270242 ((��►►►��+y--yy ;� 'NHITE - CITV CLERK � -�.i' J����� PINK - F�NANCE CITY OF SAINT PAITL Council F,���i ,�ee CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR . Fll@ NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A.n Administrative Re solution e stabl ishing a new _ title and class specification in the Civil Service Rules. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish a new class title of Building Maintenance Supervisor - TVI and Class Specifications for said title; and WHEREA.S, said class shall be in the Classified Service of Civil Service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civil Ser�vi.ce Rules be amended by adding to Section 7 under the heading "Skilled Labor" in the proper alphabetical order, the title, BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR - TVI, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by inserting in Section 49, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class Specification for the new title of BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR - TVI. Approved: � Ch irman Civil Service Com sion COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � PERSONNEL OFFICE Hozza In Favor u„ + �'. Levine �___ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco �EG �,o �977 Form pproved by City tt r Adopted by ncil: Date — � Cer ed Pa y Conncil Secret�ry BY By ��..�+ 2 � ��77 Appr by Mayor for Submis iOn t Co�ncil Ap o d by ;Vlayor: e ~ � 1 By BY ��°�;s��D �EC 3 � 1977 � }����!��� -. i ,,,;.� Title of class: BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR - TVI DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work planning and directing the cleaning, maintenance and repair of the equipment, grounds and facilities or the Saint Paul Technical �.'ocational Institute. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of a division director and the Supervisor of Custodians. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate super- visors over custodian-engineers and other custodial employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and directs work scheduled for all areas for routine custodian maintenance work including the washing of windows and walls, mopping, vacuuming and dusting. Plans, dzrects and iraplements custodial preventative maintenance program. Recommends repairs, renovations and replacement of building utility and major building repair and renovation projects. Plans and arranges the work of building trades workers engaged in building maintenance and repairs. Reviews and approves the work of contracted trades workers in progress and upon completion. Assigns, plans, directs and supervises the work of all custodial employees. Plans and directs the operation of all the boilers, the a.ir-conditioning systems and the maintenance of the mechanical equipment related to the swimming pool. Protects the building from damage in case of emergency. Assigns, plans and supervises the maintenance, care and repair of the grounds, including grass cutting, snow removal, parking lot maintenance and other site related duties. Plans, arranges and assigns the maintenance and care of equipment and facilities of the Technical Vocational Institute, including such areas as heating, ventilating, lighting power and elevator facilities. Projects and monitors the annual operating budget. Maintains operating and personnel records; initiates personnel actions. . Develops and manages an annual facilities management plan based on available resources. Develops requisitions for services and material purchases. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES ltiorking knowledge of safe and proper work practices in building cleaning and maintenance operations. J ' r BUILDING �fAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR - TVI (continued) Thorough knowledge of steam and hot water heating plants. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Working knowledge of general mechanical repairs. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school education and six years' experience in the care, cleaning, heating and maintenance of a building at least two years of which must have been as a Custodian-Engineer III or equivalent. Must furnish a Chief Engineer's Grade C license. � , : - .., , � . �':� .��o n�t detach tMs rrlemorandum from the . ` � � ; - , � � resolutior� sa� that fihis informa#ior� will be OIv� 01: 12/�g?5 ° available fo the Ci#y� Council. �} - ��,v. : 9/8f76 . � . " EXPLANA'�ION OF ADM�TISTRI�'TIVE '�JR3��RS, . � RESOL'�JTIOI+T�, AI�3D. OIt�INANCES '� _ R ��i��� Date; Septembex 14, 1�?7 , _ ' _ . ' . TO: `��iAYOR GEORGE LA'X'IMER � � � � ;�' FR: Persoariei. Office ' � �� � � U.19�"y l�E: R,�sealta,tion for aubimissioa to the City Couacil � � ,� _ , ACTI4N �RE�UESTEDt ' We recc�mtnead your agproval a.nd submissiox� of this Resolntioa'to the City;Go��i1. ' R. _ . � ' PURPQSE :ANA RATIONALE F��t THIS.A.CTiOY�T; 1. This Resc►lution establishe� the title of Buildiag Ma�tenaace Superv3sor - `Z"'V'I ia ; Section 7 of the Civil Sesvice Rulea. It alao eata.blis�es the Class .,Speciiicar�is�a for this �ne�v title ia 5ecti.oa 49 of the Civi3 Sez�ri.ce Ft.�iles. T3��:��title i� for the _ _ position at«the 5tt. Paul Technica.l Voca.tional Iaetitt�te i.a the Board of Educ�.tfon. The salary xate {proposed) for this title is $8. 61 per hottx. � : ATTACHM�NTS: . + Resalutioa., specificatian and copy for the City Clerk.