270230 N'� TV CLERK COUIICII �.����� P` 'INANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CL. �EPARTMENT BL� - �w'�YOR �.,,—�-- -- File NO. ' esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Eugene F. Hendricks is the owner of property at 1671 Darlene Street, more fully described as Lot 2, Block l, Testa Addition; and WHEREAS, Eugene F. Hendricks applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61.100 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to side yard setback, to allow a carport previously constructed a distance of two (2) feet from the South lot line of said property to remain in place; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals, after holding a public hearing on said variance application on September 20, 1977, pursuant to Section 64.203a of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, denied the request for a variance of the side yard setback; and. WF�REAS, Eugene F. Hendricks, pursuant to Section 64.204 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, has appealed the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals to the Council of the City of Saint Paul; and WF�REAS, The City Council held a public hearing on November 17, 1977, at which all interested parties were allowed to state their views; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby finds, determines and declares, based on the record, that the soil drainage conditions of the property are �uch as to create a , peculiar practical difficulty to the owner if the strict letter of the reg�lation were carried out, and that granting the variance with conditi��s will not result in substantial detriment to the public COUNCILMEN Yeas ` Nay�s Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bl' •Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY TV CLERK COUIICII • ( ' P�N� L';t1it8 �NANCE T� [� �` 1 BLU Cak PORTMENT � GITY O� SAINT ���+� File �O.�y•��'���y�� � Council Resolution ; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. good or substantial impairment of the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby finds, determines and declares, based on the record, that granting the variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor unreasonably diminish or impair � established property values within the surrounding area, nor- in any other respect impair the public health, safety, comfort, morals, or welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Saint Paul; and be it ' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, under the authority of Section 64. 206 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, hereby grants the request to relax the side yard setback re- quirements at 1671 Darlene Street, to allow a carport previously constructed two (2) feet from the South lot line to remain in place, provided that proper gutters are installed which will drain moisture away from adjoining property; and be it FINALLY RE50LVED, That this decision be communicated to the Zoning Administrator for any necessary enforcement proceedings. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler / [n Favor Hozza Hunt �( Levine _ 6� __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester Tedesco ,. Adopted by i : Date 0��+ � '� ���7 Form Approved by City Attorney Ce ied Yass y Counc retary* BY r / !� . Approved 1�1avo : Date G-1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council c gy, - BY �i16i1SHED O E C 2 4 1�77 . {: ., � - : _ - �;� . , � � �.; _ �, . . . . C �- � �7c� �� � '��� �. � , ^ �. � , , , � . _ � , , . . , . ; , - � - - . ; ,- � , . , � - � � � , , , , , � ; , _ ,- , . � , � � �,: � : ,� ira�i�: Y'r, i9�'r . _ ` . , � _ �: � ' �� � � , " ' , Clt�r.Lb�oawqr . , - �to�i b�Y,`' �'it�y I�ti � A.�ar 1�; �s� ' � . , . � - r ��M+r4t�n of i �ra��� g�la� �iM a�11i� �i` � .F.'�rx�llrr : io�a �� oi�,+a+� s�t �' �tog �,� �� �i�r.; � , . ' , - �*�.,srrw� w. e�qp.�lt `byr *,� ci�y �w��I��► �� �:. Z�' , ` � � , . - ' , �8•' � � . � � . ; �,,ot t� y�al �► on #�r b�a �! � 8o�k:;�w;-a d�!Di1i�� `' s!'!'�R ai �ra �o�r �sd +�o�! 1do�t �a�Mr � x+ab� ta ��, � a� - � �I�' ie�d �r a�t�l�rs � ,�r,t�l�s,�1r,+11�1�a�a4 �ad � � b� �, a !'�t t�L'!g�lio� or �t p� nt !� ::HMtii� 1to � 'I�r �p�' � �d ie� �t � � �t +�y b+� p3�N�¢ +�'' !