270224 - NiHITE - CITV CLERK ��r��� P1NK - FINANCE �'N CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY O�F� SAINT PAUL COUflCll ,�.,�. � BLiAE -� MAVOR File N 0. RETURN G'bPY TO VALUATION BUREAU Council Resolution i ' Presented By ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolved, That the Council of the City of 3aint Paul does hereby authorize the propery City officers to execute quit claim deed convey- ing and xeleasing to Independent Schaol District No, 625 the interest of the City of Saint Paul to that property formerly used for Mech�.nie Arts High School and Vocational School, and described as follows: Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Central Park; also Lots I, 2, 3� and 4, Block 8 of Central Park Addition to the City of St. Paul# otherwise known as Auditor's Subdivision Nv. 3T also All that part of block 3 of Randall's Addition to Saint Paul, and of that parcel of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quaster (NE 1/4 SW 1/4) of Section thirty-one (31) , Township twenty**nine (29) Norths Range twenty-two (22) West, lying northeast of Robert Street, as Iaid out and established, sautheast of block 4. of Lambert and Company's Addition to St, Paul, southwest of s�id block 3 of Randallts Addition, anc7 northwest of block 8, Central Park Addition, (being Auditor's Sub- division No. 3) t nll according to the respective recorded plats of said additions on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for sa�id Ramsey County, bounded and described as follows, to-wits Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Robert Street, distant northwesterly 183 feet from the northwesterly line of Fourteenth Street, as Iaid out and established, run southetasterly along said northeasterly line of Robert Street to an intersection thereof by the northwesterly line of snid block 8 of Central Pnrk ,- Additionf thence northeasterly along said northwesterly Iine of said block 8, Central Park Addition, to the southwesterly line of COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Fina and Ma.nage t Services Hozza In.Favor E � - Hunt Levine - __ Against BY �� Directar' Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved b Cit Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, Approved by ;Vlayor: Date Approved by for Submission Council By BY � WHITE - CITV CLERK - COURCII ���� /� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALi L f CAjJARV - OEPARTMENT , Flle NO. � � �/�' � BLInE - MAYO�R � RETURN C�PY TO VAI,UATION SURE�4U Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2♦ said bl.ock 3 of Randall's Addition, thence southeasterl.y along said southwesterly line of said block 3 of Randall's Addition to the southerly corner thereof, (being the intersection of said south- westerly line of said l�lock� by the northwesterly line of Fourtsenth Street, as laid out and established) f thence northeasterly, along the southeasterly line of said block 3, (being the northwesterly line of Fourteenth St�eet) to the easterly corner of said block, (being the intersection of the northwestar.ly line of Fourteenth Street, aforesaid by the southwesterly line of Jackson Str�et, as laid out and established) ; thence northwesterly along the north- easterly line of said block 3t (being the southwesterly lins of Jackson Street) 183 feet to a point1 thence southwesterly in a direct line to the point of beginning. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Fina. e and N�na e t Services Hozza � [n Favor Hunt �( Levine __ Against By Direetor Roedler Sylvester Tedesco ��C f � �977 Form Approved Ci Att Adopted by cil: Date Certif . �'assed Council Secretary/ BY Approved b : av ,: Date . °� � � ����" Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council By BY ' " "� puBUSMED OEC 2 4 197� ' OM 01: 22j1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 �XPLANATION OF ADNiINIST?�ATIVE ORDERS r � � ._�.� ..� �_..�.�..�_ �.^�,,*�.� � RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES �� .� .�...��_ _ . . ,r w �'° .: , �� . �►�' ... • ' � � D�� C ' ��� Dat�: Dec.ember 1� 1977 �YQR�$ O� TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �� FR: J. Wm. Donovan, Valuation & Assessment Eng3neer (Ext. 5317) Dept. Firiaace & 'Nl�.nagement � Services RE: Mechanic Arts and Vocational School Sites ACTIOI�I REQUESTED: Authorization of Quit Claim Deed execution, which wil7. releaae the City's intereat ia the above sites to the Independent School District No. 625. ' . ' PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The Quit Claim Deed. is "required by State Statute in order to cle.ar title and � ena.ble the Sehool District to d�.spose oP the praperty. . . * E;: � ATTACHMENTS: _ l. Resolution 2. Capy of Quit C1aim Deed � QU7TCI.