270203 WHITE - CITV CLERK �a� P�NK 4 FE A� E GITY OF SAINT� �PAUL Council �.". CANARY =D P. TMENT � �.De�vlin t �� %t .if.�'� - BLUE - MAY�v`R . � Flle ND. . u cil Resolution Presented By . ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHIItEAS, The City of Saint Pau1 now provides $5,000 life insurance for its �mployees and employees of the Independent School District #625, and optional insurance for "�he spouse and family of said employees through the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Compar�y, now therefore be it RESOLVID, That the present life insurance Contract No. 2881-G between the Minnesota Mutua.l Life Insurance Compar�y and the City of Saint Pa.ul and Independent School District �625 be continued, in its present entire form, for the calend.ax year of 1978, and be it FURTHII2�SOLVID, That the premiums for said contract for the year of 1978 are to be as follows: A. City pay �nployee Coverage ($5,000) - $ 2.95 Per N�onth B. Optional F�nployee Pay Coverage on Spouse - Rate per $5�000 1.) F�nployee under age 30 $ 1.00 Per Month Employee age 30 - 39 1.50 Per Nbnth bnployee age 40 - �+9 3.00 Per Nlonth E�nployee age 50 - 54 5.50 Per N1�nth bnployee age 55 - 59 8.00 Per Nbnth F�r►ployee age 60 - 6�+ 12.00 Per Month 2.) Dependent Covera,ge $l,� $ 1.00 Per Nl�nth 2,000 2.00 Per Month 3,�0 3.00 Per Nlonth and be it FtktTHIIZ RESOLVID, That the City and Independent School District #625 shall pay that portion of the premiums as is agreed upon by the process of collective baxgaining and the employee shall pay the balance of premiums due thro a oll ded.uction arid be i COU[VCILME[V Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco . Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — r Cer,��r(ied Passed by Council Secretary BY � sy Approved by 1�layor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � WHITE — CI7V CLERK � ��^ �T� PINK — FINANCE � 9 �a � CANARV — DEPARTMENT� J.- Devlin G I TY OF SA I NT � PAU L COL1I1C11 r� BLUE "'— MRVdR. . Flle NO• � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Commiftee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- FURTHIIt RESOLVIII, That the proper city personnel be directed to pay these premiums as they fall due, and be it FINALLY RESOLVID, That the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Hozza � In Favor Hunt � Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco__. ,� Form A prove by Attor ey Adopted,by'�ouncil Date �{�� � � ���] C ified by Council Secret�ar� - BY � Approved by : Date ` � App ov by Mayor for Su ''ssi to Co ncil r L- By B �`-� 'L �uB�iS�EO QEC 2 4 1977 � r r ; �- � . ' - Do n�ot detach this memorandum from the , - ����/f resofution so that this information will b � �►-�� availabie to the City Counci�. �.��: �����75 Rev. . 9/�l76 EXPT�,AN'��49�t 4 $7'R,A'i".�'V1i ORI�BRS . ` �"' . R8�1. �ONS AI�� R�x1�A�T S ' �� ' r r�.�� �: Dats+t Nov�mber 30, .1q77 : �tE �. :' � ��� D , T�s �AYCR G��iG�i �.AT3�R ' NO1/� U ]7' � MAYC�R� . F�, Persionnel Of f�.aa R8s Yta�c+lu�io� fo.r au'bm�s►i.on ta C�tty Cout�ei� ;�TIQN $Ef�„T7�S7.'P�s Tw���. . .� �� :�te �c�GUmm��#d poux apPrQVaI ax�d sttbmisa�vt� o�, {�his R�ia�lutic� to 'thu Ci�Y .�ou�t�il. ,P 0� t1�1D RA�T FOR �S ACT�� s Ta rene� exi$ting insnra,nce contraets W3.th the Minnesota Mut�al. LiPe .Inst�reiace Company for 1978. . 1,�,rAG iTS: Proposed Covncil Reaolution � :