�t 'aM +�1��t�i , . ,�"rd". � - � , � � Y�e�+s-tx�jr, . . . � - • � � �/� _ � � , , � , , , , � , / - ; � � : � , , ' � , , t � . ;,T, ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'�t ,� '� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � �;, :�;� �-� ' A���''� T DIVISION OF PLANNING '�� . �\ 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor November 14, 1977 Rose Mix, City C1erk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Madam: This is an appeal to the City Council of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision regarding Eugene F. Hendricks' property on the west side of Darlene Street between Idaho and Larpenteur Avenues, described as follows: Lot 2, Block l , Testa Addn. The matter was heard before the Board of Zoning Appeals on September 20, 1977 at which time Staff recorr�nended that the petitioner's request be denied. Mr. Hummer moved denial of the variance because of the detriment to the adjoining property. P1r. Benshoof seconded the motion and it passed by a roll call vote of 4 to 1 , with Ms. Zachary dissenting. This matter is scheduled to be heard before the Saint Paul City Council on Thursday, November 17, 1977. Sincerely, �� �� 'Edward J. War � `� � Senior Cit 1 nner � � Y � EJW/gf Erc. � / � � �r ( Zoning File No. 8208 � , .,.��,,,:,, � • . .�, �. ,�y�tl 4 r '., ` � 1 . � o�. � . . . . . q� � . 9t, ''. O • �. . . � ' p 0 � � � A �. � . . � . . a P- � c O s /' o '1" '. �•�` � .S, � � �• � ,1, d� pe' �,�i. N /�^ ' ''O '. . .O , . � � � , � � '�•� F �'e� °.. 'C' r �. t�` ' � 6A;, � G9 � ' '�`p6 . �� '� � YrQ..c!� J1� ���/S �'. �h�•. � � . . � � , P �� ��r�r 1� ' �Y•�ti � +f���(Pl�� i� , '�� �'. �', � . � � � � . . . . fi � �.R '�j, °1 S Q't, • O �� ,�, '���. � . . ��i;-� � ��''�� � ��o� ��,, �9�' � ` � ab 1 '�, �=��,06� '� � a °� ,`�, a , ,: eF��� , ,��,` ���o�.. p �� �,� � ���..v .,., �.yy .o G�� y�l 6,''., �•�� �!'. • c �`�kc'4,^F�a��.��Y;. „ �`. � ' J � '?>����i� .fo f� .,s•? P ' � � Q �'• •fj �,,� S 4, ri U.f�:. 'P ', ,�. 'f � ' ' •. '� vn G ` ', �•, �` � . � � . , , . tJpQ i�, � �� t! '• PjP� O �P � ' � � . . < i_ �,. �n ' p Q�� � p, `,, o� P ' . . . `�� v��'..Jj. �'.. �'j f� pN '•. �n�``'•, . � .. . � . . 9�,J � • �.��, y�� �; �'�, �L�.•,,,,,,'.•� . . . . 'f'-�y.9 1`,f :, p J'� °{� '., �9�/�rP'., ' . � Q�•J �^ '�% Q� '• � . �� � V �,�P� � � . . or, ,a � � ' p �,. '..y�.��� ��� .co��.., �.� � �l •,o�,, ��� CPJ '.,J���.. . . ��N� `T� O�'• Q�. S 'G�:.6 �*7 � �si �ro �,. �� � 1�:��9 � � ;�*c � � o NE �f �� � co �`�C � °` z fr � ��. $ �� � o� � �. �'���pj• ,F �'i,y � Q, ti �' �' a ,� � , � � �P '� � PN G 4 � `�p �� . � � �P c�l�•. � . . , �� Q � � , � .. �;� � � �Pr� `'.� • .. Ot, P�, z city of saint paul board of zoning appeals resolution zoning file number 8208 �ate _ October 4, 1977 WNEREAS, Eugene F. Hendricks has applied for a variance from the striGt application of the provisions of Section 61 .100 of th� St. Paul Legi$- lative Code pertaining to sideyard setback requirements in an R-2 zoning district, and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on September 20, 1977 pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the re- quirements of Section 64.203a of the Legisla�ive Code, and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals, based upon evidence pre- sented at the public hearing, as reflected in the minutes attached hereto as Exhibit A, made the following findings of fact: 1 . The carport two feet from the side lot line is detrimental to the adjoining property. It increases the amount of storm water runoff onto the neighbor's property. 2. Although denyin the variance will cause a hardship (the carport must be removed�, this hardship is self created, as no building - permits were taken out for its construction. f�OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, Chapter 64 Section 20b, it denies the request to vary sideyard setback requirements on the property described in the legal description on the application for variance (Exhibit B) attached hereto. moved by Zachary seconded by Benshoof i n favor � - �against � MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1917 IN CITY COUNCI� CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA PRESENT: Mmes. Zachary and Morton and Messrs. Benshoof, Fishman and Hummer of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Phil Byrne, Assistant City Att4rney; Mr. Richard aney of the Division of Nousing & Building Code Enforcement; Mmes. Berman and Beseman of the Planning Staff. