270212 WHITE - CITV CLERK /��.�7� � PINK - FINANCE COIIRCII �'''� �� ��?` �"i CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council o tion Presented By LICE:"���: COR�iITTr� • Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date. R�SOLV�: Tt�at licenses for �ermit to conduct i�in�o games, agplied for by the following organizal;ions at tiie adclresses stateci, for tIie days, dates and hours indicated on the application, '�e and tlle sar.:e is hereby ;raiited. iiazel Par�c Cor.un. CluK� L��clies liuxiliary, Inc. 3G2 �dhite I3ear•t1ve. �ingo-2� Pds. i:p�n. 19275 Pene�iT Smith-Bodd 13us. �'.ssoc. , Inc. 59 E. Congress �in�o-5 pd.0 19350 Pene�•� St. Paul Sokols 4O8 1"lain St. i�in;o-51 �'ds. 19353 " rv'els Tlold Chapter ;�}5, P•;ilitary Order of t�1e Purple i;eart ' l�f',� University �;ve. �in�o-52 Fd,. 19354 " East Side SI:ating Clu�a, Inc. 8S2 4�hite y.rear t>ve. i3in�o-2v �'ds. 19355 " St. Geor�e Churcli Council 57 �'l. 7th St. �inUo-52 Pds. 19.�57 �' Front �'lve. Nenior �ooster Club 9C}�� �tice at. �in�o-51 Pds. 19556 " St. Paul Joint Corimittee COF Juvenile �,ctivities 10�C University t,ve. i:1I1�0-JZ Pds. 19557 " Smith-Dodd rus. �^,ssoc., Inc. 59 �. Con�ress ;3ingo-2 Pds. 19611 �' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester Tedesc � 1977 O�C+ � Form Approved by City At±orney Adopted _ Council: Date — Ce ied Pas� y Council cretary BY r Approved Mav Date � Fj �9�7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �uBt�st�Ea DEC 2 4 �977