270256 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE �7 � ��(}� �'1 BLUERV - MAVORTMENT G I TY F I NT PA V L F le ci1N0. w� -' .r'�� � s rC � 0 tZOyl d Presented By � � Referred To Co mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION T0 THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR PLANNING ASSISTANCE GRANT UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LAND PLANNING ACT WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required under the provisions of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act (Minnesota Statutes, 1976 Chapter 127, Section 8) to complete certain comprehensive plan elements including a Land Use Plan, a Community Facilities Plan and an Implementation Program; and WHEREAS, completion of these requirement5 within the specified three-year time period will entail costs not covered within the Ciy's own budgeted planning effort or other planning assistance funds; and WHEREAS, the City is entitled under the provisions of Section 18 of the Land Planning Act and under the Application, Award and Disbursement Guidelines for the Admini�tration of Planning Assistance Grants adopte by the Metropolitanr Council to a plannir�g -asszstance grant in the _ amount of $56,895; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached "Community Grant Application" , including the work program outlined therein showing a total work program cost of $98 ,975 be submitted to the Metropolitan Council in application for the planning assistance grant. COUNCIL�NEN Yeas Na}�s , Requested by Department of: Butler � P1 ann� n� and Fcon�mi� D -�1 c��m�t Hozza [n Favor � �Levine _ __ Against BY iiee�l�. Sylvester Tedesco Adopted b ouncil: Date ��C � � �9�' Form Approved by City At!orney Ce ied Yas�� y Council Se etary BY Ap o d by Mayor: at " �+b►`'�"�'� �- ` 1 Appro b Mayor for mi ion to Council gY �"`'-.-,---� By pUBL1SHED G�C � � 1977 �� '�'f'� CtTY C�.� . � � ` ��� - : Y ' .,.t F � - � �������'`s � ,r- 'Y►IN1E .il:Ftl4dR1� � �s- �1� y� rya �[�:^ �� s� �� .� � v , , � -�IC1'f�iR1� n�!tAMI'�Y1�Ii•f' . �� t.���.T' `���" i��,i.�:i ��.�'�� }� y�,� _ r a > _ � s ili.:t,t� +. Ikt(�D'R � �?1+� `R� �' � � � �- . .f E,' - � ` t ':+ 'at �` � �'" � s� � ��#���� ����i���R��i��� k �� � ; '� � 'r � � ���� �, -,s � � * �� , :. , .: . . , ` �' - t � ' � _: . . , _ ; _ . ,.. . . '' _ � _ , . ., r..,: � .. , , .:. <<, �5i 4 �� d _ �i � �n�r Mw ' . . ... ' _: . 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R� ,� !� � ���pl�` :� D��e: DeEember 13, �s�� O��a 1 4 ����']' IY1A1�Q�"i 0��! _ �,'p;, MAY4R: GEf3RGE LA3'IMER FR: J�m 8���lus �: M�etro R1araning Assistance Grant Application ACTIQN 1�$Q�J�STFD: ' Reco[rr�r�da.ti:on to Ci ty Counc�l PT3��uE ALr1D RATIOL�AL.E FOR THIS ACTIONz Thi s a�pp1 i ca�i on a+� t be su i tted tv t o i 1 b 7 �n order far the City to receive t e plannirrg assistance grant of $�6,895 tb' , which we are entitle� under the;MetroppTi�an �.and PTanning Act. ATTAC$M8`l�'I'S:` . gra�t ap�lication d�aft Gatrnc3l Resol uti on br��� desc�iption of the work prog.raun for �he planning grant `` � � , , ` , �� � r`��''i��� METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Suite 300 Metro Square Building,Saint Paul i �s,��.55101 ��Q�. : . . ._. m"{-��' ��',�;'.°�. ,� �••� COMMUNITY GRANT APPLICATtON 1. NameofCommunity_ Citv,�pf Ct� Pai�1 z. Nsm�of Local Contsct Person James Bel l us, P1 anni ng Admi ni strator Telephon�Number 298-4151 � 3. Wo�k P�oqnm Outli�s the major taska and the total cons of those taks which mua be undertaksn in order to p►apa�e or update the eommunity's comprshensive plan according to its:ystems ttatement,and prepare and adopt it�Official Controlt.The outline should follow the format shown on th�back of this appliqtio�form. Outline Attached 4. Compl�tion Dat� Estimated completion d�t�of the Work Proprsm June 1 . 1980 5. Pnviow Pl�nnirq - Indicaa whethsr thi:work proqnm r�fl�cp tM cost of updati�g a prerioualy preparsd plan and,lf w,describe to what extent th� plan(:)will b�utilizsd in dweloping th�community's Comprehensive Plan. Land Use, Transportation and Parks and Recreation elements will represent complete replacement of currently outdated portions of the City's 1963 Comprehensive Plan. The already adopted Residential Improvement Strategy will be included as a portion of the housing element. Subdivision Regulations will be �entirely new for the City. Zoning work to be done is revision of the current Ordinance. s. o�esw.e�se.�e. List smounts and sourca of outsid�assistane�. "701" planning assistance: $10,125 7. Sp�cisl Fund Rpu�sts It th�community wisha to apply fw�portion of th�Sp�eiN Fund: (t 1 d�snib�ths sxistinq or propossd metropolian festure or •ctivity that sxists within or nw yow oommunity th�t increaset the total eost to th�commu�ity of prep�ring or updsting ia comprehensiw plan ralstiw to oth�r communitia;(2)docum�nt w b�st ss pomibl�how the fe�tun w activity relstes to th�funding eriteria(V C 3 of th�Guidelina)and how it ine►q�your oost;snd(3)�ist�tM smount rpusst�d and indipte whsrs this amount is reflscted in the work p►oprsm major nsk cost estimatef. 8. G�sne AmouMlsl Rpu�s�ad: �. Community Compreh�nsivs Plsnninq Fund�ntitl�msnt s 56�8�5. b. Inwnto►y Activity Fund sntitltm�nt s 0• e. Spscial Planniny P►obl�ms Funds rpuatsd s �• TOTAL• s 56,895. •Total ynnt amount rpuNted,plu�miK�nq from th�cou�ti�s out of th�County Aaiatance to Freesta�ding Growth Centers Fund or Inventory ActivitiN Fund,may not�xcNd�6%of tM tot�l t�st of ths work program,or tha r.otsl cast to community. 