270198 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��L�1� (1�J PINK - FINANCE TF' COUIICII R � �+�`� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �J.Devlin GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL File NO• BLUE - MAYOR �- "" uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF3EEtEAS, The City of Saint Paul presently provides group hospital and medical coverage programs for its employees and employees of Independent School District 1Vo. 625; and WHE�tEAS, under this program, the City has a contract with Ramsey Health Plan, Inc., to provide Hospital and Med.ical Sur�ical covera,ge, and WHIItEAS, pursuant to the terms of this contract Ramsey Health Plan, Incorporated., has submitted. rene�wal rates for the coverage for the calendar year of 1978 as follows: 1. Employee Coverage �ployee premi�n $�+2.25 Family p�remium $109.65 2. Earl,y Retirees (Under a,ge 65) Retiree $42.25 Retiree and dependents $109.65 3. Regular Retirees Retiree �21.25 Retiree and dependents 36.80 �. Regulax Retiree (Nat on Medicaxe) Retiree $�+2.25 (City pa.y $2�+.12) Retiree� and dependents $109.65 (City pay $�+5.6�+) 5. Retiree and Spouse (One Ad.ult on Medicaxe) $82.55 (City pay $�+5.64) RESOLVID, that the City Council dues"�erebj*.�rti.tk�orize aitid :direCi�et�e�pa�vpa�':�ity officials to rene�r the existing contract between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District �625 and Raansey Health Plan, Incorporated, and be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Form A rove by City ±or y Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by Mayor: Date Approv b Mayor for Submi 'on Council By BY � WHI7E - CiTV CLERK COUIICII ��`J�� QR PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL 9 - � ���a..��J CANARV - DEPARTMENT v BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � " Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- RESOLVID, That the contract for the Hospital coverage and Med.ical Surgical coverage to be identical to the coverages now provided under the e�isting contract be renewed to Ramsey Health Plau, Incorporated, and be it FURTHF�t RESOLVID, That the City and Independent School District �625 shall pay that portion of the premiums as is agreed upon by the process of collective bargaining and the employee shall pay the balance of premiUms due through payroll ded.uction, and be it F[JRTI�R RESOLVID, That the proper city personnel be directed to pay these premiums as they fall due, and be it FINALLY RESOLVID, That the City Clerk shall be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to Ramsey Health Plan, Incorporated. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler , Hozza [n Favor Hunt � � Levine � __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco C p� '� � �:�77. For Approve by Cit ttor ey Adopted by Conncil ��Date — Cert ed'Pa:�� d b}' Council Secretary / BY By `� - � Z EC 1 6 �g 7" App ed by Mayor for S b 'on tokCouncil Approved by r: Date BY � BY p11BUSNED OEC 2 4 1977 `' � Do not detac�this memorandum from the resolution so that this informa#ion will be �: ��: 1:���g�S : available to the City Councit, . ��.: ��8� _ _ �� ��.�� F.�LANT� QF A��ST�tA��'Q�R$ � R$ OL �� . ` Q�1I�'Al� DatR; �oira�ber 30, 1977 . � �iE �- � � � '� � �o: �YC� 6�ac� �.a�R NOi�' 01971 , . _ f� F8: Pe�s�uasl O��ic� �E: R�o�ut�:on- �ox' aubm�seioa x� C�.�y Gc�cil C'��AN Q : : . . . . �- .If 111.�Ii�ll� . .. � . � .. . . . . . . � . . : Wa �sac�e�td yor�ac aPP�c�a;� �a►d aubm�.��e�.o� o€ Chia Resa].u�ioa tp the �i,ty Counc3�,. : ; . �UAP� T � F4R S> ACTT ; _ To rene�r existing contracts i►ith Ramsey Health Pl.ati, Ixieorporetted, iiir 1�8 ti. : ATTAC�TS; �'roposed Couricil Resolution