270200 WH17E - CITV CLEHK ���'�_•• � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAL} L COUIICII , "�:��- �--- CANARV - DEPARTMENT�J.Devlin . BLUE - MAVOR File NO. t C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEEtEAS, The City of Saint Paul now provides Optional Life Insurance for its employees and employees of the Independent School District �625 at group rates through Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company of Saint Paul, now therefore be it RFSOLVID, That the present life insurance contracts #1520-G anct #365379-G between the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company and the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District �625 be continued, in their present entire forms, for the calendar year of 1q78, and be it FURTHIIt RESOLVID, That the premi�as for said contracts for the year of 1978 are to be as follows: Optional F�ployee Pay Coverage - Rate Per $1,000 Elnployee under age 30 $ .20 Per N14nth F�nployee age 3� - 39 � .30 Per l�nth Employee age �+(? - �+9 .60 Per Nbnth Em�ployee age 50 - 5�+ $ 1.10 Per Mc�nth F�ployee a�e 55 - 59 � 1.6o Per Month IInployee age 60 - 64 $ 2.40 Per Month and be it FURTHIIt RESOLVID, That in order to stabilize expe7cience and provide for a m�ore consistent pattern of probable dividend returns, the Minnesota Mutual will continue to allocate part of the gross dividend available, not exceeding 10°� of premitiun received in ax�y one year, to a stabilization reserve on sueh optional insurance issued in excess of $15,000 until such reserve reaches a level equal to 50°�0 of the current annual pre�niiun. Minnesota Mutual credits interest to stabilization reserves, at a rate of 7°� annually for the year 1978, and be it FINALLY RESOLVID, That the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Compar�y. } � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay-s Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt ;� Levine _ � __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco aEC 1 3 19� Form pprov by C t Attorney Adopted by� unci : Date Cer ied Pass by Cou cil Secre#ary BY � S;� Approved b � : or: Date Appr d by Mayor for Sub si tA�.Council By � BY �usus�EO oEC 2 � �977 Do not detac�his memorandum from the ' resolution so that this informa#lon will be available to the City Council� o�t �1 s 1�f I975 R�v.: 9�f������ . , EX�1TI13�T- 4� �S�tA�."I98`OR�►Bx.S : - _ R880L �ONB A'DT13 B�I S' � �a�ss Nove�ber 30, 1977 R � . � � � � � �` N� ' U ��7''l ; TO a 1�YOR G84�� L�A►�R . . � . �� �: Per���e�l0ff�.ca � �E: �ae�lu�iou �'or �ub�siou xa C�.�y �oumc�l� � A�TII'!N �QtJ�ST�3A s i�a xeca�m�aead Your +�pprav,� amd $ul�oui,�s3.en af. �hi� R�so�u�i.a� tcr �h� C�.E3� �uz�ci3.. P" � �ON�'.E �'OR THI �Q�1: To rene� existing insurance contracts irith Minneaota Matual Li.fe Ins�rance � , Company Por 19�$ AT'��TS: _ n �,..�,� � . Proposeci Council Resolution .