270251 WHITE - CITV CLERK (((���►►►���...{{{ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL COUIICII �����,� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution . ,�Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul' s adopted 1978 Capital Improvement Budget includes appropriations totalling $5,994,400 for the design and construction of the proposed 7th Place Galleria (project R-76, page 40) ; and WHEREAS, The funding source for the 7th Place Galleria is anticipated to be from the proceeds of a future Development District No. 1 bond issue; and WHEREAS, The Housing and Redevelopment Authority has entered into written agreements with private entities to develop properties that will produce tax increments which will be dedicated for debt service for the future bond issue; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees that the City will reimburse the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in an amount not to exceed $75,000 which has been allocated from its Urban Renewal Bond Fund for architectural services as set forth in the Agreement between HRA, the City and Skidmore, Owings and R�errill in connection with the prelimi- nary designs of the public Galleria located in Block A and Block 27 , District 17 which is integrally related to the Radisson and Oxford developments in those blocks; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That such repayment to the Urban Renewal Bond Fund would be made from Development District No. 1 bond sale proceeds for the 7th Place Galleria project or from other funds as transferred by City Council resolution. �d as to in P ` � � �i�� �� Director of Fi ance & Management Services COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays Butler Hozza In Favor '� •—�.. Levine �___ Against BY y-�� Roedler Sylvester Tedesco (��� [,C 99�� Form Approved by Cit Attor y Adopted b � ouncil: Date Ce ied Pas y Counc l Secretary' BY � Approv }� Mayor: te '� �,� � � ��7� Approv Mayor for S mi �o� to Coun il By BY � pUBLISHED DEC 3 '� 1977 � . - • .. . . . . �='j5. � �. W, , , � � � � � � . . -. VI. .. . . � ������ . . � t' . .�.� .� RGPORT TO THE CQN1rv�ISSIOf�dEFiS DATE september 21, 1977 _ R�G,����I�J G ARCHITECTURAi, SERVICES AGREEt�IEi�T'I' FOR SE�'r"�TTH PLACE GALLERIA Staff re�uests authorization to enter into an architectural senrices zg,:eem�ni ��ith Skidmore, O��rings and Merrill for preliminary design analysis a� the pro�osed Sever.th Dlace public Galleria. This study is necessary so that (1} the Gall�ria, tiThich is integral?y related to �he Oxford and Radisson p�oposals, ca.n be designed concurr2ntly with these projects, (2) cost es-�imates can be detei�ined, (3) structural requirements of the Galleria, as tizese relate to the peloca--grade parkin� ramp under the Galleria, can b� �?ete,��«�.i�.ed so �:hat ��ze ramp project can proceed in a timely m�r.ner. S�;ic�riore, Owings and iierrill is the architect for the Oxford project in Bloca:s A ard 27. Sir_ce �he Galleria and O;sford pr•ojects are ini egral?y relat�cl., it is to the city' s advantage �o also .re�ain SOM �or the Ga1lEria �rajac�c. i.n thi� manner, tize �reZtest b�nefits �vou=d be rcalized in te_�ns o� GCOt2GI'i11C5, coc.rd�nation, con�truction scheduling, etc. It is �roposed that the fee for the preliminary design work �rould be the Archi-cec��' s hourl.�� rate, plus ce.r�ain out--of-pocket exp�nses, not to exceed $7�, 000.00. 