269530 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII �69530 P�NK - F�NAN�E GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 . � � BLUE � - MAYOR File NO• ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Plat of "West Industrial Park No. 1" as recommended and approved by the Director of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Pub 1 i c Works Hozza [n Favor Hunt ✓ Levine A gai ns t BY Roedler -- Daniel J. n ord, Di r ctor TJE/MPM) �� .� APhi Tedesco AUG 4� 197T Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by uncil: ate Cert d Pas e ouncil cretary � BY y Approved y Ma r:, Date � 5" � / Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � BX _ , ,. .�3�,. • PUBUSHED AUG� � 3. 197 K�iow All Persons By These Presents that tf�e Port Authority of tl�e City of Soint Paul, a Minnesota Corporotion,owners of the fol lowiny described property situated in the City of St . Paul, Rarnsey Cowity, Minnesota: All that part of Lots 7 t4irough 10 , ii�clusive, Block 195, and Lots 2 throuqh 7 ond Lot I I inciusive, B'oc�c 196, both ir� Irvine's Additior� to West St . Pawl, and of vacated Fairfield Avenue and vac�ed Ethel Street, both adiacent to Blocks 195 and 196 that is encompassed by a line described as foilows: Beyiiii�iny at the intersection of th� eentertines of,saicl West FairField Avenue and Ethel Street, the+�ce North 51°44'15" West, along the centerline of Ethe� Street, for 74 .58 feet, thence Nortfi 39°29'30' East, parallel to thc centerline of West Fairfield Avenue, for 287.71 fcet, thence Sou�h 51°44`15 East, parallel to Ethel Street, for 244,58 feet, thence South 39°29'30" ��'Vcst, for 307.i1 feet, t���;,c.�e NoKh 51°44'15" West, for 170 .00 feet to the centerline of Wcst Fair�ield Ave+�uc, !'zc�lfe Nor��E �°>' 29'30" East for 20 .00 feet t� the uoint of beginni��g, _ exccpting therefrorn tl�e tollowing described property_ Al) that part of the Southcasterly half of West F�tirtield Aver�ue, vacatcd, and th�t par� of ad�oi�{i� c �t��: Street, vacated, co��tained withii� the following described property: _ Lots 1 and 2, i3lock 198, Irvinc's Addition to Wcst St . Paul, that par; of thc Southe�stcrly f�alf o` a��,;;-,r � West Fairfield Avei�ue, vacated, and that uart of ad���ining Ethcl �treet, vacat�^d, all described as �le�,t�::i�-,c �t the most Southerly corncr of said Lot 2; thence Northeasterly along the Southcastcrly li,�es of sai� �c►ts 2 and 1 to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence Northwesterly along the Nor,heast line of sa�c Lot 1 z distance of 10 feet; thence Northeastcrly, parallel to the Southeasterly line of said Lot 1, t� t"c center line of said Ethel Street; thence Northwesterly along said cei�ter line a cfistance of �7.4 ;�e�; thence Northwesterly, deflectiny to the right 21 degrees 23 minutes 15 seconds, a distar�ce ��r 40 .2� feet; thei�ce on a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 144.6 feet a distance of 3° .5 feet tc ae� ii,tersection witf� tl�� cxtension Nortl�e�sterly of the Northwestcrly Iine of sai.i Lot 1; t?ier�ce Ivor�h��cstcrt�. , parallel to said ceritcr lii�c of Ethel Street, to thc centcr line of s�i�i West FairfieJd f�vc��ue; t��,e���c ;� L��t�; - westerly ilony said last descrik�ed centcr line to an ir�tersc�tior, with the ext�nsion Nor;hwesterl: �,' t,��� Southwesterly line of said Loc ?