�IP-1 DL;L'�J ��, . �'���a`+�,� � r• � THIS xNDENTURE, Made this day of , 1977, between the C.ity of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of_ the first part, and Independent School District No. 625, a school di�trict under the laws of the State of M innesota, party of the secor;d part, WITN�SSETH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One Dallar and otl:er good and valuable considerations ($1.00) , to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknotaledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assiyns, Forever, all the tracts or parcels of land Iying and being in the County ot Ramsey and State of M innesota, described as follows, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Central Park; also � Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 8 of Central Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, otherwise known as Auditor's Subdivision No. 3; als� AX1 that part of biock 3 of Randall' s Addition to Saint Pau�, and of that parcel of_ the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter {NE 1/4 SW if4) of Sec�ion thirty-one (3I) , Township � twenty-r_ine (29) North, Range twenty-two (22) V7est, I.ying northeast af Ro�ert Street, as laid out and� established, southeast of block 4 of La.mbert and Company' s Addition to St. Paul, southwest of said b7_ock 3 of Randall' s Addition, and nor�hwest of block 8, Central Park Addition, (being Aud�.tor `s Subdivisian No. 3) , all according to the respectivE recorded plats of said additions on file in the office of the Register of DEeds in and fo� said Rarnsey iaunty, bounded and described as follows, • to-wi.t: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Robert Street, distant northwesterl.y 183 feet from the northwesterZy line of Fourt�enth S�reet, as laid out and established, run southeasterly along said northeasterly line of Robert Street to an intersecta.or� thereo� by the northwesterly line of said block 8 of Central Park Additio n; thence northeasterl.y along said - northwesterly Iine of sai.d block 8, Central Park � Addition, to the southwesterly line �f said block 3 o� Randall's Adda.tion, thence southeasterly along said southcoesterly line of said block 3 of Randall' s Addition to the southerly corner thereof, (being the intersection of saic3 southwesterly line of said block, by the north- westerly line of Fourteenth Street, as laid out and established) ; thence northeasterly, al�rsg the south- easterly line of said block 3, (being the northwesterly line of Fourtnenth Street) •to the easterly corner of said block, (be�_ng the intersection of �he north�aesterly lir.e of Fa::�y�eenth 5treet) �o the easterly corner of • said b.1_ock, (being the intersection of the northwesterly line of I'ourteenth Street, af�xesaid by the south- westerly line of Jacksoi� Street, as laid out and es- tab�.ish�d) ; �i:h.nc� northwesterly along the northeasterly line of said hlo�� 3, ('�e�.ng the Gouthwesterly line of Jackson S�reet) 1g3 feet to a poxnt; thenc� south- westerly in a direct li.n� to the poi.nt cf beginning. � . �_... � _ .__ �y .. �,�� r !'� /. TO IiAVE AND TO FiOLD TI3E SA,ME, Together with all the heredita- • ments and appurtenances thereunta belongi.ng or in anywise appertain- ing, to the said party of the second parz, its successors and assigns Forever. TN TESTTr10NY WHEREOF, The said first party has caused these presen-ts to be executed in its corporate nama by its Mayar, its City Cler)c, and its Director of Finance and Management Services an� its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year firs� above . written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its Mayor By Yts City Clerk � By Its Director of Finance and Management S��rva.c�s STATE OF MT'�1i NESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAi.�iSEY ) ' On this day of December, 1977,. before me, a Notary Publ.ic within and �or said County, personally appeared George Latimer, Rose A. Mi.x, and B�rnGrd Carlson to me personally known, who being each by me duly scaorn, did say that they are respectiveYy the Mayor, the City Clerk, and the i�irector of Finance and Management Services of the corporation named in the foregoing instxument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is th^ corpo�ate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its City Council and said Geoxqe Latimer, Rose A. M ix, and Bernard Carlson acknowledged said instru- ment to be the free act and deed of said cozporation. FOF�i� �PPr�OV.c.D' . .. . _ � , ��a�, CiltJ ��ti4'I��� �,���c+ rn ti 1Ln �� i ;�hl$ ��$�r':i•,��.t'�� ;�h� u; 3 �.�iy Oi cii. �.-:il� p rt �'tt�i..�.i. Y � �"' •'� �a r�CE 0� Cll'1' : � ,�. . .n�T ;:;r��� c-^,TE RE�D ° 6 7 ci,y H,�� t , .. . .. .. _.,. . -"- x . �., :-�� ��7.?z�cJ,,, � SAINT �'AUL P:tli,��..�C��.`�_.....,.,...,,,...,,3 . . .,.,:,.,. :��,��:i, ..ti.,. .. � a_. . —_, �1