270199 WHITE - C�TV CLERK � ^��� �� PINK - FINANCE T G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT��J.Devlin BLUE - MAVOR File NO. uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul now provides life insurance for certain City employees and employees of Independent School District #b25 in an amount equal to the nearest $1,000 of their annual salary less $5,000 pursua.nt to Council File Nos. 267082, 267881, 268633, 268927 and 269188 through I.D,S, Life Insurance Company, and WI�EtEAS, I.D.S. Life Insurance Company in a letter dated November 1�+, 1977 agreed to rene�w said insurance at the same rates as in 1q77 which are: $ .�tb per $1,000 for Life Insurance $ .05 per $1,000 for Accidental Death and Dismemberment now therefore be it RESOLVID, That the present life i.nsurance Contract �960-GL-2�+98 between the I.D.S. Life Insurance Compar�y and the City of Saint Pau1 and Independent School District #625 be renewed. in its present entire form for the cal�ndar year of 1978 at the aforementioned. rates, and be it FURTHER RESOLVID, That the proper City personnel are authorized. and directed. to pay the premiluns as they eome due, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is instructed to send a copy of this resolution to: Mr. John R. Hi.nz, C.L.U. Manager, Group Underwriting I.D.S. Life Insurance Compa,r�y I.D.S. Tower Minneapolis, Minnesota 55�+42 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester � Tedesco _��1977 Form Approve by C y tt y Adopted b � uncil: Date —�_ C i�ied Pas�; y Council Secretary BY � � Approved by Ma Date � �` -�- ' � Appro y Mayor for Sub sio o Council � By BY Pi1gLISHED DEC 2 4 19�7 � � Do not detach tf�iS memorandum from the d� resolution so that this information will be � 0�.: ��/i.97S ' available to the City Cowncil. - g�ev. : 9!8l76 - 81�1'I�Ab1x�0bt 4F ��ST&A,?xYE OR88�& ����� R�$0 � 0��- � �N1� � TNI�TC� Date� November 30, 1977 ' .;,�� ,,. : RE �. � � �� � � - _ .� TQs MAY08,GFA�E LATIMER NO"" U ��7T FR: Fersat�usl D�.�iaa Of�"S � ItF: R�em],u�ti.cra fox e��tb�tas�.o� �a C��y Cc�uiac�:l ACTIQN R�QU$ST�D: � I 11\IA �I I 1� II 11 I I, . ., . . . .. � . .. .. . . . . We recotem�nd Y�� +�PP�oWa�. and subm3:ssto� of� this Resalufi�,a�ct �a t'he C�.ty �ouz��il. _ P R�liTI� FO T�tZS ACT�4�t To reaew existing insurance contracts wi�i I.D. 5. �°, fe Insurance Company ; for 1978 `'`-- A7�TACHMENTS: � ,...�,� ,. � ..�, Proposed �ouncil Resolution '