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairman. EUGENE F. HENDRICKS #8208 : An application for variance for a carport on property located on the west side of parlene Street between Idaho and Larpenteur. The appellant was present. There was opposition. Ms. Berman read the staff report and showed slides of the subject site. Eugene Hendricks, 1671 Darlene Street, the applicant, reported that they have lived at this address for 23 years and have had nothing but water trouble. Every time it rains or there is a f rost, the basement fills up with water. He put in drain tile around the house on one side, chiseled out the floor and filled it in, filled in the driveway, broke up the floor and put in a sump pump, and still ha$ water problems. The water is wrecking the footings and foundation. The walls, molding and tiles are coming loose because of this water prob}em. Since he put in the carport, the water runs off into the gutter and into back yards away from both houses, whereas before it ran down the driveway, off the gutters and into his basement and into the neighbor's house. This will now be alleviated and go into the back yards. In the winter they have the same problem. Mr. Benshoof asked Mr. Hendricks if he had taken out a building permit for the swirrming pool in his back yard and why he did not have a building permit for the carport when he built that. He was told by Mr. Hendricks that the pool had been put in for quite some time and he did not think he needed a permit for the carport. Mr. Benshoof asked how much yard space he has in the back yard and was told by Mr. Hendricks that the front yard was approximately 20' x 60' , and the back yard was a full 60' x ?.0' . Mr. Benshoof stated that the reason he asked was because where he could observe it f rom the street, from any side around, it looked like the yard was pretty well filled up with the swimming pool there. Mr. Fishman asked the applicant if he had tried other things to solve the water problem. For example, one very certain way of getting rid of the problem is to dig down, add drain file, and put gravel down over the drain pipe. Mr. Hendricks stated that he did this on one side of the house, but it did no good. Mr. Fishman said he did not understand how the carport is going to solve the water problem. Mr. Hendricks said the water runs off the roof of the carport to the rear of the house to the west and the slope is towards the south. Mr. Fishman reported that staff made the comment that the runoff from the carport is likely to collect on the neighboring property, and if it runs to the south, that is exactly what will happen. Mr. Hendricks said it runs to the south and to the west. It runs down to the west of both properties and then down to the south behind both houses and his garage. Mr. Fishman said that in designing any new buildings or rehabbing old buildings, if any grading is to be done, it is absolutely forbidden to drain or to grade the site so that water runs onto the neighboring property. It must go off onto a public street or public alley. �` '� � ,�� P EUGLNE F. NEfJURICKS (#8208) Page 2 P�ir. An�ey said it might be r•elevant to know which house was built first and what the natural drain was before the two houses were built, because if the grade was changed, in either event, the natural flow would prevatl . Mr. Hendricks said he bou�ht the Nr�perty when it was an open field. He built out in a field 23 years ago and at that time the land was all level . After the builders came in they graded the street down, which dropped each lot almost two feet, and they all have a water problem. Peter Sajevic, 1665 Darlene Street, stated he lived in the house imnediately south of the Hendricks' , and after the last rain they had water in the northwest corner of their basement where they never had it before. He did n4t feel the carport was working very well for them. He also said the appellant's carport would create an insurance problem for him. He Said his insurance man indicated that . this is in conflict with the zoning laws in the city and his rates would increase. This is only an opinion of one insurance company, but he feit that both parties would have difficulty with insurance on their horr�s, and this certainly would be a factor now and if they were to sell their homes. He sa�d these are two factors of real concern to him; the water and the insurability of his home now with this uninsurable casualty next to it. Mr. Humner asked Mr. Byrne if it would be appropriate to look at this variance as if the carport were not already built. Mr. Byrne said that it certainly would be a fair basis for considering this application. Mr. Benshoof said the Board should consider very closely here the fact that this carport, plus the swimming pool , were built without any permits, and therefore are illegal to begin with. The carport is already built arid Mr. Hendricks is now coming before the Board after the fact. Mr. Hurnmer moved denial of the variance because of the detriment to the adjoining property. Mr. Benshoof seconded the motion and it passed by a roll call vote of 4 to l , with Ms. Zachary dissenting. Submitted by: Approved by: � t r,''+ � � �'`'��, ���� b�'�' . � Jean S. Berman 6ladys Morton, Chairman . PLr1NN1NG ti(�1lill STAPF itEPORT September 20, 1977 Plat Map 34 