270215 • WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII F�r'����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT� PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. ' esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey for the latter ' s Data Processing Services to be furnished to the City of Saint Paul at such terms and conditions as are set forth in the agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file in the Depart- ment of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Req sted by Depa tm nt f: • Butler � Hozza ' [n Favor Hunt ` Levine � _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedes�o DEC 15 t977 Form pro a,by cic o�n Adopted by ncil: Date � Cert ed Pa- y Cou Secretasy By By � � Appro Mayor: Date pE,(i Z�1 1977 Approved by Mayor fot mis ion to Council r By , B � PUBLISHED DEC 3 � »�T � ` �'�����; A G R E E M E N T ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING COMPUTER SERVICES The CITY OF SAINT PAUL and the COUNTY OF RAMSEY Political Subdivisions of the State of Minnesota, acting pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, hereby agree as follows� WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has availed itself of certain data processing services through the Department of Data Processing of the County of Ramsey; and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has need for the purchase of � computer services for computer programs to be operated on and maintained on a County computer; and WHEREAS, This joint agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey provides for the continued purchase of data processing services; and WHEREAS, These services are available to the City of Saint Paul through the Department of Data Processing of the County of Ramsey; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE COUNTY, AS FOLLOWS: l. The County of Ramsey, through the Director of the Depart- ment of Data Processing, will provide electronic data processing � � , �����,� equipment and personnel to operate such equipment to fulfill the execution of computer programs in compliance to mutually agreed- upon time schedules. 2. Requests for personnel service by the City of Saint Paul for Ramsey County employees including, but not restricted to, clerks, programmers, and systems analysts shall be made to the Director of Data Processing, whereupon the Director shall respond to the customer as to the availability of requested personnel with- in fifteen (15) calendar days. 3. The Director of Data Processing of the County of Ramsey shall be notified ninety (90) days in advance of major new program � development by the City of Saint Paul that may require the procure- ment of additional resources to perform such program activity. 4. The City of Saint Paul will pay for all services rendered by the County of Ramsey through the Director of the Department of Data Processing relating to the operation of City of Saint Paul systems wherein all services performed by the County shall be per- formed under generally accepted accounting methods adopted by the County of Ramsey. 5. The County of Ramsey through the Director of Datd Process- ing shall prepare an annual rate schedule (based upon the County' s Enterprise Fund Accounting System) of all available services b�r the County whereby said schedule requ�res the annual approval of the -2- . . ���`�`� � ��, Board of Ramsey County Commissioners and shall be considered to be Exhibit A of this agreement. 6. The County of Ramsey through the Director of Data Process- ing shall prepare a list of services (Exhibit B) provided to the City of Saint Paul which is amendable by administrative approval of the Director of Data Processing and the Manager of Data Process- ing of the City of Saint Paul. . 7. The City of Saint Paul agrees to reimburse the County for services rendered hereunder within thirty (30) days of receipt of an itemized statement for services rendered during the preceding month. � 8. Payment for services rendered by the Department of Data Processing of the County of Ramsey shall be deposited in the Ramsey Caunty Treasury. 9. The County of Ramsey may terminate this agreement 365 days after notice by certified mail is issued to the City of Saint Paul by the County of Ramsey. 10. The City of Saint Paul may terminate this agreement 365 days after notice by certified mail to the County of Ramsey. 11. This agreement may be terminated at any time upon mutual agreement between the County of Ramsey and the City of Saint Paul. Dated this day of , 19 -3- ; `?'��`��� COUNTY OF RAMSEY Approved as to Form: By: Assistant County Attorney Chairman of the Board of � County Commissioners - By: Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners CITY OF SAINT PAUL ved a t o . c � � gy; Assistant City Atto ey Mayor By: Director, Department of Finance and Management Services BX; B dget Direc or -4- �; E'XHIBIT A RATE SCHEDULE Personnel Rates: Systems Analyst . $13.50 Programming 9.93 Clerical 7•75 Data Entry 7•27 Computer Rates: Teleprocessing $ .148/system sec Interactive Processing .105/system sec Batch Processing .033/system sec Printer/1000 Lines .21 Card Reader/1000 Cards .52 Card Punch/1000 Cards 6. 37 ; s EXHIBIT B LIST OF SERVICES I. The County shall provide the following services to the City:. A. DATA PROCESSING SERVICES. 1. The County shall act as the data processing center to provide: a. All necessary computer and data entry (exclusive of data entry resources not directly connected to the central site hardware) resources required for the successful operation of the City systems on an on- going basis. � b. All necessary associated services required for plac- ing output from the system in usable form. Such services shall include but shall not be limited to bursting, decollating, and the purchase of supplies. c. The exercise of all control procedures required to _ protect the integrity of the system and of the data processed by the system. Such control procedures shall include but not be limited to backup and restore procedures and facilities for all system data bases. Such data bases shall include but not be limited to program libraries, data files, and system libraries B-1 ; ���%�'9 �� necessary for the successful operation of the City systems. 