270197 WH17E - CITV CLERK y� PINK - FINANCE �r �7 COUIICII � �� l1� B�.UE� - MAYORTMENT�y�Devlin GITY OF SAINT PAl1L �� File N 0. �'�^� _L',� � C ncil Resolution Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHIItEAS, The City of Saint Paul now provi.des Accident and Sickness, Long Term Disability and Accidental Death a.nd Dismemberment Insurance for its employees and employees of The Independent School District #625 through the Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company and at the employees expense through payroll deduction, now therefore be it RESOLVID, That the present contracts between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District #625 and the Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insvrance Compar�y, in their present and entire forms, be continued for the calendax year of 1978, and be it FURTH�t RESOLVID, That the premituns at the employees expense for said contracts for the yeax of 1978 are the same as 1977 which axe as follows: A. Accidental Death and Dismemberment - 1. Employee Benefit Rate M�onthly $5,000 - $loo,000 $ .�+o per $5,000 2. Spouse Benefit $5,000 - $25,000 $ .32 per $5,000 B. Accident and Sickness Insurance - 1. Short Term Disability (E�nployee only) Monthly Benefits Rate Per NZonth $ioo $ 2.39 a2o 2.86 i�+o 3.3�+ 200 4.78 3� 7.17 400 9.56 50o u.95 COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor � Hozza .�:%� Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Form pprov d by ity ney Adopted by Council: Date I Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY • By Approved by :Vlavor: Date _ Appr d by Mayor for sion to Council By BY � WH17E - CITV CLEHK W����,-�:�._ PINK - FINANCE COIII�C11 CANAF3V - DEPARTMENT�J.Devlin GITY OF SAINT PAUL r�� • � BLIyE - MAYOR File NO. � � j Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Oat of Committee By Date C. Long Term Disability Monthly Benefit for Rate Per Nlpnth each $50 Coverage $ 9•� and be it FINALLY RESOLVID, That the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the Saint Pau1 Fire and Maxine Insurance Company. COUNCIL:�EN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ � __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester T a� __�� 3 19ri Form pprove by Ci Att e Adopt y Council: Date �L''e tified P� - by Council Secretary s By � Bv Approved : av . Date �Z'`�_G2 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY pUBUSKEO OEC 2 419?7 Do not detach this memorandum frOm #he . 6����� r�olutlon so that this information wiil be � 0�: 12/1975 a,va�iabfe to the .City Council: Rev. : 9/8/76 �]?LANTxt9�T- QF ADMIAT�STRA V� QRD$R� �j���� , R�SOLrt?T�O��` QHA�I�A�C�S f �! . Dste: Nove�be�r 30, 1977 : �tE � � *� � p . TO z- MltYOR GB�AG$ ` R N�I�'� , U 197T AAA O�ICE FR: Pa�cecranel Af��.�e R�s xe�so].a��o� �q�r s�t'b�:sei+��a �4 Ci.ty Cc�us�a�.]. - � _ AG'��ON REQUL'STF�: We� rsa�d YOux �4pF�ro�a�. auad-su'bmi.s+�ic►x� of �h�.+� Ra�alu��.� to �'he Gi�y Coumc�x. . �: . PURP AND O�A�,E �Ogt �S ACTZ�N: To renew existing insurance Qontracts with Saint Paul: Fire r�nd Ma,rin� Insurance Company for 1978 , . ATTA4��NTS . Proposed Cauncil Resolution