270205 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ►'`� � PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PALT L ��,��f'�.:"�""� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. , � ci R solution Presented By • � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution C. F. 253801, adopted April 27, 1971, did vacate the public alley in Block 5, St. Paul Proper, said vacation reserving to the City of Saint Paul and other public instrumentalities the pubiic utility easements contained therein and thereon; and WHEREAS, The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the Council waive said re- tained easements, and the effected City depar tments, Northern States Power Company, and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, and Western Union have filed written certificates of intended non-use of reserved rights and easements, which cer tificates are on file in the office of the City Clerk; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul pursuant to Section 228 �Q6 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, does hereby waive the retained easements contained in the resolu- tion C.F. 253801, adopted April 27, 1971, and as required by City Council resolution C.F. 255248, adopted August 10, 1971, in the following described public alley vacated: The southeasterly five feet of Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, and the northwesterly five feet of Lots 7 to 12 inclu- sive, all in Block 5, St. Paul Proper , as opened by order of the Common Council in April 22, 1886. �'URTHER RESOLVED, That the above-mentioned waiver of said easements is for the City of Saint Paul and fo r those per sons for whom the City has reserved easements in said vacated proper ty, for the installation, m�intenance and oper ation of any sewer, water, gas or electrical main, pipe or conduit of public instru- mentality. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Depactment of: Butler �_ �n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine � __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester Tedesco - 0�� � 3 1977 Form Approve by y A rney Adopted h.u�Council: Date C,ertified Pa:s y Couacil Secretar� BY - ��� , � Approved . or: Date 6 yg7� Appro Mayor for Submi ' n t Co By BY PuBUSNEe DEC 2 4 1977 ,. . � � �'���l�� � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND N��IBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SA.INT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE . The NORTI�RN STATES POWER C�IPANY hereby certifies that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the follawing described realty: The southeaster],y five (5) feet of