1. APYLICANT'S tvaME . Eugene F. Hendricks 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE • Carport 4. LOCATION • �Jest side of Darlene St. between Idaho & Larpenteur S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 2, Block 1 , Testa Addltion 6. PRESENT 20NING: R-2 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 61 Section: 100 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: g_��_�� g Y� JSB A. PROPOSAL: Without taking out a building permit, the appellant has �onstructed a carport on the south side of his house. The supports for thQ carport are set baek 2 ft. from the side lot line. B. FRONTAGE & AREA: This lot has a 59'9" frontage on th� west side of Darlene and is 125 feet deep. It is about 7470 sq. ft. in area. C. VARIANCE: Section 61 .100 requires a house in an R-2 zone to be set back a minimum of 6 ft. from the side lot line. However, the two side yard setbacks must total 16 ft. As the house is set back 7 ft. from its northern property line, it should be set back 9 feet from the southern lot line. Therefore, a variance of 7 feet is required for the carport. D. SITE COWDITIONS: This is the site of a one story, single family home about 20 years old. There is no alley access. There is a double garage in the southwest corner of the property which has a driveway onto Darlene St. Without the carport, the house is set back 12 ft. from its southern lot line. The carport covers the driveway from the front line of the house back to the garage. It is 8 ft. high and is set back 2 ft, from the side lot line. There is a 6 ft. redwood fence along the southern property line. The lot slopes slightly upward from the street, but is essentially level , It is bounded on three sides by single family homes. E. AREA CO�dDITIOfJS: The new, single family homes in this areas have a problem with storm water drainage as they are built on heavy clay soil . The property immediately to the south of the subject site is set back only 4 ft. from the adjoining property line. Although the appellant states that the carport alleviates his problem with storm water runoff, it appears that it would increase the water collecting on the adjacent property. This problem is com- pounded as the land slopes slightly downward from north to south. F. FINDINGS: 1 . The carport is already built. If the variance is denied, the appellant will be required to r•emove it. This would be a hardship. 2. There is some physical basis for the variance, as there is a problem with the heavy clay soil and water is inclined to collect in the basement. The carport alleviates this problem. . ' � • � EUGENE F. HENDRICKS Sheet 2 F. FINDINGS: 3. The problem with soils is not unique to the subject site. All lots in this area are subject to this problem. 4. The requested variance is likely to be detrimental to the adjoining property to the south, as the runoff from the carport is likely to collect on the neighboring property. 4. The requested varia�ce is not based primarily on economic gain. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on Findings #3 and #4, Staff recommends that the request be denied. . " � .. ' APPL 1TION FOR ZONING ORDINANCE YA ,NCE " CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' . DEPAR f MENT � 0�'���( X I'fi ._.,,_ . A VARIANCE OF ZONING COpE CHAPTER , SECT10 G A IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WiTM THE POWERS VESTEDJN THE ZONING BQARQ ' TO PERMIT THE �,A� P(,��T_ ON PROPERTY' DESCRIBED BELOW. ' A. Applicant; NAME: � ADDRESS „ ` �� �� �ff�.,"�'�e���� 1. Prop�rty iM�►��t of oppllconR (own�r, eonlrott purchos�r, •fC.) � 2. Nom� o( own�r (Ii di(I���ntj B. Prop�rty D��c�iptlon; ADDRESS 1. L.pol d•.cripNo�: lOT � BLOCK�,,,,�,� AI)0. 2. Lot atsr. tJ f � ,i r 7 Q �S 3. Pr�.•nt U�• r���nt Zonlqp plst._„�,� C. R�o�ons for R�qwat: . � �` 1. Propos�d us• �,` � +�, � ��� . �'�!'�C. . rt-' a�/�� �� /�iti�'.� Z. Whot charoct� t � i th• prop�rty pr�v• l��np �d �oi o( th• p�r ' , us�s in your son���,,,�,�j�q) �C•�/� ,�� • 1/ 3. How do th• abov• sit� aondifions pr�v��t ony1�osonobl• us• o( you� prop�rty und�r th• t�rm� o( th• Zonlnp O�dlnone�t '�'v�'f�. 4. St • th�,sp�cific variafion r�qu�sf�d yivi g disf c�s •r pr priaN e-c�' .2 .,a,.c,�e. . �t- �,' ��, � � . Explain how your ea�� nforms to�och o( tb� followinQ: �� � a. 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"�.. �t� � " : FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP <`-� --- FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE TRUCKINSURANCEEXCHANGE fIRE INSURANGE EXCHANGE I MID-CENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY F A R M E R 5 N E W W O R L D LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NOMeO��E ��A��E�.