269960. WHITE - CITV CLERK COUflCll � % � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � CAN� RY�- DEPARTMENT � BLU•� -�YOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul , in accordance with Ordinance No. 15311 , and following the public hearing held on March 15th 1977, did adopt a Resolution, Councii File No. 269836, establishing the level of street maintenance service to be performed in the City of Saint Paul , and the estimated amount of service charges to be levied against benefited property, the work to be performed in 1977, and the charges 'to be collected with the regular taxes in 197$ and 1977; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has performed the approved street maintenance work and submitted its report together with the total cost of street maintenance in the amount of $3,675,000.00; and WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution, Council FiA e No. 269836, determined that the City shall pay the sum of $1 ,155,700.00 of the street maintenance costs from available funds, and that the remaining amouht of $2,519,300.00 shall be assessed against benefited properties, and further resolved that a public hearing be held in the Council Chambers on October 25th, 1977 for the purpose of adopting the service charges against ali be�efited properties; and , WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did" hold a public hearing on October 25th, 1977 for thi� purpose, and, having heard all interested parties, does hereby adopt the following service charges in accordance with Chapte� 14 of the City Charter and said Ordinance No. 15311 , now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy the following service charges as a special . assessment against benefited properties: Class I - Downtown - $.93 per front foot ' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco • Form Approved by City A or y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by ;Nayor. Date _ Approved a or for Sub ' o Counc'1 c By BY WM17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE � COLLIICII � � BLUERV - M{�'ORTMENT GITY OF- SAI�NT PALTL File NO. �����''=�'�' '°` 1 Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �2) Class II - Outiying Commerciai and Arterial St�eets - Cormnerciai Property - $.63 per front foot Residentiat Property - $.31 per front foot Class Ilf - A11 Residentiai Streets Residentiat Property - $.31 per front foot Commercial P�operty - $.47 per front foot Class IV - All Oiled and Paved Alleys - $.17 per front foot Class V - Unimproved Streets and Atleys Streets - $�.15 per front foot Alleys - $.08 per front foot and be it FINALLY RfSOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Auditor so that the service charges levied herein shall be extended on the proper tax lists of the County and collected in 1978 along with current taxes, the said service charges to be payable in a single installment. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza in Favor Hunt b � Roedler -- Against BY an�e J. `Du , D i rector ,,� �m) Sylvester ,. Tedesco ��'j 2 � �gn, / Form Approved b Ci Attor , Adopted by�uncil: ate Cert ed Pa_ ed Co ncil cretjary BY / .� G��� ..� Appro e ;Vlayoc D te _ t�1s'�,� � � 1 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHED OCT Z g 1977 . aM n�.: zz/is�r5 ' Rev. : 9/8J76 . � EXPLANATION OF ADl�iINISTRATIVE ORDER�, • R�SOLUTIONS, AND ORDSNAVCES •��/�'y . . �fT � MsJ . . Date: October 13, 1977 ,., a.