270209 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 (�y�
BLUERy - MAVO�TMENT Flle NO. `°'�����
. ; ;
Ordin�nce Ordinance N O. �� ���
Presented By �
Referred To ` Committee: Date �`
Out of Committee By Date �
.�: ._
a. �. .�
-- Section 1.
That in accordance with Section 149.03, Subsection A, of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code as amended, the Council of the City of Saint Paul
does hereby declare that those streets named on the 11st attached hereto
marked "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein are hereby designated "Snow
Emergency Routes" and a complete tisting of such streets shail be main-
tained on ftie in the Traffic Enginee�'s Office, Traffic Division of
Police Department, Traffic Violations Bureau, and the Clerk of the
Municipal Courts Office.
. Section 2.
That Ordinance No. 16131, Councii File No. 268158, approved December
22, 1976 is hereby rescinded i� its entirety.
Section 3.
This ordinance shail take ef`fect and be in force thirty (30) days
f rom and afte� its passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Nays ' Requested by Department of:
Butler � Pubi ic Works
Hozza [n Favor •
Hunt ' O .
R��r Against ByDaniel J. Du ord, Direc r ( /TJE)
Sylvester �
Tedesco 3 �9]8
.�AN Form Approved y 'ty torney
Adopted by Council�' Date
Certified P by Co cil Secretary BY
r �-
�Y �` �
App v d by Mayor: D te - ��N a �978 Appr ed by Mayor for Submi s on C�ncil
By BY �--^^�
P{1BL1SHEf� !,��.R`l 1 4 ��17$ . -�
. . • .
EMERG�VTCY ST�;O?�7 RUITI,�S ��'�`"�
� Acker Jacksorz to L'Orien�: � � 3 g�
Albion � W. Seventh to LexinE;ton
Al;onquin Stillwater to Nortonia
Annapolis Cherolcee to Charlton
An.napolis Bid��rell to Oaltdale
Annapolis Oakdale to Kansas
Arcade Sixth to La,rpenteur
Arch-Pennsylvania � Rice to Mississippi
Arks,rright York to Brainerd
Axlington, E. E. Shore Drive to j^Thite Bear
Arlin�on, E. White Bear to Winthrop
Arlington, E. & W. Ed�erton to Victoria
Axlington, S�,T. Hamline to Snelling
Atwater Western to Rice
Aurora Marion to Wabasha
Baker Cherokee Ave. to CYierokee Blvd.
Battle CreeY Road Los�rer Afton to Upper Afton
Bayfield Fillmore to Wisconsin
� Bayless P1ace � Cro�well to Raymond
Beverly Road Pelham east to St. Anthony
Br�.inerd Arh�rri{�ht to �d�erton
Brc�adt�ray Tenth to Grove
Btu lin�ton. Road Mc Knight to Lower Afton
Burns � Suburban to Mc Knight
Burns Ear1 to White Bear
Burr Collins to Case
Bush Mendota to Forest
Capitol Hts. Como to Winter
Carter Ctevela.nd to Eust�s
Car�ver Pt. Dou;las to Mc Knight
Case . � Mississippi to Eaxl
Case Johnson Pkwy to Hazel
Case Hazel to Edgewa�;er Blvd.
Cayu�a Jacksan to Mississippi
Cedar Comu to '.1'enth
Centxal Dunlap to Ydestern
Central Wabasha to Robert
Chatsworth Van S1,yYe to Front
Cherokee �LVe. Baker to Ohio
Cherokee B]_vd. Ba.Yex to Annapolis
Chester Pla,to �o E. Lafayette Frontage Road
Chestnut Pleasaxit to Shepard Road
Childs Poacl Warner Road to Disposal Plan�
Ch.ristie Place Prosperity to Laxpenteur
Cla.rence D�a,ryl�.nd to Prosperity
Clev�land University -to River Blvd.
Clpveland Hoyt to Ra.ymond
Cl.iff St. Clai.r to Smith
College Rice to I:ello�;�
• Collins Lafwyctte to Payne
Cosno Ave, Ci�ty I�.mits to Van S];�rke
Como Ave. ' Chatsworth to Como Blvd.
