270202 WHITE - GTY CLERK ���' ,� PINK - FINANCE T G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L � . CANARV - DEPARTMENT �u.Devlin COUIICII j `/,` BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ' C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul now provides comprehensive Health and Welfaxe Insurance Program for its employees and employees of the Independent School District �625, and WHE�tEAS, under this program, the City has a contract with Group Health Plan, Inc., to provide Hospital and Medical Surgical coverage, and WI�REAS, pursuant to the terms of this contract Group Health Plan, Incorporated, has submitted rene�wal rates for the coverage for the caleadar year of 1q78 as follows: 1. Employee Coverage: �oaployee Premium $36.2�+ Family Premium 101.72 . 2. Early Retiree (Retiree pay all, 80-20 Hospital) Retiree Premium $33•97 Faani.ly Premi�n 95•7� 3. Regulax Retiree (City pay all) Retiree PremiLUn $14.13 Fami,ly pre�i.um 28.26 �. Retixee (not on Medicaxe) Retiree Premium $33•57 (City pay $24.12) Fa�.i.ly Pre�nium 95.70 (city pay �+5.6�+) Family Pre�mium (one adult on Medicaxe ) 79.61 (City pay �45.6�+) Retiree will pay balance of premiums not paid by City, and therefore b� it RESOLVID, That the City Council t�l��laex�iQt:a�t�t.OTi� �A� ,a�;�4',e���th�<��P�.��ity Officials to renew the existirig contract between the City of Saint Pau1 and Group Health Plan, Incorporated, and be it FURTHERI�SOLVID, That the City and Independent School District #625 shall pay that portion of the premiums as is agreed upon by the process of collective �argaining and the COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza � Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form ppro d b Ci rorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Mayor: Date App ov by Mayor for Sub ' i to C6uncil By BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUI1C11 � �� PINK - FINANCE T ��.. CANARV - DEPARTMENT�U. Devlin GITY OF �SAINT PAUL ����, %� �S�d� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Y � � + � ^ Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- employee shall pay the balance of premiums due through payroll deduction, and be it FURTHER RF�OLVID, That the proper city personnel be directed to pay these premi�s as they fall due, and be it FINALLY RESOLVID, That the City Clerk shall be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to Group Health Plan, Incorporated. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ 0 __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted �iu�°Council: Date — DE� 13 1977 Form prove by ney C -fi'fied Pass� y Coun .� Secretery BY � G2 C_— Approved by, Date � 1� 6 1977 Apprqr�ed by Mayor for S is on•to Council �' 4 By B . . e!l9i.iS1�ED OEC 2 � i977 � . , � . Do not detach�tTiis memorandum from the : resolution so that this information .wiil be�:��; �2������ �vaifable to the City Council. _ �,. : g/g/�� � P.�P1rAAtT Q1+1 BP A3�btID1�sTRA�V��o$�$x$ ���;�� 0 'tJT�4NS A�33 O�iI1�A1� _� l. j"v► Da�e: Noveffiber 30, 1977 � � * . �:E � �� � ��� � k; ,;,��. NO`J 3 u �977 # ;:�TO�t.: GROA�� ?�AA'i'�1'�'R _ -�w ¢�� , : �Y�,S � : r �.�. s , �f' �'R: Per,s�sl4ffi�e � • _ RE: Re��lu��.on fo� �c�l,�at�aio� t� Ci�g C�ci�: . ACT�QN,�Q�S�: ' � We x�bawasad youx �pprova� aaz�ttd submis�3.emi o�< thfia R,taalutlaA tc t�e Ci.ty :Cownr��,�;. ,; �'��5� ANA RA,��ONALE FOR THT$ AG��4�1: . � ■i�w i-w�1i � i • ��� i�.�il � i �r�u i o�+��1 u.i.�i II �r . r�. . .. . . . . . . . ' . . . . To rene�► existing contracts aith Group He�].th Plan, Incorporatted, for lqj8 . �� �_, ;. f . . . . . . .. . . . � . ---.����.,` � . - ' . . .. . . . . . . . . . � . ^N;,S,...`�. , � . . . � . . ATTA�NTS: Proposed Gouncil Resolution