13n additional $5, Q00.00 is requested -co mee� ccritinyencg costs c•�nicn may arise �i�ch as the need for f�_nished zrchitectural p�rspec- ti�P c3ra�•rings, finished model, Ptc. which m�y be required for public pres�n�.ztions. Staff requ�sts authoriz�tioaz to use L�rban, RPne���al Band Funds to m�et costs during th�� preliminary design ph�se. Repa�=ment tot'r_e , _ . , , ARCHITECTUR.AL SERVICES AGREE�1.i E�Ti T 2. SEV�IIVTH PLACE GALLERIA Urban Renewal Bond Fund would be made from funds allocated later for the Galleria construction. � Specific information on the Architect ` s services and fee is covered in � the attachment. Also attached is a City Council Resolution autharizing the selection of an architect and the execution of an Architectural _ Servic� Contract for the� Galleria. � � �. R.av:Dwr:�m - • • ', _ �; ATTACHttiIENT + . _ . , �SOP4_�1RCHITECT� .-E�Ii GINEERING. SERVICES The architect shall be responsible for program analysis, preliminary aesign drawings, sketches, study model and outline specification. In . addition,to the normal plans, sections and elevations, the drawings shall - show schematic structural and utility systems. Al1 of the above shall " � be in sufficient detail to define the character and scope of the project and to enable the preparation of preliminary cost estimates. The archi-tect shall be responsible for periodic meetings with city agencies as requiied_ . SOi4I:ARCHi TECT S COMPE�?SATION , The architect ' s fee will be based on an hourly rate plus out-of pocket expenses not to exceed $70, 000. 1. Houriv rate: This is set at 2.5 times the Architects Direct Personnel Expense. Direct Personnel Expense is defined as the hourly wa��es of the professional, technical and clerical employees, engaged on this project, plus their bene�its. (Benefits, at SOi�, are figured at 30/ of salaries.) Actual hourly wages are as follozas: _i_ � �� . s•:: Technical Classitication Waqe Ranqe , Participating Associates $10.00 $14.67 - Designers 6.40 10.6? ' Computer Personnel 5.33 9.33 Estimators 7.33 8.67 Draftsmen 6.00 11.73 � Site Draftsman 8.53 11.87 - Specification Typist 6.00 5.40 Specification Writers 8.00 12.67 blodel Makers 5.33 9.33 The services of Partners are billed at the hourly wage of $30.00 and Associate Partners at the hourly wage of $25.00 2. Out o� pocket expenses: P.rchitect shall b� reimbursed for his out-of pocke� expenses such as the actual cost of any approved consultants (e.g. engineering, traffic,acoustical, environmental, etc. ) ; render- ir_g mater•ia3.s, mock-ups, model material,s, ptiiot�5raph�, rep�oduction casts, presentation equipment and material, photostats; the actual cost of out-of-town travel and subsistence as approved by Owner, long-dis±-.ance telepr��.e calls and telegrams; �ostaye and shipping charges; comp�ater costs when approved by Owner; and such other expenses as may be specifically authorized by O�•mer_ ..., ; _ ____ _ _ ._._ .....____ ..._--____ --.._.W�.._._._. . .._._..-.....��.....----�._..,�_ � ' � =:. � ��j'�� ;r������y��.�L ���'����'��f��� � :r '�%•r/=%� � ,.-,.:�-l-�'.�"_ f'�c�se�tecl Qy. �_��`�.=-- �_-�: k�t� ..�='-,,.. -. .. . �/ . Referred To Committee: Date ' � __ Ot�t of Committee By Date � • � . . P.�SOL��, Tha� the Cotui�i.l o� th� Ci�� o� Sain� 1�ataJ he�eby nn�rov�s t�:4 ���ac?�e3 �,5rc�s►:�a�� �e�v;acn ili� Ci.i� o� Sair.t FGu.l, th� ��ousin;� a:�d Ited�v�I����;��: r'!u:iioxi.�-y, �nd G:to�4 Pro,�a�.��ies,� - . • �U. S., Ltd., a►�tc� h�xe.by aut3�o!�ia.e.:, anc3 c�.ixects� 'c�.� pr�p� Gi.ty . . orfici.als ta �^��cu�e �h^ ��1re�m�nt; �.�i� b� it . . - � � �?'�`t3�I: fi�SQ��7E� T;`z«�. �ht� ia�'• x Of the C�.t�' „- ��!u�. 3.s . � a. .Xn Of S�zi.�,�� at�icl�o�a.�ecl i.o �.e1�cL- an axcl2i'cec� i°or �h� d.�i�;�za t;€ u?� Lnclosed TJI�i��.t� �r�a Lo bG�-. C��L.41a/.�!r�l �.f;T 41�.<n.. 41��.-�� 0� N:.�r3.�L r�C1K� �sl �'�+'�C�.nG.3]� . S-�.ze�� �b��.-�����•�* �•iinr.esQi:a .�n:? C�.u�z.� S4:e�-c�-Y ana b� �- _ .. �.�.. �'�`�}L:T_; ?Z�.^SO�!',�,rE�a r'_�ai: �.:�� i��0?�r Cx� C'�f�C�.u!s , �. , , Y �e aztf:nc.�-- 3:�2$C� at�� C'?