270259 WHI7E — CITV CLERK . �F�'����{°�� PINK — FINANCE COUIICII � !" s OLUERY — MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. # v RETURN COPY TO VALIJATION BUREAU Council Resolution f 1 Presented By '-°�-=Z�-" � �- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�iEREAS, the City of St. Pa.ul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase of that certa.in property described as follaws: North 1�2 of Lot 21, J. W. Bass' Ga.rden Lots except the North 75 feet of tY�.t �;rt thereof lying �:ast of the West 16 feet thereof; and except the North 8.5 feet of the West 16 feet thereof, taken for E. I�ya.cinth Ave. ; and except the East 30 feet thereof, taken for Westminster St. ; sub�ect to Highway easement over the West 35 feet of that part thereof which lies within a distance of �+�+0 feet Northerly of the South line of sa.id Lot 21; and subject to Sewer Easement. WHEREAS, the property herei.n described is necessary for storm water ponding purposes and was approved for aequisition on August 16, 1977 by Final Order, Council File No. 269581 and the price at which the property may be pta�rchased is in the amaunt of $�+2,500.00, being a fair and reasonable price for the subject property according to the appraisal obtained by the Valuation Engineer; and WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer Ybas recommended the purchase of said property at the price stated above; now therefore, be it RESOLVID, that the Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby authorize the purchase of the above described land; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to Eugene F. Weiand and Hdward A. Weiand, record fee vwners, the sum of $42,500; the conditions of said sale contained in the Memorandum for the Sale of Real Estate, dated November 29, 1977; said memorandum is attached hereto and incorpora.ted herein by reference. Said sum to be charged to /�IR Fund 60000, to be reimbursed from 1q77 PIA Funds. 1 L �'� y Z� COUNCILN[EN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: Butler � Fina nd Mana� n ervices Hozza In Favor �� � L�'� p; By : D�W� __ Against —A�eeEi� Sylvester �" Tedesco a�C � Z 'g�l Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b - ouncil: Date C ified Pass }' Council Secretary B- ����� �� .. i .. App d by ;Vlayor: a App o ed by Mayor for Su s i n�o Council By BY puBLfSHE� GEC 3 �1 1977 , o� ol: �.�/.�.�7s R�9. : 9�8„�7 f - EXPI�AI�ATION �P' AD�tISTRATIVE �RDERS, �� ��,5� . RESO�UNS..,AND QR_2i�N S �t������ . �l�i �i� +,� ; " ��A � D : OE�� 1 3 ry97"l IIBte: No�tber 30, i977 MAY�R"� Ql1� Tp; MA.YOR GEORGE LRTIMER FR ; J. W3113am Danavan, Valuation & Assess�en� En�ine�r� {8xt. 531?) ��'�' �' Finance & l�r�gement Service�s . �� Lasid Aeq.uiaitioa t'or Sto�n� Water Pc�aading Ar� a�ar �Teatainster and, i�rylaad. RECElVED �c� 1 � t977 AcTior� ��vES�D: '� �,r�yy H„�t :..,.. . .:�. Acquisitic� of prc�erty for �sub�ect pro�ect. Coaditioaa of ea].e ss sha�n an attsched•Me�r�ran�dum on Sale of Real Esta.te. i PURPaS� A1�1D RATIQN1m►LE FOR Z'�ZS ACTION: Autharized by Fin�l Order� Council File No. 26958�., a�pprov�d Avgnst 16s l�'T7. Acquisition of said pe�rcel in the amaunt o�' $42�500 to be lYnanced f'rc�a PIB � . Fuad 60040, to be re3mbursed from 1977 PTA Fuad�. ATTACAM�:NTS: l. M�p 2. Me�nore,ndum on Sale o� Rea.l Estate • 3• Resolution . . ,��� � � � � � �� � � � _�� ���'� � . _,c � --- � "��'�p.._..... .. w..� .av�... Division of Assessmerxts and Valuations Room 286 City Hall N�RANDtIrd ON SALE OF REAI� F,�TATE � � o �„s� 1. Purpose of sale oP Real Estate to City: Stornmrater Runoff Ponding Area 2s. Location of Real Estate: Z,1est szde of ��7estminster, north of Ma,ryland. 3. Legal Description: North 1�2 of Lo� 21, J. ?�J. &;.ss' C,a.rden Lots except the Ptorth 75 feet of tliat pa.rt thereof lyin� E�.st of the t�lest �.6 feet thereof; and e�cept the North 8.5 feet of the ��7est 16 feet thereof, t�.ken for E. Hyacinth Ave. ; and except the East ?0 feet thereof, taken for j��estminster St. ; subject to Highrray easement over the West 35 feet of that part thereof �rhich lies within � a distance of 4�+0 i'eet 1`dortherly of the South li.ne of s�id Lot 21; and subjec�t to Sewer F.�.ser�ent. 4. Name and Address of Se]1er: Eugene F. and Hac•aard A. t^leiand 1130 Arl��right St. St. paul, P�Iinn. 5. Recor�anended purchase price: ��+2,500 6. Seller to f�rnish Abstract of Title and�or Oy�ners D�xplicate Certificate of Title for said property, City will update said Abstract and�or obtain Registered Property Certificate. 7. Se11er to give possession to City at closing. 8. Twxes: S eller to pay ta3ees due and payable in 19'�(. City will pay ta�ses due and paya,ble in 1978. � 9. Seller to pay all assessments levied against said property. 10. Miscellaneous: NOT�: Conditions listed above are not bindin� wnt31 approved by City Conncil. Seller: City: , �.�.� �2���..� Signed�l����n�L����.�.zf'" Sign G,Z .G --- . .�. L---_.----� � _ ,';�`1.� Valuation Engineer Date: f�" 'Z 7 � Date. • , . 1 .'.'--a,&.`Frj^ .....4 �r, .- . ., . . _ r... Y °g.' ::s� . . .:: . , 't i ��. : ,-�� ..::.' '�T T ."�� � . �~1 � „,� �-. } � { ��` . .. . .':/ � , � �'�; ` ��L�..�.�.._ . I i I � �, . - �r . . : � ; � � 2a . . .- -. � �. ' � ; - _ . � ! ; � . c����.�%°��`'� �•- -� � , , � � - - -� - t ! - � . � -�. t ;. , - . 2?' :e;�-.:- , , � �� ` � � ; ! Q . - �. : ;� -. � i ' ` ' . . . , . � . , � , - � , . . . �,s.;:y . . � _ • . � � �+ l • _ . t - - ` ✓3'�_ ' " ` �; � i" � : ' -�. I � � � - - � ,� . - • , �. � � � i � �`{ _�� . � . 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