Lots one (1) to Six (6) inclusive and the northwesterly five (5) feet of Lots seven (7) to twelve (12) inclusive, all in Block five (5), St. Paul Proper, as opened under an order of the Common Council, April 22, �886. � � _ Dated at Minneapolis, Minnesota, this day of ( , 1971. WITNESS: NORT�N STA.TES POWER C PANY B'Y � Vice President- neerin� _._._ ) And � ; , Assis nt Secretary STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUN'I'Y OF HENNEPIlV) On this � day of , 1971, before me appeared Arthur V. Dienhart a.nd MARGARET , to me persona7..],y known, who, bein$ each by me duly sworn, d.id say that they are respective],y the Vice President- Engineering and the Assista,nt Secretary of NORTHERN STA'I'ES PCIW�ER C�IPANY, the corporation named in the foregoir� instrument, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of the corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Arthur V. Dienhart and MARGARET W. OLSON acknawled.ged the instru- ment to be the free act and deed of the corporation. (Notarial Seal� PEARL 8. DUGGAN Notary Public.Hennepin County, Minn, My CGrtff1l�SSioR Expires June 23, 1978. � . , . . . , w ,.. . o � �g �+ . ' • . �� I��� . .L 'l';ii 4-iY��f?@A �:.,.. .s�a°.t'�;.t Fti'�� r ':��u:�:t�� OF $'EiE C�� �:��� LI�' a:i�, C` i;°�:'.;r`S�.TE �JI" ` � CIi'°Y C3�' Sr;7�'v!'I` k'f,�i� SI�'.k�:tf;. 'a?�) ?�:j�7--L1�:.: �+ A'��a� �rthwest�rn $,���Te,�l p�?one..Cown�n�r_..V.....�..��.�...�.�..�....�.ox...�.�,.,.x�. ; � Ltti;:�':�3�{ Cg':'�.i.2 3.'.'_:.= u':lcit J_$„ �:.��s�� 2�,C)�'i. �.Y'i�.:l:�'lC� i., E:...`'.:;i.;�..5� J_�:.5 Li�.x 2.Y�� i"�C�'."1'i:i �� A..s��:: .L=r'�1Qi'f�.,iL� Ui�s�..W.�.=w.w�...,.._�� f..�:_,Gh��w�• t 4� Ti�;� u�.r���uh���:�-rr��y .�i•s, ��� fc:._� ;;.f. Lc��:s ���� f�3 ''r.� �':r.:: iC� '.���I�.��i�.-r �TxL:. ::a"<?'.' I'2CiI:'a'.}'".:_.,,,.t.;i.��� k".i.;`c ��� �e:?�� .^..?: Y_a'ti...`� .;::V�`?'E t%� t:? �k.9C�''1�' ��.�� .�.'a�:.:�.1�::�3.�fE.'g <^�.�..;. _,.'� 13�.C!w:`'t:: �.,�:... �J�� 5�.� 1:�a:.f.L t'h�.??�. 'y �IS ��'::(:i�`Si?�1 tJi�t.�G� �1n S, f,IL"(iL:$s C1� f�{'1!=? C.,C,_..�.�..� ..t�++.:::xz,.',_t a -t"_�.'�.l,L i�R .t.U?:}ve t i t ;. i � pa'L�i <3�: �72,�,"',;,z'fa �c3LI.�b i�W�..:l.�°s�:`a`U�,e3« �;..�-mi l-!�;v'!�"�X` �'�' .. .y�..�.......�..t' � r .._'+:.,,. ��: 1!