�^u����� FARME RS INS UKANCE G RO iTP — Uct�ber it , t9?7 To Whom It A�ay Cancern: I carry the Fire Insurance on Eugene Hendxick� c�eering pro��crty at 1671 Darlene Street St. P�ul, Minne,�ata. �. have a.r_s�ected r��.� ��rt�perty and fine nis car ,,�:-nrt no ob�ection in any way tt� the insurance covera�e. S�.r�cerelY. Bernard �f. Na�s AUTOMOBILE - TRUCK - FIRE - LIFE - PUBLIC LIABILITY - CARGO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION - PERSONAL LIABILITY - GENERAL LIABILITY ALLERGY AS S O C IATES, P.A. JOSEPH R. KELLY. M.D. WILLIAM E. WALSH, M.D. 469 CENTRAL MEDICAL BLJILDING 421 ROSEVILLE PROFESSIONAL CENTER ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 5T. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55113 645-B1B1 636-4616 October 6, 1977 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: RE: Eugene Hendricks I have been following Eugene Hendricks who has had asthma. for a prolonged period of time. He has had constant medical attention and receives hyposensitization weekly. It is known that he is mold sensitive. He must not live in a home that has water in the basement, as the water will produce mold conditions that will be deleterious to him. Sincerely, . LL'%� jl illiam E. Walsh, M.D. � .:../•.` .. ...� ACi, �'��tu.�- ��r,.�� �i t! � C�TY o�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�°� `�= DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � � ...::;.:... -� � .:�.;�:: �, ,��, " �� DIVISION OF PLANNING �,� 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor November 14, 1977 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Madam: This is an appeal to the City Council of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision regarding Eugene F. Hendricks' property on the west side of Darlene Street between Idaho and Larpenteur Avenues, described as follows: Lot 2, Block 1 , Testa Addn. The matter was heard before the Board of Zoning Appeals on September 20, 1977 at which time Staff recomnended that the petitioner's request be denied. Mr. Hurr�ner moved denial of the variance because of the detriment to the adjoining property. Mr. Benshoof seconded the motion and it passed by a roll call vote of 4 to 1 , with Ms. Zachary dissenting. This matter is scheduled to be heard before the Saint Paul City Council on Thursday, November 17, 1977. Sincerely, �'v Edward J. War � Senior City nner EJW/gf Enc. Zoning File No. 8208 'NNIW `l�bd 1S 3�3�3� 'S,�ik3�l� Ali� �l. �� 9z 11 �i �� �. a�,i� �O , . _. ,' ; , �����M,� ' .s i �. .,, '\�s'tl � ���'�, . , j � p� G� � . Gt, �. G . ` . . . � - . . P ` �l � a C� . .. , � . . �_ � P ' � 1 ' . . . . . . . . /" O�� 0��� O S y . � . . .. i °e� �i�. 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L ,, � �� �°� ':'�lc'••, Pi��O ��' , �'•,F P- �'•, / �',� +� '•.'f ;,�QJ`� °t� '., '•��r��', . r� Q, � •'!�� pr '• ��, PP+ S ',�o �' r � � oQ ol�A �.,, / .(� '• `., �p)� /� . a �f -'a�. ^ i C�`J '.>•'•7 ,•. � . ! � � � -,►�p��� ��`T��f� ��fs'Sj G'�'tp � �''o. � `1' �F � �,`9 � � �'° �r � ` o "'r �f '^e' p' °o ,\ � �° Z .rr Li �� N� '7 � . . � �° O� �! �'}—•.� Pr• � 'S'i,r . �_ � � .(. l� �'. � '.� ON �� � � � V P 11• �P �4� . • r�P �j'l�o•,, Z . Pr Q�� , • N • . ,'� P� � '�p`� •'� ' oi, . . . � P�, . � . � � .. i . city of saint paul board of zoning appeals resolution zoning file number 8208 �ate __ _ October 4, 1977 , WHEREAS, Eugene F. Hendricks has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61 .100 of th� St. Paul Legis- lative Code pertaining to sideyard setb�ck requirements in an R-2 zoning district, and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on September 20, 1977 pursuant to said appeal in accordance wtth the re- quirements of Section 64.203a of the Legisla�ive Code, and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals, based upon evidence pre- sented at the public hearing, as reflected in the minutes attached hereto as Exhibit A, made the following findings of fact: l . The carport two feet from the side lot line is detrimental to the adjoining property. It increases the amount of storm water runoff onto the neighbor's property. 2. Although denyin the variance will cause a hardship (the carport must be removed�, this hardship is self created, as no building - permits were taken out for its construction. fVOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, Chapter 64 Section 20b, it denies the request to vary sideyard setback requirements on the property described in the legal description on the application for variance (Exhibit B) attached hereto. moved by Zachary seconded by Benshoof i n favor � � against o ' , . � . , . . �..�.r .' � . . � ' .