_; thence Sout4icasterly al�nc� sai� Sout'iwesterly lir�c of �.ot 2 anc ixs extension to thc point of beginni+�g, lying Northeast�rly of a line descril�ed as� Commeiiciny at the �nost Easterly corner of said Lot 1 , t�ience Northwest^rly al�ng the ivor�l,east I�+,e o- Lot 1 a distance of 10 fcet, t{�ence Northeasterly, paralle) to the Southeasterly line of sa�� �.ot 1 tc a point tf�at is 20 feet Southwesterly of the center line of said Ethel �treet, vacated, which Qoint �s t c point of (�eyinnii�y of tf�e line to k�e described; thence Nor��hwcsterly to a point on th� CCnICr li��c or Fairfield Avenue, vacated, that is 20 feet �oirt��westerly of thn exicnsi�n Northwestcrl,� of t>>c ce��tefi li� � of said Ethel Strcet, vacated, and ther� terrninatir�y . Together with the following described registered property The Southcrly 44,58 feet except the Easterly 2 .11 feet of Lot 11, Elock 195, Irvine's Additior� to lydest St. Paul , That part of the Northwesterly Half of adjoining West Fairfield Avenue, vacated, lying �;etwee►-; the extei�sions Southeasterly across said stree�of the West line of the East 2.11 feet of said Lot 11 aE�d the Southwesterly liile of said Lot 11 . Subjectto the easemer�ts and ric�hts reserved hy Sectiori 22� of khr St. Paul Lec�islative Code a��d to specific eas�emei�ts to protect the interests of Northern States Power Cornt�an�� and Northwestern Eelf Telephone Company as s�t forth in the instrumei�t filed in the office of the Reg'rst.rar of Titles as Doc . No. 534079, but free of the tempor�ry water rn�3in ease�nent ttjerein described as to saie� part of vacated West Fairfield Avenue. , Parccl 1 , All that part of the Southeasterly hatf of �,�Jest Fairfield Avcnue, vacated, and t��at par. o' adt�ir;i��r Ethel �treet, vacateci, contained within the followiny descriE�ed prvperty: Lots 1 and 2, C l�ck 198, Irvi�ie's Addition to West �t . Pau l, ti�at part of the �outhcasterly ha lr o� .a��a�ra;: -. West Fairfield Avenue, vacated, and tl�at part of ad�oining Ethcl Street, vacated, a11 descrihed as a€c�r�r~�� 4 - at the m��st �outhcrly corner of said Lot 2; thence NoKhaeasterly alor�y the Southe�stcrly lines of sai� Lc�ts y 2 and 1 to the rnost Easterly corner of sai� Lot 1; thence Northwesterly along the Nor�heast tirie oi sa;� Lat 1 a distance of 10 feet; thence Northeasterly, paral{cl to the Southeasterl;r line of said Lot 1, to tti,. ccr�e�r line of said Ethel Street; thence Northwesterly alpng said centcr line a distance of 67.4 feet, t►�e+�u �or��- westcrly, deflecting to the riyht �1 degrces 23 minutcs 15 seccnds, a distance of 40 .28 �ee#; t�+e>>cc �+. � tanger�tial curve to the right having a radius of 144.6 fcet a distance o{ 39 .5 fcet to ar� intersect+��� wr�t� the extension Northeasterly of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 1; thencc Northwestcrly, r�arallel tr s�-:�.� center line of Ethel Street, to the center line of said West Fairfield Avenue; thence Soutnwesterly alor�c s���' last described center line to an interseCtion with the extension Northwestcrly of the Soutl�westcrl, lir�e of said Lot 2; thcnce Southeasterly ato�g said Southwesterly line of Lot 2 and i's extcnsion to tl�e poi!