* ���� l_ 9�� , ;� � . , �' b�vi�ston OSP � PI tng Engineer �� �: , STATE � MII�iNESOTA ) P` � � COt��i'17 OF RAMSEY' � �' � � On this /3�i day of 1971� before �e� a notmry E: public withir� anci for said Coun •y� p rsonally appeared G. S. Getty R , to me personally lr�own� wl�o being by a�e � d�ly sworri! did say that he is the D��{sion OSP � P�anninq n�f the F� NORTHWESTFIi�T BELL TELEPHO[�TE COMPJ�IY� a corporatio�s� na�ed it� theforeqoi.ng � ir�stn�t� arycl that the seal affixed to �aid i�strufaent is the corporate � seal of said corporati�on�, and thst said instx�t was signed and �ealed . � in behalf of said corporatian by authority cf its Boarcl of Directors aRd �. said G. S. Getty ackr�owledg�d �sid in- K striauent to be the free act and deed of said aorporat3or�. �: � ' �-8-6-�1� � (✓�� JOYCE S. COOK � otary ub c, amsey ounty, Minnesota ` My Commission exp�res September 2� 1975 , _ : , . . . � , ,. � ' ������� � �.,� !, � �� S . �. THE fi?�JORABLE M�1`OR A?dI7 ;�if�:Z+S�Ea2S {' OF' THE C4'Ji'�?C�L OF I`FiE CERT:�F�C�:.i� OI' � CITY OF SAINT PAtT.� INTEd.'+3nEt� �:�fll—iJS� 9 . ' i �� _„�„�.,,,�3�,�,_�I,r,��i„xi�,g ,g+�n�nt e�,�h�c tv e Sain„�- P��1,� M�nnesota , li�r�by c���:ifi:i.es �.���t it c�c�e� nat �xxte�xzd �o �a.ez�c�se i.�s tz�3,l�.ty r.ie�l�t�� fri t�€. �o�Io.�3ztc� descr.�d rea]:ty: Th� s�uthe�s��r�.y five (S) ieet of Lo�s one (lj to Six (G) .izac�.usi;r� axic� the raartht��ster�.y fi��e (5} feet of I.ots seven (7) to t�e�.v� (�2? ` ik�c:ZUSiv�; ��1 �.r� �s?�c�k �iv� (5)' �t. �'aul �'.k-�;�w; a� �o�c:m:��% :zr.c?ar �� c�de� of ta��: Car�rn���a Gc�anci�.�, l�p�a.l 22� 1886. bate� <-�� Sa�.�'t Patr19 �fi.r��acs�ta� �.his 9th �<,y a£ Ju1y ,.�.} 13�,_m __ __ . _� � /�' y i •. � � �� �i ...e� 1�._.. � .��, �S � � . . �.....a,....�..��,�.��.....�.,�.... Robert Sprafka� 1 Commissioner of Public \�il�,ties �_ � � i . �: . . � • . �'��-��� T'f-TE f{�::O�I,Co ��`i.PaY�� 1'�7D o.�G;wrr�.F:;�, C7F `t"HE Ct�C�i�?�:;i: 4?(° 7.'�',L: Cl:kk:'�.'t::;:C�f�^'c; tJ:' i ' C:.T.`�Y 4F" �:1�Zi'�'?" k�hL' ��i":� t}�'i) i,, �,�-•'.i:�}�< 'I"h� i�iates De�arttuent of the Cit�r of Saint Paul�Mir�nesota�y,��,,,���� , he?.�e�y c�r�i��c:� t:Y:��� �.4 c���,� ��ado .a.nL�a�c� �o :�xe*r.r�.sh-, a.�:� t���_�.:��•�� x°%.:;cr�.s . in the �o�lc�e��..nt:� d.�;�.��r.i;��:�. s�e�.�i:,y: �`k!�� �.o+�z���a�asf:e.��.�� �i.ve �5) f:��sf c� r�R,,�;�� r�n' (1) �a ;:i.Y (�:? ��',:�_:� .�_v;w `, �nd t1,r no.r.�Y��;�:�i:�r:!� fatre (S} f�e�: c�f :f��.s ��t���:� (°7? ?�o ���:r 7 ,_;-� ��:.2� 3.r:clus�..re� ��.1 i� F�lack i��� C5}� s�n 4>�:t.y?. 1'rc�a;�:r< :.:- ,� >4�c� t� ; ., _ C.�F`C�'�.,.-''t" f��'i� i�Y'2'e-'_ C r r ..�efi e �� -:.'li.:i 1..� 1"5 k..:.s.�. <'�y .l. .>:r m � , I'3c'i'���C� cif' c�'t'r_'t�..��: �i�t'•..��.� !'i.i21,'Sr.wA�i:i:� l'I"��i.:a �'< <�.:}r 4� V�/�y,...m�..y.....�....r3 6 �.��� �� e ' Clif� W b � Genera�MMar3ager � ; � �: F � i � �: i.. . .. �_� � � � �� F t * - ; . �. z d: _ ��, , t f- r • !� r , • �� g� � : � 'I'fi� tiCr,3�FtABLE f3ftYOR A.