270211 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII �� �� PINK - FINANCE * CANqRV - DEPARTMENT G 1 TY OF SA I NT PAU L � �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• RETtTRN COPY TO VALUA ON BURE',AtJ Council Resolution Presented By Referred To ` Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, that the report of the Valuation Engineer, a copy of which is atta.ched and incorporated herein by reference, which increases assessment rates for storm and relief sewer pro�ects to reflect construction cost increases and the increased benefit to property owners, that is, from l� per sqUa.re foot for one and two family dwellings and �+¢ per square foot for a11 other types of property, to 2¢ and 5� respectively, is hereby approved for all subject type projects passed by Fi.na.l Order after Jariu.ary l� 1978. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Fi ce and Man ent Services Hozza [n Favor �� Hunt Levine _�__ Against B _ Direetor Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted ouncil: ate ��C 9 5 1977 Form Approved by City AtYorney Ce ied Pass Counc' ,ec tary• B3�' �''�' � �"��'" ��'7'��?� Approved 14av Date C Z � ` 7 G ��6 �`� � Ap o by Mayor for Sub ' si to Council By BY �PUBLISHED OEC 2 4 �97� . � ������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS To: The Honorable Mayor, Council President, and Members of th� City Council From: J. William Donovan, Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: November 1�+, 1977 Sub�ect: Report on Assessment Rates for Storm and Relief Sewer Pro�ects We have recently completed a study on the above referenced sub�ect to determine if a change in rates is advisable. The two main areas investi- gated were the current rates used by other communities and the increase in construction costs since the last rate revision which went into effect January 1, 1974. The first step was to compare St. Paul assessment rates with the neighbor- ing communities of Little Canada, Nort�h St. Paul, White Bear Lake, and Maplewood. Currently, the St. Paul rates of 12¢ per square foot for one and two family dwelling Residential property and �+¢ per square foot for Commercial property have provided approximately 15 - 20°fo of the financing for sewer pro�ects. In Little Canada, there haven't been any sewer pro�ects in recent years, but if there were, 80°� of the pro�ect financing would be provided by assessment. The last sewer pro�ect in North St. Paul was financed totally by assessment. which amaunted to a rate of 8� per square foot. North St. Paul does not finance right-of-way acquisition by assessments. The City of Maplewood's current assessment rates are 2� for residential property and 5¢ for commercial property which is supposed to provide 50�0 of their pro�ect financing. However, it was stated that these rates were not realistic and would be revised soon. White Bear Lake relies on assessments for 100°�0 of their share of storm sewer construction pro�ects; however, most of their pro�ects axe on streets which involve either the State or County who contribute to the financing. The second area of investigation was the increase in canstruction costs since the current rate was established on January 1, 197�+. At that time, the intention was for assessments to provid.e 20-25� of project costs. Telephone612/298-5317 286 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � -2- ������ � The following is a tabulation of x�ast assessment rates per square foot in Saint Pau1: Multi-Unit Residential, Residential Property Commercial & Industrial Year (1 & 2 Fami.ly Dwelling) Property �.959-63 2/3¢ �¢ lg&�+-68 3/�+ 1�, 1969-70 1 12 1971-73 l�. 3 197�-77 12 � The Department of Public Works has advised that, per the Engineering News Record, March �+, 1977 and October b, 1977 construction index, the construct- ion costs for sewers have increased by 3 o since the last assessment rate ad�ustment by the City. Based on these findings, I recammend that the follawing rates be adopted by the City Council: Residential (1 and 2 Family Dwelling) 2¢ per squaxe foot Multi-Unit Residential, 5� per square foot Commercial & Industrial (which includes all property other than 1 and 2 family dwellings) The proposed increase in assessment rates would raise the assessment on a one or two family dwelling unit on an average sized lot (60'X7.20') from �108 to �11+a+ and raise the assessment for a commercial property of the same size from $288 to $378. I do hereby request your favorable approval of this report. C� , JWD�MJE Appro � < �� Be nard J. Car son, 17irector F`inance and Management Services • ` OM Ol: I2/1975 � � Rav. s 9/8/76 E�LANATION OF ADMIN�STRATIVE ORDER$, RESOLDTIONS AND 4RDINAl�iCES ��.�.��.G�...�.��.� r . . �����'�.�� .Date: Nov�ember 1�+, 197? - . � ` - r 1 - � � r . � NG� +� ��?' '; �p: MAYOR GEORG£ LATIMER �►�� ' � � . J W� gg; J. William Donovan, Yaluation b Assessment �.neer, Dept. of Finance dr . �Sernices (Est. 53�. +�� Assessment l�tes for Storm and R�e].ief Se'9►er Projects � � :, � ACTION REQVES�'ED: , Approval for submission to Council of proposed :I�solution for increas3.ng assessment rates for storm and relief se�er pro�ects. PURPOSE AND RATI�NALE FOR Z'HIS ACTION: These rates are revised every.2 - �+ years to reflect construction cost incresses, . The last revision was January l, 197� and can�trtxction costs have risen by � � ``� approximately 30°�, since that date. ATTACSIRENTS: 1. Proposed Cauncil l�esolution . 2. Re�port i'raan �Taluations Eng3.neer