� r,;, ` ;;�,� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � �� FR: Roger Anderson 29$-5505 gE; Street Maintenance Assessment per Ordinance 15311 , C.F. 260426 � . . ACTSON REQUESTED: Approvat of attached Resolution and Report of costs, for submission to the City Council . PTJRPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Acceptance of report, approval of same and setting date of Public Hearing. The above referenced Ordiaance requires this report of costs. Subject work was p�rformed during 1976. ATTA.CHbSENTS: ' Council Resolution Report of Costs r ��� • '� P"�;>°���.1 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS September 20, 1977 DANIEL j. DUNFORD , OIRECTOR Mr. Bernard J. Carison DTrecto� of Finance Room 113 City Hall BUILDiNG Attention: Paui Desch . Dea� M�. Carlson: tn aecordance with O�dinance 15311 Council File No. 260426, I wish to report the total estimated cost and expense to be charged to the Streey Repair and Cleaning Fund to be $3,675,000.00 for the year 1977. These expenditures were authorized by Council File No. 268730 dated Ma�th i7, 1977. The above expendttures are funded f rom: Municipat State Aid S 602,700.00 ' T�unk HTghway Mainte�ance Aid 206,000.00 County Aid - ;k7,000.00 Total Aids $1,155,700.00 Assessments 2,519,30�.00 .. TOTAL COSTS AN� FINANCING S3,675,000.00 The Ordinance directs the Department of flnance to notTfy the City � ' Countfl on or before October 1 , of each year of the totai cost of services performed and to be.assessed that year. . Sincerely, Daniel J. Dunford � Director of Public Works JFS/RR mkb ec: Mr. James F. Schwartz - Mtr. Richard Schroeder, Budget Director Robe�t G. Pete�son • � Oonald E. Nygaard ' . . � ` . 234 C�ty Hail, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 , �--°��O . �� � ����� ���. � : i 1�;._" `s_i ����. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS + September 22, 1977 Honorable Council President and Members of the City Council In compliance with Ordinance 15311, Council File 260426, effective February 22, 1973, the Department of Finance and Management Services does hereby inform the City Council thet the total estimated cost of servicea performed during 1977 for STREET MAINTENANCE, to be charged to the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund, to be �3,675,000.00 for the year 1977, as reported by the Department of Public Works. It is proposed to assess the amount of $2,519,300.00 against benefited properties, with the total cost to be financed as follaws: Municipal State Aid $ 602,700.00 Trunk Highway Maintenance Aid 206,000.00 , County Aid 347,000.00 Total Aid $1,155,700.00 Asseesments 2,519,300.00 TOTAL COST AND FINANCING $3,675,000.00 Attached for Council consideration ia a Resolution to determine the total cost for atreet maintenance service, the amount and rates to be assessed, and fixing a date for public hearing, at which time the Council shall consider adopting and levying the service charge. Res ctfully subm ed, � �� � � BERNARD J. C LSON Director, Department of Finance and Management Services BJC:PFD:jh Attachment Telephone 612/298-5241 113 City Hall, Saint Pau I, Minnesota 55102 . ._.. _ . _....�. __ . � N'HjTE — C17Y CIERK ' .. . .�.--•.'.. . � � �:� : , �, �^ PINK =�� — FINAN�E G I TY O F SA I�NT PA U L � "'�`���� � � � c�N�Rr-+�ev�RrMeHT ' COURCII B��E �IAYOR FIlE NO. ✓�' � � Council Resolution ��,-.������ � .Presented By ' ' �' � �- --r� - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �AS. Z4�a Cit7 Coamcil ps�rsua� to 4rdim�ac� 1io. 1531I, C�nocil Fil�e Ao. 2bfl426, � J� 23, 1973, did botd a public 6�ariq6 0� l4areh 1S, 1%7J iYt tt�e Cityr Cau�ci2 Cha�azs for c3ie purpas� of +eaLablis�io� tbt level a# serrrice o� Str�et � � �leisateoar�c� ta bo pe�cfo�mad in tbs City ef Sait� Mul aad t.be � o# sarv�ct eharges !o bs 2�ried a�siost benafitad prop�rt7, and . �, � Cawacil of tha Cit� ot Sti� p�l did detestiioe that tha prqg�ca� of Stira�t lsaisst�s�anc� Ssrvices to bt peerforosd vithis ths Cit�► shoc�ld ba fa the �sam�er aa s�tt fozth a�ood de�scribed in ibe �ttsch�d raport of tt� Dep�r�nt oP P+�lic i�ics; avd . �ASs Z!M t�psrtm�t sa� �blir � did ptrfo�pa the Street l�i�ctteasnca Strvicaa in a wae�er as set farth a4d desc3cibod tn t3N atLscL�d repart of the Depa�ctaresit of Pnblic fiorics; s�d WS�B,AS, Ptrrsu�tt ta ttrdi�as�c� Ya. 1531f� t1�r 3�spartoas�t o! P+�blic varks bas wb�ittad to ti�e Dap�rta�e� of Fiaemc� �md �gese�t Sarvic�s • report shayi� Lhe t�sl eoat of St�ceet llaiate�ot:e to be g3�G75at?4�.00, a copy of such repor� � heretogor+� been d�Iive�ced tQ the City Ccxt�13; �wv� thesefar'ea b� �C � RS80LYED, =hst the Cit7 sha12 pay $I,I55,'�Od.Op of tt� co�t of 3tz�et Maiates�a�nca by usis� H�mx.cipal �te Aid (�5tt2,7�0.