Como Av�. Capit�l H�s. to E. Como Blvd.
Corr:o �31vc�., E. Como Ave. td Ma,ryla.nd �/�//�U� / �T `I
� Como LakE 17ri.ve� E. D4�.ryland to Lexington '��, , �
_ C�mo T,a:xe Drive, W. Lexin�ton to E. Como Blvd. ",` ' '�-�`�' `
Concord j�,'a,���.sha to Annapolis I� �$�
Concordia. HerscheZ to Summa.t
Cortland � Sycamare to Acker
Cretin St. Anthony rreewa�r to Ford Pkwy.
Crornwell Franklin to Bayless
Cu.rve Ivy to Nebraska
Dale Fairmount to Laxpenteux
Davern Shepard Road to Montreal
Dta,yton Vic�toria to Sur�mu.t
DeCourcy Road Lexington to Rosen Road
Dodd Road City Limits to S�ryker
Dunlap � Hubb.ard to Pierce Butler
Ea�].e Seventh to Exchar�ge
Eagle Ryan �o Shepard Road
Earl Mounds Blvd. to Ivy
East Shore Drive Johnson Pkwy. to I,�.rpenteur
' Eaton Eva to T�r. Lafayette Frontage Road
Edgcumbe Road Jefferson to Munster
Edgerton Payne to Iarpenteur
�dgewater Case to A7aryland
Ei�hth Broadway to Lafayette
Elway Montreal to Shepaxc'c Road
Er.glish Arlington to Larpenteur
Etna Burns -to Sda.xne� Road .
Eustis Carter to Como Ave.
�'ustis River Arive to St. Anthony
Eustis Univexsi-ty to Pea.rl
�a Fillmore to Lai:on
E�change Wilkin to Eagle
Faixmount Dale to St. Albans
Fairview Pierce Butler tc: Edgcumbe
Fifth Broadway to Kittson
F:�llt�ore Robert to Bayfield
Fish Hatchery Road
Florida State to �d. L-�.fayette Frontage Road
_ Forbes � Excha,n�e to Z�i. Se�►enth
Forci Pkwy. River :Drive to Snel�.ing
Forest Third to Wheelock •
Forest Hudson Road to `rhi.rd
Fourth Johr� to Co�merci�.Z
. Fourth . Access Conn. t� State i�r�ntaoe Road (g�+)
Fra,nklin City T,:i.m.its to Universii;y
k'ront Lexin;ton to Rice '
�`ronta,ge Roa,ds . East S� t�Iest ot' Lafayette Freeway
George Stna.th to Concord
Grace Victoria t� Ple�,sa,nt
Grand Cretin to W. Seventh
Gr.o�to • � Maryland to I�,rpenteur
Gr.ove Missi�sippi to Lafay�tte
� � Ham]:ine � p�;ontreal to Pierce Butler "'" '�//"`" /��"
• � Hamline Como to Hoyt
, Iia�l.ine Aoyt to La,rpenteur
Hampden Rayr.lond to Univ�ersity ':.c.�
Harriet Isla.xid Roa�? Nagasakx to Boat La.unch Ramp
Haze]. Mechanic to E. Seventh �� � ��
. : � Ha.zel Me:hanic to Jessamine
. Hazel Maryland to Ivy
Hazelwood , Axlxngton to Idaho
Hend.on Como to Cleveland '
Highlaxid Pk�ry. River Drive to Edgcumbe
Highwood Pt. 17ouglas to Mc Knight -
xi�-]. Chestnut to Kellogo
Homer W. Seventh to Shepaxd Road
Hope � Sixth to Seventh
Horton Haml.ine to W. Como T.,ake Drive
�py't Snelling to Grotto
Hubbard Dunlap to Oxford
Hudson Road, Old " Johnson PkT,�►, to Maria
Hudson Road, Old Alley west of Birmingham to Mc Knight
Humboldt � Winifred to George
Z�a Dale to Groti;o
IvY Edgerton to Pa3me
IVy Axcade tc Earl
Ivy Prosperity to Mc Knight
Jar_kson Ei�hth to Larpenteur
Je�'fe-rson Hiver Drive to Cleveland
Jefferson Cleve].and to W. Seventh
� Jessamine A.xkwri�ht to 35-E
�p� Fourth to Fifth �
John Ireland B].vd. Summ�.t to Wabasha
Johnson Pkwy. Burns to Wheelock Pkwy.