�t vf beginning, � lyii�g Northeasterly of a line described as: Com�nenciny at the �n;�st Easterly corner of said Lot 1, ttience Northwesteriy along tf�e Nor�hcast linc of Lot 1 a dist�nce of 10 feet, thence Northeasterly, pa�allel ta thc �outhcasterly line of sai�i �at 1 tc z point that is 20 feet Southwcstcrly of tt�c center linc of said Ethel Strcet, vacated, which poir,t is t�e point of beginr:iny of the line to be described, thcnce Northwestcrly to a point on thc cer�tcr Ir:��e of Fairf�el� Avcrue, vacated, thzt is 20 feet �outhw�stcrly of thc exterisi�n Nor:hwestcrl� of the certcr li; e �f sai� Et'�c I Slreet, vacated, �nd there terminating . � , ., �_, • �igned: PORT AUTHORITY of the CITY OF Saint Poul George W, Winter, Presi ent !ouis H , Meyers, _�ecretai State of Minnesota ) S .`, . County of 1�� ---� i�he foregvirtg instrumerit was acknowlcdged before rne this , �v C:eor�e W, Winter its Presi�ent �nd �ouis H . Meye�s its Secretary of Po � ' a M�nne Corporation, on l�ehalf of the corporation, �c _ rt , �uthority of t Notary Public, ----- My Co�r��nisi�n eX�����--Cout Approved and accepted by the City Councii of St. Paul, Minnesotl, this day of C L�Rr; No delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of 19 Director By Departmer�t o Property Taxation County Recorder and Registror of Titles County of Rarnsey, State of Mirinesota , I hereby certify that this plat of WEST INDUSTRIAL PARK N0. 1 was filed in this off.ice this of 1 q at d�y P(ats, Pape o'clock ` M.,and was filed in Book and t�the copies were cornpared with the Officia! Plat and found to be tn�e and correat copies thereof. � Robert T. Gibbons County Recorder By DEPUTY . I, WARREN I. FORSBERG, hereby certify that I have surveyed ar�d platted the property desc ' as WEST INDUSTRIA L PARK N0. 1, that this plat is a correct representation of said surve th � ribed ir� the c shown on the plat; that all monuments havr� heen corrpctly placPd in the qround as �hou�n; that h correctly designated on the plat; al�d there are no wet lands, or ublic hi h y' �t ��II di� t e outs ide b� , P g ways other than as shown the MINNESOTA REGI�TRATION NUMBER: 4�40 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF � � •5 • this �he Surveyor's certificate was subscribed and sworn to Uefore me, � Notary F day of lc3 .� Notary Puhlic, Cot�aty, Minncsota My Commission Expires , � \ s � �so �/�6.. �s9 S�� , 3 � � \ \ � • . � � � � �' � ( I - �-- - - - - — � - - - - - � - - - - -� - - — - - --- � � I � � I � I ;�; !.__ � � � ,� � I i � � � � : � ,`- 8O 'J . I I I I ( I `� I � '" _ � ' ..� �' � � � � � � � � � �. � . . � � , � i i I _ _ I ' ` � I i"'� � , . 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T- \� � ^ N39°29�30�E' � ERL/NE OF i I ' N39°�9�30 E O V� � �� FA/RF/EL D AVE. ° � � � �, p �/ � o � � � � a, "� • — - - - - - � ' � � � � � � �� '� LOT 2 ; :. � J o � , T � � ' - _ : �h� � _<. � - - -� -�- _ �,, -i - - - - - 1- - - - - �---�-z'� - I a . . � � � �, o .� �, �o'�� ho � ���;� � � r I i � W � � I I � ' ,�h �y°�'B ; ' ' o i °`� ' � �' � ` p C � , �'1 0 ° °� �! �' ' �, :: ` ��" ' f( � j ►� � 0 0 ,,. I � � <'�',� �, � \ I' � `' i „� � I � i � � � , ? ;� � ,. � � �� J j � 2G... o� \y� � \ / I I I �� J ' � ►. ��� i�% tiO,tiLOT�1 , �3 , i � � o �`� � � ``� % � � � , �°�'�° j IhN �'', , I I � ° I �' � I � � , /, ►; , _ I v� � I �\� . � ti � �� I .- I� Q� i. I O, ~ � a, ���� \ ;�: �I,r) C ��� I �� ,� �^I I � � I � � �, h , � �•; � � I � � J � - I %" � C� � i W 3� � , �� Ih I I J �' W 2 � y' �,"' � � �� 3 I� I ` I . 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