� �,I,..I'„ , MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD QF ZONING APPEALS � TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Z0, 1977 IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA PRESENT: Mmes. Zachary and Morton and Messrs. Benshoof, Fishman and Humner of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Richard aney of the Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; Mmes. Berman and Bese�nan of the Planning Staff. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairman, EUGENE F. HENDRICKS #8208 : An application for variance for a carport on property located on the west side of Darlene Street between Idaho and Larpentsur. The appellant was present. There was opposition. Ms. Berman read the staff report and showed slid�s of the subject site. Eugene Nendricks, 1671 D�rlene Street, the applicant, reported that they have lived at this address for 23 years and have had nothing but water trouble. Every time it rains or there is a f rost, the basement fills up with water. He put in drain tile around the house on one side, chiseled out the floor and filled it in, filled in the driveway, broke up the floor and put in a sump pump, and still has water problems. The water is wrecking the footings and foundation. The walls, molding and tiles are coming loose because of this water probl�em. Since he put in the carport, the water runs off into the gutter and into back yards away from both houses, whereas before it ran down the driveway, off the gutters and into his basement and into the neighbor's house. This will now be alleviated and go into the back yards. In the winter they have the same problem. Mr. Benshoof asked Mr. Hendricks if he had taken out a building permit for the swimning pool in his back yard and why he did not have a building permit for the carport when he built that. He was told by Mr. Hendricks that the pool had been put in for quite some time and he did not think he needed a permit for the carport. Mr. Benshoof asked how much yard space he has in the back yard and was told by Mr. Nendricks that the front yard was approximately 20' x 60' , and the back yard was a full 60' x ?.0' . Mr. Benshoof stated that the reason he asked was because where he could observe it from the street, from any side around, it looked like the yard was pretty well filled up with the swimming pool there. Mr. Fishman asked the applicant if he had tried other things to solve the water problem. For example, one very certain way of getting rid of the problem is to dig down, add drain file, and put gravel down over the drain pipe. Mr. Hendricks stated that he did this on one side of the house, but it did no good. Mr. Fishman said he did not understand how the carport is going to solve the water problem. Mr. Hendricks said the water runs off the roof of the carport to the rear of the house to the west and the slope is towards the south. Mr. Fishman reported that staff made the comnent that the runoff from the carport is likely to collect on the neighboring property, and if it runs to the south, that is exactly what will happen. Mr. Hendricks said it runs to the south and to the west. It runs down to the west of both properties and then down to the south behind both houses and his garage. Mr. Fishman said that in designing any new buildings or rehabbing old buildings, if any grading is to be done, it is absolutely forbidden to drain or to grade the site so that water runs onto the neighboring property. It must go off onto a public street or public alley. �� `� � ,�� P . D • EUGENE F. HEfJURICKS (#8208) Page 2 f•ir. �1mey said it migl�t be r•elevant to know which house was built first and what the nat:�ral drain was before the two houses were built, because if the grade was changed, �n either ev°nt, the natural flow would prevail . Mr. Hendricks said he boue�ht the Nr�perty when it was an open field. He built out in a field 23 years ago and at that time the land was all level . After the builders came in they graded the street down, which dropped each lot almost two feet, and they all have a water problem. Peter Sajevic, 1665 Darlene Street, stated he lived in the house imnediately south of the Nendricks' , and after the last rain they had water in the northwest corner of their basement where they never had it befare. He did not feel the carport was working very well for them. He also said the appellant's carport would create an insurance problem for him. He said his insurance man indicated that this is in conflict with the zoning laws in the city and his rates would increase. This is only an opinion of one insurance company, but he felt that both parties would have difficulty with insurance on their homes, and this certainly would be a factor