►JU Iei�A.EE1�S C}F THE COUrdCIL O�' TH� CERTIFICATE OF ' CITY OF SA� PAUI, INTE�ID� Ntk�—USE � 't � ���[ , , �� x'f'•� �,u,blic Wg��,� Denartm��,,,,,�f the„5;�,�y of �aint Paul_ Minnesota . « iR����<b; ccaF-�:�:���.��:� thM�: it �?.ova r.o� �x:�:c��.�3 �o ��.��c�M� its utility r3.e�h�s ` ;. . �y 4.�ze a:atZc:c.r�.;�zc� �;n:yrr�i.rc�ci. r.�°��.�y: " j , 'a1�N w.n�a�he�ster�.y fi�r� (5) F����t a� �,n�-, c?r�� (13 ta Si.x f6) it�.clusive i �p�d t;t�P nor�},:�:�L���rl� :Eiv� (S) fc��� o� l�ts sev�a� 4 7) �a twelve i 12) I ��:?.cltasa.�Pe4 �A1. �a B1oc� �3.ue (S)' St. P�ul. Prop�xs as op�ncc3 tTr►d�r at� � vs.-e1`�.,.. S'.u� 'i;iit'� uc�y t.,��.:�Jis �lii.i82i..:Y.�� .•"s�:,�;.�i. �.�-�� ..��J'v«. . t:' t? C �: k � S k F k} k.� r. Dat_� �+t S.�,iz�f: ��u�.� I�,f.xxr.es��ay ttiis �`� da�y c�f �, �: 1 y��� i . i i � i ' , . 'er . nway, � Co�issioner of Public Works � . � ; i � . . , . . . .. . ._k � I ' . ' � . , � . . . ' � �. � � .I j . - - . . . �'• ,I � � . . ' . ' . . . �� . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .._ � . � . . - . � . � � � � . ��� 6 � . _ .. . ... . . ., �, 1 f . / ' � r � 5:,;�f'�„°" . THE HONORABLE l�fAYOR AND Mr.'TSBERS ��j�;.'";� ,� OF THE COLNCII, OF THE CERTIFZCATE OF . CXTY OF SAINT PAUI. � - INTEND£D N'ON-USE - � ��� � Lv. � � . ` The Western Union 7^*�-- - T�^ . . ' . hereby certi£ies that it does not xz�.tend to exercise its utility ri.ghts r . in the following describ2ci xeatty: The southeasterly five (5) feet of Lots one (1) to Six (6) inclusive � and the northwesterly five (5) feet of Lats seven (7) to twelve (12) inclusive, aIl in Block five (5) , St. Paul Proper , as opened under an � order of the Common Council, April 22, 1886. ' . Minneapolis - Dated a� ������ N,innesota� this 9th day of December , 19 7 7 . � � � . 1/V L?�-�-'r//�l _z�� �-`-c ,�-� _ . �-� Ed Wawack STATE OF riINNESOTA ) � ) SS. CQU;�TY Or R�MSEY ) On this 9th day of December , 19 77 , before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared g,�1 Wa`aaCk . ta me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, Td,�id��s�a�puh� he is the Technical Service Supervisor of W'a'STERN UNIOtd `- . a corporation, named in the forego;Lna instrument, and that the seal affir,ed to said instrunent is the corporate � seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed . irt behalf of said carporation by authority of 3ts Board of Directors and � said Ed Wawack acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed o£ said corporation. � �IW YV YY V'A i•...�r�n...�. e.,n,a n ..a ��,�g / . BARBARA HOUGFiTELiN ��,5��`� � ,:,��,�✓ Notary P bfic, R i y Co., AifJ � r [i`�" M y C o�r:.Y�i s s i c n t x��rn s i ,' � July 10,1983 ``y . � �. 4!'