269535 2����� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER �� By In the Matter of �Mt'�Mtrttie�►� �Ld�ltal,lc� tt th! i�d110iMills lOeaf.to�s �1N �Rll at1�eY ��osk es ae�pl�t� t��t ,;_ .�.. ,,�..�..,�,.,.._ . ..--- .... .� . , _.__ ������� � A _ _ ��. - - . . .. __ _ : . �Y.�_ -`_.�,��� w���_ .F N .��,��,�,� �;, 1►inance Fila �, � DescripE3oa R . � 510454 ° OOMf�TAY �'T'., uorth eide from P�d�r�oa St, to ��i�h St':°' S104SS COIiWAY ST. sonth •id� frc� MciCni:ht 8d. Co 8�+rard St. 510456 PED�RSpN AVB., both sid�s fsoai Old t�sdsoa Rd. to Wilsoa Ave. 510457 N/5SI8�9f 8T., �roa tivingston Av�, to Rwiboldt Ave, � M under Administrative Order s ����' approved � �� 1��� � L�, .� , � 19 1977 under Preliminary Order ��q �� approved Ju` The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. AUG 9 19n COUNCILMEN Adopted by t ncil: ate Yeas Nays 3utler, ,� . Ce ' ied Passed ouncci,ll Seeretary AUG 1 O �9ZTi � J � '-�unt In Favor y i �� i_e���n� . � . ia�dlel] Against �S,y^h�es#�1) Mayor -� �edescc� pUBIISHED AU G 2 0 1977 � � 1 � 1 � 1 s t �/�°-1 2nd �� � f 3rd � � ((��! Adop ted � Yeas Nays BUTLER H°ZZA �69534 � � ' LEVINE fl v ROEDLER TEDES CO (PRESIDENT SYLVESTER) ' , � . \ _--�--- _ . vilY ur ..��Ylv� ���iuL y-� �_ Yink� — F�nanc�Dept. ����A� GnarY�,� Dapt. , �* � • OFFIGF OF TFIE MAYOR � . . NO: J/ �, �%�-' � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � Date: =� �3' ' � . �c�,���� � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, � - � � 7hat the Director of tne Departr,�ent of Pu51ic ":Iorks is hereby authorized and directed to prepare plans, o�tai�n surveys, prepare estimates and investi,ate the necessity to construct sidewal�cs at Lhe follarin� location and do a11 other r�o�k which is � necessary and incidental to complete s�id improve�nent. � No�th side of CQti'�IAY ST. from Pede�son St. to Rutfi St. Sou th s i de of COP1�:lAY ST. f rom Mc Kn i gh t Rd.to Nowa rd S t. 8oth side of PEDCRSOi� AVE. from Old Nudson Rd. to �ti lson Ave. � 1%� S�a side of SIGi1EY ST. from Livingston Ave. to Ftumboldt Ave. The Director of Fin�nce and tianagement �ervlces is hereby directed to pt-epare the prelimtnary o�+�er and schedule this matter for publtc hearing. � � Q� .� 4 � � f/�l �+ F`�4�V . . �� � Z_•j /r`� � . . . � _ ����7� . on� c�: o e. oc .._ _. . . _ _ � OJD REG . ftLW WAH � . . . GKS JFK RGP DEE ' . JFS CLT . . _ . . . . ' . Rl AJO . . TJE VHP E OEN � _ , . . .�. . .. . . . ,... � � ! . .' .. � - . . , r . . �. . . � . � _ ... , i . .� � P.S.D. fT.H.R. � , � � , �� .. � . . , , .. � � _ . . , � APPROV�D AS TO FORM - . , . r : � . - - : , . . 1' ! . � , � , , i . f 1 1 �:�i � l / r � % I /��7 �lssistan�'City Attorney Pub 1�C b+�0�{CS;� Department Head .. � \! / �J . .. , $ 1 kS �- ,.�--� �� _ ^ , • . . ; � - _ .. .. Date -� �?' i�, �� �'` !/::�i� ' Administrative Assistant to Mayor • , ' � - � . . 2f��35 � ���.'9��'`� CfTY �F SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD DI RECTOR �-1ay 5, 1977 � New sidewalks. Mr. Roger Flattson Director of Finance There is assessments. and Management Services -_.,,�,,.,,. „�..,.�,.�„ Room 113 City Hall . �.�.«...�-.�-� ATTEMTION: Paul Desch Dear Si r: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. , The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as follows : $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide wa}k A � B Residental � � $6.81 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. $8. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. s Comm. $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residentiai � Commerical . Attached herewith are the following: 1. Approved Administrative Order 3551 5/3/77 ' 2. Advisabitity � Uesirability Report. Y ... 3• Copy of plans for each orde r. Yours very truly, Hartley T a$ �- Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction HT/gh ' 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �- . s - Residential Street Paving Program N.S. Conway St. - Pederson St. to Ruth St. / 4 �S� � 269535 This sidevralk order is being proposed in conjunction with the Residential Street Paving Program. The desire is for a "complete" ir�provement. Because new sidewalk on non-aid �treet must be assessed, the order for this sidewalk is being proposed so that it tan 'rise or fall" on its own merits. If approved, this sidewalk will be constructed along with the other improvements under the Residental Street Paving Program and woul�d complete the walk from Ruth St. to Mc Knight Rd. This is new sidewalk, 5 feet wide. CT HJ RR � Residential Street Paving Prog�am S.S. Conway St. - Mc Knight Rd. to Howard St. O 4l�„� � This sidewalk order is being proposed in conjunction with the Residential