now and if they were to sell their homes. Ne sa3�d these are two factors of real concern to him; the water and the insurabitity of his home now with this uninsurable casualty next to it. Mr. Humner asked Mr. Byrne if it would be appropriate to look at this variance as if the carport were not already built. Mr. Byrne said that it certainly would be a fair basis for considering this application. Mr. Benshoof said the Board should consider very closely here the fact that this carport, plus the swimming pool , were built without any permits, and therefore are illegal to begin with. The carport is already bui1t arid Mr. Hendricks is now coming before the Board after the fact. Mr. Hummer moved denial of the variance because of the detriment to the adjoining property. Mr. Benshoof seconded the motion and it passed by a roll call vote of 4 to l , with Ms. Zachary dissenting. Submitted by: Approved by: � /'� y . /� � � �'J ..� ' ,/��G?/Lb�Y'✓' �' -t��� Jean S. Berman Gladys Morton, Chairman - PLANNINC BcaAltll STAFF 1tEPORT Septembel^ 20, 1917 Plat Map 34 ' � i. APPLICANT�s tvaME . Eugene F. Hendricks 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appesl � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE • Carport 4. LOCATION • West side of Darlene St. between Idaho & Larpenteur ' 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 2, BlOCk 1 , TeSta Addlti0n 6. PRESENT ZONING: R-2 7. PURSUANT TO 2oning Code Chapter: 61 Section: 100 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: g_14_�� BY� JSB A. PROPOSAL: Without taking out a building permit, the appellant has constructed a carport on the south side of his house. The supports for thQ carport are set baek 2 ft. from the side lot line. B. FRONTAGE & AREA: This lot has a 59'9" frontage on the west side of Darlene and is 25 feet deep. It is about 7470 sq. ft. in area. C. VARIANCE: Section 61 .100 requires a house in an R-2 zone to be set back a minimum of 6 ft. from the side lot line. However, the two side yard setbacks must total 16 ft. As the house is set back 7 ft. from its northern property line, it should be set back 9 feet from the southern lot line. Therefore, ' a variance of 7 feet is required for the carport. D. SITE COtJDITIONS: This is the site of a one story, single family home about 20 years old. There is no alley access. There is a double garage in the southwest corner of the property which has a driveway onto Darlene St. Without the carport, the house is set back 12 ft. from its southern lot line. The carport covers the driveway from the front line of the house back to the garage. It is 8 ft. high and is set back 2 ft. from the side lot line. There is a 6 ft. redwood fence along the southern property line. The lot slopes slightly upward from the street, but is essentially level . It is bounded on three sides by single family homes. E. AREA COtJDITIONS: The new, single family homes in this areas have a problem with storm water drainage as they are built on heavy clay soil . The property immediately to the south of the subject site is set back only 4 ft. from the adjoining property line. Although the appellant states that the carport alleviates his problem with storm water runoff, it appears that it would increase the water collecting on the adjacent property. This problem is com- pounded as the land slopes slightly downward from north to south. F. FINDINGS: 1 . The carport is already built. If the variance is denied, the appellant will be required to remove it. This would be a hardship. 2. There is some physical basis for the variance, as there is a problem with the heavy clay soil and water is inclined to collect in the basement. The carport alleviates this problem. . ' ������� EUGENE F. HENDRICKS Sheet 2 F. FINDINGS: 3. The problem with soils is not unique to the subject site. All lots in this area are subject to this problem. 4. The requested variance is likely to be detrimental to the adjoining property to the south, as the runoff from the carport is likely to collect on the neighboring property. 4. The requested variance is not based primarily on economic gain. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on Findings #3 and #4, Staff recommends that the request be denied. ' APPL �TION FOR ZQNING OROINANCE VA ,NCE ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' . DFPAR f MENT � ��� � � � A VARIANCE OF ZONlNG CODE CHAPTER , SECTIO G A IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITV WITN TME POWERS VESTED IN THE ZONING 60ARD TO PERMIT THE ��P� pQ��,T ON PRQPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW. A. Applicant; NAM�: � ADDRESS,.L.