269525 WHITE — CITV CLERK �6��25 PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council �� CANARY — DEPARTMENT � � BLUE . — MAVOR File NO. Co cil e ution � , Presented By Leonard W. Levi ne � Referred T �C tte : Date Out of Committee B Date WHEREAS , it has been announced that passenger rail service between the Twin Cities and Seattle and between Chicago and the Twin Cities will be reduced by Amtrak in October of this year; and WHEREAS, the reduction of this service threatens the reliability and acceptance of passenger rail service as an economic and energy-efficient mode of inter-state transportation; and WHEREAS, this Council , through its endorsement of rail service to Duluth and the construction of a new Amtrak terminal to be located in the Midway area of St. Paul , has indicated its enthusiastic and unanimous support for inter- city passenger service; so, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council hereby expresses its opposition to any reduction of passenger rail service in this region; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that' copies of this resolution be sent to the Minnesota Congressional delegation, Amtrak President Paul Reistrup, Secretary of Transportation Broek Adams , �nd Minnesota Governor Rudy Perpich. � y � � a COUNC[LMEN . Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt J Levine _ Against BY Roedler ��� Tedesco Adopted by uncil: te �UG 4 j��� Form Approved by City Attorney Certi d Passe y Co etary BY � � 19 Approve Mayo :>Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �UBLISHED AU G 1 3 1977 ,. � �-�q��- _ . i > '��:y (; r -c�- c> i� �_� 7 ,.�-r l'.� r; 1. ,� � 1��a�� ��� � ° c>r•r• i c�: o r 'r�� i: �►.��-c>>. ?tia� a i �iv: ti ��ti • C�F.OF2GF: L_�"1'L�IEF2 AL1gUSt �J � 1977 blaY'ox f-Sr . Brock Adams Secretary of Transportation Department of Transportation T�Jashington, D. C. 20025 Dear Mr. Adams ' : It has come to my attention that Amtrak is seriously considering a proposal to drastically reduce passenger service to and from the Twin Cities (Saint Paul-Minneapolis) . It is my understanding the proposal , to take effect on or about October 30, 1977, will discontinue trains 9 and 10 , Twin Cities to Seattle; and operate trains 7 and 8 , from Chicago to Seattle via the Twin Cities, on a part time basis. I cons�der this proposal to be shocking and in direct conflict with Saint Paul 's planning and development efforts , Saint Paul and b�inneapolis ha�e spent considerable time, effort and money in developing a proposal for a new Amtrak depot to serve increased rail passenger service. In addition, our new, partly State financed, Amtrak Arrowhead passenger trains (Twin Cities-Duluth) , which are a great success , could be hurt as there is a connecting service between the Arrowhead train and the trains Amtrak proposes to discontinue . The Nation, Minnesota, and Saint Paul need more--not less--passenger service by rail . I urge you, therefore, to resaind the proposal by Amtrak and, instead, reorient Amtrak' s efforts toward increasing not curtailing, rail passenger service. I have attached a copy of a City Council resolution which states the Council ' s opposition to any reduction of Amtrak service . Sincerely, � f GE GE TIMER GL:lt Mayor Enclosure cc : Minnesota Congressional Delegation cc : Governor Rudy Perpich cc : Commissioner James Harrington ' cc: Members of City Council cc : City Clerk ..��.---, wHITE - CITV CLERK � � � ������ - � PINI( - FINANCE TF COURCII CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O�, \JA I �'T 1,L� lJ L File N O. � OLUE - MAVOR � �o �ZG e u�Z�n C �� � Presented By Leonard W. Levine . � � � � � Referred T � � �C �tte : Date n Out of Committee B ' Date WHEREAS , it has been announced that passenger rail service between the Twin Cities and Seattle and between Chicago and the Twin Cities will be reduced by Amtrak in October of this year; and 6JHEREAS, the reduction of this service threatens the reliability and acceptance of passenger rail service as an economic and energy-efficient mode of inter-state transportation; and � WHEREAS, this Council , through its endorsement of rail service to Duluth and the construc�ion of a new Amtrak terminal to be located in the Midway area of St. Paul , has indicated its enthusiastic and unanimous support for inter- city passenger service; so, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council hereby expresses its opposition to any reduction of passenger rail service in this region; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the Minnesota Congressional delegation, Amtrak President Paul Reistrup, Secretary of Transportation Brock Adams , and Minnesota Governor Rudy Perpich. COUh'C[Lh9EN Requested by Department of; Yeas Nays ; Butlet `:, flozra [n Favor Hunt � Levine �' -_ Against BY — ----- — Roedler -Sy}ve�ac Tedesco � � 7 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b}� ; uncil: • te ---�,,;�_"�-- �=1� Certi �d P<�ssc'. y Co _ et��ry By _ _ f� , s-,,,,�/ --- Appro��ec� o' �la,�;or , Date � �� Approved by �4tayor for Submission to Council , � - - B}' -- ---_ _ -- ----- �Y ------------------ -- i J! „ .,,,,, � � ''�. � ' ', (;1 •r�- o i� �.�1 `r 1'�� T- r, `'� � it�� �� ,� `' ' c>>-i��c;�: c>r 'i'�r�: at.»'c�ir � : ��--- ��,',s ' �'”: - .. - �':"� �.::, -' «., GEOxcr I.�-ri�i�R August 5� 1977 �IaYO�t P�lr. Paul Reistrup, President Amtrak 955 L'Enfant Plaza North Washington, D. C. 20024 , ' Dear Mr. Reistrup: It has come to my attention that Amtrak is seriously considering a proposal to drastically reduce passenger service to and from the Twin Cities (Saint Paul-�!![inneapolis) . It is my understanding " the proposal, to take effect on or about October 30 , 1977, will discontinue trains 9 andlO, Twin Cities to Seattle; and operate trains 7 and 8, from Chicago to Seattle via the Twin Cities, on a part time basis . I consider this proposal to be shocking and in direct conflict with Saint Paul 's planning and development efforts. Saint Paul �nd Minneapolis have spent considerabl� time, effort and money in developing a proposal for a new Amtrak depot to serve incr_eased rail passenger service. In addition, our new, partly State financed, Amtrak Arrowhead passenger trains (Twin Cities-Duluth) , • which are a great success , could be hurt as there is a connecting service between the �rrowhead train and the trains Amtrak proposes to discon-tinue. The Nation, Minnesota, and Saint Paul need more--not less--passenger service by rail. I urge you, ther_efore, to rescind the proposal by Amtrak and, instead, reorient Amtrak' s efforts toward increasing, not curtailing, rail passenger service. I have attached a copy of a City Council resolution which states the Council ' s opposition to any reduction of Amtrak service. Sincere.ly, G t�(��I�t/Y�t- GEORGE LATI��T.ER GL :lt Dlayor Enclosure cc: D'linnesota Congressional Delegation cc: Governor Rudy Perpich cc: Commissioner James Harrinqton cc : Member_s of City Council cc : City Clerk ,�;:`�,,,J