Ka.so.,a ' Hwy. - 80 to R�,ymond
' Kasota Snelling, West 1 block
• Ke17.ogg Hill Su�runit to Main
- . Kenwocd Pkwy. St. 1L',.bans to Osc�ola
Kittson Fif`�h to Seventh
Lafayette Ea.st & West Service Roads
Lafayet�te - E. Seventh �;o Co?_lins
7,afon3 Como to Rice
•' La.ndfill Ihzmp Road • Childs Road - Ews�t & South to Gate
Le�;ington Montre�l to La,rper,teur
Londin Lane Lower Afton to P�Ic Kni�ht
L'Oxien� Acker to Cayu�a
• L'Orient Peransylvt�,nia to University
Sr�wer Af`ton Road Pt. Da�aglas to Mc Knxght
Ni�.ria Seventh to Hudson Road
2�arion Camo Ave, to St. .Anthony _.
Marsh�.7.1 River llrive to Sum?nit
Ma.ryland Com.o to Hazel
Maryland � rdo}comis to i��c Knight
Marylazld, Old Abel.l to J�,cY.sor�
Nendota Sixth to Bush
� Midway Pkwy. � Horton to Snellin� �t�/ �U �� � r '
- Minnehaha Burr ta Mc Knight
. Minnehaha Prior to Como ((D`���
Mississippi River Blvd. , �nexal.d to Marina Road
Mississippi Broad.wa,y to York
Mississippi York to Jessamirze
. Montreal CleveZand to Elway
Montreal Elway •to 35-E
� Mounds Blvd. E. Seventh to Burns
Mulberry St. � Sixth to Kellogg •
Nagasaki Road Wabasha tn Water (top oP Dike) -
Ninth Street Hill Summit to Main
Nokomis Algonquin to Maryland
Oakdale Annapolis to State
Oakland Grand to Summit
Ohio George to Plato
Olive Eighth to Seventh
Osceola Grace to St. C1air
Osceola, S. : Randolph to Gxace .
Otis Eustis t� R3 ver B'!vd.
Otto W. Seventh to uhepard Road
Oxford Hubbard to Pieree Butler
Park Arch-Pennsylvania to Aurora
Paxkway Drive Edgerton �o Larpenteur
Pascal Hoyt to Como
� Pascal N�arshall to Minnehaha
�'ayne E. Seventh �co Laxpenteur
• Pelham Uni.vexsi�y to kiver llrive
Pierce ButZer Prior to Minnehaha �
Fig's E�re Lake Road Childs Road to Dead �nd
Plato Water to Bayfield
Pleasant Grace to Kellogg
Pt. Douglas Road � Burns to Johnson Pkwy.
• Pt. Douglas Road T,a�aer Afton �to Highwood
Frescott Oakdale to Waodbury
, Prior Pierce Butler to Su�uni.t
Prior Rand��lph to Sum�it
Prosperity . Johnson P'kwy. to Arlington
Prosperity� Road Idaho to L�e.rpenteur
Ramsey Summit to Grand
Ra.msey . W. Sev�enth to Fxchange
R�ndolph River Drive to Cxetin
Randolph Cretin to She�pard Road
Rankin Seventh to She�ard Road
• Raymond Como to Dudley
Raymond Cleveland to University
Red Rock Road North Sta�° Steel, west and north end
Rice LaxpentAur to John Ireland Hlvd.