�/VI/VWVWV1iVW iIVY YuY�ita I it'JYtP.'fi�7 fl1/W 7f. . J r' � a � i L�r r : f.: �n � g Z �n �__ .p � �° N � � N ' � � � � C ! � � � � ,c U • �• V � � � wQC�U TQ � C �o � o � � � a � � n. � � - o � o c r � � __ � � c �O = N � a . Q �i Q •�"r °� �' z �, � " , � � a Q, ro � u' �' j � � — a cn C.> > a W � � � SIBLEY W � .+" � N " sS � W . _. . �„ Z � � a a� - -- • ` c7 > I " Z .� _ � — ;; � �" >- ' �� o � _ o h x ►i •, , � —_ ..—_. _ l ' � � -- _ _ --�� ����.— __� I �. � ,, 1 - -��— � , ..----_ _ --1 r- - -- ��. _ ------ �_ � � , � _- 1 � � � — ; , , T; ` I ' i � I l � � i � ; � � ' � -- i ' i - � ' ; � ' �` � ' � f ) � - . � • __ _ _ � 1 �� _ � . - � }, - 1 ' : � ._ -- -----� � �----.�_- � � ---- -- --- . -- ----r- --' 0�1o�'aT �_ _�- �ST-. . � -�---_ , _ - ------ . _ —.� --� - � --� -- � � - .+ i �--�___ __ i ! i , i , _ _ Q � i --- - � � ' 'l.�l �v� ,o� 5�� MINNESOTA ST. � _ , . ,:. 0 / Z _ �,, . � . W a� � � � > a X � O � � � � � , _ ,sb� ,o� ,5v� CEDA R - ST. ; , ; �� ; I j -----� � I I , -- - _.-_ - � WABASHA . ST. . � � � - ---�--_-, -- - ._ __ _ ,__ _ .___. _ __.�_.__._ _ __ _ _ .__ __--- -.-- . s��� �' „�,r��3'�'7 �. � .""," 5. - s ������', ' �� �a�^ i v °�a ,.,x' �" x �.�, t } ,� •;. � h�' .� " 3 .s � �x _m• e mxtl`r �� ,��]r�r 3 c � �r �.,:wAN - �, bx� . fi , . _� . . „� t � .,.$ �^"' • y I� v Si . . . �r .. . �� ���,. ��� e. X �_�. £Y �•; .,.. �, � ,z�yt��yb� ����a � ?a1 r<. `'i��' �' � t' :� ���v�t " � ^k :;g:," J , 's "�f� ��.� '{+ 4 � �r' d n�r..s ' �f' �k � .. R �y. � ry � ,�� ' '� 3 �- . ' � � ..� � . �•,� ���YS� �»�f-�•r.�`` � ,.�.�$. �fi�r`.r���vtri�r x.�. . .. ... . .. � . j„ '� :'" . . � ......� : .. � � . .... �....._._ . ...� � �I �u .����,)�� il�l���I i 1 � i 2.:-- �`� � ���R � .� ��'�, ���,��� ' ti�� s� �i�, � C!TY t) f= S A i P�� PA�J L, I�i I �'N E S 0 Ttl � � '�; a! � n .. � ��; ���i � . � . . ��,�z , J.• 2'j., ,3�,3 . ��&, �� � .� .z., �`��, :r��' A .. � ' ' ' • rw � � � v �� r r . 4�..� } t t �x � �• � r1�:��Ei . . . ( �, .. Y F l4�4 y I. .���} � r Y tyi +� l.xa.,.��3'i 4fis ���'�d��zi,x,"'�"°k-a.""'���'��' ��''�� . M�".'{iI �7 �Vl/ � j y y k � ..�C°�s�. .F � �FY�""Ff42 � ±y, � I _ �: ���r� _ � �� ;�s� ,,.� �x.���. _,fi,r � �. �' �� , �.;� , ' � a � � � �� �;� , , : �,�"�; � ��� ��� ,� ��x ���.�::���`�:,��� ,�� � � �� �CITY ATTpRNEY � 4 aTE August 16, 1971 s:`.�,.. s .f ., 1,� d j v x�-.„� �, �, 'T�.#a i+ +-3 art. t .��; .. d ��x%e jr� . t z `f.sli �� ;• .,� ''r -.�r�l'r�:s'�, ._e- �'� � r� ''t� " ' i ..k,� t. %n.i. - � . �F l . � t�� ��.,z� +'"� ....: � Q� �> r. •.�'' i �;e r fi ;,s "6: a. ' ' t . � `'�§?.7_ � Q�.a � �..��: F ���. ��; �` :i;t .E�' � � j . : a� , °, z a . ION � \#. � .'