tant City Altorney PUE)��I OCIGS��epartment IIe d T I Sidewalk � ` ,i i ( '"~ �� �� ,,'� ,�� i , � , Date _._ 1`� f.'�`f- �_^�/ /�,:� �; � --- � `-�� �"�'"`Administratrve Assistant to A�ayor � � • i I • �����:`� - 26�95 �. � �1 Y OF SAtNT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD DIRECTOR ►�aY �9� �977 P1r. Roger t•lattson Di rector of Finance and Management Services All Reconstruct Room 113 City Hall No Assessment ATTENTIOPd: Paul Desch Dear Si r: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the co�struction/reconstruction of the sidewaiks listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as follows: $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A S B Residental $6.81 per fz. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. b Comm. $8. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. 6 Conun. $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residential � Commerical . Attached herewith are the following: - 1. Approved Administrative Order �..._�p � -3��9 2. Advisability b Uesirability Report. 3. 6op.q-of-p�ans-for-each-order: , . . .,t,7�:''�,�j,: �(0 r � Yours very truly, f �'� �� `;'j� �'-� � U , ���//��-o ��^� r-� z, �� � ,.� �.: Q �._:; Hartley T omas �crr .�» p,. � '"- :.� Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction ¢:'r�-'- a '"'� w ►i ��'j ..-- � �a �f NT/gh ���rr' '� � v�Y�r�'SZl t�U4� � 234 City Hall, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 �- . Dist. No. { ' a ,:_� � , .S.S. Bayard Ave. - Milton St. to east 40' , abutting 916 f3ayard. f G .f{S � `This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the r basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk. ��`(�� � f f 3� � �,;i. ' �7his walk is old tile with tripping hazards and water pockets. c�� `� 95�6 The Engineering recommendation is for approvai of the order. � (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) � CT HJ RR � • Dist. No. l B.S. Lafond Ave. - Vi rginia St. to Western Ave. l � �/�'" �' This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the basis of NRA complaint and inspection of the walk. This watk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards , � water pockets, missing tite and asphalt patches. The Engineering recommendation is for app�oval of the order. Remarks: Check with HRA-Don Bruestle-4881-E3efore Const. (Construct to width designated on plat, 5' width} CT HJ RR . 1 a `-/ 6 CI oist. No. i ' S.S. Yorkshire Ave. - Hampshire Ave. to east 70'+, abutting i807 Hamshire only. This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the , basis of a petition with lsignerrepresenting 100� of frontage anJ inspection of the walk. This� walk is poured concrete with cracked concrete panels and scaled panets. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. � Remarks : 60' wide street (Construct to width� designated on plat, 5') CT HJ RR Dist. Edo. 1 - . ,. . B.S. Selby Ave. - N. Griggs St. to Hamline Ave. � � / a �� / 7his o�der was initiated by the Director of Puolic �lorks as public necessity on the basis of a petition with 2 signers and inspection of the walk. This �•�alk is otd ti le and poured concrete wi th tree heaves , broken ti le, high joints, tripping hazards, holes in tile, missing tile, asphalt patches , cracked co����S ' � scaled and tipped panels. � The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the arder. (Construct to width designated on plat) . CT HJ RR Dist. PJo. 1 B.S. Jackson St. - E. Jessamine Ave. to E. Geranium Ave. / � /l G .Z 7 This orde r was initiated by the Directo r of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with 5 signers , representing 40`G of the frontac�e and: inspection of the waTk This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, high joints , tripping hazards � asphalt v patches , cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) � CT HJ RR � Uist. No. i 5.5. Sherburne Ave. - Kent St. to Dale St. ' f � �� .,� This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the basis of a petition with l signer representing 20�6 of tf�e frontage and inspection of the walk. This walk is old tite and poured concrete with tree heaves , brokert tile, high joints, ✓ . tripping hazards, cracked concrete panels and tipped panels. The �Engineering recommeodation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat.) CT HJ RR � .�., . , Di st. IVo. 1 6� �B.S. Lafond Ave. - Western Ave. to Arundel St. � ,e ������r`� T�is order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with I signer representing 8� of the frontage and inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, cracked concrete panels,scaled and tipped , pane 1 s. . �c���� Ll The Engineering recommendation is far approval of the order.. � (Construct to width designated on plat.) � CT HJ RR � ' Dist. No. 1 � � ' �+ °1'� S.S. lawson Ave. - Virginia St. to west 45' , abutting i015 Virginia `�� � This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with 1 signer representing 100`G of the frontage and inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, high joints , and ttpped panels. - '� Ttie Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR Dist. Wo. 1 � � '�� B.S. Dayton Ave. - N. Saratoga St. to N. Snelling Ave. � . � This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4Jorks as public necessity on the basis of a petition with 11 signers representing 50�G of the frontage and inspection of the walb This walk is old tile and one lot of poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, high ;/joints, tripping hazards , holes in tile, missing tile, asphalt patches and tipped panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR C.� a�9 ya3 �sg��-�: ,,� i rs�i.nt�s#�;,d� - t�efl�Flle xo'`� —'�j �bY �-�ua In t,h0'blatfier ad rec� ec� ' ,� ��ca�fel al�ot��•wer •��ebe � ��a��� � st. tb e�et at.. s�: A,ve; . �Bfo 81049� ,�.,.� ���� �.��„r� . x ��,��.� i r � ,�e ���:�. � '�'��'�" °�rr'� . i�te a►�x�,,,s�a�e�,,��w„� : �wcxsorr�sT, a�w � S���Ave.to�� CelYle N;a.+s..; Deilfipt�en,i . •Kent to D��. °� � �O .File IQo. DescrlptWiai� ��.��� W ~ . .�Q}�.��"_� ��no� NO.: W6i�.I�er�ttoa.; , SOR'AV$.; Aouth � 1�' to'w+est 43 tc. l�bu� �p g ��!TUNAF91e No.310�88,De�x3� '�� A'VL•�both sides 4ort�iY.�3ar, Atoga 3t. t+o N. 5riellia�Ava �pr+'��_�i1A18t1'akivc Or�er I!'-�SOg,�ap. pro �} q,aY 4. I877. The Council pt the f�pr oi 3ainY Rwu] �� xrfsaelved the � h�ereb�a���`��r�d�Ye � , L.'That e s�id re�t }�e , ��Y �0�' � no, �� 2. Tlsat t ,�ubHc"heatrin� be hirt! , � �Drveemaut. oa � � � ��.a 1�� � `� +� $G`�'� CitY .$� '�!�i�l��; ta� itte t�. 8. .naaioe of`�ai8 pubric heae�i� �81.ve1t te th� p� Apd ip1 i .. ��'�;t�Y�t��e ,t�tam�e.�� _� �+�'p� �id 'tde toL� :�met�ui�eo! aa erd�pated. Adopte�i bY1�ua �Ju1Yt 19,:1977. /�,p�roved Ju3T;� '6�7 � � - c���.ier�;� . ''. - ,- . / , .