9. Attach a copy of th�raolution by M�gpwrning body trt�tmittin9 this spplidtion. . . , . . . , ' Work Proynm • Toql Cost of PNfornMd Msjor Tasks: � Nl��o►Ta�lt: 1 by: Z I. Lsnd U�Plan A. I�ventory3 a. Developm�nt of St. Paul Dept. of Polfci�.�P�.�:: P1 anni ng & Economi c �. �.�au�. �18,000 Development 2. Proteceio� 3,600 " 3. Houslnp $�00� " 4. AirpoR-rel�ted eomid�ntion� 5�600 '� 11. F�ilitia Plsn A. Im��ntory3 � B. Dtvalopm�nt of Policias and Plan:: �. T�nsporat�on 19�500 " z. s.ww.Patcy 15,000 "* 3. P�rks and Op�n Space � 3'900 „ III. Impl�m�ntation Proyram A. Inv�ntorv3 . B. Oewlopm�nt of Proqrams or Oruriptions: 1. Offiei�l Control: � �500 " �. GP�bI (mDrovumM 2����� �� 3. Hou�i�g Impl�rrotion 3�000 „ IV. Pr��tio�snd Adoption of Officisi CoM�ols 1 1 �QOO u Toal C�at ot Wo►k Propram• �09,�DO " out.�d.A,eimmnc. �'� 10,12 5 Cost to Commun�ty 98�975 �Includu dl com d�fin�d a tnclud�d in th�mtN e�t of th�work progrsm. �L.Nd p�nonl�l,Firmld or�p�ncyl�)rapomibl�fo►tful pKfom�nc�of th�rtW jo�t�skf of th�work proyram. If indNtnit�st p►�t,provid�your bat atimrtion�nd iediat�tMt it is t�mstiw. 3Fo►communitiw th�t af Nipibl�fot Inv�ntory Activity GraM entitlems�t�,�cify(1)tM NiQibls aaivitie� to b�und�taian.and(2)th�oo�t to th�community. *Possible consultant work � � .. ,. � s. , � ��������� COMMUNITY GRANT APPLICATION FOR PLANNING ASSISTANCE for planning required under the METROPOLITAN LAND PLANNING ACT CITY �F SAINT PAUL Under the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, the City is required to complete certain Comprehensive Plan elements by the Spring of 1980. The plan elements must be designed to protect and support components of inetro- politan transportation, airport, parks and recreation, and waste disposal systems lying within the city as indicated in the Metropolitan Systems Statement transmitted to the city by the Metropolitan Council in June of 1977. The required plan elements are: 1 . A land use lan which includes a housing element and which addresses protection o � natural and historic resources and airport-related concerns; 2. A Communit Facilities Plan which includes policies and plans for transportation, sewers, an parks and open space; 3. An im lementation ro ram which includes a description of the official contro s w ic t e city uses to implement its plans, the city's five- year capital improvement program, and a housing implementation program; and 4. Official controls as required for plan implementation such as sub- ivision regu ations and zoning ordinance revisions. Under a funding program established by the state legislature for implementation of the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, St. Paul is entitled to an assistance grant in the amount of $56,895 for completion of the required work. The grant is to assist with the entire three-year work program, though additional funds have been allocated by the legislature and may be available at a later time. The outline below briefly describes the work to be done to meet each require- ment under the city's work program which is to be submitted in application for the grant. Land Use Plan A new Land Use Plan, currently in preparation, will be under community review and discussion early in 1978. This element will replace the city's current Land Use Plan of 1963 vintage. A "Phase II" Land Use Plan dealing with more refined solutions to specific land use problems will be undertaken in 1979. The planning grant work program proposal includes both finalization and adoption of the "Phase I" plan in 1978 and completion of the "Phase II" plan. , � ,. .. " : ����rk-� � : -�� - 2 - Protection Much of the protection policies requirement will be met with t�ie cityTs Protection Open S ace Plan recently completed in first-draft form. The worTc program proposa inc udes review, finalization, and adoption of this element in 1978. �Housing Similarly, a Housing Policy Plan for which much of the work has a rl—eac�y been completed will be finalized and adopted during 1978. This plan will incorporate Residential Improvement policy already adopted in the Residential Improvement Strategy. �T� r�ans�ortation Transportation planning work which must be completed to meet the requirement of the Land Planning Act includes finalization of the Street and Highway Plan currently under community discussion as well as development of a Transit element for the city. Parks and 0 en S ace Parks and Open Space planning requirements will be met, in arge part wit adoption of the Parks and Recreation Plan currently under review. Some updating of this element may be required in 1979 before it is submitted for approval under the Land Planning Act. Sewer Polic The sewer plan required under the act will be a new planning e ement for the city. Present plans are to include this element in the 1979 planning work program. Im lementation Proqram Meeting the requirements of the Act will involve r'eview an mo�i�ica�ion of the city's zoning ordinance after the land use and housing plans have been completed,as well as completion and adoption of Subdivision Regulations and completion of a report which describes the city's official controls and their use for implementation of the plan elements. Implementation work under the Act also will include the city's five-year Capital Improvement Program and a report describing the city's program to implement housing policies.