�E3) 1yr�ic BfS�ra� ,�lid (�Zp6:p00.0�Q) �ad CauaLT Aid ($347,004.04j; anct be it fu�rther 8&SOZVSD, TM�at $2,539,3� shs21 be assiessed a�gaiasL b�aefited proparty eccordiqf �o cae fol�a�rs� rates: Class I - �os�ntata - �.93 p�aG frout foot Class II - Qutlyi� Coa�eoercial �d ArLerial Straets - Co�rcis2 Property - $.63 ger froai foat Seside�t.isl Prcp�rty - $.31 pe�r frvat foc� Class IZ2 - JIIl �esida�,isl Str�eLt 8esideatial Propar�r - �.31 pes fYOnt faot Ooma�xcial Property - $.47 �ex front foot C2ass Ip - AI1 Oiled �ad payed A�.3e�s - $.17 per froat foot COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Butler H��za In Favor Hunt Levine A gai n s t BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by C.ouncil: Date - Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By _ Approved by ;Nayor: Date Appz ed by Mayor for Subfnission to Council ti�� � ��..iC.a4..?�"+� �i� j�/�,^. -'� ? B�• BY 1 � -"Y . � ..._ . . _ 1 � , .' � K�/ • ` � . �_. .. , _ ._. .. �""' ������ � " T EN r : ,•' • Council �a oR '- '-- GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. �� �� � Council Resolution � : - � : resented By Referred To Committee: .- �Date ? Out of Coinmittee By Date �� � _ Cl�su � • tia►imp�w�sd Stzeets �md 1122� ' , _ , Str�ts - $.15 per fro� #oat � _- .. AlLeps - �.QB ger fraot toc! sad be it f�rthsr � tE30LYEDs That s�.� sliall be held ist t4e Gouacil �b�r� af Lke Cit� � of 8sint P+�1 st '��i:t�Q a.a�., oo the �it rii�► aE 0�1'+eM�r 1977 far Lhe par�ose of adopti� servica cbarges against s1I beae�litad praperties to b� collectsd in ths ` saa� �c as ot�c real prnpertY t� ir� 19T8. ' . , � .' _ - J .. ♦. .. � . ' �. . . .. � � • � � � ��•.. ' . .. �� . . � . � •. . r. � �. . " �� � !(•_ . . . . . . ` ' . �" . . \ .' .,..� �. ...�_.' ..� •'_:_ .._.___.... . - _ 1 � , �� �1 �. - . . � _ — � , . ,� s�� . . _ ' . ' _ � COUNC[L�iEN .r' -' ' �� �._ equested by Department of: -�.,a Yeas ays R '' Butier�."" �-� � '� � t= � � . ' `� . ltittl t c Silarks �. �-, (Oesch-Flnante� Hozza .� In Favor � � Hunt �� " ;`' '`_ _. � r. � � . ,� - � /�� Levine ��"" ��`=...L..�� A ga t a..�BY t �"' .� �. .�.�c f�. t' ins > . . .:.' ' r. f Rcedler h� ,�. °��' :;� ,:. E� � . ,. �. -.,.-• ,�/ �' �. - . Sylvester °�� �,�,� '' ��s�.' � "� ��`� �±��' �-�..�_"'' �i�`t��[ � / .. ;f � _ � Teaesco ;.�.�':.'F`������h�,� �'`� SEP 2,9 1977 . L. . . ��,...ff�►.G - �� ' Adopted by Councit: : �.Date� -� � � - Z e torn � ,�,.. Form Approv d by City At ey . , - . . . w.k � . . � .� . . _ . . . _ Y . . . .. .i . . . ` . :�: � • . . . , � Certilied;Passed by Council Secretary ,.'.� �. . ' BY . , } , � B.. ���,._�� .1. �� �� , �/ �,,�ti.`� .. � � _ ,. �, .--� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Vlavor. Date ---- - - - -- t � :� . 3 �,, L l, � . . D`' . _ . . _ . .' .DV ��'\111��1J;� .� '_��../�`y�T _„^.,�.� — . �"� �J O� . . ' _ . .. . . _. _.. . ... _ w�.. . .. . . . . . . _. _.. . ..... _. . ..., .. �. . . . . . . . � .-.. � ... .. ��'� . .. ., � - `�� . �. - . . _._ ' . � . .. � � . , y:�"i' . . t �:�... . . . . _. � -� . . �6 `�` q b � , - � � , , ,, . , , , �; � � � ; � � � , , , , - . , , . . ; , , , _ - - ; , , ` Nw��r 1, ig7�? , , , , . : ,'` ' - - . . �� ' A � ' , . . �• rt� ��� � � ., . , .� . �, . , � ' . / . �. � . .. �'�'� ��• .O� . �� �1�t�M � � . �/t �'�!'i . � _ '1'l�oA11�1�M� M�f� s� 11� �MS"�b��`�i . �` i �';'bIM.S�s, l!�,' C�'1� �M�L�� , C.1r. �a. ��� � � � : ��I�!�MMAt' �iit �o� �e"�t�� . , _ ` i�i� i99"'l to � fr� 2�at�ai tri�3i �nt'�►.' ' , ' ;; ' � . '�'s�r tar�► �va�!'�, ; ' Cit�►,Clesl� , - '\ � , F , � atla�M. , . , , �� � , . �- , , � , , ,. - , , , , , . � � , , , , , . . _ � . ,; �