�i s' y'� �n��` s ��':.Y ."t"d` '�p r b . . � . .. � . �. �,.x A . s ��y.���t'.�� t 1 � � _ - t � ` t y s i ��: � �. �. i bt. `��'� "4 r,,;��.. '�' �'�'�r�; i .a . w�' r � �.� a.r ti' s� i .' ti ry ;�r� ' ���� � � . . . . �� �mt� „� ,'�'4- � �' �.,;t "�7;�. {�' � � a�' . j � . . a� s ' r z yl �_�r � �� b � t P M1"' t j ! y�� �1 ..,���w��.}��1 .� �.x� � 4 � �:��� ��� I "�s�, t 4.. x rt T + � .�wrl�.i ;� ,� s^S,�g.,��..�£ ;. ap� � ,� r . . ; _ tT�`��� ��M�� ; �"`'������� �,t;�� �` ��z��� ��x � f,� ' eti�ian of Che Aut1�oL ity, dici pass a 4 y ,qC �"nC :s =rA '"� 1�,��'TF %. ,�aF� i' ���'Y��,� 4.... . �b..�r�� rrr` ' . . �r br�' ;� `� � �:.;, '�r a �d;A ' � TS,Y 3 k �'�,�,��������,�'.�,�,������� �r'��'�� ��.�� ,g"� ,� �':r April. 27, 1971, �racaring the alley in r �` �' tc�,{x``t.: �'� . `� u ��'�f�� +�.�y x�' '2.� .�������- � � . �� Y �►y the Auth�zity the 'Cauncil h4�s resolv�d, . _.�.�x..;�" �„° ''�tt ' � '`"`{ � ��3 �� � ' ¢x e by Cauncil File t�o�.�'� � �;n��� y�`�F ,��,, ;,,,r,y 0, 1971, that the pu'�lic ecx�Uined sec�er. in said a11ey be abandaned for public use. This resoluti.an was pa�sed subject to certai_n eonditioi�s �et forth in the, r�solution, a. capy of wt-�zch i.s atta�he��3. Condition No. 7 of the resolutio,i is that tiie �kutharity file witti the City Clerk a �aritten acce�t�.nce of the r��solution. . Staff reccmcaends apgroval of t'ne resolution accepting L-he abar.dar.inenL• of �tiL pu�J_i.c s�xer in the alley in Block 5. � � . - ^1./?y'.'ol-��<�(.,, . . _ r�`�✓ , y � .� � � /{ � fA� / .� ���� �—V � . c.Li.'�✓'���`�����VJj���C.���. (i✓K•_.1`�/ri' L/i /'..-L�C,.I/��✓' . . . � l .f � ` �.� n .� . _��-t��.s`i // '> , � ` !�G-GC'C�� �-�'�'%"L J . �---%b6`�.�- �2./c�� . � / � , �,.. �vL� �,. _ . - _. ___ _. � � � ► .". �� . . � � - . . . ' � , :� , °. . . � � � � _ � ! � �; � :i , � � � • i ' i , .; .. . . � __ ' _ ,, � � � DUP;.ICAT6 TO rRINTER � "�('�f"'Y`f"u „•� � CITY OC'�S�'. I'M�.11L r � HOEtdCIL IV�.���.�:;���:` � OS�riCC OF T�—��� CiTY CLE�tf: COUI�CiL RESQLUTIOPd--GEN��..r�.L FQZ;vt � : PR[SL-NTED 6Y .�O?,('Y' �':. �.�.Il',�J:.��J '�.'�1 \��„�,. �r�-��MMI5510NER DATF � � •+�:�_ _ -- . �N� � �.�,� , 1' . :ii:,,,:". '" �, t,.. lftn 7('itl::l.r. ,,1. :{ n. n .,�, i . Of � ' ; t ,� V . ^-Cjt..V Z'�ri. ".i2� tU�.:�.;}�lt'� Of �11�a :. t� �v. 'sU.� nt.�n: �GC'; > ��i t�'t�' l•li:f C _ -�t• .':.U)_ F.t1�3 �. ! � ,l� bvl:.`1t:��� h�i -%•3�'t:!1 ci"..' �� A •�l �^ 1 '1:t. i<<`.Cii 1.�7 � -� - r, -• t, �'�•j - :.;t-:�,ot-� ,�trf. vt..� ,r,!', i '�'+ , '_� ..L��.e�� i-+ •,,�^;.; �- �F r A.: ' '�, ` *" . . �♦ _� ♦ j. � J. � JLV � -y• ���.la� 1:�-: �I�.�C�iLn� Lirici��.' � �:2C21 , _ _�i,i,ti.onf �'��tC1Z r�i��� .;�. ;>;:+,' '%1� , -,rOV:�a i� _il �T - I.n(.l ��'!i: ' � � t �.il ,,`�, . i(Tti:.:t:l`, 71j. _ ��:ZB Ji'i0 .