�4�v LG� !:O L3:�:�.L:!'�%-�r �,)"k L�i�^1?�.t��CC�C Li�'� ^ r -� � t- • 1 S:••r�t�.c� Ca .trac�. :��a�: ti��� c:::��ig�z c� �h� Erc7 o�:��c� ��u:�??.c ::�==�� to b�: cons�.rc3�i:�d i_�� S�vent�� Si,:ceai. ��-c�:r:�:: ;•s�;r����•:o��u �3��L C-�r3 +,� � � . . ar. S r���i:..,. ' • , COU��[L'1i►:"; ----- --- —_-- . '-"� Iva�.s Requested by Dega:tr.i•�sit of: � - I.utler }l;,zz�: __.`! In Fa�-or ---- - -____ _ liunt � ' • Lc•,•;r,c __ Aoainst BY _._.�------ R c,c d I_r ----- - --s�!Y:-�:�'r ��f(�i�CU . ���tcd F;t Co::ncil: I)��[c _.�_ ��v 2' i:'��, F�orm Approvcd l�y �ty Attocney .;tflcd }�" l'd ----- --- - i ';:�r'��:wy----- � ,r .��� f,� C��unci; Scc«t�:y gy �/ rf;� L' �� ---- ---- ' --------------- � ,� � . - _ ;•r�.��•ed Ly \1:���or. [)c�te _ ----n���_�?— i�(f---.-- ! Approved by ;�tay�or (o: Sti?�r,�ission to Councit ' . ._'_""'_____--"- -- - _ _ �_._ L)y _ \ /"���..'�.�^` ,, �� r_\`... 'i��! �4� - . ' . � . •�._� . �'�"" i � . �. / } � � , . � - �.�. , . . .. .. . . . , _ .' , . ~ � RESOLUTION NO. 77--9/28- ' RESOLUTION REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AN ARCHITECTURAL SEP,VICES AGREE�'41ENT WITH SY.IDMORE, OWINGS AND MERRILL, SEVENTH PLACE GALLERIA, DISTRICT 17 � - , � - � WHEREAS, the HRA, as part of the Community Development . Program, has undertaken redevelopment of Blocks A and 27; and °t'JHEFtEAS, the Oxford development on B1ock 2? and the Radisson development on Block A are integrally related to the Seventh Place Galleria; and j WHEREAS, Skidmore, � Owings and P�ie � OXfOrd as tne architect for Block 27;�and1 have been retained by WHEREAS, it is to the ac�vantage of the HRA to also retain Svidmore, Owings and tierrill for architectural services zn connec- tion with the Galleria; ar:d WHERI:AS, certain ser��ices in connection with the rec�evelo�ment of th� Do�,m�co�;n Central Eusiness District ma be tlie Urban Renec•�al Bond Fund, y Pald for out ot - � NOW TIiERF.,FOIZE, BE IT R�;u�LVLD by the BOard Of COmmissi � � � -�.h� Hau�inq ar�d P,eciev�lopment Authority of the City of SaintnPaul�l �� Minnesota th�t the HPtiR Boar.d authorizes that a maximum of $75, 000. 00 r ha allor�ted frorn the Uri�an Ren��,ral �onci 13ond for arc'nitectural � f;. s�rvices, and b� it �= � . FU��HER ItES�L�JEU that 4he Es:�cutive Director of the HRA is h�reby authorizecl to en�er into an agreernent with S - ' � 'aiid l�ierrill for �rchite�tural Ser�ices in connection1witheth�`�ings . <-- a: �•���vezit?� Place Galleria at a cast not �o exc��d $75, 000. OG. r � � � :i ; x � r � kf " � �i �: '� i . � . ' f.' . .. .� 5 ,4 r P! . L •S � . x �� �� _ ...- .. .... _ . •n �.... y�a ro-k-�n....�.,y..�,r—r .,� ,�, � .. ._ ... - . . � .. �:... ... •, �,__' y M,,n�'�'"'* -:7W . _ ... .�..---`"_......._�.r-i.roax.m�.an:... . .. , �..�� ;. .._ �, t. ., � _ . . . . -Y.-�.�..Rwr..w.+rar . .. ._; ,. ; ., _ , _ � .. � � o • , .. ,.�. ,. .. . . ,h... _ . . .. . . . . . ;. - _ . �. . ;.. . � , . . . _, -- .... _. . .. , ::. .� . � .... . . . >`� nx� . .... . �'��.-.. . . t'r' �������� CITY CONNCIL RESOLUTION (DRAFT) RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees that the City will reimburse the Housing a nd Redevelopment Authority ' in an amount not to exceed $75,000 which has been allocated from its Urban Renewal Bond Fund for architectural services as set forth in the Agreement between HRA, the City and Skidmore, Owings and Merrill in connection with the preliminary designs of the public Galleria located in Block A and Block 27, District 17 which is integral2y related to the Radisson and Oxford developments in those blocks. FURTHER RESOLVED, that such repayment to the Urban Renewal Bond Fund would be made from funds allocated later for the Galleria construction. December 1, 1977 _ _ _ _ _ __.