Street Paving Program� The desire is for a "complete" improvement. E3ecaWSe new sidewalk on non-aid street must be assessed, the order for this sidewalk is being proposed so that it can "rise of fall" on its own nerits. If approved, this sidewalk will be constructed � along vrith the other improvements under the Residental Street Paving Progran and would comp 1 e te the wa t k f rom Ru tFi S t. to htc Kn i gh t Rd. This is new sidewalk, 5 feet wide. The Engineering recommertdation is for app rovai of the order. CT HJ RR / D L/a� Residentiai Street Paving Program B.S. Pederson Ave. - Old Nudson Rd. to Wilson Ave. This sidewalk order is being proposed in conjunction with the Residentiai Street Paving Program. The desire is for a "complete" improvement. Because new sidewaiks on non-aid streets must be assessed, tne order for ti�is sidewallc is being proposed so that it can ✓ "rise or fall" on its own merits. This walk will provide pedestrian access to Sunray � Snopping Center, restaurants, two banks, apa�tment complexs , Conway Heights Piayground, and Sunray Library. If approved, this sidewalk will be constructed along with the other improvements under the Residental Street Paving Progra m This is new sideY�alk, 5 feet wide. Sidewalk is also being proposed (under a separate order) on the �north side of Old Hudson Rd. from Pederson to Ruth St. The Engineering recommendation is for app rovaT of the order. CT HJ P.R • I - . . � , , , 5�5 ' Residential St���•p'a�ing Prograra N lo � �.S. Sidney St. - Livington Ave. to Humboldt Ave. �.� This sidewalk order� is being proposed in conjunction with the Residential Street Paving Program. The desire is for a "complete" improvement. Eecause new sidewalks on non-aid streets must be assessed, the order for tliis sidewalk is being proposed so that it can "rise or fall" on its own merits. If approved, this sideu�lalk will be constructed along with the other improvements under the Residental Stree.t Paving Progran. � This is new sidewalk, 5 feet wide, ecross vacated Gorman o, n�Y and will serve a playground and residential a�ea. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. � CT HJ RR � � N�� V1/ �k �1..�''CJ 1/ + • • , . .�`�. � ! (�1-4e1`'...��e�rh zc1 �o �,4-� �� ��.. __�_�---- " " •� ` - ���9��!� t�EMO YC� Apr i 1 14, 1977 / FROM: Kent Schonberger �L��,�3� SUBJECT: New Sidewalk Construction related ta Residential Street Paving Pro,j ects. The new Assessment Policy as it relates to non-Aid type streets was to be effective January 1 , 1977. The Residential Street Paving Program was adopted in iate February 1977. The Residential Street Paving Program Guidelines adopted Qecember 1976 do not refer to assessment. The new Assessment Policy Is basically to assess for new ftrst time improvements and not to assess for reconstruction. The present oiled streets constitute "first time" constructian �s does the wood pole lighting, existing walks and drainage, and are therefore non- assessable. Hov�ever, there is no authority to build original new walks where none exists without assessment. Assessment would be: (a) short side - assessed at the subsidized rate of approximately $4/foot. (b) long side - first 125 feet free and remainder assessed as in (aj. � Therefore, we can't build new walks assessment-free so we are handling them on a separate order to "go" or "die'� an own rnerits and not affect the orders on street paving. KS;ced . ��a_ _ - : , � F � ` ;: . , , � �` ` � � L.,� � .:•: ry,•.,.�. ,�,.��: � r �'„..-�, .J �' �. . .`� , , ". „ _-� � , ,.li � � �- � � �t /] ��. .. - .-��� . � .... � . "� ��;- r . .._ '�`'"'�� _ - "_` i'���""� '`i .� "j` F . � .. � ` .��1�" . . � . . . . . - .\.i � F-��� . . _ � t-" a � ����. 2695�� i- ���. .� „Ca�¢��FiLs Nq.`� ^ �:'Si�1�9 . �st t�he farH�in � � wWk t� oonaP itYyk'aw- aie�.- 7��, �nae 1!'�No.S1djS4.Deicrip�1ak-. AY's�.'. nm t!n sfde"ftarri�Peder� St. to Ruth �L. . - a; !'ile No.SID�S, pt�� T $T.' .�ottth 'a��,A�- �t xa.�o l�tow�.� ance File1yfo.s10�D8 Dmcriptios� PZDERSUN AVS bottt sddes leam Old n Rd.tv'W�lsan Ave: le No.SYAi67, .���� t�Qtt"ltb� Ave.to Ave. l�le�'Adu�ia�wr�rNMn"'�t86t.�'��'+ P�'oved MA.1 �.: �t�'L�S�C2u11ci1 ct>#1�! � t vinB received �� os�.�� ��i r u a t2�e w t: �i�• ` ze14 .sttd � 1. �hat th� �f►i$'"!� sl�d`'., � �atne.l�.geseb�a�ro d�wi�4� � . � altel'nativee aad.that,��� � cvst th is #+4.00.�'t ft. A 8ce�r++�Q.�S•�r�� • .�. Camm.-�$,� yer ]ia.�it., A ft. ; _ a+iQe C�.'i.;'. . . $ Thst a �btlo l�ed�in� b+e'', d _ . ia f pro�►ern►at th � , ������ o!. 1� f << °�4�`� , 8. qedce�!�d�t�G LM'�!� ���► � �.- � �,���m��"��` � �� �.�;� : ...�.�. Adorted bq tti.,�tt�t+�,v`�.3est'. �APProved�'el�Y.�.i977. , (au17 89,1Y7z) .