�_�?I� :�1t'',:!L�.'^1�;; O�� �:ii;� _ :il h:�� x,, ,- ., :� t;. .. ., :�t��aiic c, :�zn ._. ,.^�,..t i�� ..... �r��, , -il . f � LJ.I.�i�..a � f�'�' . vC:.. ..i �_j;`"t'i>,� l.J ..�..� 1�._U±�. ��t1't~'.;:1. �':r'ryl.' .l.,�t�(. 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I . .. � , f�OI'�' �;1 1 ��i{.�.�J.0 C!;:`;l?7.Yi�l� ;�r r, , ' 1_t, .� ;� � pu1,�11C: j%:i�,;� . �"- ��. 1 . :!O�I..��.ri� .1:. .�ar7 ,Y �. .1. i� � 4 e.t'r �L+, � ev 7 , '. 72 ��� :.ri i.;,� c , �h �.it• .. ��� {. 011 'lY'::� : . i '.'1('?.� �I1C. `1;� ,1�'`�f;.. . 37'�'. `>L;ii�,�:,'Ci: ;.J` .. 3 IC)�.�_�,''�11, t.r:r .. �-.T1�� COri?2i.1�7?7�: . ' 1. ��'h:�� :vx•z c.t��,n cer±__�:ic:,.tc:. of -�nt��.i;3 n � �, _ . x�jv>>t� �nd .•: .?.�� 1 , ' c n"n-u.:� of r� .��rv::c. ,• P<3'S ,lb�? ;� 7^ S'£.''�U]_I't?�i j_;i i.,l-s ��' ,,, ' c � � �.i�: , i�� ��,1oc�; �> ,;_ the :;it;,% of tit. :;u1 bc sut��,,i�;te�i i:o t:i�� �i��,, _:.!;�; .. cotLicil rt�:;��lu{:ion ;��� .�L�.:roveci 1<.��+zvin�• ;zt�� � -, - _- . � ti��� � � .�:�i;. ri;'r.ts :.�na - I . c� :�:cr.ts. I C�UN�ILI�rFEI� AdopLed by the Councit �,g! Yeas Napa BuQ1er Car�z� Approved 19� ��e ._In Favor � �der��th • • _ i Spraf,ca PvrAyor �'`edesco - Q Sainst hir. President, 1l�cCarty ' � ,, '�u t'� ;i i' . , . � , _ , _ _.. __ ,,,F. . . �� • • � . . � I ' • ' � . � ' � . , � i i i . i . • � ,`I _ . ' . •. _—.._ _ _....__. . >. L r� '� DU:���ICAT6 TO pR�NTER . �rv T ~���^1r•�y'. P ' � CI I i O� S 1. PAUL COUNClL t � �`' �J��}•�v o���c� OF T�-;� CITY C�.a��: F"` ho. couhc�� �.ESO�u�s�,�--�E�c�.�,� r-on.M PRE:EN7F:D 6Y COMMISSIONE2. �"��'`-'I' : • �.;�"``�;".Y DATF _ 2 _ 2. 'ih<<t ��::^ t�ublic co�,:.;in�.cl :;e•:rer r�h_,l� ba _::�•..���nne,? t�y c� �,� ,,,;,.,_ - • • �,. ��, ,. , C.�.0�3.:]'" C� t:'..�. ::iE., . _2C�. :Jf �,1C �::,"'`,1"t:':^�l� of ..kb1i4' .OS"r�:i i��rce._� �:_�,t a� tf:;, c�:z:�t.:ir�f; r....:;:ol., on ..i:�r.,��-o`.... �f:a^���et + . _ _.. iri t'..e ;:,.:.fic.:.t��.3 ri '?� ni' w:�y . _ l�ia:,�:.ot�i ,t:-�e��t� �n�� ,_ ry .�+ �+ - 01�%1::�::?1�:...�:.�.1�? t.l:��. 1f:L� i�.C:u�. C)� �.Llc'�. �.'cL:ir. J:.'�:j�:�J.�t�j� Zi.riG Q1 � vCC�•":Y' �.:�i.!'L'dt., , j• �i:l:.!; ��iL .:bC::1i�:�::.,.. :�3:;E2' �11.'.Z� >lOt �).4 ���•.�i-% 1'OY'I, .P1y 7'cs�_,.tU21 � t�li.:LJC�;: V:�J' llr_1_. _,., � t,: .� . .i. �� . �':I" �Il,. 5,.. .iT.:iii��l"1;.;� ('� ��:1C: vlv� :L..Y�. i)�._JIl �. :i.T...�i.il._.• • . . I ��♦ �i1i',w' �ii _1�. :):,.� V .� C��.:L G1 �.:'�.tUi.lC:it:.f;ii C')� +�' � �., : �::� ,,;�i:> r��al :t:cn cti�i� ,�.Z: I'. :G�.11�;lt>;l;.i fi?' GS'�,1;1� I1Gc�.'. ,- .:•�.`.'��. ....