2. The County shall employ all precautions necessary to main- tain the confidentiality (as specified by state and federal statutes) of the data and records furnished by the City and all data produced by the System for the City. No data shall be released to any other party under any circumstances with- out prior written cansent of the City. 3. All data and records of the City, either manual or in ma- chine readable form, shall be the property of the City and shall be returned to the City upon its request. Records in machine readable form may be copied, if necessary, to a magnetic tape compatible to City usage. B. BATCH PROCESSING SERVICES. l. All batch processing, either production, testing, or back- up, shall be done in accordance with workload projections and/or schedules provided to and agreed upon jointly by the City and County. Such projections and schedules shall in- clude but not be limited to: a. Hardware resources required per system. � b. Supplies required per system. B-2 _ i c. Run dates and report turnaround requirements per system. 2. In the event said schedules and/or projections of workloads cannot be satisfied by the County, the notice of such in- a}�ility to perform, including reason therefor and al.terna- tive date, resources, or other requirements requested in accordance with the above shall be given the City within two (2) work days. 3. Al1 said workload projections shall be given and agreed upon in estimate form only. Al1 said schedules for production of � City systems shall be given and agreed upon according to the production run sheets, schedules, etc. , as provided by the County and agreed upon by the City. C. TELEPROCESSING SERVICES. l. Teleprocessing services shall be available on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day a week basis. 2. Exceptions to the above requirement will be allowed for sys- tem maintenance, improvements or enhancements and failures which will be addressed by immediate intervention of County Data Processing technical personnel. B-3 ,;� D. TECFiNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES. l. The County shall provide technical support services to main- tain reliability, accuracy, and consistency of computer services. � 2. The County shall provide sufficient notice, including neces- sary documentation, of all changes to the hardware or soft- ware required. Further, the County shall provide notice, including any documentatian available, of known failures or inadequacies in hardware or software which may affect the full and accurate delivery of services. 3. The City will, in the use of services, disclose failure or inadequacies in said hardware and saftware. In such event, the City shall notify the County and shall expect corrections or modifications to be implemented by the County within a reasonable period. If such period exceeds five (5) working days, the County shall notify the City including reasons for said delay, all known information relating to said failures and inaccuracies and a time when necessary corrections or modifications will be implemented. E. OPERATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES. 1. The County shall provic�e operational support services which will include but not be limited to: B-4 ,` a. Maintenance of tape libraries, b. Operation of the computer, c. Distribution of computer reports and other output, d. Storage of adequate supplies. 2. In the event that City systems fail to execute correctly, notice will be given to the City within a reasonable period of time so as to allow the City to meet production schedules. II. The City shall provide the following services and information to assist the County: A. Adequate external system controls to insure successful operation of the systems relating to the manual usage and interface to the system. This will include suf- ficient methods and procedures for auditing system output. B. At least one (1) person, employed by the City, conver- sant with data processing in general, the system to be operated, and City policy and practices, to main- tain contact with the County for the City and to be responsible for all communications between County and the City. B-5 ,� C. All source information to the system. III. Additional Provisions: A. The County and City agree that the City systems are a valuable asset, property and a trade secret of the City, and title and full ownership rights to the systems shall remain the City' s property. The County agrees and represents that it will not reveal the systems or parts thereof to anyone, except as permitted by this agreement. The County agrees to instruct its agents, officials, officers and employees not to reveal the system or parts thereof to anyone except as permitted by this agreement. B. All books of account and records maintained for the . City, together with all supporting documents, shall remain the property of the City and shall be returned to the City after they have served their purpose, but in any event, upon the completion or termination of this agreement. C. In connection with the performance of work under this agreement, the County agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment B-6 ~ ������� �r , because of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. The County will take affirmative action to insure that all applicants for employment and all employees are treated without regard to their race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or trans- fer, recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. D. Al1 administrative and technical concerns between the City and County will be addressed by the County Data Processing Director and the City Data Processing Manager. A knowledgeable, disinterested third party will be mutually selected to participate in problem resolution, if required. E. Services performed by the City for the County will be charged according to the same charges as established in Exhibit A of this agreement. B-7