�] / / �-�� `, 1. Prop��ty iM�r��t ol opplleonh (own�r, contrott pYrchas�r, �fe.) 2. Nam� o( own�r (f1 di((�nnt) �����,� 8. Prop�rty Ducriptlon� ADDRESS 1. L•pal d•scripNon: LOT � BIOCK�,� ApD. 2. Lot sit•: v f I ,/ r � Q � 3. Pr�s�nt Us• r�s��t Zoniqp DIsL �,� C. R�o�uns for R�qu��t; , � — w ��.,/ �" L/ift.. 1. Propos•d us. ;�j�� y�, �„��; '?J��Ca..w � . .e .�e., , • . � � • t �Lc.c �4.'D �c.F' 2. Whot charocf�ly�t t f th• p►op�rty pr�v• Itt b�inp �d fw�o( Ih• p�r ' , us�t in your son�1�,�„Q, ���,�L/ .�i1u' i� 3. How do th• obov• sit• conditiont pr�v�nt ony f�otonabl• us� o( you► prop�rty und�r th• t�rm• o( th• Zoninp Ord{none�i •'�'v�'�L� 4. St • thq,spscific variotfon ��qu�st�d givi y disf c�s e�rg�P pr priote _ e'� .2�-C-icf' .,4G�e. � �'r y, ✓ _� ' . iC"� . Explain how your c�~ nforms to �ach of th• followinp: L� � a. That the ahict cpplicatlon qI th• p�ovitlons o1 tM Zoniny Ordinanc• would rosult _., � in p�culiar or s t�al roct'col di it i�s, a •xc�pti.�nol o/d,yr hu�dshi,Ql. ,- � ''� �7� �it.N�� .f'L�-.6 �js 7:�` `+��r)� � � �,�. �,�/�„�j,��t,/ ' �-• �`�`�, `."- 'Cirv "�" �� d�� prant np oi o vorlanc• � � will not b• a substantial d�tri- GASHIERS USE ONLY �- �;� m�M to th• public pood or o _ � � su6staMiol fmpoirment of th• . ._.. ,� ~ ' _ . - . �, '� T . . - � � . intent ond purpos• o� fh• _ _ ; _. _ . ' _. 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The property is located on Che west side of Darlene Street between Idaho and Larpenteur Avenues. and described as follows: Lot 2, Block L, Testa, If you would like further informatioa about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street or telephone 298-4154. Glhile the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you ar your community. Therefoi•e, I sincerely hope you can attead thzs hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DQNOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT E�rGIHEER � 'r�:, j �' � i i � {��,� � '.^ p y�: fL ¢ �xr3 j' 7�° i'� Y`3 � q�` i' ursF�+fiF7 �."E¢ N' $"K r � t� � � } # f � `. �i }.''. i , t N .� �C � -.:T ���.���e 1r""5 �a�'" sa��������.-�..�: d T j } �X �r t r 2"�.p s �" � �'��'� :Y t e '�' r� ��- X A i 5`�Y�ryy�t � 1'4��5� �,d^� C�,� t,:, . Pi�r ,'n -a, �Y { ; :. 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The granting of the variance would not be stzbst�ntially detrimelital to �the �public good. 2. The granting of the ,variance will not impair adequate light and ventilation to adjacent property. 3. The variance will not increase the value of my property. 4. Not granting the variance imposes a hardship upon me by denying me proper drainage �to protect my property from damage. Sincerely, Eugene F. Hendricks 1671 Darlene St. St. Paul, Minnesota ...-. � � �� � � �� � �3 � ; �� ������ � ��/ ��s � � �� �` ��� � ^.. � � ������ -i.-� city of saint paul board of zoning appeals resolution zoning file number 8208 date __ __ October 41 1977_^_ WHEREAS, Eugene F. Hendricks has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61 .100 of the St. Paul Legis- lative Code pertaining to sideyard setback requirements in an R-2 zonin� district, and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on September 20, 1977 pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the re- quirements of Section 64.203a of the Legislative Code, and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals, based upon evidence pre- sented at the public hearing, as reflected in the minutes attached hereto as Exhibit A, made the following findings of fact: 1 . The carport two feet from the side lot line is detrimental to the adjoining property. It increases the amount of storm water runoff onto the neighbor's property. 2. Although denying the variance will cause a hardship (the carport must be removed) , this hardship is self created, as no building permits were taken out for its construction. �VOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that under h���,���}��a,�,y. pf the Ci t,�"�_�eg '�, �ode, Chapter 64 Section 206,���'�' � ,��� f���� tp .v��Y, S�'�l�I�°;:, ° requirements on the property escribed in the legal descriptio��" n the application for variance (Exhibit B) attached hereto. moved by ry � _ � � , , ��.-� seconded b .`=� ;. ,7� ��. . _ �' .� . � Y � . i n favor � ' ' � ---� against -�= � _ ,� '� , • . ----- � A�i�'F N�€�►K-� --� - �, ,_r � _.�. �- � � o 0 0 .Q�., o 0 1- o � � � O w � � ; - � � p^ ; � ;' O p O Q O � ' O O O Q ' � ` �:_._ � O O � 0 i � � O O 4 O O_ .. v v v . � � � � ° � � � � � CAL AV w o o ; o 0 0 0 o Q � x ° � , o 0 0 0 0 0 0 -°---� o ��;i � � >- o � o .� o � ,� � � v �� O � � p p p � Q 0�-. � z � { ` U <i � O- p p O O ---- p , � Q Q : � � V � � p N-• p O 0 � � o ' � IDAHO .�..r....J .-. 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