� 1'.:_f..'cli:1C�:: ..V t...'....t� T'�:�:OZ.uf li��ii• ' � . • I : f• �i'ii`�- ..:1:'.�.� ';i�i:f 1,�� CO:.�LS Oi �a:1::1�.:.'il:.it:I��:ii:� _.n� �;.1�,Z?i�.',GS'1` �f . cor,�t�°��:. ... r�, ...�::i i,�s,:�u:i�,ri ._��:c ;rx•.,�i b;; +:��� �:;s:�:r{;t:�n i. a:' i'aJ�i1C • '.��:i:i U��C::ili. .. f)i i.:l.l� '.;7,^�f:i V.:1il.1i,,;� ... �.(': C(7:3�:... .',�`c' ' E'.:i'i.l:....i,.... ..�_, Ft :il.l:; Of ✓ �:U �� iiL 1i C liil � .. r �l� •. c � �::. �_cx u_..�t;r ��rt..,cnt , - cf :ublic �ort:,:s _.roj�ci: ,:i::;c�•=r i--ll;:v. ' V• i.:i: .;..f�;I��?:. .l i {:!3r'E;i�. �:�'1!: COi�t'1.r.1?*iv .�(1:".r1.1 �i, :i'.l.l::rl; � :�;,1 '.P_:e. .� � COii�'Jlc:-�.i:�: Oil Q" :it.iii. _ ...:�v' .�..� � �i%..e ; . r � �. . l• ��h:��: :.'�1-, ,�':.1c. -i::li._;lix„ ��ri', . :'c V�iOf;;�.C�27i; .0 t:10:1�:� �,� G�'C • � , ., ; �.;.� ,�� �it:r' o.f .. . �.: uy .�...:.�1� ..y�_�zn t?.y�tv �:;.,� �; ;,�,� �..fa�^T� ;'1G� ' I'�zsa��;e o.f t}�z� rc:;olkt;za.z filc _. �.;�ritt:•��: _�cc^, fi ..:ce t��_::r•-:of witii t'•ie �i`;; .:14x•:;. . -, COU2aCII,I��N � Adopteci by the Council A�� � U ��t,� I9— .Yeas Nays � �llt��t .f1��f�7 1 V 4:" A�� CarLsun `�.,�..,,r., Approved 19— � ��� �._In Favor �eredit� — Sprafka � � ' 1�Z�yar - Ag�inst T��csco ' � Mr. Preside�it, 14icCarty • 1�}q� . . . .__ '_.._.. . . . . .�, ... . ' ' � '. . � � . � +.4 � ` .. ' . . • � � ti � � , • .. • . .. . , . .� � � . � � • f . . . , ������� � � , � � �� .`1— _ . RESOLU'TION N0. 71-8/25-1�- RESOLUTIQ�Z f:CCEPTIi�G �►.�3A:�DOi�2'JT 0:' PUALIC --__ .__. SEWER IN TIiE ALI,EY I21 I3I.U�K 5, MIN:i. R-20 ' WHER�'�S, by ies �.esolution, Council rile t�.o. 255248, adupted and ap»roved on August 10, 1971, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did abandon the pi�blic sewer. in the v�c�ted alley af lilack 5 fra» Cedar Street to Idinncsota Street, subject to certain conuitions «nd reservations in said ResoluL-zon s�:C fortli; and `\ WHER�AS, the Cc;�nissinner� of the �iousi.ng and RedeveZog;nent Authority oi the City of Sa�nt I'aul, t�:innesot�, desire to accept the abandan��,enr of ti�e above ciescrib�d public sewer and ta accepl �nd to �gree to cornply with the terr,s an:l conditions contaitY�u in Che Resolution. NOW, TFt�P,EFORE, '�E IT RESOL'CFD by the Cc;r:r�issioncrs of the Housing and RedevelogMnnt A��thority of the City af Szitit P�.ul, Minnesota: 1. That the Authc�rity docs hereby accepe and a�ree ro � comply with the �erms and conditicn, of that Resolul.ion, Council FiLe t:o. 255�4�, uc,optc�d and ` apprrnTcd Au�ust 10, 1971, by the Cour,cil of the City of Saint Paul, t9innesoC�. � , -, _ _ _ . 1 • y , , , . , . • . . � '� :, " ' ,� � f • � � . ' ' 4 . � � 1 i