269958 WH17E - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 �V4J�l.iV PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By �CLIuSE COilI��TT�;E /�,�y � '�r Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESQLVID: That Application P 16650 for the transfer of Qn Sale Liquor License No. 9172, expiri.ng Janu�y 31, 1978, issued to Jimerv, lnc. at 616 Como Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Comda, Inc. at the same address, doing business as Igor's. COUNC[L;NEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nas�s � Butler � �—}��. [n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler '�h�ac Tedesco QC.'. ,'� 'p77 Form Approved by City AtYorney Adopted by i : D te Cert d Yass b ouncil , tary • BY v Approved : ayor Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �u��;sr►�o 0 CT 2 2 1977 _ � �. C o�' ����� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SEitVICES October 7, 1977 DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINtSTRATION rir. President and Honorable _I�embers of the City Council Saint Paul� Z�innesota I�rr. President and Honorable Z�Iembers s Jimerv, Inc. and Comda, Inc. make application+'for the I transfer of On Sa1e Liquor License I�o. 9172 and Sunday On Sa1e Liquor License PJo. 250It, both expiri.ng January 31, 1978, issued to Jimerv, Inc. at 616 �omo Avenue, to �omda, Inc. at the same address. Comda, Inc. also makes application for Class C1-ii,est- aurant and Cigarette licenses at the same address. The sole officer of this corporation is Henry R. Troje, Jr. and he is also the sole stockholder. xe will operate this business personally and it will be known as jgor's. . Very trul yours, ♦ Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector RooM 209, City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � - , y . � � , ♦ S . . � . . . . -. , i . . . �" ., � .. � . � . �. .� . � . . . � � . . . � � � � � . � . . ` ' ' . ' . ' . ' . . ` i � � . � . . ' .. ' . � � � � , .� � _ . - � . � , � . .. .. . � . .. . - ' � . , , � . OCCOb�r l�� 14�� � . ' ' . Cowncilman Victar Tedeaco, � . Chaiz�men LiCease 'Committme � Room 7�1, Citp H�12 Sti. Paut, Minne�ota . - ; ATTBN'�ION: Mr. Jos�ph Carchedi � , ,� Dear Sir. - %� Tha Council referred to ,the Licensa .Committe� an �ppllGation for th� � tranefer of Qq 3ale Liqu�or Licen.se and miscellaneous li�c��es fxa!i Jimerv� Inc. at 616 Como Avenue to C�da; Ina. at ttie seme addre�a. - � . � � Verq tzul.y youre, , , . . � Citq Cler.k . �ABO:dcr . , ; , , , ' ` _ � � - , _ , j , , _ . , ' Zl, �° � ��' � ���` CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES _;ay 19, 1977 DIVIStON OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINlSTRATION :�:r. President and Honorable If�embers of the �%ity Cauncil �aint Paul, i�:innesota 1°ir. Yresident and N.onorable :Sembers: Jimerv, Inc. currently holds � :ale Liquor License I<o. 9172, �unday Gn 5a1e Liquor, Class Cl-�bestaura:t ar�d Ci�arette Licenses, all expiring January 31, 1978, issued to them at 616 Como _'venue, doing business as Igor's. The officers of this corporation are J. James =+alsh, Presi- dent and l�ose At. :�a1sh� Secretary and Treasurer. lhe stocI.r�olders are J. James :•lalsh a.r_d Rose :°I. :�Talsh. Application has been rece�ved for the transfer of the On �a1e Liquor and Sundav On Sale Liciuor Licen�es fron Jime�v, Inc. v,7ith the above o£fice:s to Jimerv� Tnc. tirith Iienry �.. '�roje, Jr. Presider.t and ire�.surer, and Craig P. Troje as �`ice Presidert and �ecretary. `:'he stock �,rill be held by �':enry :�. Troje, �r. and Craig r. Troje. They will operate this business personally and it will con- tinue to be Imo•,�m a.s I�or's. V�;ry trul.y yours, �� ' �� Joseph �'. �archedi License Inspector City Halt, St. Paul, Minnesota 551U2 . ' / , � . . ' . . . . � . � � • . v . . . .. . � . . � ' , . � . � � . �i . ' . . . ". . .� � . . :�:. � -. , .. .. � . � � � . � . . � . ., . . . i , , . ) .. . , '.� " � . i� ' � . ' . . �. � . . .. . � • . , � . . ' � � . � ' . � � � . . ' � ' ' � . , . . . . . 1 . . . . . ' . . , . � . . • . - ' . . ' ,� , , . . . � . . � � ' . . . � .. �.. . . , , : . ' . , � ,� � . '/ . ' . ' . . i .. � � . i . . . . . . . , ,' ,� � . • � � _ • , � ' • . � t � _ , r _ , • � _� � ' . _ . , i , , � - � , _� �� � ,: ; � � � �� !'ir1��r� . • . . ��►��!�. . [ : _ � � _ ����q� :�;�lir� WINIMrii� 1 � _ . . _ r.:l " ; , � � ��� , ;, � : . �+�� �r�r�-�ri �;�iMriMS �M�r�t,�i�li;�rr� �r-.������ ' .� . � �ri IIi��:���1t,� �3�3��►���s �. � . � , � � ., , ���1�Ml,�,► � : � - , � ' ' ` , . , \ ', ` ` ' \ �'�_ _ � . ' ,,� • ' , ' �. . � • f ,. _ , i , i . � . . ; . " , , ` � , .. ' � - " � � r' ' r _ ! � � " / , . , � � _ . , F � / ! � ` � , . _ , , � _ . . �`�.;: ; C:r�� a� �.�.i�•r� �.���. � b q� hi' �j�f�'. OFFICE OF' � THE GZT7Z G�LTiti CIL 3 .` -�.� � f� 4 � . � :� .� '�-. . - � _,�.�.�� Date . October 20, 1977 ��.-:�. cor�j �� ��'�- � � � � PO ,;-� , T0 : �oin� Paut Gify Councit �R� � � C Olil Cl t��2 E 0 fl License & PUblic Saf ety - victor .T. Tedesco , chai�-man, makes the foilowing , report on C.F. � Ordinance ❑ Resolution �] Other � ��L.E : Jimerv, Inc. , 616 Como Ave. _ The License & Public Safety Committee meeting at its October 12, 1977 meeting approved the application for the transfer of the On Sale Liquor License and mi.scellaneous licenses from Jimerv, Inc. at 616 Como Avenue � to Comda, Inc. at the same address, and referred it to the full Council for action. . � : CITY kIALL SEVENT�I FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 -:-- .., . . . •t�.'y�_'1..� . .