Rice Summit to College
Road Around Haxriet Island Nagasaki to Nr�gasaki
Road on Dike Na��saki to Water
Robert � Annapa].is to Kellogg
Robert Twel.fth to Un3.versity
Robert St. Bypass (both sides) Concord to Kix�g
� Fosen Road DeCourcy Road✓to Snelling EXHIBIT A�
' Ross E. Seventh to Ear1
gu+h Dead End South of Longfellow to Nortonia
Ruth Nebraska to Larpenteur
�a,n Chestnut to Eagle
St. Albans Pleasant to Grand � r�r�•��-���
St. Ar_thor�y Cretin to City Limits �• d� � `.�c,�
St. Anthony CZeveland to Rice p /,,
St. Ciair River Drive to Cretin ' �Q 3 O`-�
St. Clair Cretin to Cliff
St. P�,ul Ave. Cleveland to W. Seventh
Selby Fairview to Summit
W. Seventh Blvd. Shepaxd Road to W. Seventh
Seventh, E. Broadway to Hazel
Seventh, W. Edgctunbe to Kellogg
5hepard Road Ja�kson to W. Seven-th Blvd.
Sheridan Cleveland to Davern
Short Line Selby to Jefferson
Sixth, E. Johnson F�kwy. to Mounds Blvd.
Sixth Street Hil]. Su�unit to Main
� �nith, P1 & S Annapolis to Kellogg
Siielling, N & S W. Seventh to Hoyt
Sn.elling, Sd. Access Roads
Spxin�sicle Drive Yt. Douglas to Burlington Road
State Fi.Zlmore to Eaton
State Robert to Robie
Stillwater Hazel to A4c Knight
Stillwt�ter White Bear to HazeZ •
Stryker Annapolis.to Winifred
5uburban White Beax to Ruth
Summi.�t River Drive to Rice
Sycamore Fice to Jackson
Territorial Road City Zimits to Vandalia
Third St., E. _� Mc Knight to Broadway
Thomas Fairview to Camo
Timberlake Road � Jaekson to Jackson
Transfer Road Una.versity to Prior
Twe1f`th Jackson to University
- University � Lafayette to Emerald
t3��per Af`ton Road Burns to Mc Knight
Vandalia Territoxial Road to 5�:. Anthony FreeViay
V�,n Sl�rke Horton to Chatswor�h
� Victoria Larpenteur to Co�no Blvd.
Victoria Jefferson to W. Seventh
Vic�oria Jefferson to Grace
Victos:•ia S�. Clair to Da.y'con
Victoria Marshall to Dayton
Victoria Marshal.l -�o Minnehaha
Wabasha . Ke11o� to Winifxed
Wa,basha • Ttaelfth to University
Warner Road Jackson to Hwy. �61
Wa�t;er St. City Limits to Wabasha
I�I�,ter 5�;., OJ.d W�.basha to S-tarkey
� � � � . . . � . f I'I%h'/,B/T "" ''
� ((����
Western, N. A�arylarid ta Sun�nit �
t�restern, S. W. Seventh to Pler�.sant
Westminster York to Case
� Westminster L��penteur ta Jess�mine
Wheelock Ave. Arcade t� Forest
Wheelock Pkwy. , Johnson Pkwy to N. Vict�ri.a
White Beax Larpen�eu�.r to Upper Af,`ton
Wir..ifred Ohio to Hum�oldt
Winter . Capito? Hts. to Jackson '
York Mississippi to Ark��rright
�- Ainsndment to prdinance No. 16131
' ` OM O1: 12/1975
s . .Rev. : 9/8/76
� . .
���'�' � � a *� � �
Date: November 17, 1977 g(� : R.E �+ . �
, _
. �(�� N0� ' �t�7?
Mr�►tt01�'� -
� FR: Public Wbrks - Office Engineering ,
gE: Snow Emergency Routes ,
ACTION REQUESTED: Ordtnance wiil deslgnate "Snow Emergencq Routes" and wlil �
rescind Ordinance No. 161;1, Council File Na. 268158, approved
December 22, 1976.
Section 149.03, Subsection A of the LegislaLive Code requires th�t the City
Counelt by Ordinance d�signate "Snow Emergency Routes". This sction will
update the existi�g "Snow Emergency Ro�tes'' Tist now in effect.
L1st of Snow En�rgency Ro�tes
,, .
� TJE/RAH/mkb